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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Kate Beckinsale is a hottie and is my choice number 1. And of course Keira Knightly
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 11:29 AM) Well Griffey just hit his 29th. He's now homered in 3 out of the last 4 games. If this is only about money ...... GET THE f***ING DEAL DONE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE TAKE ON. Its a deffered contract, this has Reinsdorf written all over it.
  3. I have decided to keep the sound down on the broadcasts and listen to rooney and farmer after hearing the "WHERE WOULD HE PLAY" crap or the "WELL THE BOSTON RED SOX HAVE A GOOD OFFENSE, BUT LETS GO OVER POSITIONS SO I CAN TELL YOU HOW I WOULD SELECT EVERY MEMBER OF THE s***TY HITTING WHITESOX OVER HITTING STUDS" And for next years soxfest, THIS IS THE BEST WHITESOX TEAM I HAVE EVER BEEN AROUND, THIS IS THE BEST SOXFEST I HAVE BEEN AROUND, KENNY WILLIAMS IS THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD, Hopefully we get KGJ. When Frank came back this team hit over 270 for two months. In the previous months we hit in the 250s. Now after he goes down we hit in the 230s.
  4. QUOTE(3E8 @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 12:23 PM) Or is it that Duque had a nice 4-week break while all the other pitchers have gone through their regular and side starts? Well when Ozzie does stupid things like has Freddy Garcia after a 1 hour rain delay and throwing over a hundred pitches on the downside start a 9th inning against a good hitting Detroit team at home with the bullpen rested, you can question that decision.
  5. Kind of funny. This is the same s*** I have been saying now for months about the offense going for the dong. Now reporters are saying the same thing. Maybe its this f***ing obvious. Couch Article
  6. Everyone has been saying Uribe has been more patient at the plate. Hrniak works with Uribe Maybe Walt can work with a few more of our hitters so we can get our OBP a bit higher and these guys to work the count more. He was one of my favorite hitting instructors.
  7. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 11:30 PM) I am sipping the kool aid. Seriously. I have been since this team jumped out to a lead in the division from day one and never looked back. Okay, I didn't start sipping right away. But sometime in May/June I saw the light, brethren, and sold my soul to the sox. I can't get it back, either. The biggest fear around here is that the Sox are first half posers and second half losers on their way to a record dive in the standings. Let's play 162 before we draw that conclusion. We are all sox fans and want this team to win the WS. But we keep being an imbalanced team. For years we have been all bats and medicore pitching, with no 5th starter. Last year if we didnt have injuries and a 5th starter this team would of slugged its way to the playoffs. This year the pitching and defense is great. Our hitting is now abysmal. We have been spoiled with multiple 300 hitters with power for years. Now we have a bunch of Jose Valentins at the plate. All or nothing. This is what frustrates. The biggest fear for me is to go into the playoffs and watch this team get swept out with scores of 4-2, 5-2, and 7-4. In 2000 we were a hitting team that went silent in the playoffs. This year we are a pitching team that will face some real good hitting teams. If any of our pitchers have an off day it could be a blowout in a hurry.
  8. QUOTE(Dam8610 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 11:03 PM) I don't think the offense has been "stellar" all year long, far from it, however, I also don't think that our offense has been horrible either. They've been about average, and with the stellar pitching that the White Sox have had for most of the season, that's all it has needed to be. I wouldn't call allowing a .275 BAA great either, and the pitching was part of the reason the Sox had trouble in July. Obviously, the hitters have had trouble this month, and that's why the team is struggling now. However, I don't feel the need to say that everyone on this team sucks just because of a few bad games, and there isn't a logical reason as far as I'm concerned for saying such things. Actually our offense is horrible. Lets look at the stats. Our BA is 11th out of 14 teams in the AL. Minnesota, KC and Seattle are still behind us. So stringing some hits together is a tough sell. Our OBP is 12th out of 14 teams. Again we are ahead of KC and Seattle. So we are never on base. We are last in the AL in singles. We are dead last in the AL in doubles by a good margin. But we hit a s***load of homers we are 4th in the AL. And a lot of solo ones by the OBP and BA numbers.
  9. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 11:00 PM) Not to mention we faced a Rochester lineup tonight. I don't like Ozzie's leadership right now, at least what isn't happening behind closed doors. I thought this offense would be bad this year, but not this bad. When we lost Thomas and Maggs last year we still hit .262 in August. We hit like crap in July and that was to be expected with the two losses. But they bounced back. And that was with marching Timo and Borchard out in RF. We didnt pitch well in August and had the 5th starter disaster. Last year before Maggs and Thomas went out we hit in the 280s.
