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Everything posted by GoArow33

  1. I need a reeeeaaallly kickass Arow sig! Want like 3 Arow shots, a cool backround, (black and white), and GoArow33 on it. It will be appreciated! Whoever makes it is the best human ever created!
  2. We duh. But at least he won a few games. Has he won in NYY yet?
  3. I'll miss ya Maggs. I wish we could've had things work out. He was a guy I wanted to stay like Frank has.
  4. Loaiza=Samson When the almighty Loaiza lost his goatee, he lost his talents.
  5. But we need him to step up, because he isn't pitching well on the average. He's had too many 6 IP 8 ER games or something similar to that this season.
  6. Does this guy look pissed or what? He's pitching really quick today, he's throwing his sinker over and over, and his socks are high. Oh and BTW, 5-0. Friggin Belliard homers as I type.
  7. What Contreras did last night was amazing. He is one of the few White Sox starters over the past couple of years that I've seen pitch well after a rain delay before the game actually started. Big run-on yes, maybe so, but great job for Jose. Really like what he's showed me so far. And props to Davis for proving he can still hit the ball on a daily basis .
  8. I'll be short. I hope you win.
  9. Ah? Why? NO! Well good luck Grilli!
  10. Lol he does look 12 years old on the White Sox site. Same with Zack Grienke.
  11. I remember in 1998 or 1997 when we had Beanie Babie day. There were people buying tickets, and walking in the gate taking the beanie baby, and going home. It was rediculous.
  12. New sig, for new name
  13. How about I hope he's injured the rest of the year, is traded, and then has a hall of fame career for the St. Louis Cardinals?
  14. Davis is 27? Damn I thought he was like 31 or 32!
  15. I love the country music he plays when he comes up to hit. Then he charges around those bases. He's so much fun to watch when he actually hits.
  16. Just thinking about that... He shaved! Hahaha
  17. Is this dude much of a power pitcher? JW.
  18. Loaiza said he was upset he was leaving "the best city in the world" and hinted he wouldn't mind coming back in the off-season. So if we come out with both Contreras and Loaiza I'd be happy. I'll take Contreras, he'll dominate our division so I'm hoping he'll take us to the playoffs.
  19. Trying to pickup a flyball there is pretty tough. I couldn't image how hard it'd be to pick a flyball up when there's a crowd full of different colored t-shirts and what not.
  20. The grass out there is like the fairway on Augusta . It's perfect! Plus I took a little bit of the infield dirt and put it in my bat bag =).
  21. He's Italian? But hey if I had to choose between my Dad owning the White Sox and doing that all the time or him doing what he did today, I'd choose what he did today.
  22. Give me 5-6 years! I did hit one of the balls on a one hop to the power alley wall if LC. It was great!
  23. My Dad is the greatest man living. He is a season ticket holder and today he passed on a chance to take BP and field on US Cellular Field and passed that down to me, his 16 year-old son. And I love him for it. Here's some pictures of me taking BP, fielding, and pitching in the bullpen to none other than my Dad. Did any of you go today? Pitching in the visitors bullpen to my dad: More pitching: Through the wire: Batting!: Making an Ichiro like grab in RF with no ball haha: Coming in to hit: Fielding: The last one is me and my Dad in the bullpen sports bar havin a drink (of soda ). This was truly the best day of my life.
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