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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:52 AM) Here's the only thing I have to say in regards to this game today Also, no Iguchi in today's lineup. Well it seems that Gooch gets rested after getting 3 RBIs and a homer last night. Keep resting the starters Ozzie. They will have plenty of rest if they blow this.
  2. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:32 AM) So you thought the pitching was going to continue the way it was, even though the ERA's for Buerhle, Garland and Garcia were above the norm, and then of course the likes of Hermy, Politte and Marte in the pen? Did I think that the sox would shut down teams with their pitching, NO. Hence why I kept harping on our offense needs to pick it up. There were plenty of people discounting our playoff competition because their pitching didnt match up. They were counting on our guys just shutting the opposition down. Now the better question is did I think that our big 3 would start to give up more than 5 runs a game, or better yet give up 7 or more runs to the royals, NO. Hermy I thought would have problems because of his back, he relies on a sinker and breaking pitches and with his back he doesnt follow through all the way and leaves the ball up. Thats a bad formula. Buerhle, Garland, Garcia should be able to keep our playoff competition to 4 or less runs. They should be able to shut down teams like the Royals and Twins.
  3. QUOTE(YASNY @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:26 AM) It's kind of ironic that the Angels are the team that Sox are most often compared to. The Angels hit better than us. They do the things we are supposed to do. Colon is also a shutdown type pitcher.
  4. QUOTE(Rooftop Shots @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:21 AM) A small blessing that I saw, was, that in a way, Cleveland helped us a little bit by putting Oakland a little farther back.I believe that when we're on, we can beat anybody, but it seems like even when we're on, something wierd always happen to us when we play Oakland. Our chances? If we're hot, I will feel confident no matter who we play in post season except Oakland. Even if we get hot, Oakland seems to have the upper edge that still weighs on us mentally. We Don't Need That Team In Post Seaon! Thanks Cleveland!!........ Thanks for helping us!! The fun for you is now officially OVER! STARTING TODAY....... IT"S TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( "DIVE!!!!!!!!" Oakland has better pitching than the Angels. But I would rather face Oakland. They cant hit, and the Angels can. The angels are probably the most dangerous team in the playoffs because of the sheer amount of ways they can beat you. I would rather face Boston/NY/Indians/Oakland before I would face the Angels.
  5. QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:17 AM) El Duque vs. Santana? I agree, how comforting I really think B Mac shold take over El Duque's spot. How much does he have to sck for Ozzie to do soemthing about it? How many times did Timo play this year. That should answer your question on suckage and playing time.
  6. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:12 AM) I agree with Chaos. If the Sox can go and win both series against Cleveland, that will give them a HUGE lift going into the playoffs. I also think this is a team that is built for cooler weather. Running, bunting, sacrificing, etc. That's more how you score runs in the playoffs than in the regular season. See Marlins, Florida. D-backs, Arizona. Walk-offs are great, but most games are won on singles and sacrifices. The Marlins and the Dbacks won with shutdown pitching. Guys who could strike out guys and could miss a lot of bats. Buerhle and Garland dont fit in that mold.
  7. QUOTE(YASNY @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:09 AM) Santana vs. El Duque. I'm confident. Hopefully El Duque wont be distracted with the noises coming from the Twins dugout because of the fight for bats in the bat rack.
