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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 12:37 AM) He was dominant tonight. Twins hitters were literally walking to the dugout shaking their heads. It was pretty sweet to see. Then the 16th hit. Jon Adkins came into the game.... His ERA sits now at a sweet 17.18
  2. QUOTE(3E8 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 12:26 AM) You got off lightly. I paid $$ to sit through it. I was at the game sitting in the upper deck with a ton of jackass twink fans with circle me bert signs. I paid $$ also. It blew.
  3. QUOTE(ScottPodRulez22 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:41 PM) Umm the twins bullpen is just as good if not better then the angels and A's I am sure glad Matt Guerrier shut us down for 4 innings. That was pretty sweet. The only thing that would of been better is if Mulholland came in and shut us down. Please more helmet slamming by sox players after they choke popping the ball up or King with men on. That is very retro-2000-2004 whitesox offense. Jenks pitched filthy and showed he had a sac. Then Jon Adkins came in and showed us why he blows wet dog. And I wasted my time sitting through all 16 innings of crap.
  4. I just got back from this game. 16 innings to watch Jon unravel in one inning. How can a championship caliber team have so many holes. This team is not sucking because of trade talks. That is just plain foolish. Every year teams that are going for it deal with trade talk. We are losing because of good old corpseball. Nothing like watching sox players slam their helmets in disgust after failing time and time again to drive in runners in scoring position with less than 2 outs. High popups, K after K with men on. I felt like I was at last years August twins series. In fact Radke pretty much did the same thing. All I have heard all year long is that Crede is a streaky hitter and that he is a second half hitter. Well Mr. Crede is batting now .136 in August. That is about as much of an auto-out as you can get. And stop giving the excuse that he is playing gold glove defense. He is misplaying basic plays now. It would be better to sit him and play Blum at 3rd. If this is because his back hurts then DL him and get him better. Jermaine Dye has completely disappeared again. He is now batting under .200 in August. I watched him K silly again tonight. And his defense is suspect. Now later today we face Santana who could put us at a 5 game losing streak. Then we get the Yanks who will probably hit better in the favorable conditions of the cell. We are on the verge of a very long losing streak if we dont tread lightly. I have a funny feeling if we got Griffey he probably would of went better than our best hitter at 2 for 7.
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 03:11 PM) Yes, but also in 2000 it was our offense that got us to the playoffs. It will not be our offense that gets us there this year. Everyone on this site keeps banking on our pitching just shutting down the opposition in the playoffs and our offense just wooping on the opposing pitching because it doesnt match up. Boston has a killer offense. They have beat up on some of the best pitchers in the league this year. We will have to have our pitchers have great games and our offense will have to step up. While they have done this a few times, other times they get shut down by mediocre pitching. Vlad is the X factor. The minute he came back that offense started to hit. We have not faced Vlad this year and barely and I mean barely squeaked some victories out. Does his bat change some of those games, maybe it does. We had hard times hitting Lackey and in some respect Colon who would be one and two out of the rotation. The As. We cant hit Zito at all, if Harden is on he is very difficult plus we have a hard time winning against that team at all. Their high OBP hitters are murder against our team and the type of hitter we have. A power pitcher has a distinct advatage over the As. But finese pitchers who pound the strikezone like we have for Garland and Buerhle and Garcia(not finese but he does pound the strikezone) are at a disadvantage. Each opponent will be a tough challenge for us. We have great pitching who will have to get hot so we can ride them. We have to get our hitting more consistant by October so we are not a homer or nothing team. If we get back to stringing hits together, making contact, moving the runner over, playing smart we have a chance. If our offense stays the same as it is now. We will be swept out of the playoffs no matter who we play.
  6. QUOTE(VAfan @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 03:02 PM) The problem in 2000 was a complete breakdown in our pitching staff in August/September. This year our offense threatens to go in the tank. However, I would happily take 15-13 and 16-12 as a W-L record these two months, as it would almost certainly ensure home field advantage in the playoffs. How far back is the surging Boston team. Are you sure that just coasting along we are ensured the home field for the playoffs. Methinks you under-estimate our opponents. Plus in the playoffs our pitching staff pitched relatively well. It was our offense that decided to disappear. The birth of Corpseball was in the 2000 ALDS.
