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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Gload is hitting .368 in his rehab. He went 2 for 4 in his last start with a dong. That sounds like heaven compared to the hell thats been our offense. Frank coming back soon hopefully will be the shot in the arm this team needs.
  2. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ May 27, 2005 -> 11:01 PM) Who's taking his place in the rotation? Is Duke ready to go already? I would say El Duque is ready to go. He was at 95 percent in his last throwing session.
  3. QUOTE(ReinsdorfSucks @ May 27, 2005 -> 10:59 PM) win now. but get some damn HITTING Gload should be recalled. He homered in his last game. Nice left handed bat. A guy who hits line drives. TIMO YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. BMAC sent down That curve is sick. He just needs to work on keeping the ball down in the strikezone and throwing that change for a strike. If he could learn a cutter damn.
  5. Constantly when people bring up the offense being bad, people keep saying well they will come out of it, we have the best record in baseball. We have had a wonderful start, however review the record a bit closer. Check out over the last 2 weeks our record since the Jays series. We are playing 500 ball. We can state that we have faced the most wonderful pitching since Cy Young was born, but in reality we have a bunch of struggling hitters. We are no longer facing the Royals, Tigers and other crappy pitching. They are having problems stringing hits together, the swing at bad pitches and take good ones for strikes. Entire parts of our offense are broken. In May we see that when players like Dye and Konerko start to show signs of life, I guess batting 250 in may is signs of life, we have others that completely drop off the face of the earth. I understand that we have streaky hitters, but we shouldnt have groups of guys hitting lower than 200 for a month. The twins are 4 games behind us, not 10 games. If we go on a bad clip for just a few games we are in second place. So resting on the record isnt a good thing. Our pitching has been outstanding, but Freddy Garcia made it clear that he loved getting run support early. It let him pitch freely. Not having to worry that if he makes one mistake the game is in peril. Our pitchers deserve better. The effort and the record they have put out there is unfathomable. They have not lost a clip facing these good teams. But our offense has mailed it in. Then to top it off, they string a few hits by hitting the other way in the 9th. If they take this approach when the guy is painting the outside corner in the 3rd inning with men on instead of waiting until the 9th against the closer they may have better results. Last year we watched as our offense would shut down for a few games and then explode. This offense struggles to score runs. We need to address this. If we start to produce just a bit better at the 3-4-5 hole we will have another 8 game win streak or more. Our pitching has raised the bar, our hitters need to keep up. BTW, What was with this lineup tonight. Uribe and his free swinging no contact making below 200 BA in may hitting in the 2 hole. Then Everett in the number 3 hole. This was very much a Sunday lineup from Jerry Manuel.
  6. It would be nice if they decide to take this approach from the start of the game instead of making this mad dash effort at the end. Its nice to see them string some hits together, and it was nice to finally see them hit oppo considering that EVERY SINGLE TEAM pitches them outside all the time. Take this and learn from it.
  7. They should of been doing this oppo field hitting s*** the entire time. WHERE WAS THIS BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  8. This is f***ing silly. Just the odds of random f***ing luck is that a few of these jokers would string a few hits together. This offensive shutdown is brought to you by Jerry Manuel. Who replaced Gooch with Uribe. Everyone worries about the chemistry on this team with a trade. Keep put up a run or two a night and see what happens to the chemistry. See how our pitchers react to throwing night after night of awsome stuff only to have to sit on the edge because the girls are pulling every f***ing pitch. THIS IS CORPSEBALL 2005. We cant f***ing hit at all.
  9. Well I think we all got a glimpse of what happens when our league leading pitching takes a night off. With this offense it can get fugly quickly. Solo pull shots will happen for a few runs to pad a homer stat, but god forbid if the game is on the line with less than two outs. They s*** themselves.
  10. Nice lineup tonight. Uribe and his under 200 BA hitting second. The only thing that would make this lineup better is if we had Timo in tonight. Hey the kid didnt have it tonight. Needs to keep the ball down more. But if our pitching fails with our terrible offense this is what we should all expect to see.
  11. QUOTE(BobDylan @ May 27, 2005 -> 11:52 AM) We knew coming in that Crede couldn't hit. We knew coming in that Uribe was streaky. We knew coming in that Everett was not a long term solution. Did anyone think that they were going to hit sub 200 for a month at the same time. Pitchers in the NL can hit that.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 27, 2005 -> 11:40 AM) The thing that's driving me nuts about this team is the fact that almost everyone save Pods, Iguchi, and Crede are right now hitting far below their career averages. Just look at the numbers career this year Dye .269 .212 Kong .276 .237 Everett .275 .232 Arow .286 .262 Uribe .263 .237 A.J. .292 .264 Crede .254 .238 That's just remarkable in my eyes...in our starting lineup, we have only 2 guys who aren't hitting well below their career batting averages...Iguchi (a rookie) and Podsednik, who is hitting his career average. By the numbers, it's still almost impossible for me to believe that this mess won't improve. You can't just have 7 guys suddenly get worse all in 1 season. The odds against that are just enormous. At some point this season, our numbers are going to regress towards their career mean numbers. Even if they don't get all the way there, those are huge differences to make up. These guys are better hitters than what we're seeing now. What we need is for them to act like they are supposed to. Cruddy is not a better hitt than what you are seeing. What you see is what you get. Everyone just needs to stop listening to Walker. This pull baseball crap has got to stop. AJ is now his latest guy he has "tweaked". AJ's power numbers will go up, but now he will pull the ball more to the 1st baseman. Uribe is a streaky hitter. He swings out his ass. Arow is on his way back up.
