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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Dec 20, 2005 -> 01:41 PM) LOL. See. People like you make s*** up. Too bad it was an ERA difference of about 1.40 at the time. If you are going to try and talk s*** at least get your facts straight so you don't look like a dumbass when you do it. Actually it was the middle of August (Buerhle had a 3.07 and Santana had a (3.37). Sorry technically it was a .30 difference. They were going head to head. Buerhle gave up a bunch of runs, I made a comment in the game thread that we should have an ACE like Santana and you jumped on how Buerhle was better because at the time he had more wins and a better ERA by a small margin.
  2. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Dec 20, 2005 -> 01:36 PM) One, I'm not anybody named Bob, so you need to get your facts straight. Two, I never said I'd rather have Buerhle over Santana. I might have said Buerhle was having a better year when Santana was sucking and Buerhle was dominating. Get your facts straight before you spout off buddy. Santana was sucking???? When was this.
  3. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Dec 20, 2005 -> 01:32 PM) Was his argument that Mark pitches better than Santana into a headwind, and because there are alot of headwinds at the Cell then he is a more effective pitcher? Actually at the time the difference between ERA was like .07. It was smaller than anything.
  4. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Dec 20, 2005 -> 01:26 PM) Just scanning this thread, the majority of posters think that Blalock is a better player than Crede. RockRaines doesn't really need anyone to back up his argument. Why do people take Bob seriously. JP(bob) was the one that also said last year that he would rather have Buerhle than Johan Santana because at the time Santana's Era was slightly higher and Buerhle had more wins. Santana had a lower WHIP, higher Ks and outside of JP's world everyone in baseball including Mark's mother would agree that Santana is a better pitcher. Mark B is a great guy and all but come on. I told him that if Santana was offered for Buerhle straight up, that before TR said SANTA KW would of said DEAL!!!! In game chat we had a good laugh over that one.
  5. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 20, 2005 -> 12:39 PM) Representative John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, is unleashing a potential s*** storm. (Forewarning: It's a Raw Story link, for those of you who don't care for that outlet. They do get scoops sometimes though). Here we go the wacko liberal attempt to do what their "voting machine" couldnt. The hatred for Bush is so deep in the liberal wing of the democrats they want to impeach bush. Conyers has no credibility he is as left as you can get. The only wacko that has less is Dennis Kucinich, who is probably already jumping up and down like a muppet. Maybe they can get Ramsey Clark back from defending the enemy and we can have the entire anti-war nut group back. Conyers has been planning this for a while 2003 Conyers started to work up the impeachment crap
  6. Lets all have a moment of silence for Timo Perez, the shortest first baseman last year. I wonder if Ozzie will return to the team after his MVP was non-tendered.
  7. I was one of Jose's biggest detractors on the site. He always had the million dollar arm and the ten cent head. He proved me wrong, and I hope he is a member of the whitesox for a long time. 94-96 with control and that splitter, he can win 17-20 games this year if he puts it together for an entire year. Hopefully Coop can do whatever he did with Conteras and do it with Vasquez.
  8. Great job Admin and Mod teams. Now those left wingers have no place to run or hide from the right.
  9. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 09:28 PM) To connect this with the ANWR energy problem, Iraq "war for oil" etc. We no longer need energy from petroleum. Just set up generators on the caskets of Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin. Their spinning will give us more energy than we can ever use. And there used to be another country that spied on people for their own protection -- those wonderful democratic countries like the former USSR or modern-day China. If you want domestic surveillance of people without 4th Amendment warrants, go live in China...and don't let the door hit your authoritarian ass on the way out. I love the outrage and the anger over something that has been going on for years. Whats the difference, one president actually admitted doing it. BTW Apu if you want to find that perfect democracy that would never ever spy on their own people, I would start by eliminating the partners in the Echelon network England, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. I am sure the French and the Russians today dont spy on their own, but then again they do. Actually outside of fairytale would you find a single country in the world, if not in modern history that hasnt performed survelliance /spying on their own people. But I guess thats ok because its not the hated George Bush. Now who is behind the biggest upgrades and push to Echelon. Was it Bush in a post 9/11 push of fear and anger. No it was President Clinton. Echelon and spying on your own people is not something new. The system was built in the 70's, and the biggest upgrad happened under Clintons watch. Only a fool would believe that this is something unique to the evil republicans and their leader George Bush cooked up. Clinton seem to love this spying thing. I guess its okay if a Dem orders the spying I wonder how many these companies gave to the Clinton campaign fund. I am pretty sure that all US presidents have acted in this manner. They have all had some sort of survelliance in some sort of manner behind the closed doors. Do you really believe that the military under FDR wasnt spying on japanese americans, or that Eisnhower or JFK didnt do the same thing. Come on. The only difference is today we have better technology. What is the difference between those presidents and Bush. Bush admits it. Why because he feels he is doing it for the best interests of the US. Just like all of the presidents before him probably thought. Get over the conspiracy theories and the "OMG MY RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED". Let