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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Word to the wise on this one. Dont get into a debate with a teacher unless you want to see it in your grades. A healthy debate is good, however with politics and religion keep your views out of the teachers heads. Only if your view and the teachers view match will you survive without issue. I had a Christian Ethics class at St Xavier. You have to take two religion classes and my friend told me he was in this class and it was all girls, except for 2 guys. Stupid me didnt put two and two together so I signed up. I couldnt get over the fact that ratio of hot girls in the class, it seemed like a win win. The teacher was definately a man hater. To start the class of you had to say In the name of the creator, the redeamer and the holy spirt. I asked her why cant we say Father son holy spirt. She told me I was trained by a sexist society who trounces the views of women. I told myself, well keep your yap shut, memorize the material take good notes and you will be ok. Nothing could be further from the truth. There was a midterm and a final. I memorized the information for the midterm. I scored a nice D+ on my midterm, while the girl next to me who never showed up got an A. It was a essay test. Now I took my answers directly from the book and from the notes. However the girl, In her example of ethics issues and how they plague the bible. She stated, "Mary was a virgin, but they called her a prostitute later. How can the mother of Jesus be a prostitute. That is an ethics issue and sexist." Yup one grossly inaccurate line of crap, Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdallen the prostitute are two seperate people, however she got an A. I just asked her if I could borrow her test so I could see how she did so good, made a copy as we were beyond drop date and took it with my D+ final to the dean and oddly I got a B in the class. The other guy in the class who didnt drop it got his overturned also. Nice bottle of man hate to go with your catholic college.
  2. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 04:52 PM) yay for threads that feature scantily clad pictures of Lisa Dergen! Too bad I can't post the good ones.
  3. A couple of cub fan quotes responding to the trade of CPAT. LOL
  4. QUOTE(bmags @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 04:23 PM) if kw made this trade i would riot.... lisa dergan is the only untouchable on this team Actually she looks very touchable to me.....
  5. QUOTE(samclemens @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 03:02 PM) The Phills will easily swap Abreu for Lisa Dergan. What do you all think, yea or nay? p.s. there is nothing to talk about in baseball right now, I need the season to start No to that trade. I would rather have Lisa Dergan, unless you traded us Carmen Electra, and a McCarthy girl to be named later.
  6. QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 01:41 PM) Muslims that want Israel destroyed??? Who'd have thunk it? :banghead This pretty much tells you that this is not about a claim to an area or their right to return. Because even after phase 1 happens, you know the Israel driven into the sea and the infadels run out of the middle east. We then move on to phase 2, which speaks volumes to what the real agenda of the terrorists are, to install Sharia everywhere in the world. Everything is Islamic or you die. So for all of the liberals who think that this is just about giving the terrorists a bit of land in Israel, or the right to return. They basically want the destruction of all things not muslim and will call for Jihad until the world is one big Islamic Fundamentalist state.
  7. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 12:06 PM) Another horrible outing by our starting pitching, but the bullpen and offense comes through. We're still undefeated on the road this postseason. Crede 4 MVP!! http://baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=4695 God our starting pitching sucks in this simuluation. Garland last only 1.2 innings and gives up a 5 spot. Hermanson and his bad back are running out of the pen, while Uncle Cliff is riding the pine.
  8. A few years ago, the Twins had Johan Santana in their pen in long relief. At the time he was much better than their fifth starter. Fans wanted him in the rotation. They eased him along due to their pitching depth. Now Bmac is most likely not a Johan Santana. But if we have to deal with Bmac in the pen for this year, its not a bad thing. Mark Buerhle was in the pen his first year. Ask yourself this, would of Bmac prefered to be up with the big club pitching in whatever role or starting every 5 days for the Knights. I think he will be okay with his spot and it will help out.
  9. QUOTE(FGarcia34 @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 06:47 PM) Sounds like we need a new player to drool over. And so with a loud thunderous sound Abreutalk was born.
  10. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) I stand by that opinion. But you do convey a "feeling" from peoples post, and then stand by it just after you posted the above. I see the logic now. :banghead You should run for congress.
  11. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 01:59 PM) Unfortunately posting on a message board doesn't convey feeling. I did not 'snap'. I am not shaking with anger. Just providing my viewpoints and opinions. I respect yours. I hope you respect mine. Maybe then you should can the "I just got back from San Antonio where my daughter lives. I didn't get such a blatantly racist vibe that I am getting from this thread. " It reads a bit like you are conveying feeling from others.
  12. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 01:53 PM) Well I guess I stand corrected. 100% of the Katrina victims used thier money at strip clubs. You snap because Wood makes a statement. I post an article that states that what he has seen is not something he just made up. And now you jump to a crazy conclusion. No not everyone is misusing the funds, but people are. You keep up the extremist, its either one way or another. If you say Katrina victims are misusing funds, its because you are racist. I get it.
  13. QUOTE(THEWOOD @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 01:43 PM) The fact is that people who received these $2,000 cards ARE using them to buy things that are not needed. I have friends from college that live in Atlanta, they saw a high influx of people from NO. One of my friends who works as a store manager for Guess would see the NO people buying louis vuitton purses and other HIGH priced items. Is this what they should be spending the TAX PAYERS money on?? Maybe its not made up
  14. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 01:45 PM) It's probably not a good idea to make blanket statements about an entire race of people. Question the individual not the race. Thats because we all have silver spoons in our mouths and we have to judge others as a group instead of making individual assesments. If we were of a better ilk like you liberals we wouldnt make such broad assesments.