  7. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 02:52 PM) SSI, our arguments last WAY too long and I dont feel like getting into it, agree to disagree? True, I respect your opinion even though we do come up on the other end of the argument at times. Can we both agree that Timo doesnt belong as the leadoff guy. I think that is where we can find our middle ground. LOL
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 02:46 PM) Wow, you cant be more wrong. Even if he busted it out of the box, which he didnt, he wouldnt have made 2nd base standing up. He didnt overshoot 1st base, he stood between the two waiting for the throw to go into third instead of 2nd so that he could take the base. He then beat the tag and was safe, but the ump blew the call. From his own mouth this is what he was trying to do, and I believe him. He is not a showboat, and is not the kind of player who is lazy. He is a constant perfectionist who works as much time in the cage as on the field. You are way off base on this one. I am not saying that if he busted out of the box he would of got to second. Most MLB players sure, but Konerko is slower than an ox. But he did stay in the box to watch his ball. He DIDNT run the ball out. We need to grind every play out because our .231 team BA in August doesnt allow for a lot of mistakes. Pauly has been hitting the s*** out of the ball. But he did watch this one, he is human and we all would watch a would be dong if we could. But he did watch it. 4 He has watched a few balls go out of the park like Carlos Lee.
  9. Rock you are dead wrong on this one. I know that being 15 feet from the play you feel that you had a better angle. Watch the play over and over via tivo or on MLB.com. Konerko hits the ball. Then stands at home plate watching the ball. The minute it hits down fair he takes off. He overshoots his rounding of first and sees the ball going into 3rd and then hesitates and takes off. The third baseman throws over. The tag is late however the ump called him out. He did watch it, and if he is not guilty of this then Carlos Lee is not guilty of standing watching 2 balls hit off the fence last year in August and getting thrown out doing the same thing. Konerko didnt bust out or even run the play out. He got caught making an ass out of himself, no matter what the excuse is. You can sugar coat it and say that he doesnt need to run out every play because this aint little league, but this team without any offense is built on getting timely hits, making good decisions on the basepaths and hustle. Hence the grinder crap we have been hearing over and over. We have had year after year of guys admiring their homers, and a few times it catches them. This time it caught Pauly. Hopefully this embarassment will help him and his play for the rest of the season.
  10. QUOTE(TLAK @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 05:53 AM) He fouled off a couple over his head, can't lay off them but he was missing them entirely earlier. At some point our meathead hitters have got to stop swinging at crap neck and up. Arow Kd over the weekend on a neck high fastball from Schilling. Pauly swung at a pitch chest high last night. Do these guys have any clue on what a strike and what a ball is.
  12. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 01:03 AM) Prolly injured or Ozzie is just messing with the lineup for no reason. Nope, Ozzie took gooch out to get Blum in. Why sit one of our best hitters against a guy he kills. f***ing Dumb. But the dumbass Uribe and captain hitless Crede play day in and day out.
  13. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 11:07 PM) You know what, me might not be lying. Maybe he didn't know where the ball was. And that's perfectly fine, i have no problems with that. If that's the case, though, START RUNNING TO FIRST, you can never go wrong running to first at any time in any at bat. He was safe, sure, but i don't care. If you are going to make the play that close due to stupid base running...2 different times...then you should get flamed for it. That play was circa 2004 Carlos Lee in August here at the Cell. The first one was a pitch that Carlos studied, he sat happy with his work, until it plunked against the big blue wall. Then Carlos with fear in his eyes ran like hell and got thrown out at 2nd. Very Very similiar plays. Although Carlos did it twice in the month.
  14. Here is the bulls*** quote of the night from Pauly Konerko "I didn't know where the ball was," Konerko said. "I was jammed so bad. After I saw the play go to third, I tried for second. I was safe. I'm out 99 out of 100 times, so I know when I'm safe." You didnt know where the ball was. How the f*** is that possible. You sat statuesque watching the ball go up. You posed like you were on the box of wheaties and then you come up with the comment, I didnt know where the ball was. :fyou
  15. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:00 PM) 2 Herniated Discs. I'd like to see you with 2 herniated discs and plow over my nephew and you could tell me if it won't give you a one way ticket to the hospital. My brother is a Chicago Cop in Area 2, he has 3 degenerated discs in his lower back. He gets epidural shots a few times a year to numb it up because his back hurts. If he can handle the eventual wrestling match that happens when he tells someone that they are under arrest where he is fighting with people that are much much bigger than Mauer. I think Crede can handle a single tackle.