  10. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 10:34 PM) Konerko: "we're going to go down swinging with the guys we have" Maybe the sox just don't get it...the objective is to not go down swinging, it's to win the f***ing thing. I turned off the radio when Kong said that. When he starts talking about not making the playoffs and if we go out in the first round its all about going down with the guys you have. :puke
  11. QUOTE(BamaDoc @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:56 PM) I know someone can do this: percentage of runs via homer early(prior to Frank) and avg runs per game percentage via homer with Frank and rpg percentage via homer post Frank's injury and rpg. Most think small ball has disapeared and I agree, but I would like to see the numbers and what Frank's presence had on scoring. This may also indicate if adding a bopper like Griffey would have a similar effect. Right now, I think we have a team slump, possibly by players trying to do more than their role. Are we pressing or just in a flat spell? I had this posted in another thread. In April we hit .255 as a team Our opponents are held to .229BAA 20% of our runs are via the dong In May we hit .254 as a team Opponents held to .252BAA 29% of the runs are via the dong Big Frank comes back In June we hit .271 as a team Opponents held to .241BA 28% of our runs are via the dong In July we hit .279 Pitching starts to slip. Opponents batting .275BAA 24% of our runs are via the dong Frank is on the DL on July 22nd In August we hit .234 Our opponents are held to .254BAA 40% of our runs are via the dong in August But where would Griffey play on this team. I mean do you think he could help the .234BA come up or maybe the .295OBP in August at all. Thomas injected this offense with life. That life died the minute he stopped playing. Hitting in the 250s as a team is sad. That is near the bottom of the AL. Hitting in the 230s is why this team is not winning. You cannot win in the AL if you hit 230 as a team. No matter how great your pitching staff is.
  12. QUOTE(Dam8610 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 10:30 PM) Why be negative when there is very little to be negative about? Every time there's a slump, up go 50 threads about "(insert player's name here) needs to go!" or "Our offense sucks and can't score any runs!" or "KW needs to get Griffey here YESTERDAY!". Players are going to have streaks where they're good, and streaks where they're bad. If a few players go on bad streaks at the same time, the team might lose a few games in a row, but obviously this team is capable of winning, or they wouldn't have the best record in the AL (and in baseball if St. Louis lost today), and a commanding lead in the Central. You probably think that the offense has been stellar all year long and this is just a recent think as of this series. In April we hit .255 as a team Our opponents are held to .229BAA 20% of our runs are via the dong In May we hit .254 as a team Opponents held to .252BAA 29% of the runs are via the dong Big Frank comes back In June we hit .271 as a team Opponents held to .241BA 28% of our runs are via the dong In July we hit .279 Pitching starts to slip. Opponents batting .275BAA 24% of our runs are via the dong Frank is on the DL In August we hit .234 Our opponents are held to .254BAA 40% of our runs are via the dong in August We need a bat like Griffey in the lineup
  13. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 10:23 PM) I'm glad that was the last game i attended for the foreseeable future. This team makes me sick. Thank god we dont get Griffey. With everyone hitting so well, I guess he would have to bide his time on the bench and hope one of our hitters falls back to earth.
  14. QUOTE(Dam8610 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 09:50 PM) Now I'm "sipping the kool aid" because I'm confident that the best team in baseball since April will come out of a slump that has taken place while one of the teams most important players who produces a great deal of runs has been on the DL? Okay, I guess I'm just a homer fan with no idea of how baseball works. You guys are right, the Sox are going to go into the playoffs and get their asses handed to them, no contest. Our starters had a 2.99 ERA in the first two months. Our pitching was lights out. We scratched enough runs across the board to win. In late May we started to slump a bit. Then Thomas came in gave us life. Then the cub series happened. We scored a lot in that first game. We then lost that series getting shut down. We then had problems hitting Detroits team on the road. We beat up Tampa then got swept against the As. Thats how we finished up the second half. Its not like we have been hitting well all year or this is only a two week slump. We have sucked for a while and our pitching has been doing great.
  15. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 09:41 PM) Brings up the question: Slump or just not that good??? It's not like we've had any long stretches of hitting the cover off the ball collectively as a team. I'm just happy for our huge division lead to give us a cushion to sort this offensive slide out. (10 out 12 games scoring 4 runs or less) Just watch the team when they get 2 strikes on them and men in scoring position. Teams like the bosox/angels/twins/ and very much so the As shorten their swing and make contact. When a man on second and less than 2 outs hitting the ball to the right side to advance the runner. Hey maybe it doesnt work, but then again maybe it gets through. Our team still has a very long looping swing(you can hear over and over farmio and rooney, theres a big cut and he is out). Too many Ks, to many popups. Not taking enough pitches. I have been saying all year long and have been attacked. We have been near the bottom in singles and doubles and near the bottom in OBP. That is a very alarming trend. It means we dont get on base a lot, we dont string hits together and we dont hit a lot of gap line drives. But again we are near the league lead in homers just like years before. I think the hitters have the talent but they are stubborn or stupid and just go up there hacking like animals.
