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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 11:53 AM) Ok, found working links to those National Journal pieces in case anyone wants the gory details. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Presumably if you've read all of th ose you can probably figure out how to get to the other article. Here's a more succint summary of the articles. What a pile of conjecture and bulls***. Was this authored by the Gitmo Hippy release foundation or the Stop the War foundation. So in summary it states that most of the people in Gitmo are not terrorists or the worst of the worst, just people in the wrong place at the wrong time. GMAFB. So we are just rounding up all these people for what, a f***ing zoo near castro. Come on now.
  2. I expect more from the inventor of the Internet.
  3. This thread sounds so much like my sister in law. My family has basically revolted on her and this type of madness. 3 kids, and they all have had baby showers. They are also all boys so there is no excuse of the "I dont have this". Every year she has seperate large scale birthday parties for all of them even though their birthdays are within a few weeks of each other. Its just over the top. We had our one shower for our son and that is it. We had a big first birthday for our son last year and then after that we will do smaller ones for just family. I dont know how my brother and her do it. My father has had about enough, last year he told them just have one party for your kids and be done with it. Not everyone wants to spend the entire month of July for their birthdaypalooza. He told them to stop putting the arm on everyone for gifts(they literally would open gifts in front of everyone and then make comments about the "cost" of each gift" They were bent ouf of shape for a bit, but my dad is right.
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 02:40 PM) Is anyone else sitting here trying to figure out why that name sounds so funny and yet appears to be totally un-funny? His name will be easy to abuse if he sucks. Rusty f***ER!
  5. It looks like KW is trying to corner the market on lefties this offseason.
  6. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 12:36 PM) This board is probably 98% male, so this is a good study group. How often do you tell your wife or GF that you love her? I don't mean, "yeah, me too" as a response to when she says it first, or on a cheesy card some stranger wrote. I mean how often do you say "I love you"? Its something that I say to my wife all the time. Its hopefully something that married people, people who are engaged or people who are in love have no problem saying and expressing.
  7. QUOTE(bschmaranz @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 04:24 PM) I love how Willie Harris is just too damn cool to be wearing a sports jacket. Good work on his part. ITS HIS TIME NOW.
  8. I saw this on another message board and thought it was funny. I stand 100% behind Cheney on this issue. Its probably safer back there.
  9. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 10:57 PM) The US is in a really tough spot with the draw they got in the World Cup. Italy and Czech Republic are both very tough teams, and Ghana, although not stellar, is athletic and has Michael Essien. I'd be somewhat surprised if they got out of their group. After that, Brazil is a probable matchup, and they can't touch them. The US is getting better, but I don't think they have enough playmakers to beat the elite teams. Donovan, Beasley, and Johnson are fairly solid, but that just can't compare with the type of talent that teams like Brazil, Spain, and Italy have up front. Once you get into the WC everyone is a tough draw. Its about strategy and what you try to accomplish. When the US faced Portugal they were supposed to get wiped off the map in that game. But what did they do, they attacked attacked attacked and before you knew it Portugal was down. The way you go after the Czech is you have to attack them. If you sit back and try to counter them you will wind up getting humiliated. They have too good of a striking game. Its kind of in a way playing a brazil type game. The US has played Brazil tough over the last few years by attacking them. Now when Arena gets goofy at the end and decides to hunker down for the draw is when they get beat. He pulls off strikers and then puts in defenders, a few minutes later Brazilian players are pummeling the goalmouth with shots. You have to play and attacking type of football with the Czechs. With Italy its the opposite. They hunker down at times, so you have to counter them. Get them in a mismatch as far as numbers coming down the field and you have a chance to beat them. We have played them tough over the last few games. Ghana is a physical type team. Our guys will be fine as long as they dont start to look to the refs looking for help when they get knocked down. I have seen this in Concacaf qualifing when they play away and get a ref who lets physical play happen. They get knocked down a bit and then they go quiet. Dont lose our cool and you will be okay.
