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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Granted this is from the baseballthinkfactory but this was their preason comments on Joe Crede. B Joe Crede (2004: Crede) Is this guy a streak hitter or what? From the beginning of the season: 0 for 8; then 7 for 18; then 0 for 12; 4 for 11; 0 for 11; 15 for 45; 1 for 26. He hit .329/.418/.600 in June, but an amazingly bad .198/.232/.264 in July. The other thing that jumps out at you when you look at Crede’s batting stats is how eminently mediocre a hitter he is. If a pitcher knows himself, then Crede is toast. Crede can’t hit the good flyball pitchers nor the good groundball pitchers. He can’t hit the good finesse pitchers nor the good power pitchers. He’s mediocre the first time he faces a pitcher and remains so in all subsequent at bats. He’s in his prime breakout years, but right now he has one offensive skill – he creams a first pitch fastball from crappy pitchers. End of story.
  2. Timo has more strikeouts than hits right now. He has the most ABs out of all the non-starters(61). He has a .246 OBP. Willie has a .373 OBP and Pablo has a .349 OBP. So let me get this straight. Timo doesnt get on base, he doesnt hit, he Ks more than he does hit, he doesnt walk. What does he do again.
  3. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 02:02 PM) Are you inferring that Wunch is still in our organization? He was chased out by KW. Its a hypothetical. What if he was still here, would you rather have Wunch out there or Cotts/Walker/Crap on a stick.
  4. Pablo is our only non-starter backup for 3rd, SS and he can play OF. He is fast, plays hard, is your typical grinder. He can provide a good speed option for either pinch runner or lead off guy when Pods is out of the lineup. Willie provides backup to gooch and insurance. He has speed, is left handed and can pinch run play SS and the OF. Then we have Timo Timo struggles at the plate, has limited range, is slow, doesnt make contact. And for every clutch hit he costs you in a few other games by either balls he doesnt get to, or by plays in the field or the K when you need a basehit. Naturally if this was a pure baseball decision, they send Timo down. He has options left I believe. But then you have the Ozzie love factor. He thinks this turd is good, for whatever reason. Whether that is due to his job in fluffing for Ozzie or maybe he gets him that first cup of coffee. If Ozzie risks Ozuna by designating him for assignment, or sends willie down then I question Ozzie's will to win. For all of the "If you dont play the game the right way, you will sit no matter who you are." Is playing the right way swinging for the fence when you pinch hit in the late innings, Is playing the right way using only one hand to catch the ball, running slow routes based on bad jumps. If this is what you need to do to make Ozzie's good list then we are doomed. Ozzie needs to break up with his girlfriend, give her a kiss and send her on her way. Thanks Timo and here is your fruitbasket. Maybe the Reds are looking for someone.
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 02:51 PM) If Uribe's shot had been a few feet to the right... Now if that was Lew Ford he hits a double to right center and keeps the conga line running. Uribe swings for the fences and tomahawks a ball over his head. Thats why our comeback fizzled out and thats why their team keeps chugging.
  6. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 04:43 PM) I consider a guy with a 3.38 ERA solid out of the pen, decent... Does he let a lot of IR score? Sure Does he crap himself in pressure? From time to time. But 3.38 If that was true then Viz pitched himself a stellar game last night. So he shat himself and gave up the rest of the runs. He didnt have any charged to him so he pitched great.
  7. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 04:36 PM) Experiment?? He's started what 3 games in the major leagues. Now don't get me wrong I don't think he should be an option as a starter this year because he's been solid out of the pen but he really hasn't been given a shot yet to succeed as a starter. Solid our of the pen? Neal Cotts, the left handed pitcher from the whitesox. The minute he learns to throw strikes consistantly, maybe get a left hander out or dont s*** himself silly when a bit of pressure is applied we can revisit the "he is solid out of the pen and we can use him as a spot starter"
  8. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 04:23 PM) If El-duque goes back on the DL and McCarthy is an Athletic. Then I can see KW making a move to acquire another starting pitcher. There is NO WAY we will go through that black-hole 5th spot again. Other insurance policies could be Cotts. He has been pitching pretty solid lately. Cotts, as a starter.... Caller this is Onstar how can we help you Someone said that Neal Cotts was going to start a game, he is pitching better. I have shortness of breathe, and think I just vomitted in my mouth. I may have shat myself also. Dont worry take a step back Neal Cotts cannot start a game. That experiment is over. Thank you. Onstar is always here for you. Even when crazy Cotts starting thoughts appear.
