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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. 5 time All-star. 3 times top 3 in MVP voting. 5 time top 10 in MVP voting. In strike season became 1st major leaguer ever to hit 50 HR's and 50 doubles. In 2nd season with the Sox he hit .328, 49 HR's, 48 doubles , 152 RBI's, 399 total bases in what was arguably one of the best seasons ever by a White Sox. Everything you mentioned was done in only 12 seasons before an degenerative arthritic hip forced him to retire.
  2. QUOTE(StatManDu @ Jan 10, 2007 -> 09:17 AM) Thanks for checking in. I didn't include every former Sox player -- just the ones who I thought were significant, memorable or had a legitimate chance at the Hall. It was a subjective list. Belle received 7.7 percent of the vote Tuesday -- his first time -- and gets to say on because he received at least 5 percent. For some reason I really liked Albert Belle. I mean the press hated him. He was surly to the point of beligerence. He got caught with a corked bat . Yet he really seemed to play hard and he put up monster numbers the few years he was with the Sox. I think I just liked him because everyone else disliked him. He played with an attitude. He reminds me of AJ in that way only to a higher degree, where he crossed the line from being a mere pest to having his sanity questioned. His career was shortened by injuries and I haven't checked his lifetime stats but I think he deserved more votes then he got. It wouldn't be the first time the press held a grudge.
  3. Just noticed that you left Albert Belle off the Hall of Fame first ballot list.
  4. I predict a scandal involving saki and geishas. Konishiwa and sayonara.
  5. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 08:05 PM) More often then not, the first time you have sex, you suck; the more you do it, the better you get at it. But improvement doesn't equal quality, it just means you're better than bad. Whoop-dee-s***. In this instance, Brian's still inexperienced, but he's atleast lost his virginity. Pretty simple, really. All 3E8 was trying to say was that it was essentially impossible for him not to improve, and that his improvement doesn't mean he's good or that he's going to be good next year. To expect a .270 average due to a .257 second half average is a bit too optimistic. Though, on the other hand, it's not too unreasonable to figure that he very well could put up a .270 average. It's just not bloody likely. Hitting a baseball isnt as easy as falling off the turnip truck which u seem to have done a few times. Just because u hit .200 doesnt mean u automatically will improve. If that was the case then everyone who ever played baseball for more then 1/2 a season and sucked would magically become a .250 hitter just like BA did. I'm giving credit where its due. He improved and he's likely to keep improving till we see what his ceiling is.
  6. When these teams wearing the clown suits (ahem Cubs) realize they spent all that money for nothing they will all want to do what Williams did. But we got a years jump on them. I just hope for Kenny's sake and more importantly for the franchises' sake that at least one of those guys becomes a big success and 1 other becomes a moderate success or we're looking at becoming the KC Royals.
  7. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 11:39 PM) Lets take a look around the Sox very own division. Twins-Nathan and Rincon. You seem to want "proven commodities" and since your not including guys like Thornton and such, I see no reason to include guys like Reyes or even Crain. Tigers-The immortal Todd Jones and Jose Mesa. Zumaya and Rodney are far from "proven" Tribe-Foulke,Hernandez,and Borowski have all proven things. Doesn't mean they are good things.... Royals-Ha Aside from a team like the Halos, who really has all these "proven commodities" in their bullpens?? I didnt say u had to like any other bullpens did I ? My idea of a proven commodity is any pitcher with a minimum of 2 yrs of decent results though I know Jenks doesnt fit that category I give him extra credit for the postseason results. I'm just saying why pick the bullpen as the one part of the team to feel good about when we have a pretty good hitting team. Its a bunch of young power arms struggling to find a level of consistency in the bigs. If Jenks ,MacD , Thornton and just one other guy has a good season it will be a good bullpen. But thats depending on no regressions ( injuries or pitching wise) from the first 3 I mentioned. By the way I always feel good about the Sox as a whole in the offseason its just when I really start to break things down when u realize what a crapshoot it is .
