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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 08:35 PM) Hey guys, first of all we haven't blown s*** yet. Don't assume nothing. We just need some f***ing help. Help is not on the way. KW is going to sit on his hands this year. The last few years, he trades everything for Everett and Alomar. This year when we actually have a chance at doing something, we dont trade because god forbid we trade a good prospect. He might be good like Borchard one day. Now our pitchers got a great message, pitch the game of your life and we will whimper out like a fart trying to swing for the fences. They dont need bats, with their swings they need Tigers driver. FORE!!!!!!!!!!! Timo Perez is our answer because he f***ing brought in some nasty panties.
  2. Keep swinging for the fences that will just save the day. We scored on Sunday in one inning where we bashed a bunch of homers. OUr offense blows dog balls right now. f***ing strikeouts, f***ing popups.
  3. Thanks Freddy, the only way you would of won is if you threw a no no and these mopes werent swinging for the fences. So much for the short quick swings of one inning on sunday. f***ing Arow is choping wood out there. The only one who had good swings on the ball was Kong. Hopefully we can get the wild card. 7 games up and we are dropping like a rock. Last week we were up by 15! We have dropped 8 f***ing games.
  4. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:26 PM) LINEUPS... Ozuna-3b Iguchi-2b Everett-LF Konerko-DH Rowand-CF Dye-RF Pierzynski-C Uribe-ss Blum-1B GArcia-SP As much as I hate Ozuna playing 3rd base. I like this lineup. I just wish they would of flipped Everett and Rowand. Rowand hits well in that 3rd spot. Konerko would have more protection in the threat of Everett hitting behind him. Oh well. Score some runs and BEAT SOME TWINKIE ASS
  5. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:11 PM) I'm not quite sure I get your point, SS71. Yes, Carrillo is doing well so far, but you can't really say that Broadway has done worse -- he hasn't gotten the same chance that Carrillo has gotten. I don't think the plan for Gio was to be up at Birmingham this year, anyways. He's only 19. I'd like to see him dominate high-A a little more. But, as for our pitching prospects as a whole, it's better than it's been in a while. You got McCarthy at AAA who's been awesome in the second half, Haigwood who's having a brilliant season at AA, Haeger and Tracey who are doing decently at Birmingham, and then Liotta, Gio, and Broadway at high-A. Now, obviously none of them are locks, but that's seven good prospects are having good-to-great-to-spectacular seasons this year. I like our pitching depth in the minors. I have no personal problem with Broadway. I just like Carrillo's stuff and future makeup more. For me its the thought of a sinkerballer tossing a heavy ball at the Cell. We seem to draft very similiar guys in makeup, and its probably time we start to get a bit of difference so we can keep people on their toes. The big thing about our rotation this year is that there are no two guys similiar in our pitching rotation. I just hope that Lance can keep it up and progress well next year.
  6. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 03:49 PM) Agreed on PARC's missed opportunities for financial gain, but being the Apple devote' I am, i can't complain. As for the processors, I think the .030 and .040 were certainly technically superior to the Intel offerings at the time, and rather it comes down to them being stuck without a large volume source of a universal chip. I think the risc-based PowerPC chips were again really advanced technologically, but the problems involved with ramping up production of those were monumental. Well again its a decision of technology over marketing. RISC architecture was more powerful in the mid to late 90's based on certain types of processing. But the Intel chips had the market by then, and this was before the Next technology made its way back into Apple. Next ran on an x86 platform as well as the motorolla 6800 architecture. This was the core of what became OsX. Hell Darwin to this day can run on an x86. I had a vmware session running it to see what it could do. It will be interesting to see how multi cored chipsets compare to the big Iron type chipmakers. We are going to test a multicore cluster early next year running Oracle on linux vs a Sun E10K.
  7. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 03:33 PM) They should have used a standard chip set from the get-go, but that was Jobs screwing Woz around and withholding money on the Atari Breakout development deal. Since he had no money, Woz couldn't afford an 8080 processor when he was cobbling together the mac in his garage and had to go with something cheaper. Possible the single biggest f***-up in personal computer history. :headshake They had plenty of time to correct that decision. The next logical time would of been to move to it when they moved to the powerpc architecture, and then again when they moved to OSX. But Jobs likes to keep things internal and didnt want to risk his "valuable" MAC business by opening it up to hardware competition. Biggest f*** up in personal computing was Xerox and PARC. How many technologies came out of there and Xerox didnt see any real money? How many billions of dollars would be stuffed in their pockets right now if they had just kept these ideas in house.
  8. QUOTE(winodj @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 03:07 PM) They do have the branding with the computers. But the compatibility issue and price point was the big difference. Well hopefully for their sake that should change when they move to Intel technology for their PC base. Panther is pretty good, and as a bsd/linux user its a nice alternative in the long run. Plus if Microsoft keeps their track record of coding flaws and security holes it could make a run once it gets on standard hardware. I dont think the same issues that killed the mac's market share will do the same for the Ipod. I have an Archos and an Ipod. My Archos has all of my video content for my long international flights, and my Ipod is my down and dirty for my day to day music listening. I like the Archos but the ease of use and slick interface brings me back to the ipod for music listening.