  10. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 10:45 PM) I don't know if Adu is god enough to reach Cristiano Ronaldo's level but he certainly has the potential. Obviously, he is still very young and has a lot to learn. Brian McBride plays for Fulham right? With Carlos Bocanegra? Yah, Celtic is owning the s*** out of the table this year. Did you see Hibs beat the snot out of Livingston the other day? 7-nil! Adu to Chelsea speculation Adu will wind up on Chelsea via transfer once he becomes age eligible. The MLS will make big coin on a transfer fee. Chelsea and Manu are fighting for this kid. He has a lot more talent than we have seen. I think he can reach Cristianos level as long as he gets the hell out of the MLS. The longer he plays here the more it will take away from his development. I would like to see Freddy in the Serie A or in La Liga. Then when he is in his early 20s move over to the Premiership. The Serie A and La Liga really teach some of the most electric striking football. However the Premiership is where you go up against some of the most physical defenses. I think the combo is a great way to develop a player. McBride does play for Fulham. Coleman has been great for giving opps for our players. Bocanegra has regressed a bit this year. I would like to see Spector get more time on the pitch with Charlton to get experience. I was hoping a few years back that they would allow the Rangers and Celtic to join the EPL. The Scottish league is getting better however there is still a big talent difference between the middle of the pack EPL teams and the Scottish Premiership. It kills them once they get into Europe every year.
  11. Well the Bhoys are up by 13 points in the league. And the Rangers are in 4th place. So all is good with my club team. We took them at Ibrox this weekend 1-nil. Onto the Cup. The US defense should be solid. They have finally figured out what makes the English defense so good. Tall athletic guys who can box out people on set pieces. We have had pretty good goalkeeping over the last few decades. Our problem is creativity in the midfield, and good solid striking. Our strikers get into positions to score however their striking capability on goal is horrible. They either field goal the ball or its totally off the mark. Sometimes putting a good ball on goal with pace even if its saved can setup a play later on. Donovan is okay. When he plays against Costa Rica he looks like a world beater. When he plays against a physical defense he disappears. Keeping Eddie Johnson healthy should be priority number 1 until the cup. He is our most dangerous striker right now. The US needs to find a guy to take over Claudio Reynas spot eventually. When he is not on the field the offense becomes stagnant. He has nice crisp passes and provides some nice running feeds. I would like to see EJ and McBride up front with Donovan playing and attacking mid position. Beasley will be a huge key. Playing for PSV Beasley has improved his striking capability bit time. Watching his finishing this year over the last few years is like watching two different players. I would like to see Adu make this team just to get him experience. If we really believe he is the future of our team, then its time to get him on the pitch. He can provide a nice option off the bench as his pace is nice and his ability to dribble around players is not quite as good as Ronaldo from Portugal, but he could be that kind of electric footsman.
  12. QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Feb 11, 2006 -> 02:32 PM) SNOW I can only imagine your postings in the spring when the sky tinkles on you.
  13. When I think of strong defense and making the country safer I immediately think of Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Hill and the rest. LOL
  14. This thread just reminded me of a family guy episode.
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) Nope. It was in the stevebartman's my idol farewell thread. I didnt think someone else would have that silly idea. But then again Rock, SBIMI is a lawyer, the smartest man alive, he bench presses 18 wheelers for fun, and dates all of the victoria secret models at once. Maybe he could be onto something and we are all just missing it. That reminds me, Crazyman have you told us your IQ yet?
  16. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 02:00 PM) DId anyone catch this quote, and do you know who posted it? I had a drag out in a game thread over silly comments made by someone that thought Buerhle was better than Santana but I dont think its the same person.
