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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 01:32 PM) What goes through every lady's mind when they think of me... Sleepy is my sexii babii Spelling is the first side affect of the pattened Sleepy Rufi-Colada. Gigity, Gigity, Goo
  2. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 11:22 PM) on most of your post. Only thing is that we have no choice but to do everything we can to help Musharaff hang on to power. I shudder to think what might happen if Al Qaeda gets their hands on Paki nukes. Bush thought of that. He weighed the risk of the nukes vs doing everything he could to isolate bin laden. Everyone forgets that we are basically fighting the Taliban with a magically safe home zone. All they have to do is cross over into Paki space and they are safe. The locals keep them safe. They refresh and recross the border. s*** we just had a predator take out some terrorists in paki and their government had a s*** fit. Thank God I am not in charge. My grand air strike campaign would of make Shock and Awe seem like the fireworks at the pier during the summer.
  3. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 11:05 PM) If you can point out the faults of the previous administration why not this one? They obviously ignored the facts up to 9/11 as well. Is there ANYTHING that this administration has done wrong in your opinion? I think the biggest mistake in Bush's handling of the war on terrorism is our relationship with Pakistan. I dont believe that the Pakistani country is in line with what our goals are. I believe that Pakistan are doing more to help Bin Laden keep hiding. Mustraraf is afraid of an uprising and caters to extremist. I would of approached the mountains by both the paki boarder(after we surpressed their military by airstrikes) and then squeezed the mountain area creating a isolated zone. Now Bush aligned with Paki probably because Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and I believe that he probably weighed getting bin laden over toppling Mustaraff and pretty much guarenteeing that the nukes could get into extremist hands. I have a much simplier view on war, and it is probably good that I am not in charge. My view is when you go to war, you do whatever is required to win that war. Your responsibility is to save american lives, and do your best to limit civilian casualities. However now its changed. Because of the laser guided weapons and the first gulf war. People think that we can fight a war without any civilian casualties. Everytime the press shows a laser guided bomb missing the military base 100 feet to the left of Johns house everyone has a s*** fit. My view is if you live next to the ministry of defense and you know that a war is about to happen, f***ing move already. You are a dumbass and are a darwin award winner if you stay. If I was in charge I would have Ted Kennedy choking on his second helping of pumkin pie over my bombing campaign in the middle east. You should be lucky that Bush is in charge. LOL
  4. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 10:57 PM) We can go back and forth all night with this but to be honest I have gotten serious about politics only after we went to war in Iraq. I can't speak about things during Clinton's presidency...hell I didn't even vote for him. So I won't comment on how well or how poorly he handled terrorism. What I do know is this adminstration did ZERO about it up until 9/11. Nothing. The 9/11 Commision clearly laid that out. And I'm supposed to feel like Bush is some hero or something. Who wouldn't be tough on terror afetr 9/11? s***, even Ross Perot would be the anti-terror czar after 9/11 if he were president. Well its good that you can take the anti-this administration stuff from the findings of the 9/11 commission, however just ignore the comments made about the previous administration and their handling of the terrorism. Because the 9 months that Bush was in office really is compelling when you look at the body of work on how he could of prevented 9/11. Maybe if we also look at the facts of items that happened since the first bombing of the world trade center, and the years of other acts of terrorism by Al Queda before 9/11. The fact that he was listed as a very real threat, and of course was ignored by the previous administration. These to me are also compelling on why we got hit. But then I forget, 9/11 like all things evil are the result of Bush. And only the things that happened under his watch matter.
  5. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 10:48 PM) And this administration did an outstanding job when they had Bin Laden cornered. Kudos! Cornered in a mountainous area is the same thing as having a predator with its sights trained on an individual sitting out in the open? Ask any military person which is the easier target, the rat in one of many holes in a mountain, or the tall guy having a picnic out in a field. I think even our video gamers in this forum could of taken Bin Laden out with the Predator while he was in the open. But then again its a law enforcement issue or at least that was the previous administrations view.
