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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(WhiteSox311 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) ya cuz that happens all the time....we've been shutout what 2 or 3 times this year You guys are right our offense rocks. Its smoke and mirror thats we are 28th in the MLB in singles, 30th in doubles, 30th in triples. Crede is a superstar, Kong hits to all fields, etc etc.
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 02:16 PM) Pathetic, corpsball bulls***. Always pulling the ball. I don't know how the f*** they win. Scoring all your runs on homers and not stringing hits together makes for looks like champs one day, then cant sniff a run for 3 more days.
  3. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 01:58 PM) Well it looks like we have a good ol' fashioned pitchers duel. We are always in pitching duels. Making someone look like Cy Young.
  4. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 01:57 PM) I have never heard this before. Sadly we see it a lot when the sox face soft tossing pitchers.
  5. Its nice to see the usual thing. A soft tossing lefty painting the outside corner and our hitters cant help themselves so they either pull every single pitch or they swing at the first pitch that comes up. Focking corpseball
  6. Now he should be ok. He got past the first inning. HE GAWN
  7. 12 first inning runs in 15 starts. This guy needs to realize that he needs to get ready to pitch from strike one.
  8. Flyout to the fence, and a walk. Ozzie needs to give Garica a kick in the nuts to jump start him. Unless its a "playoff type" game he gets lazy in the first.
  9. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 01:17 PM) Konerko pulled it for an out at third What a shocker.
  10. The only pitcher from AA that should get a shot is Jenks. The only reason for that is because his stuff is filthy. Mentally he might not be ready, and his control will need to be better. But as a 7 inning guy. Sure. I would of brought up Baj and Jenks and pointed and laughed at Kevin Walker.
  11. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 10:10 AM) I guess Stanton would never get any better against righties, huh? Look at what he did last season... http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/stats/ml...2681&statType=2 He is a lot better pitcher than what he has shown with the Yankees this season. 38 years old. Maybe he is just old and is done.
  12. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 10:09 AM) There goes my plan for trading Marte. We all saw this coming over the weekend. He was doing that rotating his arm like he was in discomfort crap. This might be his swan song though. They went through this in Colorado when he didnt tell him he was hurt and risked it in a game. This would be the second time he pulled this.
  13. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 10:07 AM) .176 baa lefties for Stanton as well. He has been very good against lefties but ssi71 does make a good point as well. He will have to face a righty. We see this when Marte or Cotts comes in. They pinch hit righties against both of them. And their splits against righties are a lot better than Stanton. PASS.
  14. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 10:04 AM) Ughhh, we will only be using him against lefties! Use Cotts, Politte, and Shingo for righties. Is it that hard to understand? The minute that Stanton trots out of the pen, they will pinch hit a righty. .400BA against righties. And you know Ozzie, he wont take him out. He isnt going to trot stanton out just to get politte in to face a righty.
  15. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 09:59 AM) For all your Stanton-needs. Mike Stanton 7.07 ERA with a 1.64 WHIP. His spits against lefties are good. But good lord righties are batting over .400 against him. Methinks they will PH a righty to face Mike "Jackson" Stanton. PASS Bring up Baj/Munoz/something else besides walker or Stanton.
  16. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 09:57 AM) If we're lucky, this won't end up being that big of a deal, because there's a decent shot Walker won't see much playing time. The deal with McCarthy was supposed to be that while he was up, he'll be making an occasional spot start, but mainly he'll be consigned to the bullpen and we'll run with a 4 man staff and off-days until the AS break. If we do that, then hopefully BMac gets in the line coming out of the bullpen even before Walker, and in order to make sure McCarthy gets some innings we'll barely see Walker aside from facing the occasional single left handed batter. BMAC has earned another start next week. He is not in the bullpen. Your pen now has Walker in it.
  17. Sweet god, why not Arnie Munoz. I would rather have him out there than Kevin "why is my bed wet" walker.
  18. Lets just examine this a bit. Player A He is left handed He has a 5.11 ERA 15BB 27K 24 hits in 24.2 innings pitched then Player B a right hander 1.24 ERA 42 innings 21BB 51Ks 27hits This is just another retarded decision. They win I swear in spite of some of the stupidity. Timo at 1st. Nothing like starting a 5'5 midget who cant hit who played 1st in japan back years ago. Pinch hitting Timo when you have Frank Thomas and Everett on the bench. Throwing Kevin Walker in a 1 run game after you made the decision to send him down, so you can see what he is made of. He of course wets the bed like a fire hydrant was on. So whats the bets that Walker costs us at least one of the games in Oakland.
  19. Lets not bring up Baj or Jenks. Lets bring up some retard who happens to be left handed. He has terrible numbers not only here but in AAA. This is almost as bad as Timo playing 1st.
  20. It would be nice if the offense starts clicking before we venture out to the 7th level of hell known as Network Associates Stadium. We will have to hit to pass the demons at the gate who wear green, white and yellow.
  21. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 08:11 AM) Scroll down to the rumor mill section. So, no Chavez, no Randa and no Schmidt. Who's out there that is not only attainable, but also helpful? http://www.suntimes.com/output/sox/cst-spt-doug30.html The early asking price is always rediculus. I wouldnt read too much for it. Its like selling a car. How much do you want for that car. I want 11 million dollars. You laugh for a second and tell them no thanks. A month later you get a call, Hi remember I was selling a car. Yeah it was overpriced. Well its now less.
  22. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 07:49 PM) My fellow Soxtalkonians -- Omar Vizquel does not make that play. And a lot of you know that, but some think that Vizquel is a star defensively. That is why Juan Uribe is on this team. Lets keep Uribe. But lets ditch Cruddy. Because every freakin thing Cruddy does Randa can do. And he can do this little thing with the wooden thing called hit.
  23. Lets see if Cruddy can do something besides fan at the ball.
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