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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. We have had a problem scoring runs for most of the year, it was not addressed. It may be our undoing.
  2. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:27 PM) It might be a good thing if it goes to the end. If (and that's a pretty big IF) we have clinched too soon, whose to say they would be relaxed and not ready for the playoffs. If they clinch (again a pretty big IF) than at least they'll have some momemtum. Our starters need rest. Check out the innings pitched on the big 3. How fresh do you think they will be if they have to go 7/8 innings in every single start in September.
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:26 PM) BTW, any other info on the Todd Walker rumor? Seems like that's died down. KW doesnt want to mess with chemistry. He wants to be the answer to a trivial pursuit question, biggest lead blown away in last month and a half. The 2005 Chicago White Sox.
  4. This is so sad we have blown such a big lead. We could of clinched in two weeks if we didnt pull this roll over and die crap. Now we will be playing till the end. Our starters will be dead by the time the playoffs come. And think if Ozzie thinks that Timo is a better option than Carl Everett with men on late in the game, who do you think he will use in the playoffs when a similiar situation comes to play.
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:12 PM) there is no reason Carl shouldnt be pinch hitting right here This is why people dont understand Timo time. When you would rather bat Timo over Carl Freakin Everett it boggles the logic. 2 men on, Can Timo get the runs back with one swing, sure maybe. But who is more likely to hit the 3 run dong, Carl or Timo.
  6. Why is Timo batting. We have plenty of good hitters on the bench today.
  7. This resting of the starters in large amounts is getting to complete joke level. Manuel only did it once a week. Ozzie does it like 2 to 3 times a week. BTW this is what happened to the 2003 Royals, they went out to a start and died in the second half due to bungling managerial decisions.
  8. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:01 PM) This doesn't look like the same team that went into Minny last week and won 2 of 3 The Twins cant hit either, and neither can the Seattle mariners. Texas can hit. Oh and btw so can Detroit who we play tomorrow.
  9. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:00 PM) If only Pollite had started the inning... This is the same manager who started Garcia in the 9th of a game, after throwing over 100 pitches and having a 1 hour rain delay. Maybe just maybe these are some of the reasons that our starters have all hit a wall. He doesnt know when to pull someone, then goes lefty righty matchup and burns the pen in an inning. Who thinks we miss Nossek?
  10. QUOTE(daa84 @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 01:58 PM) no sense of urgency is exactly right. WE CANT f***ING PLAY TIMO BLUM OZUNA AND HARRIS ALL IN THE SAME GAME Ozzie wants to rest his starters for the offseason.
  11. QUOTE(daa84 @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 01:57 PM) 2 runs on cameron loe. sheesh ken griffey your table is ready Why would we trade for anyone, we have great
  12. Did El Duque get too far above 85-86 today? He might needs another dance on the DL before the playoffs to get the cobwebs out of the rotator cuff. B lineup + 50 year old pitcher late in the season = Loss
  13. Why isnt Ozzie taking him out. Leaving pitchers in forever + long season = pitchers tired Another homer f***
  14. So El Duque hits a guy, then promptly gives up a dong. Lead gone Now he walks the next hitter
  15. Our 3rd hit off of Cy Loe in the 6th inning. So after hitting two pitchers around yesterday, we go back to sucking on offense.
  16. Blaylock is going to get his chances this game to get some putouts.
  17. Watch the ball hit the bat, instead of watching the ball and were it goes.
  19. 1st runner stranded. The pull machine is on full flex today. Maybe if we work out Blalock at third he wont hit home runs.
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 12:33 PM) Ozzie expected more than a .500 road trip. After going 4-1 in the first 5 games of this trip, I guarantee you he would have been disappointed to know they'd possibly lose 4 of the next 5 games. There's no excuse not to win this series against the Rangers, as they have bad pitching to start, and we missed their two best starters. Ozzie made comments about how he had a really good feeling about this road trip.
  21. QUOTE(infohawk @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 12:29 PM) Guys, I'm going to suggest a contrary view of today's line-up. If the Sox were fighting for their playoff lives, every starter would probably be playing. Of course Ozzie hopes to win this game, but he may also recognize that a 5-5 road trip that included Minnesota and a good-hitting Ranger team is pretty good. All you can hope for is to play .500 on the road. As a former player who has been through the grind of many a season, Ozzie knows what the stretch run is like. Resting his players like this may be an expression of confidence and that he believes the most important thing is to make sure everyone is rested and ready to go come October. Teams like the Indians, Yankees, A's and Angels probably don't have the luxury of resting players because of the tight wild card race. Lack of rest may cause them to stumble a bit down the stretch. Manuel was confident every Sunday then.
  22. Konerko almost got more pitches to see than the entire top 3 guys did in the first inning.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 12:24 PM) Really, what did he have to say? Just a generic comment that this is when you go back home and hope to see a new teamate to help you out, and then he said he wasnt talking about sept callups.
  24. Farmio is talking about getting a new teamate tomorrow for the sox that can help them win. And he isnt talking about the september callups. Walker
  25. Two batters, two hard hits. El Duque is hitting 85 on the gun. Maybe he needs another DL stint.
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