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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. DONG The theme from the natural and the Rangers lead 1-0.
  2. 1-2-3 go the whitesox. I wonder how many times we will hear that call from Farmio. AJ with a nice hit, too bad it hung up.
  3. This is a similiar type of lineup we have had all through August. The same lineup hat struggles to score runs. And Timo as the leadoff. May the insanity continue.
  4. I guess splitting the series or winning the division as early as possible are not real priorities. This is worse than any Manuel-era vintage Sunday lineup. KW can we please get an option C, someone better than this.
  5. Here is the only glimmer of hope. Farmio just said he thinks that KW is looking for a guy who isnt a front line player, but is just a hair less than that, who can bat lefty or switch hit and can play 2nd or 3rd. Sounds similiar to the type of player that Walker is(outside of the 3rd base which is speculation)
  6. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 11:30 AM) I will tell you whats not to like. The fact that this trade has about a 1 percent chance of happening. And I refuse to get all jacked up about another trade that levine proposes. I would say the 1% is being optimistic.
  7. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 11:18 AM) This I definitely agree with. Like I said, I love Walkers bat, it would jsut be interesting where he would fit in everyday. His bat is very nice. Line drive swing, doesnt strike out a a large clip. And he is lefty. Whats not to like.
  8. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 11:12 AM) I'd absolutely love Walker, he's a very good hitter. There's a few things though: 1. Levine is saying this so it won't happen, 2. Oh boy, here we go, WHERE WOULD HE PLAY. Honestly, I know he can give Tad a rest every now and then but Walker really would be one of our best hitters we'd have to find somewhere for him to play and there really isn't a place to put him. He would bat against tough righties that give us fits. Have him bat against righties and have Everett bat against lefties. ESPN was saying the sox are trying to figure out if he can play some 3rd. He cant be any worse than Ozuna over there.
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 09:44 AM) For those listening: was this just a little blurb by Mr. Zero, or has he talked about it a few times? They just did the latest ESPN update and went over that Bruuce Levine is reporting the whitesox and the cubs are talking about Todd Walker. And Todd is in the lineup today for the cubs. That is all.
  10. KW may want to pick up Walker to block the Injuns from getting another bat. There have been rumors about the Injuns picking up walker, and maybe two weeks ago we wouldnt care, but now that they have jumped within eye sight of the sox maybe we make this trade to block the injuns and add a left handed bat.
  11. QUOTE(daa84 @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 09:31 AM) yes i do. rivals? to the fans, not to the management. i dont think hendry loses sleep at night if the sox are doing well. besides walker is a FA at years end and they dont wanna pay him or let him walk for nothin so why not take the best offer? The cubs sell out no matter how bad they are. They dont have to be good to make money. So its not like our success is really killing their bottom line.
  12. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 09:29 AM) I'd be SHOCKED, no FLOORED if the Cubs helped us in any way. This is more Levine B.S. The cub fans wouldnt help us, but the Cubs are a business like anything else. There is some history here of these teams making deals.
  13. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 09:25 AM) 1. Levine is about as accurate as.... 2. Do you really think the cubs, after having an extremely dissapointing season, would trade their starting 2B to their crosstown rival for their playoff run? I am going to have to get that copyright on point one. LOL At this point the cubs dont care where they are getting prospects from, as long as they get prospects. And last time I checked we have lots and lots of OF prospects and they have no OFs' . We dont have to trade a good OF prospect to get Walker. But we have a crapload.
  14. For me the only question mark this year is the offense, how many runs we can score. The last month has been worse than I could of even predicted, and hell I was b****ing when we were hitting 250 as a team, 250 would be nice. The last time we hit like this was the Baltimore series. This is the approach they should take, not trying to do too much. Hit the ball up the middle, hit some line drives, not every run scored by the dong. It was a very refreshing display of our offense. Hopefully they dont go back to trying to hit dongs when they get back home. I am not as worried as some have been with the starting pitching. We have racked up a lot of innings in the starting rotation, and its bound to affect them a bit. If they can start to go more on lowered pitch counts, and start to try and give our starters a bit more rest we should be ok. Bmac what can you say, He looked like the pitcher in ST. He threw strikes and kept ahead. This was nice piece of pitching. What everyone forgets is Bmac is only 22 years old. And that he barely sniffed AA last year. So we are really talking about a pitcher one year removed from A. He looked good. Our defense has been a bit crappy lately, but I blame more the grind of the season and the fact that they are looking ahead. Lets see if the O can keep this up for more than a single day. If they can turn it on we will be fine.
  15. Bmac nice job. Lets put a hand together for the whitesox offense. Hitting the ball the other way, going up the middle and mixing in some power. More of this and our normal pitching and we will be fine in the playoffs.
  16. The only drawback to this is the personal goals(Cy Young, 20wins). Outside of that the only other thing is the routine. From a playoff standpoint, resting our starters probably would be helpful. Its no coincidence that our starters have been dropping off in August a bit, showing a bit of tired arm after all the innings they have been chunking through. A 6 man rotation would save the bullpen and possibly some of our starters for the playoff push.
  17. The team isnt done. Our offense needs to hit like they have today for the rest of september and into October. If the offense hits like today we will be ok. This was one of the best hitting examples I have seen since the Baltimore series. Our pitching will be fine. Maybe Ozzie can work Brandon into the rotation and go with a six man rotation and give our starters rest. Our starters are tired and probably overworked. My only worry is the offense, if that part can get its head out of its ass we will be ok. I have been saying that since opening day.
  18. I watched the game while working out at Lifetime. What a performance. Congrats to Brandon. One of the better pitching performances of the year. This kid became the stopper. Hopefully the rotation feeds of this energy and gets better.
  19. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 05:57 PM) As long as we keep getting 5 out of 6 in between they will. And we didn't even play well in that stretch. We'll get hot at least once more this year. What part of watching this team over the last month says that another run is in them. They have been folding for a month now. We have lost half out lead in 2 weeks.
  20. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 05:54 PM) Probably around 2 or 3. I doubt it will get to that though. I doubt it drops below 5. When we get to play KC for two weeks, even though they took 2 of 3, that will help us out tremendously. That and the indians aren't going to play .650 ball the rest of the year. I would guess our lead is right around 6 at the end of the year. They wont have to play at a 650 clip if we keep dropping 4 or more in a row at a clip.
  21. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 05:49 PM) I'm worried about how they are playing, not about losing the division. Our lead is 6.5. Every team in baseball would KILL for a lead like that cept for the Cards. After this series is over we have an easy schedule just like the Indians have had. After tonight our lead will be 6. We have to play detroit who took 2 out of 3 the last time we faced them. I am glad we are resting on our first half laurels like these teams we play in the month of september are just going to roll over.
  22. Well its nice to see after a 7 game losing streak, we play okay for a week and then go back to the same type of play that gave us that 7 game losing streak. No pitching + no defense + no hitting(outside of this game) = no playoffs
  23. Its nice to see them completely abandon the pitching and defense gig that helped them out.
  24. Now we need Garland to hold them. Lets keep them in the park this inning.
  25. For you math geeks. Here is the physics behind Garlands last pitch to Texas.
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