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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Bruce Levine today on the Sunday baseball show talked about how Pauly and his agent were offered a 4 year 36 million with a change to make 40 million with insentives. He turned it down at the end of last year and at the end of spring training. His agent wants to go to FA to see what his value is. So oddly enough his power numbers are up, his Ks are up and his clutchness is down. Methinks he is trying to pull a Valentin and Rob Deer himself a new Sexton type contract based soley on power numbers. The reason Carlos is gone was because of him trying to pad his own stats and playing selfish out of the two 8+ million dollar younger guys. Paulie last year hit for power, but was the first guy to hit to right to try to drive in that run. This year he has completely abandoned that approach and has pretty much decided to become a pull home run hitter. His average is plummeting again and he needs to be dropped down in the order. Jermaine Dye who has played like a stud over the last month needs to get a chance to drive in some runs. Gload is definately going to help. I think we will see that Paulie even with rest will still be a pull only home run or nothing hitter in the second half.
  2. The offense needs to start hitting. That is the biggest concern. The pitching has been fine, the relief has been fine. Our hitting is suspect at best.
  3. ALL WE COULD MANAGE WAS 3 f***ING HITS. Someone should tape these games and send them to the whitesox coaching staff. The Oakland A's put on a clinic against our great pitching on how to become a good 2 strike hitter. They swing at stuff in the strikezone, and lay off stuff outside the strikezone. When they get two strikes, they shorten their swings and foul off a bunch of hard pitches to get a mistake. Our hitters however never shorten their swings up, take full cuts on 0-2 so they dont get cheated. I know that we faced Zito and all but the last time I checked they faced Buerhle. Kong basically needs to find another place to work after this season. Dye needs to be in at the 4th hole. He has been hot over the last month or so. Arow and Kong have nice long swings going for them right now. BTW we are starting to sound like Cub fans when we just say "Well garsh, we lost and all but its the Oakland A's and there is a curse and its impossible to win". The reason that Oakland beats us all the time, is that they pitch well. Play good defense, and put the focking ball in play. Oddly they didnt have a problem getting hits. 5 hits last night, 3 tonight. Outside of the Drays(whose pitching is terrible) we havent hit real well since the first game of the Cubs series. We didnt hit in two of the three games with the tiggers, we didnt hit in the cubs series, and now we are facing good pitching and cant hit again. This team will make the playoffs. We need to figure out how to hit good pitching before we arrive there or we will repeat 2000.
  4. Jenks had one pitch that got called a ball which was a strike to walk a guy. But give them credit they used a quick bat through the strikezone to make contact on that hard pitch.
  5. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 06:57 PM) Another mothercuking pop-up. f*** you Widge! Eveyone who gets an out from now on gets a nice f*** You! Our pitching in the playoffs will be fine. But we need to learn how to beat good pitching before this season is over. This is an example of the type of pitching we may face in the playoffs.
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 06:53 PM) Another game, another terrible performance by our bench players that were in the game. Willie yesterday, and Ozuna tonight, have a lot to do with us losing. OZUNA IS NOT A f***ING 3B!!! Uribe could move over the 3rd and have Ozuna play SS. That would make sense considering Uribe has a much better arm.
  7. The whitesox should video tape the hitting approach that Oakland has. They swing at stuff in the strikezone, dont swing at crap out of it. And on two strikes they choke up a bit and foul off a bunch. They either get a hit or raise the pitch count. I know we are facing Zito but they are facing Buerhle. We had men on 2nd and 3rd with no out and only came out with a single run. Our hitters have got to get better with shortening their swings with 2 strikes. Crede had the hat trick the other night and tonight its Rowand. Our pitching is fine, our hitting needs to show up when its not crappy pitching.
  8. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 12:01 AM) An elephant f***s a pig. Classic episode. Cartman as the vietnamese whore was the best. This is actually one of my favorite south park episodes.
  9. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 11:33 PM) Imagine my excitement when I heard the lineups on my car radio while stuck in bumper to bumper traffic with >$100 worth of tickets in my hand. Southpark meets the Whitesox 3E8 : That does it! Shenanigans! Shenanigans!!! Ozzie: What are you doing? 3E8: I'm declaring Shenanigans on you. This game is rigged. Ozzie: Shenanigans? Kenny comes along Kenny: What's all the hoo-hah? 3E8: Kenny, I wanna declare Shenanigans on Ozzie. Kenny: Why? 3E8: This game is fixed. Timo and Willie playing at the same time. Aaron, Big Hurt, and Gooch on the bench. How much did I spend. Kenny: If that is true, then your declaration of Shenanigans is just. What do you have to say Ozzie? Ozzie: I make the focking Lineup. I AM THE GOD DAMN MANAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kenny: Yes, man you can't just go declaring shenanigans on innocent people, that's how wars get started! Come again to the park.
