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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Lets look at the definition of terrorist. Definitions include intimidation for political gain and the unconventional use of violence against civilians. What is the purpose of the violence and threats that this group, and eco groups like this use . Is it for financial gain, no. Is it to intimidate for a political gain? Yes. If it against civilians? If you look at it like this you can see that in this context these people are terrorist. And if you follow groups like this and others like the ELF, ALF, and their front end political group PETA you see a disturbing amount of targetting of civiilans and other groups to get their objective across. The fact that these groups work in cells with autonomy just like the jihadist that we fight over seas. So far these groups have been relatively lucky that one of their bombings hasnt killed large amounts of people. But then again as long as it isnt an innocent chicken, I guess they dont care. Here are some quotes from the co-founder of PETA Arson, property destruction, burglary, and theft are ‘acceptable crimes’ when used for the animal cause. - PETA co-founder Alex Pacheco lists the “acceptable” tactics to fight for animal rights, Associated Press (January 3, 1989) Bill Maher f***ed up quote, he is an animal activist/nut To those people who say, `My father is alive because of animal experimentation,’ I say `Yeah, well, good for you. This dog died so your father could live.’ Sorry, but I am just not behind that kind of trade off. - US magazine (February 1, 1999) Craig Rosebraugh, Grantee in an open letter to its members Physically shut down financial centers … Using any means necessary, shut down the national networks of NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc. Not just occupations but actually engage in strategies and tactics which knock the networks off the air … Spread the battle to the ... very heads of government and U.S. corporations ... Hit them in their personal lives, visit their homes … Actively target U.S. military establishments within the United States... strike hard and fast and retreat in anonymity. Select another location, strike again hard and fast and quickly retreat in anonymity ... Do not get caught. DO NOT GET CAUGHT. Do not get sent to jail. Stay alert, keep active, and keep fighting. - Open letter to activists, published on the Independent Media Center website (March 17, 2003) I think [food producers] should appreciate that we’re only targeting their property. Because frankly I think it’s time to start targeting them. - "Conference on Organized Resistance," American University (January 26, 2003) As a direct-action warrior, it made a lot of sense to me to attack institutions in the fur trade … We need to destroy them by any means necessary. - "Conference on Organized Resistance," American University (January 26, 2003) f we really believe that animals have the same right to be free from pain and suffering at our hands, then, of course we’re going to be, as a movement, blowing things up and smashing windows … I think it’s a great way to bring about animal liberation … I think it would be great if all of the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories, and the banks that fund them exploded tomorrow. I think it's perfectly appropriate for people to take bricks and toss them through the windows ... Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it. [click here to listen] - Bruce Friedrich, PETA’s vegan campaign coordinator, at the “Animal Rights 2001” conference and my favorite McVeigh's decision to go vegetarian groups him with some of the world's greatest visionaries. - Bruce Friedrich praising Oklahoma City bomber and mass-murderer Timothy McVeigh, for choosing a vegetarian last meal Eco Terror
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 11:30 AM) I know that was the case under the old agreement in place before last November...are you sure they didn't change it when they agreed to the new tests, the 50 game suspension, and the tests for amphetimines? I just think its a limitation of the urine tests. I believe that when they can test for HGH in Urine it will be allowed, but under the current agreement I dont think they can perform blood draws. You can test for Amphetimines in urine.
  3. The idea that someone thought this was a good idea is f***ing stupid. Companies in the UAE managing our ports is akin to companies managed by Vincente Fox watching the Mexican/American border. Scud Missles will be over here in no time in a container labeled fruit.
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 11:24 AM) You know, I never got an answer to any of my questions back in November about whether or not the MLB's new drug testing agreement provided for any means of testing for HGH. Did anyone else find that bit of info anywhere? I think that they cant check for it due to the fact that HGH is not covered under the current urine drop tests. They are working on a test for HGH in urine, but for right now the only way they can spot it is via a blood stick. Which the players association doesnt have to allow under the current agreement.
  5. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 10:59 AM) http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...cs-home-utility Whats it gonna be Bonds? First you were done after this year, now you are gonna play if your knee feels good. I think he will retire when one of the following events happens: They either come up with a Human Growth Hormone test via Urine or the MLB Players Association allows for blood draws. I dont think he is on Horsey Testy Juice anymore, but Human Growth Hormone. Sure.
