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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. I am waiting to see the G-LOAD come up. They better make a move for this. We need his stick.
  2. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 09:38 AM) So, he's fair game. I'd have to say something to him that would probably get me kicked out of the park. The guy looks pretty much like this, except sitting near a Tee Pee and banging on bongos.
  3. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 09:08 AM) We're staring 4L right in the face. That depends on which Contreras shows up. The Man Is it the contreras that works a bit faster, uses his fastball to offset his forkball. This guy gets ahead of most of the hitters and lets his stuff bail him out. or The Bed Wetter Is it the contreras that throws fastalls until someone hits one hard, then retreats into his shell and shakes off any pitch that isnt a forkball. Walks 3 guys to load the bases then grooves a fastball down the plate. His pitch count is like 61 after 2 innings.
  4. I hate when they play at the Jake because of that assclown who bangs on the bongos. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP. Knock that racket off already. Plus the dude who does it looks like Flanders from the simpsons. ITS THE 2ND HALF, TIME TO REMIND THE INDIANS WHY THEY SUCK, EAT s*** INDIANS
  5. A bandwagonning drunk homeless cubs fan stumbles into the cell. Why do we let this in our park.
  6. Damnit it JD you beat me by one minute on the A's trade. LOL
  7. MLB A's acquire Kennedy, Witasick Byrnes, Quintinilla dealt to Rockies
  8. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 08:06 AM) Does Ozzie have any more nieces ready for marraige?? I think our best bargaining chip is not Ozzie's niece but one of the fundamental girls.
  9. QUOTE(quickman @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) I need a better understanding of why they play baseball, is it to win the world series? How many times do we have a team like this? I mean a legit chance with real good pitching? The Twins are not the same this year, and the Tribe may only be two pitchers away next year.Time to strike. Screw the farm. Remember- Borchard,myette, olivo,stumm, wing, Ruffcorn, Snopek,Rauch, Caruso,Pearson,Scott Christman, MarK Johnson,Leifer,Dallearo,Honel, Tim Hulet, Joel Skinner, Kenny Williams,JimSiwy,Tony Menendez, Russ Morman, Tom Forrester,Ken Patterson, Melido Perez,Adam Peterson,Johnny Ruffin, Ramon Garcia,Rod Bolton,Brandon Wilson,Steve Schrenk,Brian Boeringer,Jeff Abbott,Greg Norton,Luis Andujar,Mckay Christiansen,mario Valdez, Josh Paul,Tom Fordam,Brian Simmons,Lorenzo Barcelo, Jason Dellero,kevin Bierne,pat denaker,Matt Ginter,Brian West,Corwin malone, Dennis Ulacia,TIm Hummel,Felix Daiz, and on and on and and On. You see I had to hear about all these guys at one time or another being within our top prospect list. If your a blue chip prospect then keep them if not they all suck. Whats the percentage of the pitching prospects that are in the bunch above that had the dreaded "torn labrum" during the mad "torn labrum outbreak of the late 90's"
  10. If they wanted to make money, they should have a fantasy camp that involves the fundamental girls.
  11. QUOTE(quickman @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 02:05 PM) So what, does that mean he will remain that way? Teams won't figure him out in the second half? We are talking about improving a ballclub, putting the pieces into place. Quite frankly I really don't care one bit who hits where, I am not some 15 year old with a crush on a player. Get the players, and its OZZies job to put them where they belong. I will not lose sleep over Visquel hitting second instead of Iguchi. Will you? Doesnt anyone think that the gooch would rather hit somewhere else also. Somewhere he doesnt have to take 2 strikes or give himself up. Its a great effort and all, but I think he would hit further down in the order if he gets a chance to actually swing the bat.
  12. QUOTE(quickman @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 02:02 PM) Then I suppose your on the side of not trying to improve this team, because we won't get a player unless we give up prospects. I think something like 9 out of 10 prospects don't make it. But don't tell that to all those Baj lovers out there. PS two years ago you wouldn't have traded Borchard to improve. Now look at him...He blows. Remember all the Miguel Olivo love last year and how we traded away the next version of pudge. This mini-pudge has spent most of his time going between the bigs and AAA. Prospects are just that. And plus with our track record of watching prospect after prospect wet themselves when they come up, who cares. I would rather good deep into the playoffs instead of having uber crap stain prospect number 10.
  13. To get Kong to win this we could of brought Jizzcan with. Tell Jizzcan that this is a critical out in a critical game. Let the meatball express begin.
  14. Abreu would look good in a whitesox uni. Kong could win this. He thinks everyday is a home run derby.
  15. Mr. Sveum needs to stop throwing big papi low and away and low and in. Dale this is not about you.
  16. Millwood Sabathia Westbrook Earlton Plain Dealer Hopefully the boys rest up during the break. The first assignment after the break is a tough one.
  17. Oddly enough Arow was very hot at the point this article was done. Raising his average to .287, hitting .331 in a series of games. Then he decides he wants to make a change. Go for more power. This I would suggest is why his average and hits have gone down. Why change your focking swing in the middle of the season when you are doing well. Rowands Tinkering
  18. Whether its Thomas or Everett. The DH needs to hit 3rd. Dye or Everett should hit 4th. Kong can strand runners and rally kill from 5th on. Arow needs to hit further down in the lineup until he gets back to hitting.