  9. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 04:21 PM) You avoided my question. Who do you pitch in place of Hernandez if he is on the DL, and McCarthy is gone? Felix Diaz or Jon Atkins
  10. Now what happens if Kelly Wunch comes into the face the lefties instead of Kevin Walker or Neal cant throw a strike Cotts.
  11. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 12:10 PM) But Ozzie only has one boyfriend. It makes me sick, but Timo is going nowhere. It's a shame that performance on the field no longer matters. Someone that is more deserving of a roster spot than Timo Perez will be sent down. Apparently performance on your knees is more important than performance as a baseball player. We have this overloyalty to crap over the years and it has cost us over and over. Last year we marched Thriller out because he had some silly record to get. Dropping games in a playoff race due to one morons personal goals. Koch as the closer. This year we are marching Timo and Viz over and over. Timo has no range in the OF, he is slow, he cant hit, yet he will be here. Viz cant keep a runner stranded to save his life.
  12. QUOTE(beck72 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 11:49 AM) Because most proven vets having down years will probably rebound---Dye, PK, Everett, AJ. Chavez is a proven vet who also is likely to rebound. But unproven guys like Crede, Uribe, [even Pods and Rowand fit into this category] may not. If the Sox can get a proven young guy who has superb defense, and can hit for power and avg from the left side, the sox would have one less question mark in their everyday lineup. Plus his value is a bit lower when he isnt lighting it up.
  13. QUOTE(trexer @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 11:40 AM) Wrong. They would continue to walk him, especially if the bases were not loaded. In order to maximize the chances of his being able to get pitches in the strike zone, it would be best to have another high avg hitter in Rowand's place so as to increase the chances of a bases loaded situation when the big guy comes up to the plate. Check out Arows average and then compare it to the rest of the team. Pods/Gooch/Arow gives us the best opportunity to have the bases loaded over anyone else. Kong needs to start hitting or Dye needs to flip in his place. Your comments are what I made when people thought that Thomas was going to change the offense on this team. We need people in front on him to get on, and we need people behind him that can drive in runs. Thomas has a great eye and is someone they pitch around.
  14. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 11:34 AM) Agreed totally. Even if it takes one of our premier OF's in the minors, we know that there is going to be only one available spot for them anyway, either Anderson or Sweeney is going to make it up, the other will be stuck behind Rowand and SPODS, both of them we wont get rid of. So whatever it takes to get this done, I am behind it, not only for this year, but for the future as well, considering we have jack s*** for 3B prospects right now (fields doesnt have the numbers Crede did and isnt a good fielder) this would fit our system. I agree it will cost either Sweeney or BA. I am fine with giving up one of those guys and Crede and maybe a guy like Tracey. I do not want to give up Gio or Bmac. Both of those have too high of ceilings as SP. We have two aging cubans that will need to be replaced in the future 2006/2007. We have OF prospecs up the ying yang. We have Jenks now which makes Tracey expedable. I am not saying make the trade, I am just saying make it understanding that he is having a bad year and it wont cost us the farm 100%.
  15. QUOTE(marsh @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 11:25 AM) Maybe because he's only had three at bats at the Major league level this year. Maybe because walking him brings the winning run to the plate. I agree with you though, I wouldn't have pitched to him, my point was more about what frank brings to this offense. I think we need to have Pods Gooch Arow then Frank in the lineup. Pods/Gooch get on base and hit to all fields. Arow has been great in the 3 hole. He hits the ball with power to the gaps. And will do even better with protection behind him. They would have to pitch to frank in this situation. Men on, and Frank who hits with power to all fields and lives on mistakes would drive in a ton of runs.
  16. QUOTE(beck72 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 11:23 AM) Per ESPN, as of today, in the AL vs. RHP, the sox are 13th in avg, 14th in OBP, 13th in SLG, 11th in Runs, and 12th in XBH. Even if /when Dye, PK, Frank, et al catch fire, most guys have hit lower vs RHP in their careers. Getting an everyday player who hurts RHP would help lift the Sox offense. If he's healthy, no doubt Chavez would be an improvement over Crede vs RHP. Our BA is bad against righties because most of them throw our righties away and they are incapable of not pulling the outside pitch.
