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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Frank the Tank 35 @ Oct 31, 2005 -> 03:57 PM) Frank is low risk (monetarily), high reward. He's a longtime Sox and is willling to do anything to stay here. I can't see why the Sox wouldn't bring him back. I actually think it would be foolish not to. I like the Durazo backup plan. The lefty aspect is intriguing as is his supposed unfulfilled potential. Coming off surgery and with the prospects of going to a team that just won the WS, I think something could easily be done in the $1-2 mill range with incentives. I like Frank. However as long as we get a Frank who isnt going to bat 215 and try to hit every single pitch into the stands. He is dangerously close to a major milestone that could lock him in the hall of fame.
  2. Didnt we pay Ben Freakin Davis a mill to play in AAA this year. He was signed as insurance before we picked up AJ. And then the money we payed Kevin Walker also.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 05:26 PM) Glad to see you trust the government to kill citizens. Equally interesting that we used Iraq's use of the death penalty as justification to take over their country. I don't trust our justice system enough to allow humans to be put to death. There have been too many mistakes both in innocent people being found guilty and guilty people going free. It isn't a deterrent, doesn't save money, doesn't bring back the victims. So you would rather a form of justice that allows monsters like John Wayne Gacy to still sit in his cell, painting his clown art, sending his perverse letters to the families of the victims. I am pretty convinced that he was guilty. And if you dont believe it, maybe you can figure out where the 28 bodies appeared in his crawl space. Or the victims rings, necklaces why they were up on his dresser like a trophycase. Some of these monsters are guilty, and some of them should be killed. What we should do is work better on the science of forensics to help guard against evidence issues, and work on the appeals process so attorneys do not have the ability to scratch this out for decades. And as for the detterent value, I am sure that Gacy is no longer a threat to anymore teenagers.
  4. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 30, 2005 -> 01:37 PM) And it'll of course be quickly forgotten, but please remember to be patient. We didn't make our first big splash until about a week until Christmas last year. That was the earliest I remember us doing something like that, since KW's been here. I think the Konerko thing will happen quick. But I think there are a few other moves that will happen further in the process. I think its going to a more active Hot Stove league for the sox than we think.
  5. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 30, 2005 -> 12:52 PM) I was asking for a trade or Chavez a lot. Im grudgingly softening my tone about Cruddy though in light of his good performance in the playoffs. He had a hell of a playoff. But before we induct him into the baseball hall of fame remember he is a very very streaky hitter. As long as Cruddy hits above 240 next year and doesnt popup every other at bat that would be nice. He has been a streaky hitter his whole career, he hits 350 for a few weeks then 190 for a month. Thank god he was hot during the playoffs. Now if he hits above 260 next year, I will eat Crow.
  6. The end of baseball season means one thing..... HOT STOVE SEASON IS UPON US Over the next few months we will be happy, sad, pissed and overjoyed as moves are made. Lets enjoy what happened and soon enough we will have all sorts of cool moves that are made throughout baseball. Hotstove is an interesting time.
  7. QUOTE(Scwible @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 07:38 AM) Anyone have any good advice on how to get down, I was thinking the BNSF train to chicago but after that I've got nothing. Get off the train at Union, walk over on Jackson to Lasalle street. Its not that bad of a walk.
  8. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 09:27 PM) How about you take the high road here SSI... See everyone down there tomorrow. I'll be the sox fan standing around the stage at the rally... :rolly You are so right RD. I have taken the high road since the last spat with him. Obviously someone has another agenda. Oh well, I will just use the iggy feature of this and as Hawk would say POOOF HE GONE.
  9. QUOTE(JimH @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 08:18 PM) Make sure to clap really really loud when Greg Walker goes by, maybe even draw him a picture or something. I still have your shirt if you want it.
  10. QUOTE(bmags @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 03:32 PM) um...so what exactly does "tickertape" mean...cause its been driving me mad...cause my friend said it like it was more special "theres gonna be the parade tomorrow, not monday" "really?" "yeah, a TiCKERTAPE one!"
