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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(whitesoxfan99 @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 07:08 PM) Kanye West just said that President Bush doesn't care about black people on NBC's fundraiser. I think we are going to see a lot of comments along those lines in the next few days whether they are warranted or not. Just another big mouthed rich guy who has no clue mouthing off. You cant be this f***ing dense Kanye. How about this, if I turn on the TV and I see hungry people looting a grocery store I say well they are hungry. When I see people running out of the best buy with a 50 inch TV, a few computers and they are loading up their car. What the f*** are they doing? And this has nothing to do with race. I hate when those category 5 hurricanes are made up by the government and stirred with "star wars" technology into only black and poor areas. Then its a conspiracy around the US to say, well should we help them, NO they can wait, lets finish up WWE Raw on TV. Was the job done super quick, no. But what everyone forgets is the logistics of this s***. This is the national guard we are talking about. You first have to call them up, notify them of service, then assemble them, then start to transport them into the area. The same happens with the food and all of that. It takes time. Its not as easy as going to the McDonalds down the street and ordering 50 big macs. Can he be this f***ing stupid. They are going to shoot the men shooting at the people rescuing. You know the bad guys. Who cares what color they are. If they were a bunch of members of the irish national soccer team up on the building shooting at everyone I would say take them out. Where was his worry and outcry when the gangs were running around the area shooting people, raping women and children, and shooting at the people trying to help them. If the race card was dropped with this, I figured it would be the usual suspects like Farrakan and Jesse. But I forget that some clueless others would chime in with misinformation. These people should shut the f*** up, spend more time helping these people, and worry about the blame game in a few weeks. People need to stop with the f***ing race card on all sides. Its stupid as s*** and it makes everyone so worried about each other and what they think or say. All it does is get everyone all bent out of shape, and they should be working on the real problem at hand and that is helping those people.
  2. Something stinks from the Whitesox side of this.
  3. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 02:55 PM) As I said, I certainly don't condone it...but after YOU'VE been without food or water in a dome with people who are dead or dying with no working plumbing and see no help in sight...I'd think some people would do some crazy things just to get noticed. Now, I know that there are bad elements everywhere, but some people are just freaked out and feel alone, which, up until this point, they have been. I don't know where you are, but you aren't in New Orleans. So for you to say... ...is kinda cold, if you ask me...which you didn't. First of all this is an open discourse on a message board. Point and counter point can be debated. To get noticed? This is simple to just say that when presented with a fight or flight issue that it is the animal nature of humans that takes over. I understand the primal needs of humans, and the fight for survival. It however doesnt tell us why people are shooting at the people dropping food down. Or that when the food is dropped the gangs are stealing most of it, and leaving the young and the ederly only with scraps. Can you explain how being hungry or thirsty or scared automatically equals children and women getting raped. Or instead of looting for food, you loot for jewerly, tv's, computers, etc. I am sure there are lots of people scared, and for them I feel terrible and heartbroken. But the worst part of this is after having to deal with all of that, these people have to deal with a group of pedators who are using this as an opportunity for anarchy, rape and murder. My point in my post was to point out the human tragedy and how a few would use it to be predators. We have these people who lurk in our society that feel a need to infllict pain on the weak. My disgust goes to those who hurt this poor people. The people who hurt others in this tragedy do not deserve pity or mercy when law enforcement or the military gets ahold of them. It is so sad to see people in such misery. I hope that they can be rescued soon enough. Let the aid workers help out and bring aid and comfort to these people. Any violent action will only slow down this.
  4. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 12:18 PM) I'm certainly not saying that taking pot shots at a helicopter is justified, but some of them probably aren't thinking straight. There are counselors in HOuston that are saying people didn't' want to go into the Astrodome because of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Theydidn't want to feel trapped, they didn't want to smell that horrific smell. Again, I don't condone looting or shooting or any of that general maelstrom. But, I'm not surprised its happening and would like to think that most of the people there are peace loving but want to get the eff out. So lets take some guns and shoot at the people helping us. That helps out the relief effort. Put down the guns, stop looting or trying to take people hostage and it will only help the situation out. But to just say oh well, its the self preservation or whatever is a bit of a reach. We are human because of our capability for emotions and morals.
  5. The next sad part of this will be the people who will try to use this tragedy for political gain. The minute the military starts shooting the armed gangs and looters you will hear an outcry from some members of the press/society talking about: "Do you really have to shoot them? Doesnt the goverment have non lethal technology? I guess due process suspends in the US when its the poor, etc. I hope they eliminate every single thug and moron who is out there using this as a platform to hurt innocent people. This reminds me of the images of BlackHawk down, as Mogudishu decended into chaos. The military has to get security back in New Orleans not only for this sake and for the sake of these people, but for future disasters. If the law of man doesnt suffice in this tragedy, what happens in the next disaster man made or other. The men and women who are on the ground risking their lives right now are heros in that town. Now its up to the US to give aid to this town and get it back up on its feet and save as many as possible.
  6. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 09:18 AM) That's probably because most countries think the United States can handle something like this, considering they're the world's biggest country, and have a big enough economy to handle a disaster like this, compared to the Asian Tsunami where countries like Sri Lanka and Indonesia don't. Not saying it's right, but that's probably the perception. I know from down here our government has pledged to help with aid and that, but nothing has been done for certain as of yet. We've still got diplomats trying to get as close to New Orleans as possible to find out info about Aussies that may be missing there etc, but they're not letting any foreign officials anywhere near there. Australia has been one of the US's best allies and one of my favorite countries to visit. I am going to Adelaide sometime in January(looking forward to seeing some of the southern coast.) Been to Sydney about 5 times.