  19. I remember seeing this retard outside the Cell last year when the sox were in first place. I remember coming out of the parking lot and seeing some dolt dressed up in full cub gear and then I heard it. The idiot was yelling Cubs WOO Cubs WOO. Now flash forward to yesterday. Inside the Cell, there he is again. In full cubs gear. Who let him into the park and why. Its bad enough when we get the cubs fans in their full cub gear throwing balls back and booing the sox, but I draw the line at the toothless bum that the northsiders adopted as a mascot. Maybe SouthPaw can kick his ass. OMG They actually made this dork a website. Terrible
  20. QUOTE(VAfan @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 09:16 AM) After seeing Ozuna's escapades at 3B over the last few days, anyone think that trading Pablo straight up for TONY GRAFFANINO might be a good move? Certainly it would weaken our defense at backup SS, and we'd lose some speed, but we wouldn't have an error-fest over at 3B if Crede's back tightens up again. And if Willie Harris is going to go down when Gload is called up, we'd have someone we know can cover all 3 infield spots who can actually hit. (He's also played 1B this year.) I'm on the fence, not because I like Ozuna, but because I wonder how much weaker Graffy's defense would be, esp. at SS, where he hasn't really played since 2003. So, if you don't like Graffy, think of another utility guy that might be a better choice than Ozuna. I would love Graffy back here. But the simplest solution no yesterdays debacle is to have Ozuna play SS and Uribe play 3rd. Uribe has a better arm, has played third, and Ozuna feels more comfortable at SS. Ozuna is a nice replacment, he is just not a replacement 3rd baseman. This is total speculation on my part and of course wishful thinking. But there was an earlier trade for Zach Day from Washington speculation as part of a 3 way. What if that is to get something to get something. We trade Baj and Willie to the Nats in that 3 way deal and get Zach Day, then turn him and Marte into AJ Burnett. Then we are trading for AJ with Willie, Baj and Marte for the most part.
  21. QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 07:50 AM) BTW, did anyone see that Trib blurb this morning, saying Willie Harris was in the locker room after the game stacking all his baseball spikes and equipment in a big box? And that Guillen walked by and gave him a strange look? Well I think Willie has played his last days in the WhiteSox uni. He probably will be part of any trade.
  22. I love bringing my son to the fundamentals deck. It can make any bad game seem good. From todays game. For those who need to feel good about this game. Here it is. God I love my new digital camera.
  23. QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 05:04 PM) Here is my synopsis on this game: The A's had a much better approach at the plate, they made Sox pitchers throw strikes and the Sox pitchers were wild all day long. When you walk that many hitters in key situations and have to groove fastballs on hitters counts, your team deserves to lose. Guillen has had better days, there was no reason for him to leave Cotts in to face their catcher, that was stupid. Cotts was wild and sure enough he walks in a run. Ozuna in the bottom of the ninth, that was stupid to swing at the first pitch. The guy is probably rattled, you have the winning run at 2nd base. Take a few pitches and see what happens. Anyone who wants to defend Willie Harris, I'm sorry, I'm not buying it. If you can't rely on him to get a bunt down, forget it. Further, he was trying to bunt to 3rd base with Chavez right in his face. There is no room on the team for a guy who can't execute off the bench. I don't totally blame Harris, he is a mismatch on this roster ... he is not a good bench player. I don't care what the stats say, it is yet another key situation in this series where he did not execute. Get a veteran bench player who can execute. The 3rd strike call on Everett was bulls*** but the Sox gave Oakland way too many chances to win this game and they finally did. This is a good thing for the players and management to chew on during the break. They got beat at their own game this weekend and you cannot give good teams like Oakland a bunch of walks, extra outs, etc. Oakland made most of the defensive plays, the Sox botched a few. You pretty much hit it on the head. When the As got 2 strikes on them they shortened their swings and made contact. Our guys take real big cuts with 2 strikes. On the way back home today. I hear Farmio talking about how the difference he sees is on 3-2 the As take good swings and put the ball in play, and when we get the same count we watch the pitch or take a big cut to pop it up. Our guys gave way to many opportunties. Too many walks. Garcia needs to get ahead with his fastball and then use his curve to put the guys away. From the first inning he was pitching backwards, and against this team and how they have a good eye it was going to be bad.
  24. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 05:04 PM) what was the attendance today? Well I showed up 30 minutes before the game and had to park in lot L. It looked pretty packed.
  25. So who believes that we dont need to make any moves and we are ready for the playoffs. Remember we dont want to f*** with chemistry. I left in the 8th inning, because my son had enough with the heat. All the way down 55 I hear some good things. I come back home to watch the Jizcan walk. BTW the Oakland As are very very selective at the plate. Plus they really shorten their swings up on 2 strikes and dump the ball. Can we trade or release Willie Harris. And for the love of god Timo should not play the OF or any fielding position. 8 focking walks by our pitching today.
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