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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 12:42 PM) Hmmm, Neyer dissing the Sox? No Way! This coming from the guy who thinks the Royals pitching is much improved every year. Eric Cartmanstillias just boned us on the Dan Patrick show. For the whitesox to have a good season they will have to win one playoff series. Which will be difficult. They have a great record, but the playoffs are a different matter. Maybe he and the Crypt Keeper Boston Gammons can stop smoking the Red Sox pole for a second to give other teams props.
  2. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:55 AM) 60% chance of rain... boy id be pissed if tonight was rained out. The sodfather's field will take that rain and laugh at it.
  3. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 10:56 AM) Who knows, it was him that said it. Thats the kind of guy we want to bring here. A guy who quits on his team thats in first place.
  4. After Mark shuts them down for more of the game with 86mph finese and toughness. I want to see Bobby Jenks shove 100mph heater right down the pipe to K big Papi and Ramirez.
  5. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 10:11 AM) Agreed, any right hander that has a good arm is not a good match up for rowand ( main reason he should not bat third against righties... he is too overmatched at this point. Everett should be in the lineup tonight over Frank on this one.
  6. QUOTE(DABearSoX @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 10:01 AM) I am hoping it was Yankee Stadium and Fenway that got into Jose's head.... Lifetime 13.50 ERA against the bosox. Methinks it was more of the great hitting team that pounded him, like the tigers did than the aura of Fenway and Yankee stadium. This is the best hitting team we will face this year. They have the best BA, best OBP, and highest OPS. This is why this is a true test of our team. Our pitching has to shut down a real sound hitting club while our hitters must get their heads out of their collective asses and get some runs up on the board. The first two games we have shut down type pitchers going for the whitesox. We should win those.
  7. QUOTE(DABearSoX @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 09:58 AM) 8 hours til gametime......but I always wanted to start one..... Clement vs. MB gonna be a great matchup..... one question though I was reading on bosox.com that this is Clements first start against us. I could have sworn we have faced him before when he was with the scrubs..... Lets right the ship with this one tonight and beat the champs..... Battle of the Sox round 1 (ding ding) We need to win this one and tomorrow night before the cubans face the bosox.
  8. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 09:40 AM) If Uribe was included in the deal, it makes alot of sense for both teams. The Marlins get a young SS signed for 3 years, and the White Sox get a very solid SS who wants to play for Ozzie. I would do it ina heartbeat. Gonzales and Uribe are the same creature. One just has a better batting stance. Both like to go for power and fall in love with their power making them streaky hitters. Both play great defense and have cannon arms. Both have high strikeout rates. Vizquel I can see getting him. But Gonzales, no.
  9. QUOTE(daa84 @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 09:18 PM) he is a terrific option. KW has been after him before as well. unfortunately in a sellers market he will command alot in return, but thats how it will be for just about everybody. lets not forget he has playoff experience with arizona in 2001, and if i remember correctly, he did very well, 2 hits in 7 innings the LCS. chemistry is also not an issue with him, as i believe a few years ago he was voted "the best guy in baseball" He would be perfect at the Cell also. He has a lot of sink to his pitches and would be a ground ball machine. Plus his velocity is still there. And no back issues. :banghead
  10. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 09:18 AM) It can be a real life game thread behind homeplate. "f*** YOU CRUDDY" "KONERKO YOUR SLOWASS f***IN SUCKS" "CORPSEBALL, CORPSEBALL, CORPSESBALL." I promise not to yell corpseball. LOL The Cruddy and Kong statements however I cannot make those promises.
  11. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 09:12 AM) Thing is AJ's whole career he's been a great hitter to all fields, he'll snap out of it, he's just been slumping for a bit. I agree though, aj's been pulling everything but with the way he's handled the pitching staff this year I won't ride him about his offense cause that's secondary. I agree his handling of the pitching staff is great. I think because his status is kind of in limbo after this year. They should extend a contract offer to him and get that off his mind. I think he is going for homers to prove he can pop for power like other catchers. This guy was a sox killer when he hit to all fields. He can do it again. There was an article during the sox-cubs series about how they had recognized that he was pulling the ball too much and he was working on hitting to left and left center.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 09:11 AM) I'd be curious to see Franks hitting chart. Here it is.
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 09:02 AM) Have you got one for Frank? Franks isnt to bad. Plus he doesnt have enough AB's to make it a blood bath. Now Crede and AJ on the other had. When you look at it you have dueling blood baths. We have way to many pull hitters on our team when you look at these charts. Hence why they have such low BAs.