  9. QUOTE(Reddy @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 02:06 PM) PETA didnt get all in an uproar over a rally monkey right? and for god sake they're just underwear Screw Peta, Hamburgers taste good. Now if we can get the fundamental girls to wear the sox rally thong during the go go whitesox song!!! That would really help the crowd get into the game. Especially if they could put it up on the nice new HD Display?
  10. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 01:11 PM) About as well, if not better, than Carrillo did in his stint at high-A. It's just, San Diego seems to want Carrillo on a fast track to the majors. They need arms. We, OTOH, don't. If we drafted Carrillo, I'd venture to say he'd still be with the big club. Lets see how Broadway fairs as he progresses through AA probably next year at some point. But so far Broadway 1 win 1 loss 9 Starts 47.2 innings 51 hits 15 ER 18 BB and 51Ks 2.83 ERA in high A Carillo 1 win 4 starts 19.1 innings 15 hits 6 ER 3BB 20Ks 2.79 ERA in high A 4 wins 5 starts 30.2 innings 23 hits 11 ER 7BB 35Ks 3.23 ERA in AA And whatever you can say about the fast track if any of our prospects made this jump in such a short time and also were doing as well in AA we would be doing cartwheels. Look at all the Gio love so far.
  11. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:47 AM) My premise was that all the war hawks decrying him (and her) for doing what they did -- while it was shady what Jane did, at least she was closer to Vietnam than most of the chickenhawks that are whining about her. And I don't need to defend his statement but I'm glad that at least some people are *gasp* going to another country and experiencing what it is like rather than simply sitting behind a computer mindlessly saying "USA! USA!" as government further erodes our rights. Well as someone who "gasp" has travelled for the better part of 6 years all over the world for work I can say that my travels have depened my respect for the "eroding" freedoms that you talk about. My few trips to mainland China and a few other not so "open" places in this world left me with new found respect and love for this country.
  12. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:25 AM) Wow. A Hollywood anti-war activist went to a foreign country! That automatically means he's anti-American. Some of you are really big softheaded boobs. Jesus H. Christ. And unlike a lot of people (Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz etc.), at least he had the balls to go into a country where it is a warzone when he went into Iraq where it wasn't all protected etc. So by your premise Jane Fonda had balls also, because she went to Vietnam and wasnt protected either. Unless you count her Vietcong bodyguards. Here is note that Sean wrote the South Park creators for the movie Team America. "You guys are talented young guys, but alas, primarily young guys," Penn wrote in a letter to the South Park creators. "It's all well to joke about me or whomever you choose. Not so well to encourage irresponsibility that will ultimately lead to the disembowelment, mutilation, exploitation and death of innocent people around the world." Wow, a satire movie is made with puppets that automatically means that people are going to die and get diemboweled.
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 09:47 AM) http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c...DDGVUEAQRL1.DTL I've been reading his story. Oddly another "actor" went to a country to find the "truth" a few years back. I figure the SF papers probably put that on page one also.
  14. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 09:36 AM) What an ego. How many Iranians do you think know who the hell he is? Yeah, I'm also sure they would appreciate his skills in friggin' Fast Times! Heh...look at the guy in the upper right of the picture. He looks impressed to see Spiccoli there. MR. HAND LOOK AT ME NOW, I AM ALL POLITCAL AND ALL. Not really Mr. Spicolli, you still owe me detention you misguided weirdo.
  15. Last week, Penn attended Friday prayers at Tehran University where worshippers gave the well-known chant of "Death to America." I wonder if he lead the chants this time
  16. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 07:59 AM) I'm hoping Ozuna leads off again instead of Timo because of Santana on the hill. Crede could do with another day off. Crede could do with an entire month off.
  17. Maybe it wasnt the rally fattywear but a certain person who had time to put up the fattywear was not in the lineup.
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 01:56 PM) http://msn-cnet.com.com/4520-11136_1-62783...-1&tag=msn_home I love the tech busts. Where else could my company buy large amounts of high end cisco equipment at bargain basement prices. Crazy Larry's Layer 3 switch sellout on Ebay.
  19. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 02:22 PM) Ouch, but championship baseball and the city of Chicago are not two things that have gone together in the last 100 years. Well they finally got bulletin board material after the twins were blowing kisses at them all year long. Maybe this will get them a bit more riled up for this series.
  20. It's just following tradition for the White Sox to choke And how are we goliath when they were picked to win the division and go to the world series. We were expected to fight it out for 3rd or 4th this year.
  21. 3rd base needs an offseason upgrade in the worst way.
  22. A fan asks for 20K for Posadas 1000 hit.
  23. BACK TO BACK TO BACK AMOUNTS OF s*** EATEN BY THE OLD UNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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