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 09:21 AM) First I want to thank all of you that have been calling and writing inquiring about Joey's status. It's meant a great deal to have so many concerned. Sadly, Joey passed away this morning from complications too many for his poor little body to handle. He was comfortable in the arms of and surrounded by his family. Jim and I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers more then you all can know. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. There are no words to describe the loss of a child. RIP Joey
  16. QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 12:34 PM) Well... they certainly haven't replaced him in the 2 spot with anyone. I wonder if Brian Anderson might get a shot at #2. (I think he Ks too much though.) Iguch K'd at a good rate also. It maybe a good place for him, forces him to concentrate a bit more, with all of the plays being put on it also might keep him overthinking the position. This however is a risk because the number 2 spot is such a critical role.
  17. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 12:26 PM) You know what I love is that people seem to think its either broke off your ass or owning a Lexus. There is a middle ground. But then again, nobody here - not even the so called moderates on that board seem to understand that. Or they're so infected by the polemic that they claim to hate that they refuse to see anything in other than an us/them light. There is a middle ground. But it takes time to get there. The problem with it is, is that people see others with luxury, and dont want to work for it. Because instead of striving to say, I wish I could be middle class, they want to strive to be rich. You have to work towards attainable goals. And when some of these goals stretch across a generation or two, then its real hard to have that type of sacrifice.
  18. Some Jackass cub fan just called into the score and how Mark Buerhle doesnt have pride in his country. That even though Prior and Wood are hurt they would pitch for their country. GMAFB. Maybe they should go back to worrying about if Wood is going to make more than 10 starts. Or if Prior will have elbow issues this year. Or maybe they should just worry about 1908.
  19. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 11:09 AM) Which fact are you referring to? I was just commenting on how obvious that there are people on this site with silver spoons in their mouths who show their true colors. I was raised Catholic and was taught that Jesus helped those less fortunate. He didn't whine that they should stop asking for handouts. But then again, Jesus would be considered a lefty extremist with his views if he were around today. I get sick and tired of self richeous liberals tossing round the comment about the privileged when they talk about people with views on the right. Your statement is ignorant. My family came over here with nothing. I am sure we could of put our hands out. Hell with what we had we could of got free housing, food, and a check. But then again my father had pride and worked his ass off. Sorry if I believe that people should work for a living, but what the hell what would I know. I just base this off watching my father and how he sacrificed his life for our family, working 2 or more jobs, not seeing his family so he could provide for them. Making sure that we got a good education so we could better ourselves off. But then again, maybe my right wing views are just about being a sliver spooned fool. One piece of advise that I could give anyone who is living in poverty. Look to your children. If you can make sure that they get the education, that they get the message, that you teach them pride about being themselves. This is how you break this chain. Maybe they should look to the immigrants and how they come over here, and in one or two generations their children and their childrens children are educated, and have a leg up. In this country we preach self love and laziness. Why should I work for it when its given to me. Instead of sacrificing for the next generation, people play victim and teach their children that they are a victim instead of I am a human being and I deserve more than this. And before you paint this to be a race issue, I have numerous numerous african american co workers and friends who's parents who have done the same exact thing that my father did, and guess what they are working in business making good money and have the life their parents had hoped for them. Its about sacrifice and preaching good moral values, and preaching a plan for the future. But then again, in our selfish society why should we worry about our childrens future when I dont have a big screen tv or I dont have a lexus.
  20. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 09:04 PM) Can I just say how much better a good steak up there, is compared to down here? I mean ours are still good don't get me wrong. The best steak I ever had in my life was in Argentina. The second best was on my honeymoon in Aruba at an Argentinian steak house. Their cattle is raised on a better feed, doesnt have all of the steroids we have in the US, and just tastes better. Argentinian steak houses in the US dont compare because they dont have the real deal which is fresh. I was in Argentina for 2 weeks and ate their steak 2 times a day. Its nice when the dollar just destroys the local currency.
  21. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 02:07 PM) Ruth Chris Place is just mouthwatering.. Blacken Filet with melted butter, and the Turtle soup.. Damn you people, Now I have to go there for a steak.. The best part of the Ruth Chris experience is the sound of your butter cooked steak sizzling as it comes to your table, then the smell of delicioius steak, then the taste. WildFire in Oakbrook is another good place. Nice steaks, great sides, nice atmosphere. Those are my two favorites. It has been fun reading everyones thoughts and now I have a few other places to try out. What about Ponderosa? That salad bar kicks ass
  22. QUOTE(2nd_city_saint787 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 04:25 PM) Hey whats goin on white sox fan just like to introduce myself. The names Aaron im from Hammond and I've been a sox fan for 18 years...I was wondering if anyone was an ESPN insider, under rumor central they showed a picture of Contreras and it said arms deal i was wondering if an insider could tell me what thats all about. Also if there is any other rumor swirling around about the sox I'd love to hear it. Welcome to soxtalk. I dont have Insider but I am sure that whatever rumor is in the insider its been hashed and rehashed in Tejada Talk(I mean tradewinds)
  23. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 11:47 AM) If Stalin was on display, people would come. Of course the Democrats would love to see one of their socialist idealists in person.
  24. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 10:56 AM) Just a fun topic of discussion in the politcal arena. Who are some of your favorite politicians that ran for president, but failed to get out of the primaries with their party's endorsement? They can be from either major party, or even an independent. Explanations of what you liked are great. Bonus points for obscurity. I'll start with a few that I liked over the years for various different reasons... Paul Tsongas John McCain Dennis Kucinich I liked all three, for different reasons, though they all shared some things in common (believe it or not). One thing: they all seemed more real to me than other candidates. You got the impression that the level of B.S. coming from them was lower than the rest. Dennis Kucinich is just Ross Perot with a better toupe and a few cans of red bull.
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