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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 11:18 PM) Why is that? They've got Michael Cuddyer already, and it's not like third baseman that are young, can produce at the MLB level, would fit into the Twins payroll just grow on trees. Who says Randa wouldn't re-sign with the Twinkies if they traded for him either? Because Terry Ryan has been quoted as saying that he is not going to upgrade his offense unless the player can be part of the team for the next few years. Terry Tiffie is not the answer at third. Cuddyer should be playing at 2nd.
  2. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 11:15 PM) No, that's not even close to being the only reason. We've been able to atleast compete with them at home, just strange things happen when we're out there. 9 walks by our pitching. And 4 hits by our offense are the wierd things that happened tonight. And they are directly in relation to our result tonight.
  3. The Butchers Bill for tonight 4 hits 9 strikeouts and 1 walk. Well lets just get them tomorrow.
  4. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 11:11 PM) Especially considering most guys have an adjustment period when switching leagues. Randa played in the AL Central for his entire career. Outside of this year.
  5. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 11:06 PM) Funny how the Twins didn't trade for him because they thought he was average. And here I thought it was because they wanted someone that could play for a few years and not just be a rental for this season.
  6. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 11:01 PM) I agree. Everyone talks about getting a stud SP, or that guy at the back of the bullpen -- what about an upgrade at 3B? I realize you're gonna lose a little defense if you trade for someone, but we gotta get more production out of the offense. It simply isn't that great -- adding a bat like Aubrey Huff would do a lot, IMO. But that's not for this thread, so I won't talk a whole lot about it. The offense is fine. We score plenty of runs. No need to upgrade. The difference between Randa and Crede is 15 hits a season.
  7. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:58 PM) No, you're being sarcastic and it's old and dumb. I am confused. I am trying something new. Being uber positive. Trying to think half-glass full here. Harden pitched a great game. We just got a bit unlucky with an ump who was squeezing our pitchers tonight.
  8. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:56 PM) Do you think your funny?? Cause you're not. Why I am just repeating what everyone is saying. I just trying to get on the popular side. Lets just tip our hat to a better pitching performance.
  9. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:53 PM) How retarded is it that Frank won't see any action in this game? Due to make outs in the ninth, Rowand, Konerko, Everett. Should one or more of them fail to make an out, Dye and Pierzynski will be up next. Ozzie will not pinch hit for any of those 5. Nothing wrong with our offense. Its fine.
  10. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:47 PM) So is that a yes or a no? Actually I was looking for a high 3 low 4 era for Jose. The guy has amazing stuff. After being down in Tuscon and watching him a few times get ahead of hitters are work fast I had hopes for him. Now after watching him crawl back into his shell. I am looking for anything below 6 as an ERA.
  11. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:44 PM) Let me ask this now. If Jose Contreras had an ERA of 4.34 heading into the all - star break, at the start of the season, would you have taken this? I am sure that Ozzie and Cooper are looking at Conteras and saying you know what, he is pitching pretty good. He has a good ERA and has been stellar at times this year. I am sure thats exactly what they are saying.
  12. QUOTE(black jack @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:40 PM) Contreras is someone who really needs the All-Star break to get his head straight. Look at his brief history in the MLB. The yanks supposedly found a flaw in his delivery. They fixed it for a few starts. The goes back to what he did before. They once demoted him all the way to class A so they could work on his mechanics.
  13. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:26 PM) Clement got killed today, and he's got that injury history hanging over him, especially if he throws too many sliders. The cubans have both been very healthy over their years of service.
  14. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:22 PM) He was a joke when we traded him. He's not exactly tearing it up now anyways. Add the fact that he is in the NL and not in the Cell, he'd be doing about the same. Plus he was demanding a ridiculous sum of money considering how little he did in his contract year. I know we are paying 6 mill for Conteras out of the 8. But in hind sight. A few more mill and you have Clement instead of Conteras.
  15. QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:21 PM) Stanton isn't even a LOOGY, at least IMO. His 3 year splits say he handles right-handed hitters (.231 BAA) better than lefties (.255 BAA). This year righties are hitting over 400 against him.
  16. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:18 PM) I honestly feel like Ozzie is tired of his s***, too. When Hawk and DJ start showing signs of not liking a guy, it leads me to believe a lot of people don't like him. Farmio and Rooney are crawling out of their skins also.