  10. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 09:57 PM) the more important thing is, Whats that chick doing in your avatar Jessica Simpson is checking righty and lefty to see if they havent deflated.
  11. QUOTE(ChiSoxFan @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 09:38 PM) Bruce Levine reported on Chicago Tribune Live prior to the game that Frank had been walking around gimpy all day. Also, Rowand & Iguchi were out. It's okay to rest your starters every now and then. Oddly enough they had a rest day yesterday and they will get a couple days rest after Sunday. You can rest a starter, but to make wholesale changes to your lineup on the first game of the series doesnt bode well.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 09:12 PM) I absolutely agree with you. Makes the whole "sunday lineup" even more puzzling to me. For the life of me, I don't know why Ozzie let Willie bat in the 8th. He has to know that he had no confidence at the plate. Why do we rest so many players at once. Arow Frank Gooch Having Willie Harris bat 2nd is not going to work. He has a hard time making contact. If Arow is out, Ozuna should play and bat 2nd.
  13. All I know is that I am looking forward to Sundays game. Its just me and my 1 year old son at our first Father-son only game. Mom is working and the boys are out at the park.
  14. Everyone will be loving those bandwagoners come this offseason when we are trying to sign FA's or paying arbitration on some nice years by our players. For every crisp whitesox black hat, for every new tee shirt, for every one yelling out hey look at Aaron Rowand when its Pods in center, smile and thank them for when we afford Garland after this year. I like bandwagoners for one thing, It means we are doing very well and the cubs are doing very badly. Its a win - win for the real sox fans. BTW think of how crowded soxfest will be this year. Maybe we can sell Steff's autograph as the soxtalk poster who scared KW to make moves. The finger pointing lady happened, then Garcia was signed. Coincidence, probably not.
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 07:23 AM) http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a...s_wi_fi_theft_1 Man Charged With Stealing Wi-Fi Signal Wed Jul 6, 8:15 PM ET ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Police have arrested a man for using someone else's wireless Internet network in one of the first criminal cases involving this fairly common practice. Benjamin Smith III, 41, faces a pretrial hearing this month following his April arrest on charges of unauthorized access to a computer network, a third-degree felony. Police say Smith admitted using the Wi-Fi signal from the home of Richard Dinon, who had noticed Smith sitting in an SUV outside Dinon's house using a laptop computer. The practice is so new that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement doesn't even keep statistics, according to the St. Petersburg Times, which reported Smith's arrest this week. Innocuous use of other people's unsecured Wi-Fi networks is common, though experts say that plenty of illegal use also goes undetected: such as people sneaking on others' networks to traffic in child pornography, steal credit card information and send death threats. Security experts say people can prevent such access by turning on encryption or requiring passwords, but few bother or are unsure how to do so. Wi-Fi, short for Wireless Fidelity, has enjoyed prolific growth since 2000. Millions of households have set up wireless home networks that give people like Dinon the ability to use the Web from their backyards but also reach the house next door or down the street. It's not clear why Smith was using Dinon's network. Prosecutors declined to comment, and a working phone number could not be located for Smith. As a network security professional, I can tell you just by scans on the way home and by other companies in my building that 70% of the access points are open or have limited security. Its one thing when its a hotspot that is meant to be open, its another when the person just doesnt know enough about the risks or doesnt know how to configure them and leaves the access point open and unsecured. AT&T (now Comcast) had a promotion a year ago that gave a wireless router with new service. The amount of unsecured wireless access points that jumped up in my neighborhood was silly. Its only a matter of time before bad guys realize this and start to use this more and more as a method of anonymity from our boys at the FBI. And people are taking cracks at these access points. They are going beyond just wardriving. I have a honeypot(decoy system) at my work on a wireless segment that gets hit by people trying to break in. I see about 5 hits a month on it. The wardrivers have been mapping this area for a few years now. GPS enabled geeks driving around with mapping software. I may or may not have done this in my past. Wifi Maps
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 08:47 AM) I agree with Irish and Addy. These are grown men on an MLB team with the best record in thw world. They ALL want a ring and probably don't care what has to be done to win one. Burnett is not a cancer nor have I ever heard anything bad about him from anyone. It seems that his injuries might be past him and that he is all for winning now. KW can pull this off. Chemistry is overrated. Yes, I do agree, it is a big part of baseball but you can't just ignore a chance to make your team and rotation one of the best in a while just because you don't want to hurt team chemistry. All players have to worry about is playing ball and co-existing with their teammates. Burnett is capable of doing both. Ozzie coached over with the Marlins and probably has the best idea of what type of guy AJ Burnett is. Also remember how many people were against picking up our AJ in the offseason because he was a "supposeded" cancer. I kept using the Rodman analogies, that he was the guy you hated to play against but loved on your team. He has turned out to be a stud for us, and who really things our pitching staff is not better because he is callling the game instead of Ben Davis.
