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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. Dye struck out in 2 key situations in the 7th and 9th. Sox shut out for 8th time. 2-0 .
  2. Good job I remember Dree's probably from a rookie card and because his last name is the same as Jack Dree's one time Sox TV announcer.
  3. QUOTE(hitlesswonder @ Jul 1, 2007 -> 08:09 AM) No, the Sox have one more way to get talent: cheap free agents undervalued because injury, etc. Seriously, the thing that is most depressing about the Sox is that they have so limited the way they can acquire talent. I don't know of any other team that does this or is so risk-averse. No Boras clients (draft or FA), no arb offers to FAs that might bring extra picks or could be accepted, no drafting hard signs or players demanding more than slot money, no big FAs signed at "crazy" market price, no pitchers signed longer than 3 years, no keeping guys by giving put NTC for full contract, no keeping guys whose 5/10 rights kick in. The Sox are counting on brilliant FA signings and a strong minor league system. And this year that strategy has given the Sox Erstad and Andy Gonzalez. The future isn't bright. Great post. Just another way of saying the Sox are cheap and really for the history of the franchise have always been cheap. Its that frugality that created the Black Sox scandal and got us 1 championship in 90 years. I know others will site how much the payroll is but really if 4 yrs 56 mill. is all he wants to stay we get him at the prime of his career at money and yrs. way less then market value. If Williams can't get this done then anything he says when he trades MB will just be spin control which is a nice way of saying utter and total BS.
  4. Anyone want to do a little bit of digging and see what the Sox record is with Erstad leading off and what the record is so far since he's been gone ?
  5. At this point I guess all u can do is look for a few positives in individual players because as a team they are sucking badly. It's a sad sight to behold and I hope they can get healthy and turn it around. The Sox desperately need the MacDougal of old to reappear and for that matter the Dye and Konerko of old too.
  6. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ May 28, 2007 -> 03:37 PM) I watched the Twins post gameon FSN North and I guess in AJs 1st AB, he tagged 1st base awefully close to JMs foot...then after the 2nd groundout (DP), again Gardy felt he had the whole base to hit and damn near clipped JMs foot again...I guess that was Gardy protecting his MVP but I would be surprised to see AJ plunked in the right situation later in the series Also on the Twins postgame Gardenhire talked to AJ and said its over and forgotten. He accepts AJ's explanation.
  7. Typical Twin win in the baggydome. Infield hits, Tyner, Punto ,Castillo ,and Bartlett on base 13 out of 19 times. Hunter robbing Thome of a HR. Conteras not covering 1st, beaning a hitter 0-2, 2 outs starting a 3 run rally. 2 errors. Gooch stepping on a groundball. AJ supposedly attempting to step on the heel of Morneau twice pissing Gardenhire and the Twins bench off. Dewon Day debut looking like the rest of the bullpen. Aardsma wildness. Did about as well as you can expect off of Santana. Now that we seem to be scoring 4 runs a game the pitching takes a turn for the worse.
  8. Piranhas at it again HBP, stolen base, hit, wild pickoff throw .
  9. QUOTE(Vance Law @ May 28, 2007 -> 09:27 AM) As lefties hit Santana better than righties, I'm glad AJ and Erstad are in there, and I hope Mack in left too. So far this year lefties hitting .169 against him.
  10. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ May 28, 2007 -> 10:49 AM) shouldn't that be in green sox have had virtually no chance against santana when he's at home I do not feel good about this one There's hope , thats why they play the game. Think Masset against Zambrano . Anything can happen. Don't stop believing.
  11. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 26, 2007 -> 05:21 AM) Time is running out for underprepared and inexperienced GM Jon Daniels. Maybe someone should email the Ranger organization and tell them about all the potential GM's here at Soxtalk.
  12. QUOTE(RME JICO @ May 27, 2007 -> 09:28 AM) Pretty good list, but I think there are about 100,000 more you could add to that list. Thread probably belongs in The Diamond Club. For the sake of brevity couldn't list the history of the world for 100+ years. I hope it doesn't get moved. More Soxtalkers will see it here. I never even look at the Diamond club and the Elia tirade alone is a must hear ! QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 27, 2007 -> 09:44 AM) The original post has been made 23,325 times since the last time the Cubs won the World Series. People just can't be nice can they ? I've been around here almost 3 years so excuuuuuuuse me . I haven't seen it before.
  13. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 27, 2007 -> 08:54 AM) Ozuna, LF Iguchi, 2B Thome, DH Dye, RF PK, 1B Crede, 3B Hall, C Uribe, SS Terrero, CF Vazquez, SP Good to see Paulie back. Personally I'd like to see Terrero and Ozuna switched in the order. Also Thome 5th against a tough lefty.
