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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 08:45 AM) Jenks never got a fastball up to Boone. Boone has been a dead pull hitter all season and I'll bet the book on him is to stay away, away away. The difference between Jenks striking out Boone and giving up that hit was six inches. Had that ball been elevated in the strike zone he would've grabbed some bench. They never have jenks elevate the ball. On two strikes how hard is it to catch up to above belt heat.
  2. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 11:29 PM) Cleveland has really impressed me, much as it pains me to say it. They clearly want this division a lot more than we do. The differences in the offenses are easy to see. The indians hitters are aggressive, they get hitters counts, and then hit nice crisp line drives. This is why their hitters have good averages. We hit some line drives also, but our hitters fouled off a ton of good pitches to hit, they popped up over and over. Its hard to popup a sinkerball pitcher, but we found ways. We need to find hitters who hit down on the ball. Have line drive swings. This popup baseball s*** has got to end. We had some line drives in key situations tonight, but we also had plenty of games with men on in scoring position only to watch the popups fly in the air.
  3. QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 11:24 PM) NOoo, 2 is not enough, remember we still have 4 with Minn who will throw out Santana which means at least 1 loss that series. The goal should be 4 and 3 is pushing it. We will face liriano, baker, santana and lohse in the series. We got 2 hit by baker, santana owns us like a dirty b****, and we barely hit lohse. That leaves Liriano who hits 97, is a lefty, has a good changeup, and is someone we have never seen. Pray we hold on for the wild card.
  4. Its time to hit this. Its also time to hope for the wild card.
  5. Bill Melton is a fool. Well Marte pitched well over the weekend is the argument. Billy, he pitched against the twins. The same twins who cant hit. I could probably get a few of their hitters out and its been 7 years since i toed the rubber.
  6. Well I wasted my time and money going to this f***ed up game. The first prize was sitting in front of a few indians fans, 3 teenage boys and their mother. The mother was the problem. She was so f***ing annoying. Then I watch Freddy s*** the bed. Big pitcher for big games my ass. Every pitch was up in the zone, and he was behind every batter. f***up number one is when Ozzie lets Freddy start an inning off later in the game after throwing over 100 pitches and just giving up a dong to hafner a few innings before. They were hitting line drives all over. I couldnt believe he used Jizzcan over Politte. That was f***up number one. Then he brings in marte. The annoying lady off course informed her kids, this guy has mental problems and cant throw strikes. Marte then s***s the bed. He has not been able to get lefties out at all this year. So ozzie lets him walk one, then give up a double and then leaves him in. Ozzie has no clue. Why is cotts not being used as the primary setup lefty. No we have the mental case doing this. Cotts at least gives you a shot. Why is Jizzcan in as our primary setup righty. What happened to politte.
  7. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 03:30 PM) buster is a nickname. The chat room has had his real name before but I can't remember what it is His real name is Bugsy
  8. I picked up a single ticket, best available last night. It was section 510. They should have plenty for this game.
  9. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 07:53 AM) That comment pretty much describes my opinion of if Mark should start game one of the playoffs...he obviously doesn't want the ball, so by all means give it to the count. I took the quote a different way. I am sure he wants the ball in game one, but for the ace of the staff to put his ego aside to put the best pitcher(hotest in the 2nd half) on the mound in game one is pretty amazing.
  10. Mark Buerhle said after that game that he doesnt care what anyone says, the count should start game one in the playoffs.
  11. Nice to see that the Yahoos from the Wahoo are back again. Remember to give the coast guard a jingle the next time your lake lights on fire.
  12. Freddy has been known as a guy who sucks against bad teams and pitches lights out against good teams. LETS SEE IF YOU CAN STEP IT UP, THE INDIANS ARE GOOD. LETS SHUT EM DOWN.
  13. Well I am going to the game. Just bought my ticket. Section 510. This is the sox season in a nutshell.
  14. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 02:28 PM) EAT s*** MINNESOTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE BYE LAND O LAKES
  16. QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 02:19 PM) bad bobby jenks is such an awful nickname hawk. I liked the one I had given him.
  17. Blum just hit that ball off the ground. FOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUURRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 02:15 PM) Damaso is so wild that he can't even throw strikes while warming up. YESSS!! CONTRERAS!!! Dont badmouth Damaso. He is our ticket to getting either Overbay or Tracy in the offseason. Kong as the DH and say a big CYA to Jurassic.
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 02:07 PM) Gload instead of Harris or Ozuna? Gload as a PR, instead of Harris. WTF are you doing OZZIE
  21. QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 02:05 PM) Make the Twins regret trading you Aj....even though they did get Joe Nathan...but f*** it make it hurt! And Liriano
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