me sum it up for you everyone is spying on you. When you go to work and you send an email or use the computer your company is spying on you. I work as a security engineer at my company. We watch every single thing every one of our associates do(email, call detail, internet, im, fax transmissions). I can pull up an IM conversation in session, and see Jimmy trying to pick up random internet chick on company time. And everyone of our users have volunteered for this. Because they click on a little I agree icon(acceptable use policy). Then when we are firing them for surfing for porn, or sending our patents to our competitors. They cry about their rights. I am sure that most have done this at their work and dont think about it. If you use any electronic mediums to communicate you should pretty much assume that it isnt safe. Why because the government is listening to you. No because your neighbor with some smarts in electronics can spy on your cell phone calls, or your home cordless phones. Your email is open to the world, your computer probably has had some spyware on it and has sent out some of your personal information. Your web browsing is being documented probably by others. BTW make sure you triple sooper dooper shred your documents or someone will do some dumpster diving and steal your info.Yes this is the Assume the worst, and then lose the paranoia for a few minutes and put down the Orwell chronicles and figure that maybe just maybe this doesnt have anything to do with you. Are these intercepts by your neighbor, unintended personelle illegal. Yes. But you go ahead and try and catch them. You try and pinpoint someone who is passively intercepting your information. In the end this has been happening for years, stop watching "Enemy of the State" and drink a beer. Go back into the matrix neo, its ok.
  10. QUOTE(VAfan @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 03:57 PM) I must say, I should know precisely where Crede is in the arbitration/FA cycle. I'm sure he's not a FA next year, but I assume he would be in 2 years, correct?? That being the case, if Crede eliminates his terrible months, he's going to crack 30 HRs, with an OPS in the mid-.800s. At that point, Boras is going to start demanding $8-10 million/season, and he'd certainly get it the last year of arbitration and the first year of free agency. So a 3/15 deal seems pretty reasonable for the Sox to me. Remember, we can always insure the contract in case Crede's back puts him on the DL. 5 million per for .240-.250 and 22 homers and a bad back. Crede would be a thief to get this. Wow what how much does a good hitter cost.
  11. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 02:47 PM) KW said that Crede was doing well in the offseason and that he will be good to go. Buts its possible KW doesn't know what hes talking about. I mean he's only the GM Or he could be bluffing so he isnt making trades from a point of weakness. Texas can you please take our 3rd baseman he can barely sit up, and our pitcher wants to take FA and has his heart set on pitching for the Dodgers or Angels. Can we have Blalock please. Last year before we signed Iguchi KW was touting our 2nd baseman Willie Harris. How we were ready to go into ST with Willie as our starting 2b. Now do you think that he was saying to for our benefit or for the benefit of negotiating with Iguchi's agent.
  12. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 02:17 PM) haha. I'm just going to save you the trouble and assume you didn't even read my post. You saw "consistent" and decided to type something. I said he was "consistent" between home and away. Which he was. I didn't say he say he was consistent from month to month. Over the course of the entire season he was virtually the same at home on the road. And further, I didn't say Cell was a bad park to hit in. I said you don't know what he'll do here. But you DO know what he'll do on the road because he's done it in his entire career. But don't even bother to comprehend the post. Just spout off. Works much better. Thanks Bob for the lesson. You keep thinking that blalock is a platoon player and then lecture me about points on your post.
  13. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 01:49 PM) But at least Crede is consistently medicore. Blalock is one of the worst players in the league on the road and solid at home. But thats assuming that those numbers will translate here. Which you can't assume. It is a known quantity what he will do on the road. You can't expect him to keep up at the pace that he did at Arlington. He might, but it is not a gaurentee. Creede is mediocre at home and away. Though at the end of last year it was obvious he was taking stpes in the right direction. Blalock on the other hand just sucked all around. He is consistent? Crede goes into slumps for weeks if not for a month or so. He hits 280 for a month, then 125 for the next. I keep forgetting that Arlington is such a hitters paridise and the Cell is a hitters hell.
  14. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 11:58 AM) I’m sorry to hear that. I know it's easy to be cynical sometimes. On the off chance you might still be curious about finding out a bit more about this veteran – her upbeat take on life and her future after suffering catastrophic injuries in service to her country; and her unflagging support for the military - here are a few more links. Don’t worry. They’re almost entirely apolitical. And pretty darn inspiring. Can-do spirit rises from crash Injured soldier, inspirational woman An Amputee's Long Walk Back to Flight Duty (9 minute NPR sound clip) Very inspiring, however outside of being an injuried vet, what are her qualifications. What is her stand on important issues, outside of been an Emanuel recruit and spoken opponent of the war. I have an Uncle that came over from Ireland and like a few of my relatives including my father he decided to join the army to help get his citizenship on the fasttrack. He lost one of his legs in vietnam, did this in the service of a country he barely lived in but already loved and wanted to be a part of. Now is he qualified to become a member of congress? People who serve this country and give up everything deserve our respect and our honor. However I feel that there is a piti factor being pushed here by the democrats and members of the media.
