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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 02:16 PM) hmmm, I think a little blue pill is what got him into trouble in the first place..... His catcher lets him know the test results are in.
  2. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 02:13 PM) Jose Lima is just a big headcase. Anyone who glares into the opposing dugout after getting a strikeout, while losing, just needs to take it down a notch. He never seemed to have any tact while showing up opposing batters. I thought his fall from grace after Houston moved to Minute maid Park was very appropriate. Oh yeah, Jose Lima, brought to you by Famvir. Ask your doctor if it is for you! http://www.famvir.com/index.jsp?checked=y I thought he was endorsed by
  3. Hey anyone that can get this girl to marry him is a Freakin legend. Congrats Scotty Pods.
  4. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 10:16 AM) A recent photo of Orlando Hernandez: Is he related to Felix Diaz by any chance. They look very similiar.
  5. Here is a video of the police looting a walmart. The irony. Looting the walmart with Police
  6. SQQQUUEEEEEZZEEEEE!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! Nice play all around.
  7. All of our hitters are having flashbacks to Schilling the closer and thinking dong. Just make f***ing contact, and dont swing at s*** in your eyes. Now McCarthy is shutting down the BoSox at Fenway. Maybe we score some runs to help this kid out.
  8. Our hitters are chasing a lot of s*** up in their eyes today. Blum with an error. Great its a f***ball baseball day.
  9. Man on 3rd no outs against a guy tossing meatballs, and NO RUNS. f***
  10. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Sep 5, 2005 -> 10:30 AM) Yuck, leave it to Schilling to finally wake up vs. us. Schilling is throwing meatballs out there today. He is not waking up, we have too many people trying to park everything. Rowands bat was him trying to hit it over the Monster. No pitch selection at all.
  11. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Sep 5, 2005 -> 09:02 AM) Everett at RF in Boston? ...bring your cell phones. EDIT: Sorry, lightspeeder, but I gotta know what band that is. Alexis On Fire? Who? For once, I'm stumped. Well Timo isnt exactly going to throw leather like crazy out in RF. He has the arm, but no range, and limited glove. Plus the no stick part.
  12. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Sep 5, 2005 -> 08:57 AM) I'm glad Damon is not in. One thing I would have liked to see was Pablo at 3rd for Blum. Other than that, its fine. Considering Gloads numbers against Schilling this year in AAA. I would have played him at first, DHd Konerko and put Everett in RF. That would of been a better lineup.
  13. Lineups 1 Scott Podsednik, LF 2 Tadahito Iguchi, 2B 3 Carl Everett, DH 4 Paul Konerko, 1B 5 Aaron Rowand, CF 6 Timo Perez, RF 7 Chris Widger, C 8 Geoff Blum, 3B 9 Juan Uribe, SS LF Kevin Youkilis, 3B Edgar Renteria, SS David Ortiz, DH Manny Ramirez, LF Trot Nixon, RF Jason Varitek, C Kevin Millar, 1B Tony Graffanino, 2B Gabe Kapler CF We actually have a decent lineup for this one. Yes Timo is in, but I think all of us thought it was going to be worse than it is.
  14. In Petas perfect world the goverment would evacuate all of the hamsters, kitties, doggies, snakes, spiders, fish before the first person was put on a bus.
  15. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 01:15 PM) You know what? This thread is bulls***. BULLs***. Instead of bantering back and forth about f***ing politics, what are WE going to do about it? I'll share what me and my family have chosen to do about it in the upcoming days, if we're able to help out in the ways that I think we can. These people are in my city. And we are doing our part to help them out, screw the politics, the backgrounds, the ANYTHING of these people. They just need our help. I feel like locking this thread and shoving it so far up people's asses here that this will never see the light of day again. This thread identifies EXACTLY what the f*** is wrong with our country today. And I'm ashamed to have taken part in it after seeing some of these people today. WHO f***ING CARES what these talking heads are doing, it's what WE do about it!!!! I have given money, canned food and diapers to our red cross.