  14. My older brother emailed this to me so I thought I'd share it with you all. Enjoy ! Numerous major events that have occurred since the Chicago Cubs last won a World Series: 1. Radio was invented; Cubs fans got to hear their team lose. 2. TV was invented; Cubs fans got to see their team lose. 3. The internet was invented. Just another way for Cub fans to learn that their team lost. 4. Baseball added 14 teams; Cubs fans get to see and hear their team lose to more clubs. 5. George Burns celebrated his 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, 90th and 100th birthdays. 6. Haley's comet passed Earth twice. 7. Harry Caray was born....and died. Incredible, but true. 8. Two world wars were fought and the U.S. has fought in at least three major conflicts besides the world wars. 9. The atomic bomb was researched, invented, tested and deployed - twice! The cities it destroyed have been rebuilt. 10. The country of Israel was created. 11. The Berlin Wall was erected and torn down. 12. The NBA, NHL and NFL were formed, and ALL Chicago teams won championships in each league. 13. Man landed on the moon, as have several home runs given up by Cubs pitchers. 14. Sixteen U.S. Presidents were elected. 15. Nine Popes, who serve a life term, have led the Catholic Church. 16. Richard J. Daley was elected mayor of Chicago 6 times. His son, Richard M. Daley, was elected mayor of Chicago 6 times (and counting)! 17. Six generations of cicadas have come and gone. 18. There were 11 amendments added to the Constitution. 19. Prohibition was created and repealed. 20. Airlines were created so people could travel by air. 21. The Titanic was built, set sail, sank, was discovered and became the subject of major motion pictures, the latest giving Cubs fans hope that something that finishes on the bottom can come out on top. 22. Wrigley Field was built and becomes the oldest park in the National League. 23. Flag poles were erected on Wrigley Field roof to hold all of the team's future World Series pennants. Those flag poles have since rusted and been taken down. 24. A combination of 40 Summer and Winter Olympics have been held. 25. Thirteen baseball players have won the Triple Crown; several thanked Cubs pitchers. 26. Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs. His last home run was more than 70 years ago. 27. Bell-bottoms came in style, went out of style and came back in. 28. The Chicago White Sox, Cleveland Indians, Boston Red Sox, New York Mets (twice), Kansas City Royals, Toronto Blue Jays (twice), Anaheim Angels, Arizona Diamondbacks and the Florida Marlins (twice) have all won the World Series. The Mets, Royals, Blue Jays, Angels, Diamondbacks and Marlins were expansion teams that started from scratch more than 50 years after the Cubs last won the World Series, with the Diamondbacks winning the World Series in just their fourth season, the Marlins winning the World Series in just their fifth and eleventh seasons and the Mets winning the World Series in their ninth and twenty sixth seasons. 29. The Cubs played 14,153 regular-season games; they have lost more than half of them. 30. 5 states, Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Oklahoma and New Mexico, were added to the Union. 31. Chicago, Texas, New Orleans and Florida all experienced 500 year rains. 32. A tsunami killed more than 250,000 people. 33. San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake the same year the Cubs lost to the Sox in the World Series. San Francisco was still in the process of being rebuilt after the Cubs won their last World Series. 34. The New York Yankees won 26 World Series, 39 Pennants and have made 46 Playoff Appearances. Great Quotes in Cubs History "Noise pollution can't be that much of a problem [at Wrigley]. There's nothing to cheer about."--State Rep. John F. Dunn, arguing for the installation of lights at Wrigley Field "If I managed the Cubs, I'd be an alcoholic."--Whitey Herzog "There's nothing wrong with this team that more pitching, more fielding and more hitting couldn't help." --Bill Buckner "You get tired of looking at garbage in your own backyard."--Cubs manager Lee Elia in 1983 about why the Cubs got rid of so many players. Before being fired later that same season, Elia went into his infamous tirade against Cub fans. Listen to the tirade here. It's as good today as it was 24 years ago. http://users.rcn.com/pkatcher/audio/LeeEliaTirade.mp3 "The Cubs were taking batting practice, and the pitching machine threw a no-hitter."--Radio deejay "The only bad thing about being released by the Cubs is that they made me keep my season tickets." --Ken Reitz, ex-Cub third baseman "Would the lady who left her nine kids at Wrigley Field please pick them up immediately? They are beating the Cubs 4-0 in the 7th inning."--Radio deejay GO SOX!!!
  15. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 25, 2007 -> 08:40 PM) Its been an hour since the end of the game, and no winners thread? TERRERO ERSTAD THORNTON JENKS AND THE RALLY CREDE This place hates success ! Saying something positive is a sign of weakness !