  6. QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 10:44 PM) well maybe if bush had read and given serious credibility to intelligence reports telling about airplanes attacking major targets we could've stopped 9/11 revisionist history is fun! Whats worse, f***ing up a intelligence reports on something that might happen, or seeing Bin Laden in your gun scope and deciding not to do a f***ing thing. This is fun.
  7. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 10:22 PM) It's nice to see how he got serious AFTER he allowed thousands of Americans to die on his watch. What a f***ing hero. Nice to see the grand total of ZERO meetings on terrorism before 9/11 and that this incompetent administration ignored all the warning signs of the attacks before hand. "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." Remember that? Too bad Bush and his cronies didn't do s*** when they were given that intel. Well maybe if the president before bush actually had taken out Bin Laden when they sighted him with the Predator a few years before 9/11, maybe it wouldnt of happened. But then again that president throught it was a f***ing law enforcement issue. See how fun it is to go back and paint revisionist history. Clinton going Hollywood Clinton misses opp to kill Bin Laden
  8. This keeps getting better This is a f***ing joke. He touched her back. Lets lock him up for 20 years, no visitation from Barney or Spongebob
  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 01:59 PM) That news article has little information in it. It could have been an overreaction, or may not have been. If the kid stuck his hand down her pants, and if he did it repeatedly, maybe he needed to stay home for a day or two. Since the only person they cited was the victim's parent, what can we really know? Nothing. I reserve judgement on the suspension. That's some pretty pathetic news reporting in that article, BTW. How about some facts? How about asking the school or the teacher? This is a bit different than putting his hands down her pants, inside her waistband is different verbage than he shoved his hands down her pants. Remember this is a 6 year old also. Maybe they could reverse it and anytime a 6 year old girl kisses a 6 year old boy we can suspend them a day for a lewd advance. If they hug them maybe its something worse. God forbid if the child loses balance during the hug, it could be assault. Maybe if the child farts its a weapon of mass destruction.
  10. When objectivity and sanity goes out the door I think this school district should have better things to do. What a bunch of morons to suspend a 1st grader for this. And my favorite is the morons who think the 1st grader was correctly punished.
  11. I know that Northwestern said they couldnt fire him because he said this crap outside of his role as a faculty member. But cant they at least do a little "rm * -rf " work on his goofy website. That is their website and they can determine what goes up there.
  12. So let me get this straight, if you make a cartoon of Mohammed you offend all Muslims and you need to die now. But If you rip down some buddahs who are a representation of someones faith you are okay in the Muslim world. Taliban housecleaning Now if you print or show those evil anti-islam cartoons you need to get your embassy sacked, your trade interrupted, and your lives threatened. But if you spit on the bible, then trample it, destroy a catholic church, hold a few people at gunpoint, thats ok. f***ing Hypocrites Cartoon victims spit on the Bible I would say that destroying a church and terrorizing the christians is a far worse thing that a f***ing cartoon. But then again, its their self centered islam only world that doesnt allow for other religions. If you depict christ in a cartoon, I may think its tasteless, however thats up to you. Where can I get a Pakistani flag and a box of matches again.
  13. I think you are all being hard on Mrs. Federline. How many of you have 15 years of driving instruction like the baby has here. Next week the baby drives solo.
  14. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 3, 2006 -> 10:40 AM) Um... people DO speak Irish in Ireland. You might know it as Gaelic. It's still an official language there, still on street signs in some places, etc. In the Southwest of Ireland were I am from they still speak it a bit. I still speak it with my immediate family.Its great when you want to ask a family member something in public and pretty much you can guarentee no one will know what you are talking about. My wife and I are going to teach our son, but we want him to learn english first, then we will teach him Gaelic.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 11:28 PM) Ahem...(clears throat)...YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! Link For the love of god cant Billy just let it die already.
  16. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 11:58 PM) Post it anyways. Cubs fan lemmings probably don't even know the look of their own ballpark. I posted it on a few of the ESPN boards. LOL Its pretty funny.
  17. My wife is a nurse, she has been buying scrubs since she got out of college. Then due to a patient study the Hospital she works at decided to change the style of the top(solid color only). So we had to go back to square one and buy a whole group of new ones. Those things are expensive.