  13. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 27, 2005 -> 10:56 AM) To your point, the Rangers have swung the bat REAL well in the last week. They are on a 6 game winning streak. Delluchi, Hidalgo, Young, Texiera, they are all boinking the ball really, really well. I hope Ameriquest (BLAH, :fyou corporate sponsors) awakens the Sox bats. They seem to hit well here. I am still trying to figure out why we have bunches of hitters that struggle at once. I have heard of a guy in a funk, but not like the entire lower half of our order. Look at their may splits. Thats NL pitcher hitting BA's that we have there. Thank god our pitching has been great. GO BMAC, SHUT DEM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 27, 2005 -> 10:30 AM) I think you guys are finally going to get your collective wish: Timo should be boarding a plane. So long Kevin Freaking Walker and Timo Perez, hello Ross Gload and Frank Thomas. We need the Big Man back in a major way; the offense is in a bad spot. See Ya TIMO dont let the door hit your ass on the way out.
  15. Frank and Ross Gload will make this team better. Everett cant hit a 91mph fastball down the cock on 3-1 with men on in a tight game. Frank at least would of either drawn a walk or put the ball in play. Having Ross Gload to pinch hit instead of Timo Freakin Perez or Willie Harris makes this team much better. Hopefully we release Timo and get a fresh start for the offense.
  16. Tomorrow night we face Chris Young owner of a 3.22 ERA. A nice 6'10 righty. Someone needs to step the f*** up and start hitting.
  17. Quote from last year SEE A DIFFERENT GAME: Hitting coach Greg Walker couldn't identify a specific physical problem during his team's prolonged hitting woes, aside from the fact the Sox were trying to pull the ball too often. The struggles were more a case of sagging confidence that caused several hitters to tinker with their swings and develop mechanical problems. Recently, the team's confidence has returned.--Scott Merkin Sounds familiar. Next year and we still have prolonged hitting slumps. The only reason we are doing well now with this offense is speed at the top. Guys hitting clutch at the top. And our outstanding pitching.
  18. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 26, 2005 -> 11:57 PM) How do you say "pull the ball son" in Japanese? I dont want to know. He probably lurks on this board and would pick it up and then gooch would be batting 240.
  19. QUOTE(rangercal @ May 26, 2005 -> 11:43 PM) You would think Greg Walker would point that out Like 2 years ago. Greg is working on breaking everyones swing down. The team should be hitting 210 by July. AJ for years has been a very good batting at hitting the ball the other way. AJ is now opening his hips up and pulling the ball more. He credits Greg Walker for helping him with his new stance and approach on his power stroke. He better not learn japanese.
  20. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ May 26, 2005 -> 11:41 PM) What's so frustratingly obvious to anyone watching on TV is the deep knee bend that he does... If he eliminates that, or just cuts down on it, all of those infield pop ups turn into line drives and HRs. His swing can be broken down like this 1.) Joe Crede's brain tells his body to start to swing 2.) Cruddys body says why swing its a lovely night, and look over there is that an owl? 3.) Cruddys brain says, dammit start the swing 4.) Cruddy moves the front foot over and it starts to turn 5.) Cruddys hips start to fly open 6.) His swing starts a downward arch towards the batting plane 7.) Cruddy opens up completly his knee bends 8.) Cruddys back shoulder dips down so he can get the golf swing into effect 9.) A wooshing noise is heard as the 91mph fastball wisps past cruddys bat 10.) about a half a second latter the bat wooshes through the strike zone 11.) Cruddy follows through on the swing so hard, his head snaps 12.) Cruddy slams his bat down
  21. Pitchers are throwing fastballs down the plate pretty much saying I dont think you are going to hit it to Crede and company.
  22. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ May 26, 2005 -> 11:25 PM) At least last year Crede would hit random homeruns off a pitcher that was dominating our lineup. This year he's swinging a 3 iron. Same swing. The only difference is this year they keep challenging him with fastballs. Last year they would get cute and throw a breaking pitch that would break into his hitch and he would golf the home run out. He looks like he is flipping a switch when he hits its very mechanical.
  23. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ May 26, 2005 -> 11:19 PM) It's frustrating when the team collectively struggles like this but firing Walker would be like rearranging deck chairs. Except we are in first place so that doesn't really work either. Man I just miss having Ross Gload in the lineup. Ross Gload giving Mr. Kong some time on the bench to figure out the mysteries of life would be good. Thomas letting Everett try and figure out what that Jurassic movie was about. No more guys slamming batts into the ground after an AB. Everyone is worried about if we trade for a hitter it will mess up our chemistry. Keep f***ing our pitchers over on 2-1 3-2 loses over the next month and chemistry will be a bit more strained. We are leading the majors in ERA. If we score 3 or more runs we will win games.
  24. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ May 26, 2005 -> 11:04 PM) I just love when we start talking about Greg Walker. Especially because we get a chance day in and day out to hear what he is telling the hitters. This gives us a chance to give him the feedback he needs to start giving better hitting tips than "Pull the ball son". Let's see the offense hit alot of homeruns last year and Greg Walker was here along with some players. This year alot of the players changed but Greg Walker is still here so I believe he is at fault. Fundamental attribution error that is repeated every time we lose a game. One of the reasons that Carlos is not with the team this year is attributed to the series with Minny last August when with men on and less than 2 outs he was swinging for the fences. He struck out 2 times with men on in that first game. KW had a quote that if he ever sees a guy swing for the fences with less than 2 outs when we need a hit he will puke. Looks to be the same to me. Men on less than two outs, guys with long looping swings. Its so obvious the announcers are making comments about it. This teams needs to be less selfish with less than two outs. Make contact, a single drives in a run which is the most important thing when down by a run. We also take first pitch strike every single time. This series its been an automatic 0-1 count on everyone. Dallas McPherson jumps on a first ball fastball for a dong. If you are going to take the big cut and go for the dong, thats probably the pitch to do it on. Our guys are 0-2 on every single AB.
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