  16. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 08:24 PM) Colours that end in the word urple? But yes Timo sucks, Uribe might get something going in the 2 spot possibly. Uribe for the year is hitting .167 in the number 2 spot with a .167 OBP.
  17. QUOTE(marsh @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:07 PM) I honestly don't think he gave him the plate. When he slid around mauer, not straight to the plate, he wasn't even near enough to tag the plate. If he runs straight to the plate there is a collision. Just a review on TIVO. The plate was not open. Crede went out of his way to avoid Mauer and slid around the plate about 2 1/2 feet away. His outreached hand wouldnt of touched the plate he was so far. Maybe his back was hurting him. But the only way he gets to home is if he plows Mauer. But whatever the acrobatic Crede and his side step slide didnt tweak his back at all.
  18. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:00 PM) Ozzie really oughta take a chair, put it in left, and lead it off. Chair>Timo Leading off and Playing left field
  19. I still say the play that showed how this team played tonight happened earlier. Crede has a close play at the plate, he should of plowed over the catcher. That would of energized our team more than anything. Not only does it show the twins we can play hard, but it shows that we are the new badass on the block. But crede slows down as he gets to the plate, then tries some around move and is tagged out by 3 feet. If he plowed over Mauer its a closer play and gives us a chance to score. That to me, was a big tell in this game.
  20. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 09:44 PM) Timo. Is. Trash. PK made a huge baserunning mistake. Conteras wasn't good. Just ugly Trash will leadoff and play left tomorrow night.
  21. We are now batting .234 as a team in August. In our offensive cripling may we batted .254. We will have to hit the s*** out of the ball to make that mark. JPHat your girlfriend Timo is hitting a fabulous .167 Cruddy is hitting .118. Thats worse than his terrible may. Jermaine Dye is hitting .214 AJ, Kong, Everett and Arow are the only ones hitting at all in August. The rest of the lineup is worse than starting a pitcher right now.
  22. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 09:22 PM) Oh well. I think he's good enough off the bench. I think he stole something from you guys sometime. He stole about 1 million dollars from the sox for impersonation of a baseball player.
  23. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 09:16 PM) Is Iguchi hurt? WTF does Ozzie bench him. And why does Ozzie put Timo in there. I wanted to see Anderson get his feet wet and experience the major leagues. Timo should not be starting. He was 7/41 his last at bats before today and today he was 0 for 4 with two left on. He sucks at starting, Ozzie! Geez, 9 hits and ONLY 2 runs. I hope we get Griffey. Numbers 4 through 7 were 1-14 with 8 LOB. AND Pierznski has no chance at throwing out the runners cause Count is soooo slow to the plate. This is what happens to this team over the last few years when we tick past August 1st. Corpseball The team starts kicking the ball around alot. Everyone starts trying to park every single pitch into the stands. Lots and Lots of warning track shots, or high high pop ups. You will never see so many pop ups. When men get on in scoring position with less than 2 outs. They will K swinging for the fences or GIDP or pop up to the catcher or 1st baseman. Pitches will give up big innings. Guys will admire what they think is a homer and then after realizing it was in the park, they run like madmen to get to second because they realized they f***ed up. Carlos Lee did this like 3 times last August, and Pauly does it for the first time tonight.
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 09:12 PM) And why wasn't Iguchi in the lineup? I'll say this: If the Sox don't make the playoffs, I'll ban myself from this site. My season-ending rant on Ozzie would not be pretty. They will make the playoffs. But if they choked this away this late in the season, there will be about 12K in the stands next year because this would be one of the biggest choke jobs in the history of baseball.
  25. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 09:01 PM) LOL. Exactly. I suppose those 277 ABs with RISP where he hit RISP .332 .359 .466 .825 in 277 ABs over the last three years were imaginary. Just some mistake. All bloopers. Not important. Not nearly as important as being a leadoff hitter. Hitting with nobody on. I'd much rather him have that line with nobody on. Yah.... I know you guys hate Timo, but cmon, you're looking a little foolish at this point. Now I know why we lost this game, f***ing Ozzie has been on here all night long defending his girlfriend instead of managing the team. Baines must of picked the lineup too.
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