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 08:56 AM) "lately"...?? The hitting chart posted yesterday shows most of his hits this season are directly to the third baseman. The amazing blood bath chart.
  15. QUOTE(daa84 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 08:49 AM) i dont like the arguement that a players role should be determined by how much money they are paying him. it doesnt matter fi he makes 6 mil., he will make 6 mil if he starts, closes, hits, hands out gatorade in the dugout. put him where he gives you the best chance to win (im not necessarily sayin thats the bullpen btw), and dont let the players money dictate his role on teh team, let his capabilities. I agree, but what we as fans forget is this is a business. And as a business they still want to maximize their investment. Hence why they want to get 5-6 innings from Conteras which should come out to about 120-130 pitches
  16. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 08:25 AM) We have chemistry and that will compensate for lack of offense......especially in the playoffs. Ozzie thinks our pitching staff will keep every team under 4 runs per game in the playoffs so that despite our offense, we'd still have a chance to win. I want to hear plan B. The only knock on Vizquel is his age and of course the master of the ZR and range factor SABR stuff. He plays the game the way we want, he has very soft hands and can provide another good left handed bat in the lineup. He a high OBP line drive hitting guy we need in the lineup. I would rather have him over Gonzales and Lugo. Lugo can hit until the cows come home but we dont need stone hands over roaming SS again. Gonzales sounds like Uribe, strong arm great defense, cant hit the low and away pitch and prone to long streaks.
  17. QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 07:54 AM) Yes, totally agree. Call it a gut feeling, I see how he is with guys on base, he gets out of his rhythm fairly easily. Granted if he comes in at the top of the 9th, there's no one on. Based on history, I'm not convinced he's at his best in high pressure situations, he does not appear to have the bulldog mentality. Hermanson has that but he's got nowhere near the raw talent of Contreras. I guess that's why soft tossers like Doug Jones and Rod Beck were good closers in their day ... a lot of it is between the ears. We are not going to use Mr. 6 million on the whitesox dime pitcher for a 1 inning relief role. He may go to long relief, but he wont be a stopper. They figure that they can use Marte, Politte and the Beast Jenks. Jenks has the stuff, we will find out if he has what you need between the ears. I have been impressed so far in what I have seen as far as maturity from Bobby. Plus he is throwing a hell of a hot harder than I remember seeing him throw down in Tuscon.
  18. The problem with aaron this year is his approach to the plate. He was up near 300 around the Padre series. He was quoted in the paper about going for more power. He was going to get out in front of the ball so he could center it up more. Ever since he did this his strikeouts have went up and he has been pulling the ball more. His pitch selection to hit is worse also. When he was hitting 3rd he had guys on base a lot more and got more fastballs to hit. Without any protection he will get fed a good deal of sliders in the dirt which he swings at.
  19. QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 04:21 PM) I'm not worried, any time you get loss # 31 (while losing 5 out of your last 6 at home) in the middle of July, you can hold your head high. With Contreras and Duque, I like our chances against Boston. 30 games over 500 yeah. So we lost 3 out of our last 5 series. The dance of the best record in baseball is here.
  20. QUOTE(Wolverine31 @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 04:19 PM) I am not trying to be funny. Thats the funny part.
  21. QUOTE(Cubs Suck23 @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 04:12 PM) you can hate Timo all you want but saying if Gload name was Gloadriquez he would be on the ballclub is a racist remark. And we keep going with this. And I guess I should sue Nortre Dame for the racist name of Fightin Irish. Maybe we should lecture all of the people using injuns over the past weekend because of our Native American friends.
  22. QUOTE(DePloderer @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 04:11 PM) You are up late lad.
  23. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 04:05 PM) Funny.. I didn't even make a point about a specific player. Maybe it's not just that you sound racist afterall... I see the analysis now. I dont like Timo. I dont think highly of Joe Borchard also. I guess I dont like white guys either.
  24. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 03:58 PM) You're accusing, ASSuming, that the reason Latin players are here is because Ozzie favors them..and then go as far as saying if you aren't Latin you are screwed.. sorry.. but THAT'S bulls***.. and ignorant.. and sounds like you have an axe to grind with latin players because YOU feel they are not worthy of being on this team. You have every right to your opinion and I have every right to claim it, your comments - not you, sounds rasist to ME.. Sure Timo is here because he has earned it over anyone. The rest of your analysis is very very far off.
  25. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 03:50 PM) Uhh.. OK. How is saying that Ozzie favors his latin players racist. He makes comments the reason Timo is on the team is "he provides a positive influence for our young latin players"
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