  18. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 11:03 AM) Pfft, that's nothing. Anyone remember the woman who was busted trying to smuggle coke by using the body of a dead baby? It had been gutted and stuffed with bags of coke. People got suspicious because she had it wrapped up and wouldn't let anyone at the airport look at it. People like that needs a good old fashioned southside ass kicking. Use a f***ing doll or something, not a dead baby.
  19. QUOTE(Felix @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 09:33 PM) Since when does Crede hit lefty? I got caught up in the whole righty lefty thing, and it was a typo.
  20. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 07:54 PM) the Catholic church needs to let priests get married or this kind of stuff will never end. they are attracting the wrong types of people to be priests. I am a huge advocate of allowing priests to marry. I think it would change the clergy for the good, and also replenish the ranks. We currently have a problem with not enough priests, and now we also have a problem with a minority of them poking kids and giving the entire institution a bad name. What I dont understand is that they are so against married priests, but have been ordaining married clergy from other religions. Former Episcopal Minister ordained, and he is married Celibacy in the Catholic Church
  21. Me and my wife celebrate Valentines day usually the week or so after the actual day. I bought her flowers the first year we were dating on valentines and she nearly killed me when she found out how much they cost. Her comment was that its a waste of time spending 3 times as much for items that you can get at another time for normal cost. Just remember people Valentines Day and Sweetest Day are 2 days a year. If you treat your wife/girlfriend/significant other great all the time, and keep the romance alive you dont have to go broke on these days to keep in good graces. It really makes a difference when you have kids. I have my inlaws watching our son here and there so we can still go to dinner from time to time, go to a movie, get out. Getting out once in a while alone is worth more than some chocolates and flowers once a year.
  22. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 07:17 PM) USE BOTH! ARRRRRR! There is a girl at lifetime that I think is working towards looking like that. I thought she was a guy for the longest time.
  23. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 09:19 PM) Are you wondering if Floyd would be a better righty option out of the bullpen instead of one of the lefty options? If not, Gavin Floyd is a right-hander incase I am reading your post wrong. But I love the lineup and that's the way I'd set it. I have no clue anything about Floyd. The first time I have seen his name is when it was posted in this thread. Hammels is about the only prospect from the Phillies I know of.
  24. QUOTE(beck72 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 09:06 PM) From BA's 2004 Prospect Handbook: Phils #2 "Floyd entered his pro career w/ two plus pitches, a 92-95 mph fastball w/ movement and a shoulders to shoelaces hard curveball that rates a 80 on the 20-80 scale at times. His main focus since has been developing a changeup which now rates average. A longtime fan of Kevin Millwood, Floyd tried to emulate his idol's deliberate delivery after wactching him in ST. It cost Floyd his rhythm and deceptiveness and it tool a month to remedy the problem. He must coninue to hone his location and ability to repeat pitches, but he's still ahead of most pitchers his age. Floyd's development is right on track. He'll move up to AA in 2004." Would Floyd be better than what we have as far as second left in the pen? What can Cooper do with him? Cotts walked the world just as recently as the year before. I dont know if we do this. Abreu costs a lot and that scares me as far as retaining Buerhle and other pitchers in a few years. However he does have some speed, and is Ozzie Guillens fellow countryman. Another lefty bat would really balance the lineup. I mean we had problems against righties last year. How would we look this year with the below lineup Pods Lefty Uribe Righty Abreu Lefty Konerko Righty Thome Lefty Iguchi righty AJ Lefty Anderson righty Crede lefty
  25. QUOTE(Soxy @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 03:26 PM) That a church is like a family--and that it should be handled internally because it's really no one else's business. Not a compelling argument. I am a catholic as believe whole heartedly that these predators should be handed over to the authorities for prosecution. The catholic church cannot handle this within. Its too political of a body and favorites, and favoritism gets in the way of investigations. IMO they should de-frock the priest, ex-communicate them, and then give them and any evidence over to the autorities. There are a lot of good men who are priests that have their name dragged through the gutter because of a few morons and some political mess that protects them. The quicker the church outs the evil from the itself, the quicker we can reclaim our priests as a group of holy men who help preach the word of God.
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