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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(quickman @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 10:44 PM) I agree fathom , Its also well know that Gload is promised a roster spot anyway. This just doesn't make sense. if they want to spell konerko bring up gload, that simple. I think the guy is batting over 300 in AAA. I will step out and say I would rather have glaod in the outfield if needed than timo at first, and I am not a gload fan. I think Timo just needs to leave. Harris/Ozuna/Everett can all play the outfield just as good as no range Timo. Gload can hit a heck of a lot better than Omit. Gload can play first a lot better than Omit. The only reason Gload isnt up is because that would make Omit expendable and who would tug at Ozzies nuts if Omit wasnt here. Burke could be up and play first. Why is a 5'7 midget who hasnt played 1st in the majors dancing around 1st dropping balls with a brand spanking new unbroken in mitt. Come on this isnt little league.
  2. QUOTE(doUrememberwhen @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 10:41 PM) I'm sorry if im the only one who thinks this 'out pitch' is inneffective at best. His outpitch is very inneffective if he throws it over and over and over like Mike Jackson did. If you spot two fastballs on the outside corner and then using his slider it will be fine. Brantley is a fat punk who is bitter and a nobody.
  3. QUOTE(doUrememberwhen @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 10:37 PM) Man if that's his best pitch, he's hurtin'. his slider is donkey dick and u know it, he doesnt simply hang it once in a count, it's every f***in time he throws it. Actually his slider is his out pitch. He should be using his fastball to get ahead of the hitter then using the slider to put them away. But he is using it like mike jackson did last year. Slider, slider, then he gets behind the count. fastball. This is the single reason why he gets hurt. He is pitching backwards.
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 10:30 PM) Why do we bunt Pods into scoring position when he is the best base stealer in the majors, thus giving up an out? Why does he continue to have Contreras and Hernandez pitching back-to-back in the rotation? Why has he abandoned the hit-and-run? Why does every pitcher lose 3 mph from their fastball when they join our team? Answer #1 He has Uribe hitting behind him. The most impatient hitter in all of baseball. You cant tell this fool to take a pitch, so you are better off telling him to bunt. At least he cant strand the runner when he bunts. Follow up question. Why the hell is this free swinging slumping hitter batting in the 2 hole. You want a guy who is patient and has good bat control. I would rather wee willie that free swinging spin boy. Answer #2 Dont know. With El Duque coming back he could of bumped one of them. But he couldnt give Walker that one last chance to suck before he went down. Like him almost flipping us the bird on the way out of the stadium. Answer #3 Our hitters barely can make contact. You cant hit and run when they are all taking home run cuts in strategic ABs. Pull baseball son doesnt allow for the hit and run when you are falling over trying to park the outside pitch. Answer #4 We are a clean team and the roids dont work here.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 10:22 PM) I agree with why we hired Ozzie. However, how many times can we say something is a mental breakdown before it just become his decision making in general? My questions with this team. Why does Ozzie leave pitchers in after 100 pitches with the game on the line, then pull them to put a 7+ ERA mop up guy with the game on the line. Why are we a pull only team. Why is Timo on this team? Why was Walker on this team? Why isnt Ross Gload up, he is hitting like crazy and has been playing a good first base. Is Cotts/Viz/insert gascan here our best option for the best team in baseball. When will Cotts learn to throw strikes. When did Mike Jackson take over Viz's body. Why is Greg Walker still allowed to tweak our hitters, AJ his latest victim.
  6. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 10:17 PM) Remember, as KW told me at Soxfest, Neal Cotts is better.... KW is on drugs then.
  7. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 10:18 PM) Still shoulda said okay and moved on. Not good for you, that's just being a smartass and stooping to Brantley's level. Same thing as calling Brantley a horses*** pitcher as he did in the Southtown. Just because Brantley is a classless jackass, doesn't mean Ozzie has to be one as well. We didnt hire Ozzie for his class or tact. We hired him to inspire the team and get the best out of them. If we only have to deal with a few mental breakdowns like this series great.