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 12:48 PM) Including Bush. I wish he had gone to the White House immediately, stayed at the White House, and kicked some ass. If he was going to make a tour, how about tomorrow, see the empty New Orleans, visit the places in TX, LA, MS, AL, etc. where victims went. Thank the workers and volunteers, slap a few backs and fly off. BTW, his staff did take the time to alert the media what Frist was doing. He didn't shut his mouth. But I still believe he did his best and I applaud him for it. I also like the fact he probably received some real info on the medical situation. Bringing the word's attention to problems isn't the worse thing in the world to do. I like how everyone is all bent out of shape that he wasnt in Washington. Do you realize that the president has a mobile armada of state of the art communications equipment that travels with him everwhere he goes. He can conduct business from all over the world not just from the Oval Office itself. If he was behind his desk, again he would be criticized for using it as a photo opp. How about we make sure that the area is secure from the snipers and the gunfire before we let our leader into the fray. He toured the area from the safety of a helicopter and everyone gave him s*** for a photo op opportunity. I am sure that he will be on the ground at some point when the area is secure. And then everyone can criticize him for the photo opp then. I love how everyone says New Orleans is empty, like the gang members with the guns threw down their weapons and jumped on a bus.
  17. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 11:45 AM) The Red Cross has been banned from New Orleans and volunteers bringing food, water, blankets and other materials have been turned away by National Guardsmen and FEMA because there is no significant coordination for the assistance program. So they should bring Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama and the Rainbow Push Coalition down to New Orleans. Have them get in contact with the mayor & organize an effort to get assistance to where it needs to go. I would love to see the President arrest the mayor of New Orleans and Jesse Jackson for illegally trying to bring aid into New Orleans. Because the last thing the administration needs with the current claims of racism in respect to the lack of assistance is black people being beaten and harassed by police and National Guardsmen in the South. Jesse is to busy doing photo ops with Stroger, Danny Davis and others stating over and over if it were whites that were there that they would of been saved on day one. I just watched them on the news again. Nice race baiting agenda. Jesse is just trying to say it over and over and over enough times so when his son runs for Mayor he can use it as a reason to get the black vote out. One Alderman stands by Kanye Wests statement because that is how her voters feel. Its nice to see how the very leaders of the African American community are doing their absolute best to keep screaming racism over and over so their agenda can be forwarded. How about this, everyone wanted the military to come down there and help everyone out. Let them control the situation now that they are there and streamline efforts through them. They have to provide security and logistics for that area. If Jesse Jackson wants to take off his suit, and swim through the crap I say let him in. But of course Captain Morals is just there to scream and scream racism some more, get on tv and line his pockets with more and more money. Maybe with this he can extort more contracts for his family like he has done in Chicago.
  18. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 10:59 AM) AH f***, Blum at SS. Its bonderman facing us. Nasty slider, Ozzie is trying to stack the deck with as many lefties as he can throw in. I understand the players playing. I dont however understand why Blum isnt playing 3rd and Pablo is playing SS. That would make more sense for me.
  19. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 08:39 AM) You should talk to Soxy, she's a big Celtic fan as well. Personally, I'm a West Ham fan, who are rivals with Charlton the team Spector is playing for this season. And oh for mismatch of the year, Australia beat the Soloman Islands 7-0, in the 1st leg of the Oceania Final for Qualfying. The winner will play the 5th places South American Team in a 2 leg playoff. No wonder Australia wants to move to Asia. Well Soxy has taste. LOL In the premiership, I watched a lot of Fulham last year watching Bocanegra. I watched a ton of PSV last year seeing how Beasley would do against some good competition. Donovan was an embarrassment to US soccer with his crybaby routine and his poor matches against quality. He did the US team a disservice by not staying in Europe. While he tears it up against the MLS, that wont prepare him for the World Cup. I was at Solider Field watching him disappear against the English and their great defense. He would dump the ball off before the english defender would take him on, because he was afraid of the contact. Australia has some talent on their team, If they get Gus Hiddink to manage it like is being suggested in rumors it would be interesting. Gus plays a very aggressive 3-5-2 system that the Dutch have been using. The 5th place team in SA should be beatable this time through. The quality for some of the SA teams have been waning in the last few years. Australia hopefully will get in.