  8. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 10:46 PM) If there is one part of the team I feel very good about, it's the bullpen. What makes u feel good about it ? Jenks and MacD are the only 2 proven commodities and one has a history of injuries and the other one has a screw in his elbow.
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 06:05 PM) Personally, I think it's a lot higher than that too...but hey, that's why they play the games. I'd be willing to make a creative wager if you're a gambling man just to make it interesting. I'll give u 2-1 odds neither one (BMac or Floyd) wins 15 in 2007 and you give me 2-1 that they won't win 15 games combined. All we have to do is figure out the stakes.
  10. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 05:36 PM) Considering the offenses that both of them could have behind them, I wouldn't rule out either of them having 15 wins. May not happen, but it's a lot higher than the needle in a haystack. Ok Balta u convinced me I was being a little bit stingy there. Lets upgrade it from a needle to a 16 penny nail in a haystack. Thats quite a bit larger but still damn hard to find.
  11. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 10:15 AM) This is a common misconception around here. He improved in the second half, but his offensive numbers were still disappointing in that period. It's hard not to improve upon a 180 AB stint where you do not hit .200. BA was striking out less after the All-Star break, but breaking pitches low and away were a big problem for him and most teams knew to pitch him this way. However, most of us realize that it's pretty hard to develop as a rookie with sporadic playing time and bad matchups. So optimism definitely still remains with BA, especially because of his great defense in a very important defensive position. Maybe you think its a common misconception but BA did show plenty of improvement the second half. Here are some of his splits. Batting Avg. by month March/April .161 May .167 June .196 July .313 August .296 Sept./Oct. .200 Before the All-Star break .192 After the All-Star break .257 He had approx. the same number of AB's before and after the AS break. Judging by theses stats ( and I know things don't always go the way we want) I'd have to say BA is capable of hitting .250-.260 over the course of a season. That's not unrealistic expectations.
  12. QUOTE(Damen @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 10:03 AM) I figured McCarthy to have around a 4.50-4.75 ERA and get 12-15 wins. You'd be out of your mind to suggest Floyd will get anywhere near that. Why should we lose a guy whom we are fairly certain will get solid fifth starter numbers just so Gavin Floyd can lose us games to "work out his kinks"? I'll suggest you'd be out of your mind to think BMac is good for 15 wins in his 1st full year as a starter, but i will say his chances of doing it are better than Floyds. One has a snowballs chance in hell and the other one finding a needle in a haystack.
  13. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Dec 23, 2006 -> 09:31 PM) This is wierd. We still have a solid ML team, but we also have a boatload of pitching prospects. This is Flash's ultimate off-season. Danks Masset Gonzalez Floyd Broadway Phillips Wow. Don't forget our knuckleballer !
  14. QUOTE(Drew @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 09:15 PM) I was there for his four-outs-from perfect game. Easy to admire, easy to hate on, but there was no '05 without Sweaty Freddy. And I was literally right there with u . I love the fact that Freddie added the splitfinger and seemed to master it pretty quickly. I wanted him to stay just to see if his fastball came back and even if it didnt to see how he would pitch with the splitty. If Philly has a good season I expect 16-20 wins from Freddie. I still content that any one of our starters are capable of being the ace of a lot of staffs. Thanks for being a major part of the World Series victory and memories that will last a lifetime( with the help of DVD's).