  8. I dont have a problem with him in this situation. Brantley was an assclown. His apology was nothing more than the kotex boy smile at you once, s*** on you later. Ozzie didnt but it and gave him hell. Now on him starting Timo at 1st and using that turd walker out of the pen. Defenseless.
  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 08:50 PM) And just the other day you were b****ing about Konerko playing. Then he has a day off, you still aren't happy. Imagine that. :rolly It makes sense to do this after you call up Gload, not when you have no glove Timo out in the field. The dude has a problem in the OF.
  10. Why the f*** is Timo playing first. Can we bring Gload up. He at least knows how to play first. Nice to see a soft tosser=home run only swings Nice Sunday Jerry Manuel lineup today.
  11. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 08:59 AM) I smell 2 hits from crede tonight. I smell something also
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 08:28 AM) I just hope that everyone keeps b****ing about Crede, everytime there is a Crede sucks thread, he goes out and hits a bomb. The occasional pull home run doesnt overshadow his overall suckage. If he was more consistant and hit 260 I would be thrilled and wouldnt complain about Crede. But when he goes into funks were he sucks for a month or two.
  13. I posted something similiar earlier in a thread. But we see a lot of lineup juggling lately with Ozzie. I think this is the best lineup with the current roster with Frank. I think this lineup has less holes in it and has a reasonable chance to keep our top 3 hitters on base with a proven RBI guy behind them(frank) Pods LF Gooch 2B Arow CF Thomas DH Konkero 1B Dye RF AJ C Cruddy 3B Uribe SS Pods and Gooch set the table. They have been clutch all year long. Arow in the 3 hole. I know Thomas loves the 3 hole. But we need his stick. If he bats three they will pitch around him to get to Pauly. Arow will get tons of fastballs which he kills. He has been hitting the ball with power to RF and the CF this year. He is coming around. Frank should thrive in the 4 hole. He will have men on who are all fast. He should see some good pitches because of the guys being on in front on him. Konerko will have the bases loaded a lot. Hopefully he starts to use more of the field and actually converts some of these runs. If he doesnt flip him and Dye. Dead is showing signs of life. He is still a bit too pull happy, but he is hitting a lot of line drives. AJ provides the saftey valve and is a tough out. Cruddy hits 8th so we can have Uribe be the second lead off guy. I dont want to start off to many innings with Cruddy. Plus Uribe is faster than Cruddy by a long shot and clogging the bases up in front of our fast guys isnt a good idea. Now when you spell Everett for Thomas. You put Dye in the 4 hole and Everett in the 5 hole. When gload gets back it gives us a good guy to spell Konerko.
  14. The biggest thing with Politte this year is that he is aggressive in the strikezone. He has filthy stuff and trusts it. If he gives up a homer, its because they hit 95-97 mph filthy stuff. Its not because he walked a bunch of guys and then go beat on dunks/dinks and crap. IF YOU BEAT ME ON MY BEST, TIP MY HAT. IF YOU BEAT ME BECAUSE I s*** MYSELF KICK ME IN THE NUTS. THE SLOGAN OF OUR 2005 BULLPEN
  15. I am for this. Politte has been nails. He has a very crisp exploiding fastball and has a filthy slider. He can K and the biggest thing is he doesnt walk people. Marte has filthy stuff and can be explosive. But he gets in these little funks from time to time where he short arms the fastball and either walks a bunch of guys or gets behind and meatballs one in. Marte in the 7th, Politte in the 8th and Hermy in the 9th Cotts/Viz/Tee ball stand in the 6th
  16. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 31, 2005 -> 09:02 PM) I'm in total agreement with you there. No way should Kong be hitting 4th as bad as he's slumping. My only issue with your lineup is that Cruddy should be batting 9th until he starts swinging the bat consistently ( if thats even possible ) Cruddy sucks, but I would rather have Uribe on base with Pods/Gooch/Arow coming up instead of having Cruddy clog the bases.