  11. Edit: Parade can be seen online live at www.wgntv.com If you can take off work get your asses out there. If you work downtown get your assses down there. If you are in school, get your asses down there. Told my boss, I dont think I will be coming into work. His response, I am surprised you are here today. That was already a gift. LETS SHOW THE WORLD HOW THE SOX FANS CELEBRATE, PACK THOSE STREETS AND CHEER ON OUR BOYS. WORLD CHAMPS BABY
  12. I used to live off of 107th and Pulaski. LET THE HOOD REPRESENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Congrats Soxtalkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A special congrats goes out to the chat crew. You guys f***ing rock. Best guys ever. And a special thanks goes out to Jason for building the best f***ing sox site on the net. GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WS CHAMPS 2005
  14. MY DREAM HAS ARRIVED. WE WIN IT ON PITCHING AND DEFENSE. HOLY s***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 09:19 PM) Looks like we may have found our # 3 hitter for next year!!! Actuallly we should trade marte and some prospects and get a chad tracy, lyle overbay type to hit 3rd and move dye to 5th. That would be a killer 3-4-5
  18. QUOTE(3RDBASE @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 09:05 PM) BACKE IS OUT! Lidge and his slider are coming in. So from a good slider to a great slider.
  19. Our inability to recognize slider pitchers has been bad all year long. Crede crushed a hanger over the center of the plate. Arow runs like a retard on the bases. And Uribe cannot hit a slider just like Rowand cant hit a slider.
  20. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 08:23 PM) I can't wait until there is a big Soxtalk get together so I can get everybodies autographs. I had no idea we had so many big leaguers that came in the game threads. It's a privledge to be here with you guys. Only White Sox fans can get pissed at their players in a 0-0 game after winning 10 out of 11 in the playoffs. I AGREE, THAT SLIDER IS A DEVILS PITCH. ONLY SATAN AND AMERICA CAN DEVISE SUCH AN EVIL PITCH. THE EVIL GARDNER IS USING WMDS TO SHUT DOWN THE MOST POWERFUL OFFENSE IN THE WORLD. DONT EVEN THINK OF SECOND GUESSING THIS TEAM OR YOU WILL DIE AS DOGS ALWAYS DIE.
  21. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 08:15 PM) We've now scored 5 or more runs in our last 6 games in the playoffs against the number 2 and number 5 pitching staffs in baseball this year. You know how many times we've did that this season? ONE TIME. And never 7 in a row. We've played way over our offensive heads in the postseason. We were due for an off game. Especially against a pitcher who is located in an NL park. Its a slider pitcher, everyone should of saw this coming. Oswalt is a fastball challenge guy. I knew we would get to him. Clemens is a fastball challenge guy. Another guy we cant hit.
  22. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 08:10 PM) I agree bigtime. These guys need to learn to adjust. I mean, it's not like we've won 16 of the last 17 in the last 4 series. In three of those series we faced 3 of the top 5 pitching staffs IN THE MAJOR f***ING LEAGUE. But I agree. We need to light him up too, even if he's locating perfectly. Just no excuse for it really. Its a simple formula. Most of the pitchers we have faced in the offseason have tried to challenge us. Byrd who we had some problems with and now Backe have nibbled the outside corner.
  23. Its real simple. This is a slider pitcher who is going away constantly to pwn our hitters. If a few of our guys dump a few of these pitches into right, then maybe just maybe you will get a pitch in to pull. Our hitters have not hit slider pitchers for most of the year. Rowand couldnt hit a slider if you told him it was coming. Dye has had our best AB. He hit the first pitch into right center. At least he has a clue.
  24. This is going to be our toughest pitcher to face in the series. A slider pitcher who hits the outside corner. Dye is hitting well. Rowand cannot hit a slider to save his life. They need to work on this during the offseason.
  25. Lets win this one, savor it for a while, then get back to our plans for next year later. Live in the moment now. This is something that is very special and is hard enough to do, more or less repeat year after year. Be happy for something that a lot of us never thought would happen in our lifetimes. GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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