  7. Quotes like this make me sick. When the tsunami hit, we went out of our way to get aid and money into that region, yet when a disaster hits the US we get the old "Well it must of been payback for this position, or bin Laden must be laughing." If this happened to any other country the UN would be asking for money, there would be world wide cries for aid to the region and it would be a different story. But because this is the US, we get a nice f*** YOU from the world and a few sick jokes at a tragedy.
  8. Anyone who takes advantage of this horrible situation by taking up arms, robbing, looting, and raping and killing people should be shot on site. No questions asked. It never ceases amaze me how horrible human beings can be during a tragedy.
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 07:35 AM) AJs average has also come up about 30 points since he quit swinging for the fences. I like the consistancy of this AJ better. Watching AJ last night hit the liner into the left center gaps was a great sign. That was the AJ who terrorized sox pitching for all those years. I could care less if he didnt hit another dong for the rest of the year, just keep hitting the ball to left center as a line drive and he will drive in runs like crazy.
  10. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 11:11 PM) What teams out there will offer a starting spot to Gload, who's a hitter the wrong side of 30, and doesn't hit for power at a position where it's a premium FWIW? He wont get a starting job. But a decent left handed bat who can play some first will get a job. But then again who knows, the same could of been said of Timo. Yet he had a ton of ABs last month and will be the first option off the bench here in September.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:34 PM) I know Gload is frustrated, but the last thing we need is for a bench player to put himself above the team with a month left in the regular season. I have a feeling that it's stuff like this which is why he's never been a favorite of KW/Ozzie. Gload has just hit while he has been up here. It was frustrating for fans to watch Gload rake in AAA, while we barely could muster a few hits in some games. Its hard to look at his body of work in AAA and say that he didnt deserve a chance to help this team.
  12. After seeing these quotes he wont be back with us next year.
  14. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 08:30 PM) haha Gload has now entered the game. AS A PINCH RUNNER. LOL
  15. QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 08:22 PM) Joe Crede Banner! That f***ing banner better never come down.
  16. Okay Uribe has hit the ball down the right field line twice tonight for doubles. If he starts doing that, holy s***.
  17. Nice job overall. Some runs scored on singles and doubles, and now the power display. Very nice night.
  18. I like the hitting so far tonight. A few doubles, some hits strung together. If we do this we will be fine. Why is Harris playing? Something happened to gooch?
  19. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 04:21 PM) AHEM, you forgot someone that single handedly won us a game.
  20. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 03:06 PM) f***in' eh, I love your posts. After every loss you're at the ledge ready to jump but come game time you're back, baby! I am not up and down on the bandwagon. I have been extremely consistant all year long. I think our approach at the plate is terrible and have been on that all year long. If they dont change it, they will have a hard time winning. But win or lose I root for them. But when they do stupid s*** like swing for the fences or we put in silly lineups I guess I am not the guy to go RAH RAH RAH we just got 3 hit by crap. This team should be able to hit.
  21. Just start hitting. Thats all that needs to happen. The pitching and defense will be fine. They just need to hit and score runs. It takes pressure off of a pitching staff that has earned us this record. Line drives and singles, stringing hits together, getting on base. These things will help prepare us for the playoffs. NOW LETS GET BACK TO THE RALLY CRY.. EAT s*** TIGGGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. QUOTE(YASNY @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:46 AM) You didn't hear that from KW or Ozzie. You may have heard it around here, but not from the ballclub. Actually there were plenty of press conf in ST where Ozzie talked about Frank and his impact on the team and how if healthy will be a big part of the team. In the Spring there was all sorts of Frank speculation on when he would be back. In fact Ozzie called Frank a bunch of times the best right handed hitter he had played with. The was a Frank watch going on.
  23. QUOTE(YASNY @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 09:45 AM) As I said, we got a bonus by having Frank for 24 games. The fact remains that they never counted on having Frank in the lineup this year. No I think they did count on Big Frank. How many times in ST did we hear we are going to get a big bat back in the lineup around the middle of the year. Frank Thomas is going to be our big mid season deal. I dont think they counted on him getting reinjuried so quickly. Now the correct way to look at it is, we won without Frank and we can win again without him also. But the offense was bad back in April and May and we will have to deal with it and hope that the pitchers can pitch their asses off in the playoffs and our hitters can raise their game a bit.
  24. QUOTE(YASNY @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 09:27 AM) This team was built without Frank Thomas. That was plan as they did not know if he'd play any this year. We got a bonus of having Frank for 24 or so games. This team is not "worse" because we "lost" Thomas. He wasn't counted on in the first place. We hit in the 250s without Frank. We hit in the 270's with Frank. And without Frank and Pods we hit in the 230s. I have a funny feeling that September will resemble the 250's.
  25. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 07:56 AM) The Red Sox and Yankees also have pitching problems. The A's are suspect in the pitching department after Zito and Harden. And Harden is not 100% healthy from what I hear. Even with Vlad, the Angels offense is no better than ours. Do the Sox have problems/quesions? Yes. But so does every other team. If by suspect Oakland pitching staff you mean that their team ERA is better than ours I guess they are very suspect. The Angel offense is hitting nearly 10 points higher as a team than ours. Thats a big difference. Vlad is a game changer. We dont have one of those. We could of gotten better, however. But we didnt. So now we have to hope our hitting gets their act together in this next month. Or the playoffs will be an issue.
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