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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 23, 2006 -> 01:58 PM) s***, lets get Palmiero, he won a gold glove too!!!! Its called a budget, look into it. Rock, Its funny that people forget we have a budget, it seems that even though the White Sox like Abreu and have something to trade for it, they are a bit gunshy. Why could this be. Is it the fact that this isnt monopoly money. Could it be that there really is a budget. I like Abreu and all. The only way this deal gets done is if money comes back. The only way money comes back is if we send more talent. Maybe KW does get this done, who knows. But as it sits right now. Money would be a problem in the long run if we aquired Abreau without some relief.
  2. QUOTE(greg775 @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 10:24 PM) Do we have any options besides Anderson? I hope he starts and is great I just wondered who is his backup. It begs the question. is this guy going to be great this year or will he have similar or worse numbers than Jeremy Reed had his first full season in Seattle? Reed didn't hit for average and didn't knock in runs, and never got on base, other than that, he was an all-star. My other question: Do you think Jenks will shine this year or could he be lousy? I dont know why everyone is so wishy washy on Anderson. If he plays good defense he will be fine. We are replacing Rowand who didnt hit all that well last year, but played great defense. His arm is better than Rowands and he should be a bit faster. As long as he makes adjustments during the year he should be okay. With the addition of Thome and Iguchi hitting further down in the order it gives Anderson some time to learn on the job. If Anderson completely bombs out, we have a bargaining chip in Conteras that can get us the talent necessary. I think that Anderson will be fine in the field, and will hit decent this year. We are not replacing an offensive juggernaut in CF remember. The only question with Jenks is will he continue to throw strikes. If he does that he should be fine. I would like to see him throw that curve for a strike more. His 100mph fastball dominated even when people knew it was coming. If he can throw that curve for strikes, his fastball will be more dominating.
  3. lá breithe shona a Balta! Make sure you tell everyone your wish so we dont have to put up with Hillary in the Whitehouse
  4. QUOTE(Reddy @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 12:23 PM) but the problem is that not all muslims are "these fanatics". if you actually are a priest then i should hope that you would have the sense not to group all muslims together because of the fanatical ones. and by the way have you visited Ireland? The catholics do some s***ty stuff there dont they? so how many protestants have you killed? I doubt if Kevin is a member of the IRA. So please get off of your soapbox. I have visited Ireland, I was born there, I have family in Ulster, and I am sure I have been there a hell of a lot more than you. I would suggest that you do a bit of research into the problems in Ireland before you cast broad statements based on some news reports you have come across. I would suggest that you ask the Ulster Defense Brigade on how many Catholics they have killed. Both sides are dead wrong on this and both sides have too much blood on their hands. Thank God things look a lot better today. Peace is the only way to solve this issue. BTW Religion is not the original cause of this conflict. It wasnt some Protestant walking down the street getting his head bashed in by a Catholic that started this or vice versa. Remember the colonization of the land you call the United States before 1776. Remember how the English here and the French in Canada took large parts of the land and in the meantime drove off the locals. Well at the same time it was going on here, it was going on in different parts of the world. It was going on in the Ulster part of Ireland. The religion of choice by the invading party was Protestant. Laws were created that a catholic couldnt own land, catholics couldnt do this or that, penal laws were passed. To the victors go the spoils I guess. Well the catholics for some reason didnt like this and fought back. And I am not talking about the morons who blow up a store in England. Those people are criminals and should be treated as such. Now if you were taxed, fined, or had laws passed by a group because of your religious choice, can you see now how a endless circle of hate can ensue. Yes the problems are catholics and protestants. However I would suggest that if the Battle of the Boyne had gone the other way, maybe we wouldnt have the same issues today. I pray for a day that there is no talk of violence in any part of Ireland. It is something that I am saddened by. It would be nice not to worry about marching season, the marking of the neighborhoods, or the violence and hate. I hope to see Ireland united once again, peacefully as one country were protestants and catholics and whomever are a single Ireland. In the end, the people that started this conflict are long since dead, everyone there now is Irish.
  5. QUOTE(G&T @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 03:57 PM) I know a guy who believes in this stuff. Said he was from the true line of Adam and all sorts of crap. Now he's in jail for sexual assault...wonder what God will think of that. Well when that guy gets out of jail he will have a new respect for victims of sexual assault as I am sure that many many inmates "turned that trick out".
  6. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 20, 2006 -> 11:54 PM) Congrats. From this point on NOTHING will ever make you nervous again. Congrats, good luck to you and to the future Mrs. Pa.
  7. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 20, 2006 -> 08:53 PM) He crushes balls period. I dont remember who they were playing, but Uribe had a chance to win the game with a grand slam last year(I think it was vs the Indians), and he got a high and tight pitch that was head high or higher, and almost tomahawked it out of the park(he ended up striking out I think, I know he didnt win the game). I knew he was strong, but when I saw him do that I was floored. That was against KRod and the Angels at the cell. KRod had a hard time finding the zone that evening and was getting behind every hitter. Uribe was very impatient and swung at a ball near his melon. How he got that much bat on that pitch was pretty amazing. He Kd on a slider low and away shortly after. Later in the season with the leg kick he was a much more patient hitter. If he can get something that will stop the tasmanian devil spin thing he was doing before I am all for it. When his stance is quiet like it was towards the end of the year, his hands are quiet and he sees the ball real well. When he spins around and swings violently like he did earlier in the season he has not plate presence and swings at everything.
  8. I guess you cant be supportive of the war and be a dem. So much for being inclusive. Conservative Democrats I guess dont fit in.
