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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Here is the schedule for Group E Monday, June 12 at Gelsenkirchen: United States vs. Czech Republic at Hanover: Italy vs. Ghana Saturday, June 17 at Kaiserslautern: Italy vs. United States at Cologne: Czech Republic vs. Ghana Thursday, June 22 at Hamburg: Czech Republic vs. Italy at Nuremberg: Ghana vs. United States Group C is being listed as the GOD(Group of Death). Group E is the second hardest with a possible knockout round date with Brazil if you place second.
  2. We have played well against Italy. Just havent gotten the result that we would like. Ghana is a physically talented team that doesnt organize well. The Czechs should provide the hardest challenge in the group. The US just has to make sure they get a good presence in their attacking mid, someone who can distribute the ball to the strikers. In other words hopefully Donvan shows up. That and keep healthy. We did well in the last WC because we played attacking soccer. Put pressure on the opponent and score early.
  3. Group A Germany Poland Equador Costa Rica Group B England Paraguay Sweden Tinidad and Tobago Group C Argentina Ivory Coast Netherlands Serbia and Montenegro Group D Mexico Angola Portugal Iran Group E Italy Ghana Czech Republic United States Group F Brasil Croatia Australia Japan Group G France Switzerland Togo South Korea Group H Spain Tunisia Saudi Arabia Uktraine DBHAO your Aussies get Brazil. lin the group stage. Yikes.
  4. For all those who thought that Marte was going to trott out to the mound as a member of the sox, remember with all the flash of greatness and sucess he had in the past. 1.) He hid an injury earlier in the season, and had to be taken out of a game in Colorado putting the team in a bind. Hiding injuries are on the sox list of no no's. 2.) He pretty much quit on the team during one of the most crucial times of the year. I mean in September with the Indians breathing down our necks. 3.) Ozzie said he couldnt use him at home because the boos were shaking Damaso's confidence. Did we think the boos would go away the minute he walked a few lefties. 4.) Remember the amazing El Duque get out of bases loaded an no one out in Boston was due to Marte walking some people. 5.) He couldnt get lefties out. He was more likely to hit or walk the lefty than get him out. So for all of the greatness that Marte gave us over the years, last year was a bridge burner. I like Mackowiak, and think that these tweaks are what we need. So far this has been a promising off season.
  5. QUOTE(bmags @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 01:05 AM) yes, yes, the famous "Die Hard 3" hypothetical situation... :rolly Yeah we live in a world that terrorist will never ever ever get their hands on those types of weapons, and if they do, they will never ever ever use them in large metropolitan areas. Ask yourself a few years ago, that if these same people were going to hijack planes and have coordinated suicide attacks that would bring down the twin towers. I am sure that the same Die Hard 3 hypothetical comment would come up.
  6. For those who believe there is no justification at all for torture.... So if Johnny Jihadi is part of a terrorist cell and has operational knowlege of a major disaster such as biological weapon/nuclear/chemical that is going to be detonated in a major metropolitan area, there is no reason what so ever to give this guy the five across the eyes, or some other methods to get the information that could save thousands of people. Maybe we can give the family members of those people a letter letting them know that I know their family member died a horrible painful death, but we saved the right of due process of Johnny Jihadi. Sorry at times the humane thing is to save the masses from death and pain over one person. That person lost their rights when they decided to take actions to murder thousands.
  7. This of course is the same Ray King who said that based on a few exhibition games against Japanese AllStars that Iguchi couldnt hit heat. Maybe he can help the Rockies with his expertise in Japanese baseball talent.
  8. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 7, 2005 -> 02:48 PM) Let's dispell a myth right here: In law enforcement, unless you are talking about a guy with a sniper rifle on a tripod, there is no such thing as shoot-to-wound. It's always shoot to kill - aim for center mass. Officers are not trained to shoot someone in the leg, or any other Hollywood nonsense like that (I am sure some have tried on their own, but it's not what they are trained to do). If the shot happens to not kill them, and they can subdue, then great. But shooting someone is pretty much always considered use of deadly force (again, with a few very unusal circumstances). As a former law enforcement employee, thank you for this clarification. The idea that every police officer is some sort of marksman that can shoot the gun behind the back and shoot the gun out of the suspects hands is consistant only with hollywood. Plus this was most likely close quarters with people around, to draw your weapon in that circumstance the first reaction would be panic and screaming from the people around. The fact that he hit the target in that circumstance tells a lot of their training. That being said, Hopefully it was a clean shoot for the officers sake.