  8. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 09:05 AM) I'm not calling you a 'dark cloud' or 'not a fan' and I'm not talking about anything from March. I'm talking about battling at the end of the season to get prepared for the playoffs and how it can benefit the Sox. If the Sox take 4 or 5 from the best team in the AL since April 22nd....then that will be a huge lift mentally. That's my point. The fact that it is this close now...makes them mentally prepared. Do you really believe the Sox can't beat Cleveland?? Do you think Cleveland is that superior to the Sox? I believe the Sox can beat Cleveland and I believe they will. Then the momentum will be with us....right when we need it to be. Not in July....Not in August, but in October!! Who gives a s*** about the 15 game lead...you don't get points for winning the division by a sizeable margin. Will your confidence rise if they take the series with Cleveland? If they stop a team that has been the best in baseball since the allstar break, will you then be excited about their postseason chances? I hope so, cause it's gonna be a helluva ride and I'd hate for any Sox fan to miss it cause they were worried about how we played in August. f*** August...it's over. Screw the 15 game lead...it's gone. We have a battle in front of us. I don't know about you, but I never though it was gonna be easy anyway. Lets win this f***in battle now and take the momentum right to the world series!! Actually when we had a 15 game lead, I thought it was going to be easy. I never thought that they would give this up like this. I think our offense has been terrible this year, but I never thought that the pitching would falter or the defense to lose so many games off the lead. I never thought that these games with the Indians would mean anything. I thought we would be within a game or so of clinching at this point. Then I opened up my eyes and looked as they s*** the bed.....
  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 05:22 AM) In March, we would have all been cheering our asses off to be in the position we are in. We're on top, yes starting to look back, but it's better then Cleveland's position, IMO. We have to have faith... even if the possibility exists that we don't make it. Kap if we were looking from March sure a 5 game lead would look sexy. But If I was to tell you that we would be 15 up on that team and then go into a nose dive in August and September and the lead would be 5 after a loss to the Royals. You might not be so happy with that. If they were losing a tough battle its one thing, but we are giving games away. That is what gets the frustration levels going.
  10. I think Ozzie has hung out a bit too much with Dusty Baker. Dusty is overly reliant on his vets. Not matter how much they suck. Dusty has a special vet that he thinks is a super player(Holly). The only way he doesnt play is that the GM trades him. Dusty makes comments about the guys who got him here. Its like the f***ing twighlight zone.
  11. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 11:03 PM) Were Dye, Hermanson, and Garcia at this meeting? Well Garcia and the rest of the pitching vets told Ozzie last week that they are definately not tired so there is no reason to go to the 6 man rotation. El Duque tells him he is ok and he thought he pitched well on Sunday. What next Timo tells him that he is really a 300 hitter? Ozzie listens to his players a bit too much. There is a reason we hired him, and that was to manage. He should make decisions that is best for the team. Not take f***ing polls and have democratic secret ballots. Jenks gives us the best option at the end of games. McCarthy gives us the best option in the rotation. Its called playing the hot hand. Its what most teams do.
  12. "I told them, 'Let's pick it up,'" Guillen said. Ozzie talks to vets So this is the aftermath of the team meeting? :uhoh
  13. Oddly Cotts can pitch more than an inning. But we use him as a f***ing LOOGY. Jenks should be the closer. Stop burning him for more than an inning.
  14. They may have to cancel soxfest if they blow this. I dont want to even think of the Q&A session.
  15. QUOTE(S720 @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 09:30 PM) Well perhaps, this HUGE bump on the road will make us prepare better for the playoff; that is, if we make it. This divisional race is just too CLOSE for comfort. Man, how I wish we can have over two digits leading our division right now! I am sure that games against teams that will lose 100 games in September are good primers for the playoffs.
  16. Dont worry, tomorrow Ozzie will be talking about how Hermy has got him to this point and he cant give Jenks the job because Jenks wasnt here on day one. He failed him because he used Jenks in the 9th yesterday. HOLY f***ING s*** THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hopefully we can hold on for the wildcard. We are going to lose the division if the play like this. 5 f***ing games up now.
  18. Can I have a motion to get a certain pitcher who is in my sig who throws 100 in as the official closer before Mr. Badback does this s*** again. This and El Duque in the rotation is going to f*** us.
  19. We just lost to the f***ing KC royals with our number 2 pitcher going, our closer in, and our offense scoring 9 f***ing runs. This team doesnt deserve the f***ing playoffs.
  20. I love scoring 9 runs against the worst pitching staff in the majors with your number 2 guy on the mound. And then we have to sweat it out in the 9th because he decided to s*** the bed.
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