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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ May 16, 2007 -> 07:11 PM) Well, that should end every Erstad argument. That was a miserable play. Very likely just cost us the game. This is one of the worst defensive innings in Sox history. Damn you're worse than a sportswriter when it comes to overexageration. End the Erstad argument ? Cost us the game ? Worst defensive inning in White Sox history ? You've been around for 100+ years ??
  2. Slipped or misread by Erstad . Linedrive right at him. Tough play but gotta be made.
  3. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:59 PM) He's exactly what we were afraid of... A low OBP hitter with little power... And as Hawk continues to talk about all the great things he brings to the club, how his grinderishnessitude rubs off on those around him, maybe it's time to blame him for the incredible display of futility throughout our lineup. I don't think you even believe what you just said. You're going to blame one guy for the whole team hitting like crap ? Thats just scapegoatism at its very worst or is it best?
  4. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:52 PM) How come they never show the jumps? They always show the conclusion of the play but never the beginning. The first second after contact means everything to the play. YES showed the whole replay. He got a great jump.
  5. Good baserunning Mac ! Now we need a 2 out basehit to score the run . Lets go Ryan ! QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:55 PM) Has Erstad smiled once since being in a Sox uni? I've yet to see it, perhaps he has no teeth or just really bad breath and does not want to open his mouth. Is it possible that he's so grindy he refuses to ever show any sort of emotion during baseball season? He's a notorious tobacco chewer. You don't smile much with that big chaw in your grill.
  6. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:51 PM) Erstad's defense is overrated, mmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm His jumps are bad, mmhmmmmmmmmmmmm His reads aren't good enough, mmhmmmmmmmmmmm I love Erstad. How anybody could ever bash his D is beyond me. He covered a lot of ground there. I was telling the haters that they would be surprised if that ankle was healthy just how good he would be and since the Sox signed him I always assumed it was fine. Jason was the only other person I remember saying the same thing though I'm sure there were others. We had seen Erstad at his best since we're in California and though he's older you can see he still has a good amount of speed.
  7. Contreras 14 consecutive scoreless innings . The longest streak of his career.
  8. QUOTE(TheOcho @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:08 PM) That seems to be the problem for multiple players on the team currently. True and for many many hitters in baseball and its not because they lack strength. Sweeney has the long swing that many of our minor leaguers do.If or when he's learns to become a major league hitter he will be fine.
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:13 PM) I think even Sweeney's biggest supporters right now would say his strength is the biggest thing he needs to improve. Yea because he is 22 and will most likely fill out his frame another 20-25 lbs by the time he's in his mid 20's. They're hoping he gets stronger to hit more homeruns.
  10. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:20 PM) It's one Tiger stater you're talking about, Verlander. There is no one else on that team that fits the bill. Verlander pitched 1 year in the minors after throwing for Old Dominion in '04 and starting the year with the big club in '06. In that one season in the minors he pitched 130 innings and jumped 3 levels over a 6 month span making an appearance with the big club in September of '05. Verlander is also a power pitcher throwing in the upper 90's with a wicked breaking ball. Verlander ended up "breaking down" by having 3 outstanding and 2 horrible starts (one vs the Sox) in September of last season. Danks threw 140 innings last season and 156 in '05. He's on pace for about 180 IP this season. He's a Buehrle-esque "soft tosser" (hate to use the term but that's the best way to describe him and his low 90's fastball.) He's not putting a whole lot of strain on his arm with any of his pitches and as the season goes on you'll see Ozzie start to limit Danks' work to keep him fresh. I highly doubt throwing on 18 hours fewer rest than he's used to is going to have any effect on him at all. Maybe , maybe not . A cumluative effect might not be immediately noticed. Only Danks will be able to tell how his arm feels. He could go through a dead arm period then recover. You can't speculate on the strain on his arm since you're not him. As its a long season it's better to err on the cautious side.
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:03 PM) Assuming we get to the playoffs there is a strong possibility that Danks doesnt even start. We have 4 veteran starters on our staff 3 of which have won a WS with us. Im assuming Danks plays the role of El Duque. Playoffs ? PLAYOFFS ? ! I'm not neccessarily talking about the playoffs. I just know it was the last month or 2 of the season that the young Tiger starters faltered because they had never pitched as many innings in a season before and it took its toll.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ May 16, 2007 -> 05:51 PM) Sweeney breaks so many bats when he's swinging. That's a huge sign that his strength isn't anywhere near the level it's going to have to be at in order to be successful. I've never heard that breaking your bat is indicative of lack of strength in all the years I have followed baseball which is 35+ years. The kid is 6'4" 215. That appears to be plenty strong enough to hit a baseball. I would think breaking your bat as a lot of hitters do now is more a sign of the lighter bats that everyone uses to increase bat speed or just not getting the fat part of the bat on the ball. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'd just like to know where you've seen that information.