  9. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 10:28 PM) did i ever say that I think he did the right thing? No i didn't. I am upset by this news. However that doesn't take away from the fact he was a great teacher and a nice guy. Josh, people who harm children, think of children as sexual objects need to be removed from society. Remember the people who had Gacy at their birthday parties doing his clown bit probably where a bit shocked when they found out his other hobby was stuffing teen age boys in his crawlspace. Sometimes the coolest people have a few screws loose.
  10. If Burroughs can play 3rd and 2nd it could be a low risk move for the sox. He doesnt have a lot of pop, but could hit 2nd when he fills in and we dont exactly need the pop in front of the thumpers. Considering they have Blum and Castillo they dont exactly need Sean. Another nice below the radar trade for KW might be what we need here. 1.) Mueller 2.) Graf/Burroughs
  11. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 06:52 AM) Yeah yeah... He said the same thing last year about AJ & Tadahito..."Absolutely No Interest!" Remember?They were very happy going into the season with Ben Davis(whom they had just resigned) and Willie Harris. Just as some people say: I'll believe it when he is on our team...I'll believe this when he is NOT on our team. Kenny Williams HATES talking about what he is doing when it comes to trades. He will NEVER let on about any potential moves. He will deny and deny until it happens. Now, I'm not saying it WILL happen, but don't believe for one second the White Sox are not talking to Florida. Also one other point to add to this. Look at the smokescreeen going up. We are linked to to a bunch of trades. This is what we saw last year right before KW made a move. You get linked to everyone, then he swoops in and finishes the deal. Last year at soxfest KW was answering questions about Iguchi, who is this player?
  12. My heart goes out to you that you are in this situation in your relationship with your wife. Religion should be a subject of love and understanding. But as we have seen through history that disagreements over religion have even escalated to war. I dont know anything about that religion or anything outside of my own. The only thing I would suggest is to keep communicating with your wife, educate yourself about what her interests are and if you cannot come to compromise seek counselling before this grows into something that becomes a breaking point in your marriage. Good luck
  13. Hes a soft tossing flyball pitcher. Facing him in the playoffs is one thing, facing him a whole bunch of times in league play means we will get to him. I would rather face a Byrd over facing Millwood. Millwoods pedigree is a hell of a lot better than Paul Byrd. Thome vs Byrd should be a nice matchup in our favor. I am thinking the ball should land nicely in the bullpen sports bar.
  14. QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Dec 2, 2005 -> 09:24 PM) If there was a color halfway between green and black, I'd use it. I mean, this is a guy that plays Twins baseball, and we all know how hard that spanked us from 2001 - 2004. This is still a team that has Johan Santana, a bunch of no-names who turn into superstars against us, and, of course, their dreaded minor league system, which will invariably produce a new generation of Sox killers as it does every damn season. Hopefully we luck out again and they get injured or come off to a bad start, but never, ever count out the Twins. The Indians might be the media darlings, but the Twins are still the team that gives me nightmares. When Morneau figures out how to hit like a major leaguer and not like a reincarnation of Joe Borchard then give us a jingle on their chances. Over/Under on number of times Mauer is on the DL with his knees.
  15. QUOTE(toasty @ Dec 1, 2005 -> 09:20 AM) Who else is in?? HA! I would check with Aaron's Amigo's, as they are currently without a player to ethnically mis-represent.
  16. If Mueller can accept a sub role and become the first guy off the bench it would be awsome. Maybe we can say see yah to Mr. Timo time. Mueller and Gload/Borchard would give us the left handed presence and it wouldnt be that much of a raise from the over priced 1 mill that Timo gets from the sox. Group 4 is being remade.
