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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:25 PM) Point was that there was already 15 other threads b****ing about what and who is going wrong. That's the point me and aboz are trying to make. I thought that the purpose of boards like this was to discuss with sox fans about the sox. If a topic doesnt hold merit people will ignore it and move on. I never understood where people read something they dont like and then get mad at people for bringing up the point. Whitesox fans are pessimistic by nature. And I am sorry if I am not just overjoyed by this anemic offense we have. Our pitching is great.
  2. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:20 PM) Why when I've already seen what people think in here. It's stupid and a lame attempt at bait. I saw people's thoughts and I have my own. I don't need to go over them again. What color is the sky in your world
  3. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:17 PM) Can't you see aboz, if the Sox lose, it wasn't because the other team was the better team that day, it's because someone on the White Sox is f***ing up. Hell even when we win. I am sure that plenty of pitchers get out of multiple bases loaded no out jams witth only 3 runs. If that was any other team a 5 spot goes up on the board. They were begging for a hurting.
  4. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:09 PM) I thought he was s***ty last year, he got his arm hurt, Baines was interim coach, our bats got real hot, Walker came back, ice cold. Walker works with Carlos Lee last year at the end of his 28 game hitting streak. Changes him from a guy with a compact swing hitting doubles driving in runs like crazy to a extend the arms homer hitter. Every quote from a sox player is "Greg Walker has worked with me on my swing, we tweaked it" And then you see said hitter pull the ball like crazy and hit some homers, then the pitchers start to pitch them outside and their average drops. Crede, His pet project. Failure He was the minor league hitting instructor. Everyone from that era comes up with freakishly long looping swings. Anyone who wants to shut the sox down just has to spot the fastball on the outside corner and its over. Corpseball pull only goes into effect. The inablity to hit situationally. Have you ever seen so many times over the last few years of men on in scoring position with less than two outs and we are swinging for the fences. Come on. Shorten the swing up a bit. We cant bunt at all outside of a few players. Pitchers can learn to bunt in an afternoon. Our positional players cant at all. But hey this is a formula for sucess, 6 out of 9 guys are hitting terrible. But we have the best record in baseball. Walk will turn them around. They will hit 255. And remember Home Runs are cool.
  5. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:00 PM) No, I am not God. But MANY other posters already tried to tell you that you were wrong. Uribe is a better defensive SS than Ozuna. I'm sorry we had to break it to you. And Cruddy is so much better defensively that we have to deal with his craptacular bat of despair. I think Randa and his superior fielding percentage and Zone rating would be ok as a replacement.
  6. QUOTE(Wedge @ May 31, 2005 -> 03:52 PM) I'm not sure, but I think if you turn Shingo's ERA upside that that one goes faster. Its like matter and antimatter. If Shingo was to face Cruddy who would prevail? The Ircrappable force vs. the Iresistable turd
  7. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 03:48 PM) I loved this part the most... "Crede's Crew fanclub for the hitting challenged" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Physics question for you. My question is if in a vacuum if you drop a bowling ball and watch Cruddys BA over the month of may, which one drops faster?
  8. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 03:46 PM) Those stats prove nothing! Nitetrain8601's eyes tell all! I think he is even a MLB talent scout. :headshake Maybe he also has Steve Phillips GM ears that hell him that Ozzie is bad also
  9. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 03:40 PM) Still waiting for my answers. You ignore the facts so any answers based in reality are doomed. Presented that Randa has a better ZR and fielding percentage, you tell us that Randa is worse than Crede. Based on fact no, based on that you are a member of the Crede's Crewe fanclub for the hitting challenged. So why would any facts based on Uribe being better than Ozuna in the field be processed by you.
  10. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 03:33 PM) I'm not talking about the offense because I know Uribe is a better offensive player than Ozuna. Are you sure, you may want to consult the same tea leaves that tell you that Ozuna is a better defensive SS.
  11. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) Stupid ass argument made by a stupid ass poster. Not suprised it came from you. Glad you helped your part of the debate with this spectacular gem of insight.
  12. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 03:12 PM) Defensively yes. Again, for some reason you're taking into equation the offense. When offense comes in, you don't argue positions. Ozuna is a better SS than Uribe. Uribe would be better suited for a 3B or 2B role. You were dead wrong and many people helped me prove it, so the only person you should be laughing at is yourself. There's a reason Ozuna was traded for Rentera(salary dump for potential). Ozuna is a better SS than Uribe whether you want to believe that or not. Again you just throw the stats out, and its because you close your eyes and believe it to be true.
  13. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ May 31, 2005 -> 03:00 PM) Ha, I saw that article, too. Oh well, I bet he's still a better player when he's drunk than Crede will ever be. It worked for David Wells. I bet you he can hit better than Cruddy drunk, blindfolded and with a wiffle ball bat.
  14. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:57 PM) LOL, so now Ozuna is a better SS than Uribe? I'm not sure I can respond because I'm laughing too hard. Well that explains where he got the idea that Cruddy is better than Randa defensively based on nothing but I wish.
  15. QUOTE(ISF @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:39 PM) I can't begin to express how much I disagree with this. Uribe has been a Godsend to a position that was mucked up consistently by Jose E-6 Valentin. That was someone that I am so glad we didnt keep. Jose "Stone Hands" Valentin aka Pedro Cerrano.