  15. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Dec 3, 2006 -> 01:53 PM) The scenario you've built gives the Sox 3 lead off hitters--one of which is awful (Podsednik), one which couldn't carry Joe Crede's jock at 3B (Figgins), and then one that is above and beyond the best player of the three (Crawford) but you want to bat him 2nd? A team can have overkill speed, you know. (RE: Minnestoa Twins) Plus, you mix and match Crede/Figgins hitting numbers, but what good does that do anyone? Figgins is a top of the order hitter, Crede is a power hitter. It's Figgin's job to get on base, thus his OBP needs to be high...Crede is at the bottom of the Sox power threat, therefore his OBP is pretty much moot. If the Sox can land anyone better than Podsednik that fits ANYWHERE on the field, I promise you that Scotty Pods will be packing his bags. (Though I can't prove that statement.) Plus, if the Sox trade Crede for Figgins among others, I really don't see why you'd go after Crawford...especially at the expense of McCarthy. (Besides, if they got Santana in a deal for Figgins, they'd be in a pretty position again with 6 starters and for the future.) Iguchi is a pretty solid #2 hitter with some pop (and typically a #2 hitter has some pop, nothing which Crawford or Figgins will give you) so why would you take him out of that spot? ...And if you look back to 2005, the only "automatic" base stealer the team had was Podsednik. I have no problem with adding more power into the line-up (Manny), just as well as I have no problems adding more speed. But in every line-up, there are spots for speed and there are spots for power. Right now the Sox lack a guy at the top (not at #2) and guys down in the order. Add a Figgins, the top is filled, no more speed is needed. Add a Manny, and you earn back all the power lost with Crede, and then some. Carl Crawford has no pop ?? He hit 18 HR's last year. Is 25 or 26 and has his best power years ahead of him. . As far as I'm concerned he's a 50 steals 30 homer guy very soon. People talk about him when they talk about a 3000 hit potential guy. These are reasons why Tampa Bay wants a kings ransom for the guy. Any team that can pry him away from TB will be extremely pleased. He's a true 5 tool player . Hit for average and power, speed , great fielder and a damn good arm. I know good young pitchers are at a premium now but right now McCarthy is still just a prospect because he has never pitched a full season in the majors as a starter. If you have a chance to get a Carl Crawford you go for it. He won't come cheap but he'll be cheaper now than at any point in his future.
  16. Just ordered mine 2 minutes ago . DVD available 11/1 and pin set not until 11/20. Sweet deal !!
  17. QUOTE(whitesox61382 @ Sep 30, 2006 -> 08:29 PM) It doesn't take guts to say lets get two of the top young players in the game. I don't think there is a Sox fan on this board that would not love to see Crawford and Rollins at the top of the lineup. He is getting criticized because it really isn't realistic. The first question is, are either of these guys going to be on the trade market this offseason? Would you trade two complete players who are a huge part of your teams foundation(or if Crawford and Rollins were on the Sox would you trade them)? I think that it is fair to say that neither team really WANTS to trade either of them, but they would be willing to listen to offers and if they are blown away might be willing to trade them. For example, the main reason Crawford didn't get traded before the deadline was because their asking price was way too high. McCarthy and Sweeney(or Fields) would certainly get TB attention, but don't be surprised if they say that isn't enough for one of the young superstars of baseball(maybe McCarthy, Sweeney, AND Fields would be realistic in TB managements mind). In regards to Rollins, do you honestly think that Garcia and Uribe is a package that would blow the Phillies management away? Hell, do you think that Garcia and Uribe would make the Phillies better next year instead of an inexperienced yet talented young starter(which the Phillies have a handful of) and Rollins? I would much rather have the latter in the long-run for sure, and probably the short-run as well. The fact is that no one knows what to expect from Garcia next year. Is he going to get his fastball back? Is the last month with his new splitter for real or a mirage? Can we expect the Garcia of the first half? His trade value isn't that high at this point because of these questions. Uribe shouldn't be starting in the majors. Any player that struggles to get on base twenty-five percent of the time shouldn't be starting no matter how much power or how good defensively they are. Making a switch from Rollins to Uribe would be a HUGE downgrade considering that Rollins is better across the board. I am all for trading for Rollins and Crawford, but lets be a little more realistic about it. In regards to posting are own ideas, my post clearly goes over some realistic options with my brief opinion on each option. The truth is that this offseason has as many question marks and uncertainities as any in the history of the KW regime. It is nearly impossible to accurately guess what direction KW will take at this point. Did u see anyone but him post a 25 man roster? Thats what he asked for but all he got was criticism instead. As far as realism goes who's to say whats realistic and what isnt ? Garcia is a 17 game winner and has pitched sum gems lately. Good starting pitching is a rare commodity. He's not that old and has added a new pitch that has hitters looking pretty foolish. I'm inclined to think you undervalue Garcia. I know that won't sit well with all the Garcia haters. You don't pitch a near perfect game and sum really quality starts after that against ML hitters and call it a mirage. Everyone talks about how pitchers need to learn a new pitch when they struggle and thats exactly what he did. Everyone is well aware that most championships are won with pitching and I don't see any depth of proven quality starters on the Phillies who just missed the playoffs. Personally I'd love to see Crawford and Rollins on the Sox but I'd be almost as happy sticking with Garcia. Just because its not likely to happen doesnt make it unrealistic. You'll be right 95% of the time saying its not gonna happen, thats just too easy and thats what I see way too much of around here.
