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Everything posted by bschmaranz

  1. While I'm not opposed to moving Tim, I don't see how that one makes sense. That full offer is laughable btw.
  2. Only thing that keeps me from punching this idea in the balls is the fact that Stanton had a historically insane season when he worked with Frank Menechino. But yeah, outside that, too much money, too many injury bugs.
  3. I would. But that actually happening is so ridiculously unlikely.
  4. I joked about it earlier but I'm hoping this is the case.
  5. A guy that's never played in the outfield?
  6. The next guy to suggest Fulmer in a deal needs to go sit in the corner for 15 minutes.
  7. Wilson Contreras. We need that 4th catcher spot tied down.
  8. He did get mad overpaid considering his body of work, or lack thereof.
  9. Heyman says what Boras tells him to say. Same thing happened last winter with Machado's agent.
  10. Am I the only one waiting to be disappointed when Boston trades us Jackie Bradley and Eovaldi? ?
  11. You actually believe Jon Heyman? He uses a ouija board to decide what's happening.
  12. He also said that Arte Moreno is a total wildcard and you never know what he'll do.
  13. Did you just compare Ritchie to Blake fricking Snell? Local guy. I would assume he'd cost nothing and the Yankees would probably need to pick up some of his deal.
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