  17. QUOTE(crazyman26 @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 01:22 PM) I actually gauranteed 3 years ago when Grossman first came to Chicago he would never be a starting QB. So far I have been right but people tell me I am lucky to be right. It does not matter the reasons though, facts are facts, until he plays alot more than 2 starts in a single NFL season, he has never been a starting QB in the NFL, and I have been right since I predicted it 3 full years ago. Next year if he does not get injured, the people who discredit my prediction of 3 years ago will have run out of excuses I believe, since he will be on the bench behind Orton and no injury there as an excuse. They will have to concede I was right all along that Grossman would never be a starting QB in the NFL. Hopefully you will also concede that I knew all along what was going to happen if I turn out to be right, especialy if Rex does not get injured. I believe the answer for your problems are at Moraine Valley Community College. I bet if you take the following PHI-110--(3) INTRO TO FORMAL LOGIC Introduces formal and symbolic logic, including syllogistic, propositional and predicate inference.(3 contact hours) PHI-111--(3) CRITICAL THINKING Introduces principles and methods for rational argument and effective problem solving.(3 contact hours) and then return to this forum you too will make fun and laugh at the comments you are making.
  18. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 02:03 AM) Coop needs to start teaching that cutter with Bobby. But a change would also be good, and we saw the way B-Mac had developed with his during 2005. The only thing that worries me about teaching him a cutter is the torque on his arm that already had a sttress fracture in it. The cutter would be a devistating pitch and all, but its a lot of stress on the arm. Even more than a curve at times. If Bobby can throw his fastball in the strikezone and get his curveball in the strikezone he will be unhittable. Its hard to hit the 99 mph fastball and then sit back on the 12/6 curve. If he can get the fastball over for strike one and start to go up the ladder, that plus his curve will be a devastating combo. Closers dont need a s***load of pitches. They just need 2 that are nasty. If they throw strikes and get ahead its half the battle.
  19. There will only be a few people who will give two s***s about Ozzie going to see the president. 1.) Politicians trying to deflect their own scandals and issues. Or Politician suck ups to the president. 2.) People who are ignorant and dont know the facts, like they have tried for a while to get the invite date down and have had a hard time. 3.) Moronic upset cub fans that have to latch on to anything that takes away from the sox. I could give two s***s if Ozzies goes. As long as we have some representatives that go. They do the photo op, give the president his white sox jersey and then move on because it really doesnt matter in the big picture.
  20. QUOTE(S720 @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 09:09 PM) And guess who urged the Kurds to overturn Saddam, and then when Saddam used those deadly sarin and mustard gas bombs on the Kurds, who turned their back and allowed Saddam to do it? Another thing, if Saddam had those same sarin and mustard gas bombs as well as others, why did not he use them when he was cornered? If your enemy are coming to kill you, and if you possess those WMDs, isn't it naturally for you to protect yourself. NOBODY on this board tolerates Saddam. After the first Gulf War, Iraq's power has already dwindled to nothing. It's just the misleading justification the Bush administration has used to go to war. And this war has cost us tremendously. Well maybe because if he used weapons of mass destruction against our troops that we would of made Bagdad glow in the dark for the next 1000 years. Remember Saddam is a coward, and thought he would get away some how with this.
  21. Here is what the Iranians use as cartoons in their country. Its basically a cartoon that teaches their kids on how to be good little terrorists and perform suicide bombings in Israel. Classy at best. Iranian Saturday Morning cartoons Transcript of this lovely cartoon This was televised on IRIB 3 TV in Iran at 8am for the kiddies. I wonder why the concerned Muslim countries didnt b**** about this. Double standard.
  22. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 04:19 PM) Syria has had surprisingly little to do with this in terms of the government thus far. Egypt (which btw gets a couple billion from us a year) has been VASTLY more important, along with our good friends in Saudi Arabia who we can't criticize because we like 4 wheel drive. Thanks for quoting Juan Cole, he is obviously an objective guy. Maybe I can quote Daniel Pipes. I am sure he is just as objective from the other point of view.
  23. Its nice to see the crazy terrorists piping up about spilling more blood over f***ing cartoons. Maybe this is one of the reasons why we are doing our part is shrinking their money up and branding these fools terrorists. Its the crazy islamofacist clown convention. And its nice to see Mr Oil for Food pipe up and scold the media instead of scolding the fools who are running around killing people over f***ing cartoons. Maybe he should scold Hezbolla, Iran, and Syria over this.
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