  18. QUOTE(chisoxdavid @ Sep 29, 2006 -> 11:31 AM) Do you think he would of plyed with those injuries if he had a big contract? I dont, I think he played just because his contract had incentives. I was talking about him playing in pain throughout his career. A few years ago David Wells questioned Franks ability to pay through pain and turned out Frank had a major injury. Also Frank wants badly to reach 500 homeruns to solidify his Hall of Fame chance and I also just think he loves playing the game. You make it sound like all Frank Thomas stands for is greed and thats a shame for a player of his caliber.
  19. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 30, 2006 -> 12:15 PM) Buehrle wishes he could receive credit for Garlands line. Ha missed that in the edit. What was I thinking ?
  20. Great 8 innings by Jon . Equals 18 win total from 05 .Tadihito hits good in 6 spot, HR 3 rbi. Sweeny Gload and RMack major contributors. Sox 6 Twins 3.
  21. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Sep 28, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) Okay everyone has been saying we need a new leadoff hitter, a better bullpen, more grinders, more balance, better starters, etc.... With all of these posts going on latley, i decided a new topic to see what each of you guys would do to make the 2007 a championship caliber team again. Put together your 25 man roster. Be realistic, what should KW do?!? My 25 man roster: Starting Lineup: Rollins SS (for Garcia and Uribe) Crawford LF (for McCarthy and Sweeney) Dye RF Thome DH Konerko 1B Iguchi 2B Pierzynski C Crede 3B Anderson CF Bench Gload 1B, Cintron INF, Ozuna Inf/OF, Stewart C, Mackowiack OF/3B Starting Rotation: Contreras Garland Buerhle Vazquez Mussina/Pettite (sign via free agency) Bullpen: Jenks, Thorton, Macdougle, Cotts(innings eater),Chad Bradford (via free agency), Roberto Hernandez (via free agency) I think if KW can do something along those lines we'll be okay!! I applaud your guts to post this. You asked other posters to do the same thing but not a single poster has, but you sure got your share of criticism. Typical around here. Easy to criticize , cowards when it comes to opening themselves up to criticism. Quite frankly I love the idea of Crawford and Rollins. It adds tons of speed , power, average and defense. Between the 2 of them it adds up to about 75 doubles , 30 triples and 45 homeruns , both hit lefties fairly well and steal bases. Crawford is 25 , Rollins 28 . I don't think Garcia and Uribe for Rollins is that farfetched as one poster suggested. Garcia is a potential 20 game winner in the NL. Uribe is a 20 homerun 70 rbi guy who plays good+ D.They also have the added intangible of having won a World Series.
  22. A's all the way !! Big Frank was a great player for us and despite those who questioned his attitude he played through a lot of pain. He was the face of the franchise for a lotta years and I won't ever forget the greatest hitter ever in White Sox modern era.
  23. Bmac isnt going anywhere. If KW didnt trade him at the ASB for Soriano I can't see how he'll trade him during the offseason. I have no idea who was supposed to be included in that trade but it sure seems like we wasted a chance to get a great hitter for a few guys who weren't much use to the 2nd half effort. With Soriano in the lineup everyday who knows what could've happened. He would've been the best hitter on a team full of good hitters, we could've benched Pods. That in itself would have been worth it. As for all the speculation on what Bmac will bring next year , its all conjecture. Your guess is as good as the next persons. He could suck , he could be lights out. He could end up back starting in the minors. It's a crapshoot. Theres just as many reasons for optimism as there are for pessimism.
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