  15. QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Dec 17, 2005 -> 02:44 PM) If Clinton would have done this, Congress would have tried to impeach him for it! God forbid if right after 9/11 a few phones were tapped with calls going outside the us. Now the liberals want him investigated. Good grief. Now on the other hand I guess you can sell out your countries security for the next 20 years and get a few campaign donations and you are hailed as a hero by the left. Chips for the Chinese
  16. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 17, 2005 -> 10:33 AM) Philosophically, I’m against popular election of judges. So I usually refuse to vote for any of them unless I’m aware of a particular one who’s really qualified. In Chicago, no matter what their color or creed, they always seem to magically have Irish names anyway. And what is wrong with an Irish name. I vote in every single election, have knocked on doors, volunteered to be an election judge a few times. I have done my share.
  17. Well opening day is pretty much gone for the Ozzie plan. Hopefully they give out the rings on Tuesday to make it worth missing opening night. I got my plan set. Did a lot of Monday and Tuesday games in the Upper Deck. You cannot beat the price of this. 385 with tax for 13 games for 2 seats.
  18. Jesus was a jew the last time I checked, so learning about the Jewish faith and their practices is a good thing. Learning about other religions shows how similiar they all really are.
  19. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2005 -> 11:22 AM) What exactly can the Israeli's do? Launch airstrikes against Iranian nuclear targets? Unlike Iraq, Iran's nuclear program is widely spread out and often in fortified locations, obviously to protect against exactly the sort of attack that the Israelis launched on Iraq in the 80's. It would take several days of bombing to pull off any real damage. Furthermore, the Israeli jets cannot reach Iran and return on normal fuel tanks - the Iraqi government would have to give the Israelis permission to refuel inflight over Iraqi territory, something that will only happen if the U.S. forces the Iraqis to allow it (which would obviously serve as an anti-American rallying point in Iraq.) Furthermore, despite previous successes of the Mossad, it's still an open question whether or not people actually know the full extent of any Iranian nuclear program...they could very well have sites that no one currently knows about. And finally...Iran's military is not pathetic and weak, like Iraq's was before we invaded. They have the capability to launch strikes on Israel in response, possibly including Chemical attacks. Iran doesn't have to get its hands on a bomb to kill millions of Israelis. They have the extended version of the F-15E which has the range to fly and bomb Iran and come back. If a missle hits Israel with a chemical weapon, Tehran will reach the 10,000 degrees in a split second. I figure a nice airburst 1500 feet above the city would be the response for the chemical weapon.
  20. QUOTE(valponick @ Dec 16, 2005 -> 11:38 AM) I'm not trying to get anywhere. He's just as good of a hitter as everyone thinks, that's all I was saying. What qualifies a good hitter then??? I mean if BA, OPS, Silver Slugger, MVP considerations doesn't qualify you as a good hitter. Thank God we haven't lost sweet swinging Timo Perez or Thunderbat Joe Borchard. We almost lost some of the grandest hitters in our lifetime
  21. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:26 PM) Dude stop Im crying over here from laughing so hard.. How many times last year did we hear hawk go.. Crede pops up?!?!?! We have had people dedicate their username to this. We have an Ihatecrede and a credepopsup
  22. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:21 PM) But I'm saying, you put Crede in the 3-4-5 hole like Blalock is and you have the same numbers as Blalock. There is not much of a difference at all. And I'm not say Crede would be a .300 hitter, but I'm saying around .270-.280. And protection does affect a hitter. Credes problem with hitting .270 or higher has nothing to do with his position in the batting order. It has a lot to do with his hitting the ball making contact, but straight up. Now if they would move the fences directly above the infield, Crede jacks 90 homers next year.
  23. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:18 PM) I don't know if we should trade for Blalock or not but why do people worry so much that he only hits well at Ameriquest? Would he not hit at the Cell as well? Thats why we are putting Garland in the deal also, we are looking to get the operator of their scoreboard at Ameriquest. Our collective BA at home will go to 400 with that addition.
  24. Look at the balance in the lineup if Blalock is added to it. Lefties Blalock Thome AJ Pods Righties Uribe Gooch Kong Dye Anderson If I remember correctly we had a hard time hitting righties, especially ones with great sliders. This move plus moves already made can help correct this. Pods Uribe Thome Kong Dye AJ Gooch Blalock Anderson You can get a nice lefty/righty split through the lineup. Gives the sox balance and protection against late inning specialists.
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