  17. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:11 PM) The guy has like two major league seasons behind him. There isn't a whole lot of information to go by. The guy put together a solid two months of baseball, and things haven't changed that much. He's always going to walk a decent number of guys. In his recent struggles, the problem has been hits more than walks (4 homers in the Az game, 1 and 5 other hits in the other one). In his last 4, he's had one pretty good start, one mediocre one, and two bad ones (and this one of course). He still has to go a long way to get his numbers back to his previous totals. This is exactly what he did against Boston a few times that basically got him run out of NY. Why trade a guy throwing 95 that you pay someone to take off your hands.
  18. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:08 PM) I actually agree with DJ. Contreras has to be the most stubborn pitcher on the team. Why cant he just throw strikes and stop being a wus. YOU ARE GETTING PAID 8 mil. to throw strikes not to throw 3 wild pitches and 7 f**king walks. or get lost. ... And why is Ozzie putting in Walker, he's there for long relief. The first mistake is putting him in a tight game and the second is taking him out after the second batter. Youre just using up the bullpen, Ozzie. We have a chance to win this and our pitching is giving it away. Must be an Oakland curse. This is not a curse. This is just playing bad baseball. Errors/Walks/Wild Pitches are just examples of shooting yourself in the foot. There is no one to blame but themselves on this.
  19. QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:07 PM) Bad outing for Walker there, all he had to do was get it close to the strike zone. Now, let me explain why they brought up Walker. It as much to force the other manager into something as anything else. You absolutely need two lefthanders in the bullpen to prevent the other manager from doing things you don't want him to do. Problem is, they need a better LH option than Kevin Walker. Before someone says Arnie Munoz, I personally don't think he's the answer, he has control issues too. It is easy to say Bajenaru and he cannot be worse than what we just saw, but he is also not the answer for a long man. That should be Walker's role but he is not proving he can do it. Had he gotten Swisher he could have been left in there. It comes down to this, they need better pitchers. I'm not going to freak out over one wacky outing here but they need more relief depth. Then again so do about 26 other teams. Jim what do you think of what we have seen from Conteras lately. Cause for concern. Or do we just list it as an abberation.
  20. QUOTE(Spiff @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:05 PM) The pitchers suck, but the ump aint doing them any favors. You have to admit, when the walks start to pile up like this, plus a few wild pitches, most umps wont call the close ones. And Hawk and DJ just commented on this.
  21. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:02 PM) He's still better than virtually any #4 starter you're going to find. He's having a bad month. The guy's ERA was 3.13 after his first June start. We're really splitting hairs if we're that worried about the back end of our staff considering how well our top 3 are doing and how far in front in the division we are. I have a question for you then. Is it completely unreasonable for someone to state that based on his history over the last few years. Including last year of pitching similiar to what we see tonight, to come to the conclusion that maybe he has regressed and lost confidence in his fastball just a bit. That he is reverting to forkball city. I know I might not be the eternal optimist. But if this performance, matched up with his last few, and his history from last few years. Does this not ring warning signs.
  22. Hopefully after this game we see. Kevin Walker has been designated for assignment. The Chicago whitesox have purchased the contract from Char. of one Jeff Baj.
  23. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 09:57 PM) We need another starter about as much as I need a sharp stick up my ass. We've got the best ERA of any starting staff in the AL, and 3rd in the majors. Giving up serious talent and spending a bunch of money for another starting pitcher would be an absolute waste. Whoever we'd get would make about 12 more in the regular season and two tops in the playoffs. It's not like we need an ace to beat most team's 4th starters anyways. See how great the team unity is after a few more of these types of starts. We need someone to throw strikes.
  24. I am so glad they decided to bring up Walker. He is a lefty, who throws.....strikes....I guess eventually he will throw a strike. Baj where are thou.
  25. QUOTE(brijames @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 09:53 PM) How the F is this game 2-2! Just about ready to go to bed here as Walker coming in . This is the problem. 3 weeks from now when someone is talking about replacing Conteras or getting another pitcher. If he gets out of this, someone will look back and see he only gave up 2 runs. This is one place where the stats dont tell the story. Besides the 7 walks.
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