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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. What everyone is forgetting is that we may deal Contreras. if thats the case do you want Bmac inserted in the rotation going up against mainly number 1s and number 2s or something slighty down the order. I figure if the Count opens up as the number 4 it will tell more about their plans on keeping him through the season or dishing him by the trade deadline.
  2. QUOTE(Cuck the Fubs @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 03:44 PM) It won't be when he does that to Iguchi or Uribe to get his revenge. I think the fear of the Bobby Jenks fastball uncorking at the end of a game should keep Carlos Lee in check with any silly slides against us.
  3. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 02:19 PM) If the judge has changed his mind on whether the death penalty is warranted in this case, it would seem to me to be a good reason to not allow the death penalty carried out. At that point in time, he was okay with entering in this judgement. The appeals process is where we can re-examine the case. We do not rexamine judgement or sentencing because of second thoughts or political change in a judge.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) The French are fighting along side our military in Afghanistan. Because fighting with us in Afganistan makes them a trustworthy source.
  5. QUOTE(juddling @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 11:23 AM) i was wondering the same thing. Sounds like a rejected skit from SNL or something. Sadly its not something out of the realm of reality for our country. In some states they advocate giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens.
  6. QUOTE(juddling @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 10:55 AM) prostitutes want right to sue pimps "Along with other former prostitutes, she is trying to convince Illinois state senators to sign off on a bill that would allow current and former prostitutes to sue their pimps for emotional, physical and psychological damages in civil court." I can see the discourse from the floor now SEN: So, Shaniqua is it? Shaniqua...you are claiming that your pimp Mac Daddy Fashizzle forced you into this life??? Shaniqua: "oh no you didn't?" Sen:"What ?" How do you sue someone who is the ringleader of an illegal activity that you were a part of.
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 10:40 AM) In other words...if Jenks falters...it's for the exact same reason Shingo faltered...he couldn't throw strikes. Theres a huge difference in sitting on an 83 mph fastball and sitting on a 99 mph fastball. Shingo was Byung Yun Kim version II. One time through the league he was great. The second time through he was meat. Shingo got shell shocked and couldnt through strikes. Once that happened it was all over. Jenks didnt have a huge difficult time last year throwing strikes except when he faced the Oakland A's in his 2nd game. The only thing I would like to see Jenks do is to work up in the strikezone a bit. As it was said earlier in this thread, when he throws below the middle of the thighs its a bit easier for the batter to drop the head of the bat down on that ball and make contact versus trying to catch that belt high fastball hitting the gun at 100. I also think that the belt high fastball makes his curve look more like something to chase. When he was hitting the knees with the fastball and then was throwing the curve it was probably a lot easier to lay off the curve as you knew that it wasnt a fastball from the release. If both pitches come out of the same slot and angle its kind of hard to tell the difference and Jenks will get more people to chase his hook. Just my thoughts.
  8. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 10:15 AM) Sadly, since they are American athletes that is doubtful to ever happen. We have to make sure that the rest of the world continues to hate us after acting like morons at the Olympics (see also the snowboarder and her celebrating b4 the finish line). I was at a bar on Friday night and people were openly laughing at her. She was so far ahead, and then decided to put on a show for the crowd instead of just racing for the line. Then afterwards the goofy story about how she wasnt hotdogging it. That she grabbed her board to make it land quicker. Well next time dear, please dont arch and tilt the board so you can do a "Grab 120 Fakee" when you have 50 meters to go for Gold.
  9. Very good read. However I doubt if any of this letter will be redistributed in the muslim community. I dont think that any of it would matter to those who destroy, burn and kill due to cartoons. You can insult Jesus because to them Jesus wasnt the prophet as they see it. My favorite quote South Park has a cartoon where they have done some pretty aggresive satire on the Catholic Church. From it being run by a Spider, Jesus having his own local cable program, gettting his ass shot up by Iraqis, to statues of the virgin mary squirting blood from their anus. These of course offend members of the church and they protest. Notice the word is protest. If the muslims just protested, this wouldnt be an issue. Its when they take up violence and destroy due to their offense is where this becomes an issue. Not everyone on this earth will agree with any view 100% of the time. If South Park did a thing with Mohammed having a local cable show, they would have to run for their lives.
  10. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 10:06 AM) It was all over the place he wasn't going to do it before they left... then at the opening ceremonies he said he was, then he wasn't, then he was... bla, bla, bla, yadda, yadda, yadda... The point is there was stupid drama when there shouldn't have been. Both are to blame.. but I think Davis is being a bit more childish about it. He keeps acting like an idiot and bringing s*** up. Hendrick responding last night was stupid... but Davis made the comment so he had the right to. I agree that both of them should of kept this to themselves. Its kind of stupid to have them fighting openly right after the medal ceremony. I am almost to the point where we lock them into a room, let them beat the s*** out of each other, then let them come out. Maybe after they get their frustrations out they can start acting like adults.
  11. southsideirish71


    I wonder what Kfed will get once Britney comes out of her RedBull induced mental coma and throws out the freeloader
  12. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 09:36 AM) Poor him.. any minute I'm sure we'll get the oppressed black man story. He's probably still pissed at Bryant for his "racist" comments.. :rolly The guy is on a team... if he decides to back out of an event he should have had the deciency to tell them sooner then 5 minutes before the event. Actually according to Shani and some of the people he trains with last night on the news he told them 2 months ago he wasnt competing in the team event due to how close it was to his best event the 1000m. If that is true the Hendrick is full of s***. These were the people at the Evanston skate club who were saying this. Take it for what its worth.
