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About DaSoxDaSoxDaaaaaaaBears

  • Birthday 05/03/1982

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    Chicago Burbs

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    Birmingham Barons (AA)
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  1. What a coincidence. Its Jose Contreras's 47th birthday.
  2. DOes anyone know what shingos contract looks like. Do we got him locked up?
  3. Wow, I didnt know he struggled that much against Boston. I hope he doesnt do that against the twins.
  4. absolutely, then we could trade valentin and either harris or uribe for a 4th or 5th starter.
  5. The most important people we gotta keep around is Buerhle, Garcia, SHingo, Rowand, CLee and Konerko, obviously a few other role players but we can afford to lose almost anyone else if we are active in the offseason. Also it would be nice if Hurt will stay around and we can resign maggs cuz of his injury.
  6. IMO, if we had some contact hitters to get on base valentin would be playing better and trying to manufacture runs. But since we dont he looks like a damn bum. Considering we got Uribe and Harris I say trade him if he doesnt cut his mustache.
  7. If you count the 3 way trade with itt and nym than I guess.
  8. If anything we gotta keep Konerko, Clee, Rowand, Buerhle, Garcia and Takatsu. Thats a good start to any team even if theyre rebuilding. However if we can remain close for the rest of the year the attendance will remain high. Then we will have some money to go after free agents and get some contact hitters and maybe another starter for next year. But if I remember correctly when the sox were rebuilding a few years ago attendance was really down. Management doesnt want that again.
  9. This is just a question. It might have already been answered but I didnt read all the post. Would we get anything if the Cubs played here? I mean they sell out every game and if we got a small cut it could really help. Also I dont think there would be many schedueling problems if they set it up early enough.
  10. I think whichever one we can get for giving up the least is the answer. We arent really hurting in either posistion. However, if we could undercut the twinkies and grab Benson we would really be in a good spot. No matter who is pitching our offense has been streaky. So if we could have that rotation with benson we can compete with anyone, maybe even those damn A's.
  11. I agree we should just ignore this damn yahoo. I just hate that this is what the whole nation sees on ATH . Cant they find anyone else from Chicago to talk on the show. However, i guess someone from the trib would be the same if not worse. Oh well, as long as we keep playing hard, win or lose, I dont care what that tool box says.
  12. The yankees are playing the red sox and i gotta watch the cubs and the phillies on fox. This is a little ridiculous.
  13. This guy is an idiot, he almost makes me not want to watch around the horn. Obviously this is a big blow to our offense but if we remain poised and if MB and freddy keep up the great pitching and our young guys continue to improve we can easily win the division. A good benchmark of a good team is how they handle adversity. I dont hear sox fans going around whining about our injuries like our friends on the north side. Or we dont have players getting suspended and blowing up cuz theyre frustrated. All these guys have done so far is step up. Look what our pitching has done lately, look how Arow and Clee have stepped up. Sure it would be nice to aquire another good player but its not an absolute neccessity. It makes me proud at how well the sox have been doing lately. Keep up the good work.
  14. count me in for boozeday tuesday, im poor but ill go to half price tueday against those damn twinkies!!!
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