  16. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 19, 2007 -> 05:16 PM) So I'm not a true fan for wanting to deal with mediocrity and having an organization that is nowhere near success right now? I love when the old farts call out younger fans for having a hunger for success and not being happy when things aren't going well. Loving a team means watching and following them as much as humanly possible and going to the games, and I will do that and have done that always. No matter what. So shut your yap. Maybe the "old farts" have learned a thing or 2 that you have yet failed to grasp. This is not , I repeat, not your video game or your fantasy league. Poor you , you don't want to deal with mediocrity. Guess what ? If the Sox are mediocre do you know what you can do about it ? Nadda, zip, zilch, zero. Do we like mediocrity ? No , but us "old farts" are more inclined to worry about more important things in life than salaries or how many options so and so has left and the minor league system and players of all the other major league teams. Does that mean we care less about the Sox ? No, we're just a little more inclined to put things in the proper perspective. So next time you feel like telling someone to "shut your yap" maybe you should say it while looking in the mirror.
  17. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ May 17, 2007 -> 09:07 PM) I'm of about the same opinion and I really think we may see Fields up for around 30-40 games this season. Crede and Fields are both off to slow starts. If Fields will be up for that many games then you're expecting the Sox to be out of the playoff hunt or Joe to be really bad or be traded. If the Sox are in the playoff hunt I'd hardly expect to see Fields at all until the September callups.
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 17, 2007 -> 08:50 PM) I still don't know what the f*** you expect from an internet message board. Apparently you're new to this whole internet thing because you still haven't figured out what sports message are for. If you're not playing armchair manager/GM then what's the fun of it? Lets hope not, if armchair managing/GM'ing were to be banned from the site this place would cease to exist. I guess I expect grown or semi grown men not to be whiny little b****es about a team you supposedly love and support in 90% of the posts. I expect to see more support , patience or actual discussion without people being so out on the ledge all the time.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ May 17, 2007 -> 07:44 PM) From my end, it's the total opposite. Every little thing Erstad does well, it gets magnified as if it was the greatest play in history. I think you would agree that the Erstad haters far outnumber the supporters or are more vocal. I could always waste my time counting positive and negative posts and I wouldn't bother counting the negative ones during the first 2-3 weeks of the season when he got off to a miserable start. Even in the weeks where he's been doing well I'm fairly sure the negative posts far outweigh the positive ones. Most of his supporters , myself included, probably just feel the need to try to balance out the discussion, be the voice or reason or just plain don't understand the venom and ignorance of some of the comments.
  20. QUOTE(RME JICO @ May 17, 2007 -> 02:12 PM) I think it has something to due with the lineup changes. Players can't get into a rhythm. I think it has something to do with pitiful hitting. A sweep of the Cubs and this place might actually stop sounding like a bunch of armchair managers/GM's for a few days.
  21. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 16, 2007 -> 10:01 PM) Going by past trends, that would not be the case. Most people around here are real good about owning up. And if Danks blows out his arm after his start on Sunday then there's something seriously wrong with his arm as of right now, 3 days rest shouldn't destroy the arm of a soft tossing 22 year old. You're kidding right ? Erstad has been crucified and continues to be crucified despite obviously being the better choice over Anderson. Every mistake he makes is put under a microscope. Anything to cling to the hate. He's play good all around baseball. Defense ,running, offense, leadership . What more do people want ? . I'm aware of the OBP and OPS. Expecting a high OPS out of Erstad is like expecting Dye to bunt with men on 1st and 2nd with 0 outs. It's just not his game.
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 17, 2007 -> 05:13 PM) Very good veteran players average out over a season. Every team hits a slump. Eventually veterans like Konerko, Dye, Gooch, AJ will come close to their career numbers, meaning they will have to heat up over their averages as much as they have been under. That's what you pay for in veterans over rookies (BA for example) All in all, at this point in the season, I am feeling optimistic based on three decades of watching the nation's pastime. So many guys are due to get hot to reach their career norms that when it happens it will be scary ! If 4 or 5 guys get hot at the same time combined with our pitching to this point I'll thoroughly enjoy it. I just hope it starts tommorrow against the Cubs.
  23. Someone please tell Pablo the 1st rule of baserunning . Never make the 1st or the 3rd out at 3rd base.
  24. QUOTE(vandy125 @ May 16, 2007 -> 07:29 PM) Which is still better than Konerko, Dye, and Crede. They also never hit into DPs, especially Konerko. I'm not saying that he's doing really well. Just saying how about we beat on another dead horse. Amen.
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