  13. Maybe they should of thought of this s*** when the kid was born instead of deciding to do this later on in life. Parents fighting over their sons foreskin in court is funny though. Just imagine if that gets back to the classmates. This kids life could be hell in high school.
  14. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 09:17 AM) full story http://www.guardian.co.uk/waronterror/stor...,584444,00.html Sounds more like sour grapes from the Frenchies. I have little reason to believe the French Intelligence. The French are still trying to position themselves to run the EU and this seems no more than a well placed publicity stunt to s*** on the US.
  15. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 03:30 PM) What did this decision consist of--asking the Dubai company if they could withhold vital security secrets, and in turn, UAE officials replying, "Yes, don't worry about it"? I believe it's obvious when the Senate majority leader voices opposition to the deal there's a few problems. I wonder whether or not Congress could collect the 2/3 needed to override Bush's veto. If it comes to that. I think they can get the 2/3s vote. This should polarize them to drop the bipartisanship for a moment.
  16. Mac Vulnerability This vulnerabilty has some legs on it. Yes it involves tricking the user into action, but the fact that they can obscure something inside of a zip file is a bit alarming. This has the earmarks of being uses in a IM worm or a email worm. Again no OS is completely safe.
  17. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 01:46 PM) if it keeps mama from dying, then yes i do believe it would be medically necessary. point here is that neither you nor i nor the pro-lifers or choicers know this for sure. if the doctors say its necessary and true, i'll take their word for it. Odd its the people who perform this procedure who are the only ones who are barking that this is a good thing. Its not like doctors around the medical community are clamoring for this type of procedure. Only the aboritionists who make a buck from this procedure are the ones who are speaking up for it. If its such a critical thing that they need to terminate the life they wouldnt force mama to partially give birth until the head comes out. They would perform a quick C section and remove the baby. Going through the birthing process until the baby's head protrudes from the vaginal canal is a bit more stressful than a C section.
  18. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 11:49 AM) my personal thought is that the last sentence says it all. We've got anti-abortion people on one side saying that it never medically necessary to save a women's life and doctors on the other side saying that it's the safest way to save a women's life when she is in danger. let's just assume that the anti-abortion people are right on this one... just assume. if the procedure is never medically necessary to save someone's life, then they shouldn't have a problem with the protectionary clause. it would never be enforced. this makes me believe that it could be medically necessary to save someone's life but that the anti-abortion people want to save the fetus's life more than the mother's life and thus want it outlawed entirely. So you believe its medically necessary to induce birth until the head is exposed of the child, then puncture the head or crush the skull of the baby. This is the pratice that you are talking about. Stop acting like this is the start of Roe vs Wade. This is a barbaric way to kill a baby. And for all you abortion rights people, at the 2nd and 3rd trimester. This is a baby not just a mass of cells as you call it.
  19. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 10:32 AM) Jimmy Carter is siding with GWB on this one... http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/...miherald_nation That should be a sign for GWB that this is the wrong decision.
  20. QUOTE(SnB @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 01:49 AM) remember when britney spears was hot? Then she married Grandmaster B. One day he will move out of the basement and get a nice dodge like daddy.
  21. Crazy Crazy talk Do you know how liberal and looney you have to be, to have Alan Colmes seem like a hawk and the voice of reason. This guy from San Fran is completely nuts. He doesnt want a military, wants the cops and the coast guard to defend us if we get attacked. My favorite line from goofy was "The United States should not have a military,'' Sandoval repeated. "All in all, we would be in much, much, much better shape." The San Fran Chronicle states that Sandoval doesnt speak for San Francisco Not for me
  22. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 12:54 PM) But the OS does indeed need to work with the Bios, which manages the processor, no? And the chipset dictates some of the machine data communication involving the OS as well, I believe. There is a connection there. This is based entirely on how the kernel communicates to the hardware. Most of the modern malware is executed in user space, not in kernel space. The only applications that utilize lower code would be rootkits. There may be some assembler in some of the code to mask injection points into memory(to trick the OS into executing it). However malware writers dont need to get that low anymore due to the large amounts of APIs and hooks into the OS from the user space area. The only corelation between the code going on Intel vs the Motorolla as far as malware increase is the fact that hackers can port OSx to Vmware or run it natively via a crack on home grown architecture. This means that they have a sandbox development environment to test code. Where before they actually had to own a mac. Its not the Intel architecture that makes its more likely to run a virus, just the fact that more people have it. Now as it sits OSX is more secure out of the box than a windows machine. This has to due more with seperations of user space vs kernel space and how embeddeded Microsoft has put their COM/DCOM/.NET architecture into the OS for their developers. Its a brilliant move for Microsoft as it makes things easy for developers to write, however it makes things easy for hackers to write to as well. The large code base of the Microsoft operating system is also to blame. Distributed development teams and a lack of a quality Q&A cycle. The more lines of code the more bugs that can be left hidden. Its also a much more prevelant operating system, going back to the sandbox theory.
  23. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 12:09 PM) I don't get it Tex. What do you see as wrong with this? Apple is protecting its proprietary software from various types of theft. I would expect any software company (or software division) to do the same. Their code is their lifeblood, and Apple OS is not open-source, right? So what bothers you about this? Actually a good amount of its code is open source. Their OS is based on BSD, and they have had the Darwin project open for years running their kernel and their base OS on x86. I agree that its their right, and its their software, however all this is going to do is push it to the torrent sites. The cracking of the OS will happen, and it will be available. Just not on some easy to download website.
  24. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 02:38 PM) As reported on the Score by the guy who wrote the article. Shoulder has a boo boo
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