  6. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 10:00 AM) We weren't able to get a gender determination from the 20 week ultrasound, so for the wife's birthday, I bought her a 3d-4d ultrasound - more so we could find out what we're having. Those things are pretty damn cool. You can see quite a few features that of course you can't on a "regular" ultrasound. Our baby was doing *HER* best gymnast impersonation - had her feet above her head, and her arms behind her knees. The funniest part was she kept yawning - like "leave me alone, I want to sleep..." - as southsider later pointed out, my my isn't that going to be some role reversal in about 2.5 months. Oh, and did you get the part about *HER*? The nursery is at least cleaned out now. Going to paint it this week. We got the crib and dresser this weekend. Things are slowly coming together. Congrats Kap, Those 3D ones are cool. I was trying to convince the wife to get one of those, however our guy decided not to hide so we figured it out with the 2D version. Get all the sleep you can get right now.
  7. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Feb 19, 2006 -> 04:21 PM) http://www.dailyherald.com/sports/whitesox.asp?id=157840 I still can't believe people thought that Dye would bat 3rd over Thome. Thome keeps hitting the ball to all fields and he will be my new favorite hitter. Hopefully Kong can remember what turned him into one of the most dangerous hitters in the 2nd half last year, and that was hitting to right and right center when the ball was thrown away. If this team takes pitches, is patient at the plate and uses the entire field this offense will be dynamic.
  8. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Feb 19, 2006 -> 10:09 PM) This is unfortunate. He was close to being all the way back to the guy he was with 1800 yards. Clearly pot doesn't effect his play. I don't smoke but I say if it doesn't hinder your performance, the NFL shouldn't regulate it. Thats just me If you gave me the money he was getting and I was told you have to drink water and eat Peanut Butter sandwiches only, guess what, I would have a new favorite food and drink. The fact that he cannot give up some recreational drug over gobs and gobs of money just proves that Mike Tyson isnt the only insane athlete.
  9. 22 29 #49 Brent Sherman * Dodge Serta 97/0 202 Running I was at a wedding last year that he was at. He lives in Barrington and was driving in the Busch series last year. I am not a NASCAR fan by any means, but he was a nice guy and its good to see he did decent at Daytona.
  10. A library doesnt require its people to sign an acceptable use policy. So these guys cannot enforce that. Libraries are open ground. As law enforcement they should know that also. At work however people are f***ing morons. You wouldnt believe how many morons surf for porn at work even though they f***ing know you are watching them. We make our employees sign waivers and its well known we are looking, and sure enough you can catch someone at any point in the day surfing for porn. So let me sacrifice my good paying job and my benefits because I cant wait until I get to this porn site. LOL Even though its the library I dont know if I would be surfing porn at the library. Thats why you have broadband at home people.
  11. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 18, 2006 -> 03:52 PM) I think at the $400-$500 range, you're really closing in on pricing a lot of people out of the market. I was actually considering getting a new system to replace the old Super Nintendo (yes you read that right) now that the Fiancee's employed, and since hopefully in the next year or so I'll be getting a new TV, but hell, if the PS3 costs more than a brand new PC, there aint' a chance in hell I'd buy one of those. As a security engineer I am not a big fan of Microsoft, but they have the top marketing department in the world. I still believe that they didnt have production issues with the 360 and just slowed the released of these units, just enough to keep it so getting one around Christmas was like hitting the lottery. I was at Walmart at midnight in November when they released the 360. There were over 500 people in the store, lined up for something that was overpriced and they didnt need. I was one of them. If the PS3 comes out in December next year, trust me even though they will lose the average person they will still have a demand as kids have a lot more influence over their parents as far as purchases. Sony will leak a few here and there and do it like Microsoft and they will still sell a lot of them. Its so sad how much these things have jumped in price. And remember this is for core units, without any games or extras. We could easily see familys dropping over 1500 bucks for a game system and a few games. YIKES
  12. PS3 possibly to be delayed until 2007 Merrill Lynch PDF Report, estimated cost at launch 900 bucks Hopefully the materials go down(blue ray costs today vs next year), because I cannot see to many people dropping more than 500 bucks for a console. Microsoft took a hit on every xbox 360 they sold , their materials cost were still more than what they are getting. They of course can afford to take that loss as they make it up in software in a short period of time. The xbox 360 is expensive, but if the PS3 is north of 500 bucks for a generic console even with Sony taking a hit on each console, thats a huge amount for the general public to take in. This is very disappointing to me as a avvid SOCOM player.
  13. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Feb 18, 2006 -> 03:23 PM) Why does Steinbrenner dress and wear jewelry like an old gay uncle? He looks like Rip Taylor without the moustache. Yankees Press Conference: The gentleman in the black cloak with the sickle has a question for you George?