  20. QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 08:08 AM) Apparently, not everyone in Columbus was impressed with the US... LOL! Well losing to the US is a terrible blow for Mexico. He had to say something. The funny thing is that it wreaks of the crap the sox have heard this year about how yeah they just swept us, but we are a much better team(ala Injuns/Tiggers/etc). The midfield and strikers are filled with midgets I will agree, but that back line is getting seriously big. Gooch is like 6'5, Boca is 6'1, Spector is 6'2 I believe. If we could ever get a striker that was a bit taller than 5'9 we would be good to compete with Europe on a match by match basis. Hopefully Eddie Johnson will be that striker. I would like to see him up front. Have Donovan drop back to attacking mid.
  21. A big round of applause for Sams Army who made this a home game after all. Cheers to the US for getting into the big dance. Next Summer is going to be a blast. And this year at least its only a 6 hour difference. Getting up at 3am to watch a match was a pain the last time. USA!!!! USA!!!!!! USA!!!!!!!! USA!!!!!!! Best non national team soccer moment. Watching my Celtic team beat the Rangers live and hearing 60k people sing the Fields of Athenry.
  22. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Sep 3, 2005 -> 10:18 PM) We only had one decent shot to put up a goal on the free kick by Morales but Keller made the save. Borgetti was covered tight today unlike at Estadio Azteca. And my man, Kikín, was taken out for not wanting to play today. :banghead But we still got three games to get a win so i'm confident. In Azteca its hard to play due to the altitude and the crowd. Not many teams get a win going there. But when it comes to neutral turf the US just has Mexicos number. Borgetti is a tough guy and has a good ariel game. But the US defenders are getting bigger by the year and we are starting to stack the deck on the backline like the english. If you ever want to see an impressive backline check out the english in person. Everyone of them is like 6'2 and above. Its hard to outjump them. Beasley creates a unique challenge for Mexico as he runs at a good pace and can explode. Donovan is worthless and disappears in big games. He will score 4 goals agains poor teams but disappears in games against good talent. Mexico would create nightmares for some of the European teams and should have a good chance at getting through to the knockout round if they dont get either England, Netherlands or Brazil or Argentina(or their arch nemisis the US). Those are a few teams that they just dont matchup well with.
  23. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 3, 2005 -> 09:54 PM) No surprise here. And the Mexico team leaves a lot to be desired... Beasley is a mad man. The overall quality of the US has gotten better over the last few years. They still need better quality in the midfield as Reyna is getting older and OBrien is always hurt. I am looking forward to seeing the backline keep getting stronger. Spector is on loan to Charlton this year and he is from Arlington Heights. Donovan still is overrated. Beasley is the best threat on the team. Nice win for the US. The next big match is on Wednesday as the Lads take on France. Ireland vs Frenchies.
  24. I love this offense lately. This is the only thing that can hold them back this year, is that O. Nobody is trying to do too much, just hit it where its pitched. If they hit like this with our pitching the playoffs could be fun. Bobby Jenks throwing some serious gas in the 9th. He is a focking beast. Sox win, Injuns lose. Its a great day.
  25. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 3, 2005 -> 12:18 PM) I noticed this on WSI's homepage browsing earlier. "Happy birthday, son." JOO FOCKING BISHES!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone, just kicking back today enjoying the day and getting another year older. HOPEFULLY THE OFFENSE WILL KICK SOME ASS TONIGHT FOR MY BIRTHDAY.
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