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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Our team BA for the month of August is now .230. I cant wait until we stop facing everyones number 1 pitcher.
  2. Leadoff walk erased by bulls***. Gooch should of pinch hit there.
  3. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 01:05 PM) If Chacon and Small are really as good as their numbers would indicate, the Yankees will make the playoffs. Smalls line so far 4 hits, 1 run 7Ks This is a line I would expect from Mark Prior, Randy Johnson, Johan Santana, etc. Not Aaron Small.
  4. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:50 PM) I got a question, overall these yankee starters have better era's then the Sox 3 guys, so does that mean the Yankees offense sucks or is our pitching good, I'm confused, these things don't add up. When it comes to our offense we seem to run into everyones ace night in and night out. When the sox leave I have a funny feeling that the Yankee bats will come alive again. We lead the league in pitching, do the mariners, do the yanks, do the Jays, etc etc
  5. The TOP 5 webgems tonight are just the AARON ROWAND SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. QUOTE(GBlum27 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:44 PM) Yep, Mussina's 4.01 ERA is truly pitiful, so is Chacon's 3.53 (that inclues 7 games at Coors), and Smal'ls 2.77 Look, I'm not defending the offense but don't bash it for dumb s*** Are these pitchers that should K large numbers of our team. Are these pitchers that should absolutely shut you down for large amounts of the game. NO. We should be able to score a few runs off of them. I am not saying that we need to rock them. But when we are looking at less than 3 or 4 hits by say the 5th inning its a worry point.
  7. The sad thing is if our offense was even par with the middle of the league we would go on a bunch of 10+ game win streaks with this pitching staff.
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:41 PM) what slide is everyone talking about?? Have I been asleep that long?? Cause i dont remember a losing skid??? Jesus people, havent we learned anything. This is why we are so good this year. Offense is streaky, offense slumps, pitching and defense usually do not. This is why we are still in this game and every game against the yanks. God!!! Our pitching has been steller. But its August now and this offense needs to get a bit more consistant before the postseason. Or it will be 2000 redux. We didnt pitch that bad in 2000, it was a million popups and no clutch hits.
  9. 9 in a row by Cy Small. We were lucky to get a solo homer off of Cy Chacon last night. And barely scratched anything across Cy Mussina on monday. Oddly the Yanks have been a mash unit with their pitching staff. They have been outslugging teams. Our hitters however have allowed them to K above 5 per game and have barely ecked out some hits. The offense is fine though.
  10. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:30 PM) We've sure done that a few times this year now haven't we? I forget our offense is fine. You are the one who was talking about how great this pitcher is and that pitcher is when they shut out the sox only to watch them get destroyed by their next opponent. I am sure Aaron Small is Randy Johnson version II, but I think our offense should be able to hit him.
  11. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:28 PM) Well the same guys that hit also defend in case you didn't know. Well the point of this game is to "Score" more runs than the opposition. Just in case you didnt know.
  12. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:26 PM) He did have 14 Hr's last year, but he has barely shown any kind of power this year. Know i now his job is to get on base, but when he comes up w/ 2 outs he needs to try and drive the ball. Screw driving the ball. Everyone is hung up on power. MAKE CONTACT AND HIT LINE DRIVES. That is what we need with men on. If he hits a line drive into the gap it scores 2 and sets up the inning for another run. And now its not just me, Belton Bill, Farmio, Rooney and others have made comments about how we are near last in the AL in doubles and singles. And how that is a disturbing trend. Looks at our K numbers, they are pretty high for a small ball team.
  13. Last year in the beginning of august we couldnt hit, struck out a bunch of times with men in scoring position. Kicked the ball around and lost like 11 in a row. This year the only reason that isnt happening is pitching and defense. But our offense is blowing dog. Small is a lot of things, but he is not a strikeout pitcher.
  14. They should bench Uribe for the entire boston series. They should of realized that this guy was going to suck this year after he came to ST fat.
  15. Freddy stop throwing hangers to the .153 reserve catcher.
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:17 PM) This has Bernie Williams K then wild pitch to next hitter written all over it The ball almost got away from him Karnac. LOL what are the lottery numbers for tonight.
  17. Freddy just loves to play with fire. He keeps getting behind hitter after hitter. Freddy this isnt the KC Royals.
  18. They move the guy over 2nd and 3rd with one out. Lets see if their offense chokes like ours did.
  19. CORPSEBALL 2005 THE DUMBALL EDITION How do you get men over to 2nd and 3rd with 1 out and then have two retards strike out. Make contact for gods sake.
  20. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 12:06 PM) Hanging curveball and Uribe just fouls it off. Uribe needs a week off. This crap is unreal. He cant make contact now.
  22. He walks Blum. Men on first and 2nd no outs. LETS BE CREATIVE AND SCORE SOME RUNS. DONT STRAND THEM.
  23. A single and the leadoff man is on. Its time to get this man over, and then get him in.
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