  17. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 08:35 AM) This is the kind of s*** that plays on a man's mind. Chemistry is wonderful thing when it's good, but mix a couple ingredients that shouldn't be mixed and it blows up in your face. Not making any changes for chemistry sake is what Pat Gillick and the 2001 Seattle Mariners did. They tore threw the regular season with no equal. Then in the playoffs they were dispatched with barely a whimper in the ALCS. Contrary to popular belief we will need 4 starters once we go beyond the ALDS. The idea of having our pitchers throw will little rest isnt reassuring. We did that last year during the 5th starter debacle, and it lasted like one time through the rotation. Dont change their rest, dont change their makeup because we are worried about adding one or two guys. And Conteras having an OK outing against the Tampa Bay Devils rays doesnt reassure me at all that he is ready to face good teams in the playoffs. I am absolutely convinced that he will wet the bed. The other cuban wont wet the bed, but I am wondering if all the arm troubles and age have finally caught up to him. We need two things, a lefty who can get lefties out and one more stud in the rotation to make that world series run. Joe Randa wouldnt hurt also, but I will give up on that for now.
  18. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 11:49 AM) If you had to trade a current core guy on the squad for a chance at Rocket[hypothetically speaking] or for another guy that you think could extremely help this team, who would it be??? Here's the choices: Pods Arow Dye Crede Uribe Iguchi Konerko Pierzynski Thomas Anyone in our pitching staff minus Jenks and Walker. Take a 100 guesses at which one I would trade Nitetrain.
  19. QUOTE(He_Gawn @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 02:01 PM) close enough? I just used the bottom one. LOL
  20. QUOTE(Credepopsup @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) I'm fine, thanks DePloderer. It's been a surreal day hasn't it?? I don't know whether to be angry or sad. Personally, I wasn't anywhere near any of the trouble - I'm from, and have been in South London all day. I've spent the day checking that relatives are OK (They are thankfully) and watching the news, I just hadn't got around to posting anything yet. The Prayers and well wishes of Soxtalk posters towards the UK, are very much appreciated though. We just got off the phone with my wife's cousin who moved from Leitrim, ie to London for work. We couldn't get ahold of him all day. We just got a call that he was back in Ireland this week visiting family. Hopefully everyone is alright, and they get these sick bastards for their heinous crimes.
  21. I can see this happening. First of all Ozzie hasnt seen the Marte of 2003. He has been eratic at best. He has had some good times, with some bad times. His numbers look good, but how many times did he dance on the line of disaster going out there. Plus his splits against lefties arent that good. And the major reason for Marte to be on the block. He pulled 2 times this year, where he didnt tell Ozzie of an injury. That is a huge huge NO NO on this team. They are trying to go for it and having people sit on the DL or have bad games because they make a small injury worse is not going to cut it. They add AJ Burnett and add Everyday Eddy. HOLY CRAP!!! is all I can say with this staff. We will have G-LOAD coming back soon. Thomas coming back a month ago. If Jenks can throw that filthy gas in the strikezone its like we already have made a few trades and all we have done is either had some people get healthy and a guy come up from the minors. I say send Vizcaino or Shingo and Marte over. They would fall over for that deal and it wouldnt cost us as many prospects. Jenks can prove his merit and El Duque goes to the pen.
  22. As long as they close out the innings they pitch, I could care less. Our relief is starting to look like a strong point. I figure if anyone will be on the block it would be Viz or maybe Marte because he hid his injury(and we know how Ozzie and KW hate that).
  23. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 09:20 AM) Maybe, but lets not forget that the drays aren't a bad hitting club. Anyways, because of Jose's stuff when he's throwing fastballs and getting ahead in the count he can get away with plenty of mistakes. The count pitched better last night, but lets not go overboard here before we declare him ready for the 2nd half. This guys MO for years has been he looks great against crappy teams, then craps the bed against good teams. He will face the RedSox this month. Lets see what he does against them. I still am not comfortable with him starting any playoff games.
  24. I would say that if Jenks starts flooding the strikezone with 99mph GAS, it will be the audition for trading Mr. Takatsu or Mr. Vizcaino.
  25. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 09:41 PM) Let's get him a nickname. THE BEAST
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