  14. How cool is it for a White Sox fan to win a Gold medal. Davis walks his talk with gold in 1,000 meters. Congrats for being the first african american to win a gold in an individual sport in the winter olympics. Link
  15. If he requires El Duque to hold his hand and make him feel better to pitch, trade the Count for whatever you can get from the Mets or the Phillies. I understand that Contreras is a human being, however if he is going to revert to walk the world and give up an 8 spot here or there, then does his current value now give us a bargaining chip. Contreras's problem for years has never been physical, its always been mental. He turns it around and is on the virge of making enough money that he can literally roll around it in, and now El Duque not being here could be an issue. If he is that mentally weak that he needs his buddy to be here, then lets get rid of him before he implodes. My question to his agent would be, so if we get El Duque and keep him around and make him a coach are you going to give us a huge huge discount. Oh you mean you still wants gobs of money. I understand that everyone loves familiar surroundings and I understand the differences between latin culture as a person who has travelled throughout central and south america. But this is a latin team with a latin manager who has numerous people who speak the language and understand the culture. This should be a very friendly place for the latin players out there. Remember, however some of the people mentioned are making a large large amount of money. They are probably not going to give us a huge discount as it is a business and they need to take care of themselves, and the whitesox as a business has to protect themselves. If Conteras gives any inkling of having his performance influenced by the loss of El Duque KW will have his bags packed for a package before you can blink.
  16. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 12:55 AM) If you don't like the source I stole it from, that's fine, that's your prerogative. But I gave you the hard source there. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from clicking that link and evaluating the author's work yourself, except for the fact that it seems I misspelled the word "Here" thanks to the link method while posting. If I only gave you the blog as a source, I'd understand where you were coming from and you'd probably be right to question it, but I gave you the actual paper in a link. And I for one didn't see those ads in the 28 page pdf file from Seton Hall. Come on now. Even you know that both sides scour the internet and link research and analysis that fits their specific spin on things. But then again I am sure you will objectively look at a study that is linked on the Weekly Standard blog site as a objective analysis just because it came from some right wing college. If this work by Seton Hall was so informative why hasnt it been run by ABC/NBC/CBS. Its obvious that we will just have to agree to disagree on this. Its late and I need to get to bed.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 12:46 AM) Dude, COME ON...I LINKED TO THE DAMN STUDY IN THE POST. So I used a blog for an executive summary and to host the bloody graphic. Sue me. Its just fair play. Rex stated a similiar statement about not taking something posted as a source in this forum because it was from the world news daily and other non mainstream sites as "sources".
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 12:33 AM) Link Its really hard to take your "sources" objectively when its obviously a liberal/democratic website. When I hit this news source I feel for some reason I am on the democratic parties official web page. Could it be the targetted ads for its intended viewers. Try finding sources that are mainstream and are not biased arms of the democratic party. I would get the same response If I quoted Rush Limbaughs website as an official source of information on this board.
  19. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 02:54 AM) West Ham killed Birmingham 3-0 this morning. We're now tied on points with Arsenal. I never thought I'd ever see that. 6th in the table playing for a spot in Europe. Hope they keep it up.
  20. Prostitutes want GTA banned I love the self aware sex worker who is worried about how a video game will glean a negative light on how to treat a Ho. Maybe they should be worried also about the fact that in GTA 1 you could have simulated sex in a car with a Ho. But because that is standard practice and Ok to the sex worker trying to make a buck they dont protest that. But because the next version of the video game has a plot that involves the death of a prostitute then its bad. I wonder if the parents should be teaching them to keep away from prostitutes in the first place.
  21. I hope Brian has a good start to the season so the Arow lovers who feel that only Arow can fill our CF position can be quiet. I liked Rowand, he was a great fielder and a good guy. However he is now a Phillie. Please move on and lets give our new CF a fair shake. I keep remembering the same comments when Arow came up. Lets see how it all works out.
  22. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 02:13 PM) Dude, just go read the articles before you try to bash the conclusions, would you? I read the article. I loved the ads that had James Carville in it, and the ALCU. Just as you would objectively take content from a source that has ads from Rush Limbaugh and the NRA. IMO me your source is as objective as a blogger from the democratic national party web site.
  23. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 01:52 PM) Does anyone know if Boras is still his agent? If so this is the first time in awhile that Boras didn't get a ridiculous contract for a player. Dont be too quick to paint him beaten on this yet. Boras is still his agent. This is the Millwood project part 2. He will showcase him this year because of no interested parties at silly rates. its a pitchers park, and they have a good defensive team. These can only help him in gaining good numbers this year. Now after he has good numbers this year, its back to Boras and the Jeff needs a 5 year at 70 million dollars deal range. No one wanted to give Millwood a long term deal, he had a great year last year, and Boras found someone silly enough to put down lots of jack to have him in tow.
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