  16. QUOTE(daa84 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 09:31 PM) remember last year when valentin and uribe hit like .128 and .129 in august respectively and crede was at like .180.......thats exactly what this august has felt like Thats odd, lets look at this years august stats. Crede is batting .136 with a .174OBP. Thats pretty sexy. Jermaine Dye before tonight was hitting .188BA with a .231OBP. Timo even with his offensive outburst over his last few games is still batting .192BA with a .276OBP. Pablo Ozuna has a .143BA with a .200 OBP. Arow is batting .240 for the month with .279OBP. Gooch is hitting .222 for the month. Its so odd to see large segments of our team all slump at the exact same time.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:41 PM) Jerry Reinsdorf has said to KW that the purse strings were open this year. He's said that he'd value a White Sox championship more than all those titles with the Bulls. I'd like to think he means it. We need that bat. You know 1 thing that probably really is hurting us as well? The simple intimidation factor. There's just no one in our lineup that is really really frightening when you look at it on paper. Konerko's close, dye is when he's on fire, but other than that...who's there that you don't want to face? JR said that last year. He said it the year before. and before. KW AT SOXFEST SAID WE WERE SAVING MONEY SO WE COULD MAKE THE BIG MOVE IN JUNE AND JULY. I remember after Hawk did his usually blow job of the crowd, this is the best team I have been around, this is the best soxfest ever, that the money in the kitty was a surefire way of us making the big move in June/July. GEOFF BLUMM THE BIG MOVE. MOVE OVER KGJ, WE HAVE GB
  18. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:34 PM) Jumping in here late, but I think the scouting of this team has finally caught up with it. "Flying under the radar" works when you don't have the best record in baseball. This team since right before the ASB has been scouted, rescouted, and I bet that the scouts can pretty much tell you when our batters are scheduled to take a s***. They know every tendency, every everything. GOOD TEAMS adjust. Let's see how long it takes. If they don't, it tells you something. Its the same scouting report as last year. Spot your fastball on the outside corner 90% of the time. Then throw the occasional breaking pitch to keep them honest. Play them to pull. You do this and medicore pitching can destroy our team.
  19. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:21 PM) Yeah 4 hits. Someone predicted we'd have 4 hits, I wonder if it'll stand. I ALSO PREDICTED 9KS, THE 4 HITS SO FAR IS A GOOD GUESS
  20. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:17 PM) I became concerned when Pods hit the DL. Supposedly speed never goes into a slump...but when we lost the speed, we suddenly hit a slump. This team started to have problems when Thomas hurt his foot.
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:16 PM) Take away some rain from Boston and this is a 3 game losing streak instead of a 5 game one. But you are going on the idea that we would hold them down. We had a bigger lead in game one and blew it later. This could be a 6 game losing streak.
  22. QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:11 PM) Please read what I said. I did not say they are all popping up because they are all trying to go the other way. I did say a lot of pop ups result from trying to go the other way. I realize you are a fan of blanket blame theories, but please try to quote me in context. Have you seen how many balls Uribe is hitting foul to RF lately, he is clearly trying to shoot it the other way. So does Crede. The problem with those two is, not enough hitting smarts and not enough hitting talent. Crede steps in the bucket everytime in his stance and tosses the bat at the outside pitch. That is a big difference from letting the ball get back on you a bit more and hitting it to right with authority. Uribe is trying to hit. But year after year of the same thing happening in August and these are not the same players. What do you think the theory is of why we suck after August 1.
  23. Last year when we died in August we had a 7 game losing streak. We were tied for first and after that little crapper we were down big time. After this loss we will be at 5 games. This is our annual August f*** up.
  24. QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:05 PM) To blame this all on Greg Walker is shortsighted and flat out wrong. He's not the guy up there hitting, nor does he preach to constantly pull the ball. If you've ever played the game, a lot of pop ups result when you're trying to go the other way. This falls on the hitters missing pitches to hit and guessing wrong. Personally I think as a group, our hitters aren't that smart. We do not have a group of deep thinking disciplined hitters. Now, if Walker is not preparing them in the clubhouse, he can be blamed for that. However the last I checked no one on this board is in the clubhouse or has had a conversation with Greg Walker about his teaching philosophy or hitting philosophy. Nor does anyone on this board know how much time he spends preparing the hitters and going over film. However, this board is very good at creating scapegoats and putting the devils horns on one guy. My suggestion has always been they need more pesky hitters, guys with a good eye at the plate who can work counts. Clearly, the White Sox do not have enough guys like that. Nor are they developing enough, it seems. Sure Jim they are all popping up because they are all trying to go the other way. Just like last August. The not smart part I think I can agree on, but they are pulling the ball and trying to get lift and extend. This is exactly what they did last year at this time. They started to press and it became the popup brigade.
  25. QUOTE(ChiSox_Sonix @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:02 PM) Is Ozzie retarded? Why is Buerhle still in? There is absolutley no need to have him still in here when he's already over 100 pitches and the game is not in doubt. One, he hasnt been overly effective, and two, theres no need for the extra innings. He throws enough as is and its just pointless to push him here. The same reason that Ozzie let Garcia pitch the 9th inning, after being down a few runs, and throwing 110 pitches, and having an hour rain delay. He goes with his gut. PLEASE SOMEONE PUNCH HIM IN THE GUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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