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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Here is the ballgame right here. They score we are f***ed. Mark needs to keep this run from scoring. And our offense needs to get their heads out of their asses.
  2. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 08:20 PM) No. I don't blame any of them. I blame Byrd and Washburn. LOL, Nice base running cruddy. We we are f***ed.
  3. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 08:15 PM) My point is both teams have incredible pitching. Both teams have given up the EXACT amount of earned runs. I wonder if Angels fans are s***ting their pants like ours are. We had our best pitcher on the mound yesterday and our offense blew against the worst in their rotation. We have our 2nd best pitcher on the mound pitching his ass off against their second worst and we blow.
  4. Take pitches down the cock, and swing at s*** in the dirt. This is why we only have 1 run.
  5. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 08:04 PM) These are two awesome pitching teams. ITs incredible. Probably makes for pretty boring baseball for the "normal" fan though. Yeah our offense pwn3s lefties. Yet barely scratches a run across thanks to a first inning gift. this is a guy who we have hit well this year, he is on his death bed, then comes in and shuts the team down. Bring on Lackey, we are ready.
  6. Someone needs to have a chat with the hitters on the whole corpseball approach. It taint working. If its center in you can swing at the ball. If its in the dirt leave it be.
  7. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 07:58 PM) The 3 hole is a mysterious thing. Mysterious because he cant make contact on a pitch over the middle of the plate. Well if our pitching gives up 1 more run we are f***ed.
  8. In the offseason we need to get an offense. The pitching is championship caliber. Our offense blows.
  9. Joey Cora pulls another freakin waving wendell. Dumb play Joey.
  10. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 09:23 AM) Exactly. Its easy to wait until things are good to cheer. Its just like waiting until the team wins to get on the bandwagon IMO. Its lame. That maybe true, however its indicitve of chicago sports. The minute they go down, the crowd dies, the minute they go up or threaten the crowd goes nuts.
  11. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 08:44 AM) I get the feeling tonight's crowd will be completely off the chain. The crowd will be in the game if at the end of the first the white sox have a lead. You cant go down a few runs early and expect the fans to jump up and down. That plus all of the mental f*** ups. Remember if they execute and fail its one thing, but missing signs, failing to put down bunts and running the bases dumb dont really energize the crowd.
  12. Offense please get your head out of your ass. 3.20 ERA. however Dye Konerko and Arow pwn3d Washburn before.
  13. QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 09:51 PM) Unfortunately, so do guys like Lackey and Santana. Well its going to get harder. Mike S just announced that they are going Lackey and Santana in game 3 and 4 and then 6 and 7.
  14. QUOTE(Reddy @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 09:25 PM) really i disagree... i think tomorrow looks better You need to see washburns away game splits. Buerhle vs Washburn is more of a mix and match than the Count vs Freakin Paul Byrd.
  15. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 09:18 PM) If ANYONE expected the Sox to sweep in the playoffs, there idiots. We were going to lose, and it happened. We need Mark to step it up huge tomorrow. I never thought we would sweep. But this was probably one of our best matchups from a pitching standpoint.
  16. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 09:11 PM) Yah, because nobody looks bad against that filthy curve. It's not like the guy had a .184 average against this season or anything. Oh wait.... Crede looks bad against just about everyone.
  17. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 09:13 PM) The series ain't over if we lose tomorrow considering we're the best road team in baseball, some people seem to forget that. That being said tomorrow has become a huge game and a very important one. If we don't play like s*** we'll win tomorrow. Mark's gotta be on his game. Sure, Lots of teams go down 0-2 when they have home field advantage and win the series. You forget that we suck balls when we travel out west.
  18. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 09:09 PM) Oh no its not. Its a bunch of BS made up by the media. It's not that big of a deal. They are just playing baseball. Actually coming in and taking first game for the visiting team is the best they could hope for. They went up against our most dominant pitcher and got a win. We havent faced their best pitching yet. Now tomorrow is a must win. If we go 0-2 in chicago this series isnt coming back here. Tomorrow this team must show up.
  19. Crede finishes the night off with a nice pathetic swing. So he has a solo dong, kicks the ball around that leads to the big inning for the angels, misses a hit and run sign. Nice all around day for Jose Valentin(cruddy). He still owes the team 4 runs.
  20. The story of this game. We only score 2 f***ing runs off Byrd. The pitchers get better after byrd. How many are we going to score off Santana and Lackey if Byrd pwns us.
  21. Nice job by the offense tonight. We had our best pitcher going up against one of their worst. We f*** up in the field, and at the plate. Outmanaged and outplayed by a team that has about 9000 frequent flier miles over the last 48 hours. We should of murdered Byrd.
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