  17. I heard this on the radio this morning, that captain anti-america Ramsey Clark is back to aiding the enemy and helping out those who torture kill and destroy the innocent. Lets go over the commie anti-american/anti-humanity checkbook here. Flew to Hanoi to give aid and comfort to the North Vietnamese while American POWs were being beaten, tortured, and killed, check Flew to Tehran to condemn the "Crimes of America" while his fellow citizens were being held hostage by Iranian militants check Flew to the defense of PLO leaders sued by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the wheelchair-bound American tourist who was shot and tossed overboard from the cruise ship Achille Lauro by Palestinian commandos in 1986 check Flew to the aid of indicted Rwanda genocide conspirator Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, a Hutu pastor accused of luring hundreds of Tutsi men, women, and children into his church and hospital compound - Flew to support the 1993 World Trade Center bombers (he played the race card for sympathetic minority jurors by decrying our racist judicial system), and continues to represent Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, the scheming Muslim cleric now in federal prison for his role in planning New York City terrorist attacks Defend Slobodan Milosevic, check. Defend Radovan Karadzic in the civil suit brought forth by Bosnian rape victims, check. now defend Saddam, check Can someone move this to SLAP. God damn browser refresh.
  18. Sometimes prospects have more worth as trade bait and are not part of the big picture. Just because we drool at seeing some of these guys dominate the lower levels doesnt mean that they are locks for the majors. We had great pitching prospects in the late 90s, the cant miss kids. All I remember hearing was the word Torn Labrum and he has the arm but not the head to go with it. Gio could be the next Santana, then again he could be the next Jim Parque. I think we will forget about this for a while when we see tape measure shots being hit by Thome in the summer of next year.
  19. Great move KW. Arow was class personified, however this makes the team better. We get a power hitting left handed stick that is a difference maker. He hits well at the cell, and should help us defend our title. Kudos to KW for another job well done.
  20. southsideirish71

    XBox 360

    QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Nov 22, 2005 -> 11:57 AM) These things are now on Ebay for upwards of $2,000+ I love gaming and all, but people are stupid to pay that kind of money for something that will within a month or so be available. Would I have liked to have been the first on my block to get one,sure. But its not worth a few grand to do that.
  21. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Nov 22, 2005 -> 09:25 AM) I'm waiting for the much needed Bruce Levine / carpet-bombing reference. Trademarked phrase of SSI71 industries.
  22. Giving up McCarthy or Conteras in a deal for Thome is stupid. Arow, Marte, El Duque or one of the plethera of OF talent sure. But not McCarthy for this. But then again this is Levine, I had a better chance of getting an Xbox360 last night than he has of being right on this one.
  23. QUOTE(hi8is @ Nov 22, 2005 -> 01:12 AM) uhhh id have to say your dead wrong there buddy.... i dont have any statics to back my statement up... but i mean, come on... there are players in the history of the major leauges who have stuggled offensively for periods of time durring their first couple of years... then they find what they had been lacking and go on to consistantly produce at their previously projected level... im just to lazy to look up examples... if you sit back and think about it for a while, youll find a couple.... maybe konerko for example.... when with the dodgers he didnt produce... when with the reds he didnt produce... when he first came to the sox, he didnt produce... he had one really bad year with the sox... now we're thinking of spending 65 million for him over 5 years.... makes one think and thats just one s***ty example to illustrate my point. Here is the biggest reason that Joe is a candidate to be replaced. You forget who his agent is.
  24. southsideirish71

    XBox 360

    QUOTE(3E8 @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 09:46 PM) Anyone camping out for this thing? I went to Walmart for the golden ticket thing. They held a raffle to see who would be the lucky girls and boys who could buy this thing. About 300 people were in walmart for the raffle. They only had 10 units, 2 of the 399 bundles, then 8 core systems. Alas I didnt win. Time to put the feet to the pavement so I can get it. And the funny thing is that for all of the people who have s***ty TV's that dont support HD, outside of new games this unit will be basically pointless. My DLP tv however needs the Xbox360 to launch it into full glory. At least thats the story I am using to justify the 400 bucks spending on it. And yes I will get the PS3 when it comes out, so I can play Socom PS3 version when it comes out. The sad state of being a gaming whore.
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