  9. It looks like Don Vito from Viva la Bam.
  10. QUOTE(G&T @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 09:25 PM) You guys have pointed out plenty of issues in this article, but this last line annoys me. So the resulting teams would include the Yankees and Red Sox and that is somehow a new order? No Thanks. I wouldnt take Neyers opinions too seriously. He picked the sox to win the central last year in the preseason. Then spent the rest of the season pulling every stat out of the SABR handbook to prove why we will fall apart. Then after all of that SABR came up with a new reason that their formulas failed them, it was missing a new variable. LUCK. Yes they actually used luck as a mathmatical formula to explain the variance in how far they were off with their pythagorean projections. BP did an article on the sox being lucky. Neyer in an ESPN chat last year stated he didnt like the sox and one of the reasons was our uniforms and the ballpark. After this a bunch of us jumped on him emailed him and invited him here for friendlydebate. He actually responded in a b****y way to a bunch of posters here and that was the end of it. Rob and Rany are just bent out of shape Royal fans who worship Bill James and think that all things SABR are the only way baseball should be played. SABR is set of math formulas that can be used as a tool. However what winds up happening is that people overutilize this tool, and state that it is the end all and be all of baseball.
  11. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:00 PM) I have a feeling the power will be shifting to the Dems. It won't happen overnight but the GOP has had full control and judging by approval ratings and all the negativity linked to their party, I think they will fade for the time being. My 2 cents. Odd this is what Democrats said in the last election. MTV/P Diddy/ and several Hollywood actors were sure that they were going to swarm the polls and rock the vote. Then of course the kids didnt come out like they had promised and you lost. Now all the dems are upset and piss and moan whenever they get a chance. I would suggest getting your parties message in line for the next election. A strategy would suffice. Outside of the obvious one of trying to make Liberal Hillary Clinton into a centrist in the next few years. That is already underway. Too bad her voting record and comments have been recorded since she took office.
  12. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 09:00 PM) My favorite was when Simon told that guy to get rid of his facial hair and become a woman There are many a male contestant on this show that he could say the same thing about. They usually are the guys who bring grandma in with them for the audition.
  13. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 08:54 PM) It's amazing how many idiots go audition for their 10 seconds of fame. Earlier guy dressed up like the statue of liberty with the torch and all and sang badly. LOL They should make a video of the first few shows of open tryouts onto one DVD. The rest of the show isnt worth it.
  14. Okay, they just gave a teaser of a beared skinny man in a dutch farm girls dress with a pipi longstocking haircut. And a fat guy who had a tounge ring that made him slur when he sung. LOL
  15. Dude talks to the animals, wears no shoes, and his eyes flutters like he is under some sort of evil trance, then had some sort of fit yelling WOOO WOOO. Dave the insane nut, gets to Hollywood just to annoy Simon.
  16. The Ukranian chick doing Bohemian Rapsody. I can actually see Wayne and Garth when she sings. If she really needs a performance VISA to stay in the country. I think she can find a job at certain dance clubs. Now dancing on the backstage Elecktra, on front stage from the former Soviet Union, Slutvana
  17. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 08:34 PM) Who the f*** is this guy? Pinnochio? That dude needs a bird on his shoulder.
  18. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 08:33 PM) How about Crystal's mother? Broad was wearing clothing for someone half her age. Her tits were sagging halfway down her belly. I love these auditions. Hate the show beyond this point. I only watch the first few shows, because this crap is funny. Simon asking Crystal, so do you go tanning? Crystal of course is a fine orange color, and she patterns herself after Paris Hilton. Sadly though, her mom who is about 50 is doing the same thing.
  19. David from Crystal Lake Illinois sitting in the car with his friends wearing a Insane Clown Posse shirt singing Rat Pack songs with his buddies. LOL My father would be proud. Thats the crap he listens to.
  20. The girl from Peotone who decided to use profanities in her song was classy. Then she mother F=d Simon on the way out. LOL
  21. 32 inch LCD mounted on the wall. Hi Def is awesome.
  22. QUOTE(TLAK @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 08:52 PM) Just trying to figure out how a guy with 'Electric Stuff' can be 89-93 life time. And his stuff can be electric, I saw him make the White Sox look like children in '04 and he looked pretty good against them last year. But I also saw him get blown off the mound against other teams, including the hated grubs. You may recall the Yankees even took him out of the playoff rotation because they couldn't trust him. I just don't like this trade. Well you must hate Contreras then. Because before the 2nd half of last year. He looked just as mortal as Vasquez is. Contreras looked just as bad as a Yankee, and he looked just as bad in the playoffs with them. How about this, outside of everyones masterful knowledge of statistics and all, lets trust the man who put together last years baseball team. KW seemed to know what he is doing then. I dont think that all of a sudden he lost his marbles in one year. We gave up a prospect that is supposed to be Mike Cameron part II, a 45 year old pitcher, and a reliever that mad everyone cringe when he went out to the mound. BTW remember the analysis of how bad Garcia was away from Safeco and how bad the sox got ripped giving up the CF of the future in Reed, the next Pudge Rodriguez, and Mike Morse. How did that work out for us. '
  23. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 08:42 AM) Feel sorry for me. It's going to be a long, painful process. Actually Kap in the long run, Option 2 will save you time. Just imagine the time and effort trying to clean up that database. Plus you guys can set it up with all that you have learned in the last few years as far as feature sets and such. s*** I wish we could do this with a bunch of systems at my work, but then again Soxtalkers are a bit more reasonable than my facist users. So how long before SS2k5 goes over 30k in posts on the new board.
  24. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 11:51 PM) There was a thread on this a while back....ironically enough. Thats the only problem with the search for the thread before starting one. Its turned off, and the google search method doesnt work as well.
  25. Posting and You Rules of posting to a web forum in flash format.
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