  17. QUOTE(Cubs Suck23 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 11:19 AM) I hope the trade gets done would love to see Chavez on the Sox.. Do you think it might even be a bigger trade than just Chavez coming. I read that Eric Byrnes&barry Zito will also get traded Maybe Crede,BMac and Anderson for Chavez&Zito I know everyone loves Chavez because he has a great glove and has had a good stick. But where this season has he done a damn thing to warrant giving up our best prospects.
  18. Why would you pitch to Frank. He is a future HOF and hits to all fields. Behind him you have a guy who hasnt seen a pitch he doesnt like. Pulls the ball only. Tomahawks the ball at his head. And spins like a top.
  19. QUOTE(Reddy @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 09:50 AM) if you see a high pitch like that and you tamohawk it, it'd gonna fly - far. uribe was just a hair too early, otherwise im pretty sure you wouldnt be complaining about his pitch selection would you? So after Thomas draws a bases loaded walk you suggest that the next hitter swings at a pitch over his head, because a tamahawk can send it a far way. It was a terrible pitch to swing at. If you are defending the fact he swung at it then I suggest you review that pitch sequence a bit. Can someone screw in uribe's front foot. The damn thing is spinning like a top. When Uribe goes good his front foot moves a bit. When he is going like s*** and K's a bunch, his front foot swings like a top.
  20. QUOTE(ISF @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 09:44 AM) What I'm saying is those people wouldn't be complaining if his free swinging had resulted in a HR. And it almost did. Had that ball been fair, how many people are yapping about Uribe's free-swinging? Exactly. Actually if that was a home run, I would of said the same thing. I would of said he swung at a pitch over his head and pulled shamrocks out of his ass.
  21. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 09:43 AM) Plus, Uribe was something like .400 in bases loaded situations. He almost knocked that one out of the park. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. This may have been one of those games we had to lose to maintain some of the health of our bullpen. Sometimes you swing at a pitch over your head? That swing was terrible. He should of never even attempted to make contact with that pitch. 90% of the time when you make contact with that pitch it gets popped up. I give him props for getting good wood on it, but good lord that was terrible pitch selection to swing at with a guy who has struggled to throw strikes.
  22. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 09:43 AM) Per the Daily Herald, Frank is going back on the DL. So Ozzie probably won't send anyone down. Of your choices? Jizzcan. Is there an all of the above option.
  23. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 09:25 AM) Uribe was a little quick on that one pitch last night or they would have won. Why again was he swinging for the fences with a ball at his head. He spun like a top and tomahawked a head high pitch. And what everyone forgets is that this is a pitcher who has just walked a few and has had a controls problems tonight. Take a pitch and dont swing at everything like a mope. Gooch in that spot, takes a few pitches then either draws the walk or gets a better pitch to hit.
  24. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 09:12 AM) True. I guess I was making more of a point that Ozzie gives some mid-level to poor guys a free pass: Timo and Damaso Whereas some very talented players have to grab some bench as soon as they do anything wrong: Frank Thomas and Tad Iguchi We have a guy who has had a few walks and is a bit shaky. The bases are loaded, and we have a guy who is a free swinging home run cut guy who will be swinging for the fences if the ball is anywhere near the plate. The almost home run, was a ball head high that he tomahawked. He spins like a top and cant hit the outside pitch. We have a pitch with a good breakin pitch that he throws outside. I would of pinch hit Gooch in that situation. He draws another walk or better yet puts the ball in play and keeps the line moving. I wouldnt of used Konerko in that situation. We dont need guys swinging for the fences in that situation. Its nice to see the minute we get home, the morons start taking cuts for the moon. This is why our offense last year would score 14 in one game and then get 2 hit in the next.
  25. QUOTE(nvxplorer @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 10:48 PM) I agree that it makes no sense from the standpoint of this game, but I don't think the outcome of this early season game was the motivation for using Walker. This was the last chance they had to see Walker pitch before El Duque comes back. The team obviously saw something in him, or they wouldn't have brought him up in the first place. What that something is, I don't know, but I don't work for the Sox farm system. I'm guessing that Walker was slated to pitch today regardless of the game situation. It's actually beneficial that he was put into a critical situation. If the Sox had been up or down by a bunch, that component of his evaluation would be missing. I see it as a big picture move, not a game move. If this were September in the same situation, I highly doubt Ozzie would have used Walker. He could of ran Walker out there for a few innings on Friday and Sunday and called it a year. Why bring this turd in with the game on the line. Its a slap in the face to the players on the team and the fans to put a midget who hasnt played first and a joker who cant pitch out on the mound. This is a joke.
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