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Everything posted by bschmaranz

  1. A recording of me farting >>>>>> Berman
  2. Only cool thing about that was my buddy and I hung out with HALL OF FAMER Harold Baines during the concert.
  3. Yeah Harrison is the only one left capable of playing everyday. Marwin can play 2B too I guess.
  4. https://www.mlb.com/braves/news/josh-donaldson-signs-with-braves/c-301107128
  5. Would you eat the moon if it were made of cheese?
  6. Machado flew in overnight to sign a deal. He got off the plane, saw it was -10 outside and said "fuck this".
  7. He shouldn't get sarcastic on that, he did the eyes a few weeks back and it was related to an office barstool opened in Chicago. Which obv nobody cares about but hoodwinked a lot of folks.
  8. They did. We were in line waiting to go in on the Friday when they announced it. There wasn't a backlash.
  9. Oh you, go back to installing that screen door on the submarine!
  10. Machado is the hold up. He won't sign until Machado is wrapped up.
  11. I definitely remember that clusterfuck. I think that shows how much of an issue this potentially could be. I'm one of those who thinks Palka is 100% unplayable in the field. I hope he's worked on it and I'm wrong but man, he looked beyond lost last year. And I've also been turned around on Joc in center, not a good idea. They should change the rules so Engel can play center and Palka hit for him. Someone get me Manfred on the phone.
  12. I'd say it's still a fair amount better than Joc out of position and Palka wearing a glove under any circumstance.
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