  16. QUOTE(JimH @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) I will go a step further, Crede and Uribe are here primarily because they play very good defense. Makes sense when you build the team around pitching. Since Konerko and Everett are proven hitters, the offensive expectations are greater for them than Crede and Uribe, and they should be. Crede hits down low in the order and for the most part Uribe does too. They don't expect the same level of offense from Crede/Uribe as Konerko and Everett. They are going to give this more time, and make a move accordingly. But I don't think it'll happen for several weeks. And when it does, I see 2nd tier prospects being traded. I have this sneaking suspicion that KW didnt imagine that Crede would be hitting 230 something when he had this thoughts of this season. I still remember when we were all upset with Royce Clayton(the defensive wiz would couldnt hit) and his 250's BA. He would be a hitting dynamo with this team.
  17. QUOTE(JimH @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:28 PM) No one is resting on their laurels, not me in this discussion nor I suspect Sox mgmt. Their viewpoint is far from myopic, they are looking big picture and recognize the up's and downs of a baseball season. Myopic is shortshighted where people want to trade/release every player who's underperforming after two months. I said that being in 1st simply negates the need for an overpay panic trade. They are not going to trade for a 3B and sit Crede on the bench, they are not going to trade Crede for Joe Randa. If they make a trade to boost the offense, it won't be now. They like the makeup of this team but are not blind to it's weak points. It makes sense to see what Frank Thomas will add, they could've had him stay down there another 7-10 days but they brought him up. By the end of June they'll know precisely where this offense stands, and can make moves accordingly. The same goes for any pitching moves they might make too. Is Crede underpeforming just in two months. Or does this underpeformance go back further?
  18. QUOTE(JimH @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:18 PM) Well if you can hold your breath until at least the end of June please be my guest. Big difference between Crede and the others you mentioned (Harris Rowand) in terms of experience at the time. Neither Harris or Rowand had proved anything at the ML level. Crede at least has shown he's good defensively for a whole season and can drive in some runs. Anything else on this? Again I reiterate ... Sox will not be trading Crede straight up for Randa, nor will they trade for Randa and have Crede sit on the bench. It will not happen. As to why, revisit all the comments from Guillen and KW about showing faith in players and sticking with the decisions they made before the season started, at least for a while. Oh, and the team is in 1st place which somewhat negates a panic trade. Usually KW jumps the gun so he doesnt have to get into a bidding war with other contenders. Resting your laurels on the fact that we are a first place team, like the twins are so far back that a few losses cant negate that is a myopic view at best. Our pitching has been great. What hasnt been even good, our offense. So where do we upgrade. Crede is the obvious choice.
  19. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:08 PM) Billy Beane is that you????? Just close your eyes and you pick the guy you like the most instead of using stats. Why do you think they record Batting averages and other stats. Hey maybe we should make Shingo our closer again. I mean throw out the ERA or his ability to give up the long ball, that frisbee is pretty cool and I like him.
  20. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:07 PM) Let's also trade PK, Everett, Uribe, and Dye. Because their offense isn't doing good either. Have those guys ever had a track record of hitting at the major league level. Then close your Crede apologist eyes and ask yourself has Joe Crede outside of a few weeks in April ever hiit at the major league level.
  21. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:02 PM) You know what Jabroni if you haven't learned by now I probably look at stats less then anyone around here to make my decisions on players. I've seen Randa play, I've seen Crede play, Crede's a better defender, period. Baseball is a stats based game. If am sure that if we ignore Range Factor and Fielding percentage Jose Valentin is a better defender also than Joe Randa. LOL.
  22. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 31, 2005 -> 01:59 PM) Randa is hobbling at this point. KW will make a move that significantly improves the position. He's not going to go for a guy who's a slight upgrade and has injury concerns already. Randa won't help us win anymore games with his injury concerns and his inferior glove. Too early to pull a trigger. You'll see a trade in late June. Inferior Glove? I know you are the guy with the Crede's Crew sig and I dont expect anythng but love for Crede but come on. Slight Upgrade? LOL
  23. QUOTE(JimH @ May 31, 2005 -> 01:50 PM) You commented that 3B have reached their potential by 27 or so, and Crede is regressing. Again, when did Randa blossom? Please let us know. I will comment if you don't want to look it up, but since you're looking the numbers up I presume you can see at what age Randa blossomed into a consistent offensive player, and don't forget to put that year he hit .254 in there. Hint, he hit his stride in 2000 and has been fairly consistent since then. MLB experience is what I am talking about. Joe has been up in the show for the last few years. There is a difference betewen Randa making the jump from the minors running instead of Crede who cant hit at all. There is a difference between Randa having a bad year, and Crede having a bad career.
  24. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 31, 2005 -> 01:46 PM) Randa's a .270ish hitter while Joe is a .240-.250ish hitter. That's not a HUGE jump especially when team chemistry and defense are taken into account. I'm a big Joe Randa fan but Kenny is going to look for a big upgrade not just Joe Randa. Randa over the last few years. 2005 .291 BA 2004 .287 BA 2003 .291 BA 2002 .281 BA Yeah I see how that and Crede are almost the same. And again can you review the defensive stats before you blindly just say his defense is better than Randa's.
  25. QUOTE(JimH @ May 31, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) Go look at Randa's career stats and see when he blossomed. Now you are reaching. Crede has been in the majors for more than a year. Only 2 times Randa batted under 280. In his first 2 years he batted .303 and .302. When Crede has any track record please let us know.
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