  17. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 31, 2005 -> 08:57 PM) That sequence in the 1st inning where Pods, Gooch and AROW got 3 hits in a row and we scored a couple of runs was most refreshing. I dont even recall the last time I saw that happen. I know everyone loves the home run. But to me, that is what we need to do more of. We have the personnel that can do it, they just need to approach the plate that way. Rowand is starting to heat up because he is using his power to center and right center. I would like to see Pods LF Gooch 2b Arow CF Thomas DH Kong 1B Dead RF AJ C Cruddy 3b Uribe SS I know that Thomas loves the 3 hole and all. But Arow kills fastballs and would do great in front of Thomas. Thomas would get big time RBI opps. Its another way to keep the best part of our lineup together with our best hitter in a generation. Just a thought.
  18. Nice win. Politte great game. The first scoring series where we strung a few hits together mixed some hits with speed and smartball. Very nice. Clutch Clutch hit by the Dead man. And I called it in Chat before the inning started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Hopefully Garcia's hammy is ok.
  19. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 05:08 PM) Read my post at 5:46. I tried to end it there and simply said that I accepted disagreeing and said JaBroni has not which is the problem. I thought it would end there. I'm not going to be the older brother who gives him what he wants. He doesn't want to end it so I got til 6:30 to argue with the runt if he wants. Actually I am talking about this. Sounds like the older brother to me.
  20. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 05:02 PM) Oh yeah, because all these people are GM's in the league. In that case, whoever is Billy Beane, is it possible you trade us Chavez and Haren and Harden for a bag of balls? You keep going after I again agreed to disagree. Continue with your cheap shots though. Now I know how it's like to have a little brother that keeps following you around and continues to annoy the hell out of you. Everyone praise JaBroni as king so he could finally shut the hell up. You make personal attack after personal attack and then get on Jabroni for taking a cheap shot. You have a warped sense of reality. You can talk of Napolean conflicts and all but you are the kid who cracks the other kid in the head then complains when he hits you back.
  21. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:46 PM) So we are now hoping that he just doesn't suck for two months of the season? Wow. Now I realize its our fault. Someone should hypnotise Crede and tell him its August so he can hit. Talk about labor day, maybe throw some leaves around.
  22. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:46 PM) I've already said those are just my thoughts. I never said anyone has to take them as fact. That's where JaBroni comes in. I have to take his thoughts as facts. I already asked a page or 2 prior when will it end and that I already know their thoughts on the discussion. I've already agreed to disagree, but JaBroni needs to argue. Actually you were presented with facts such as fielding percentage, zone rating, etc. And your reply was to ignore the stats, your eye tells all. This started when you said that Randa is a inferior 3rd baseman defensively besides having a better ZR and fielding percentage.
  23. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:35 PM) I mean as much as I think Crede sucks right now, he was a two time minor league MVP and there is a chance that he could get hot at some point this season. This is not Crede defending, this is just logic. Minor league superstars never bust out in the majors. Crede hasnt hit since he got here. There is no change in his swing. His hips fly open and he pulls off the ball.
  24. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:33 PM) No Jabroni, I will not go out with you. I'm a heterosexual male. In the words of Cam'ron, No homo. Thanks for the PM though. And no, I did not vote in that thread because it's simply lame and I already knew it was a form of baiting. I know most people are saying Uribe. That was expressed in this thread. Don't know why you had to make another thread about it. Methinks you need to learn that ad hominem attacks do not support your premise nitetrain.
  25. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:24 PM) If we get a new hitting coach, there better be a moratorium on b****ing about our hitting coach for the rest of the season. When Crede still sucks, I don't want to hear anymore whining about why our hitting coach can't fix Crede. Crede will always be terrible. However the entire team outside of one or two guys cannot be slumping at the same time. The law of averages say this cannot happen.
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