  13. There was talk yesterday about starting Masset. A reason not mentioned for NOT starting Danks would probably be the amount of innings he has pitched in a year while in in the minors . I don't know his innings pitched totals but some believe the young Tigers pitchers petered out at the end of the year because they had never thrown as many innings as they had in a season before.
  14. While the team is struggling offensively and Juan's one of the only hot hitters might as well have him near the top of the order. He's due for a career year where he shows vastly improved patience at the plate for longer stretches of time, instead of just being the streaky Juan we've know in the past.
  15. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 12, 2007 -> 08:24 PM) Who cares...no team is going to hit this bad all season. I'll take the pitching, you can buy bats a lot easier, plus there is no way Dye/Konerko stay this bad. I wouldn't be surprised if Crede struggled (wish he wouldn't, but I'm less confident about him) plus Thome should be fine and Pyrz has proven he's a pretty consistent .270 plus hitter (at the very least). I'm impressed, they continue to find ways to win and have had great starting pitching and I expect us to get strong pitching all season and better offensive play and that is a recipe for a world series type of ball club. I agree completely. The team is showing intenstinal fortitude. They were coming from behind to pull out games on the road and despite the lackluster hitting managed a W tonight. The starting pitching has been phenomenol . The bullpen will have its ups n down mostly because of control issues. Last year we were losing games to teams like the Royals too many times. Pitching will win u games like this when all it takes is a walk , wild pitch and 1 hit to win the game.
  16. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 12, 2007 -> 07:47 PM) Didnt Erstad win a GG there? He did indeed .
  17. Real nice win. 2 outs no one on in the ninth . Clutch hits by Erstad and Uribe then Dye in the 10th for the game winner. Nail biter deluxe !
  18. Product Details Mark Buehrle played a key role in the Sox winning the 2006 World Series......
  19. QUOTE(joeynach @ May 8, 2007 -> 01:02 PM) My point is really in relation to the type of hitter Uribe is, BA as well but hes no longer on the team. This team in terms of Erstad/Iguchi/Thome/Konerko/Dye/AJ/Crede/Pods is a team predicated on good productive at bats. Im talking about not swinging at the first pitch, seeing lots of pitches, working the count, fouling off tough pitches, elevating the pitchers pitch count, making productive outs, moving guys over situationally, drawing walks, etc. Where on earth does Uribe fit into that scheme of offensive production. Actually, IMO he seems to disrupt that rhythm if anything. Uribe being the 1 guy in the lineup most opposing teams know they can go after, or who will chase balls in the dirt and over his head (BA too in terms of last years lineup). I was so sick of seeing Crede and AJ get on with a nice AB from a walk, or lengthy foul offs until they finally get a hit right ahead of Uribe (or BA) only to see him swing at the first pitch and popout or strike out on a ball at his neck or in the dirt. Its sickening. Fine screw the .340 OBP just give me a guy with some plate discipline who can at least make productive outs, Id kill for Aaron Hill. Uribe had 13 walks all of last year in support of your argument . This year he already has 9 including the one tonight with the bases loaded so lets hope he keeps it up.
  20. Long overdue . Great performance JD.
  21. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ May 9, 2007 -> 07:54 PM) This is pretty much the best way to sum up the entire debate. Expectations are everything, and I think that's regardless of age or not. What is different between the two is that, while I don't feel last year was necessarily bad, it wasn't as good as it could have been and I was left very disappointed. The team faltered horribly in the second half, and with just 5 more wins in the second half would have been in the playoffs. That left a bad taste in my mouth, and I'm seeing pretty much that exact same product on the field right now. That's the main problem I've had with this team over the past 4 and a half months of baseball. However, if the Sox were in a complete rebuilding mode and finished around .500 in this division, I would be ecstatic about the future of the organization. The problem is that with a $95-100 million payroll, there are high expectations, and those expectations haven't been met. The team is starting to look better day by day, and all we can really hope for is that this team takes off in the second half. Is the 1st half over already ? I could have sworn there was 3/4 of the season left.
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