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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. Let's face it people want to be entertained. Does going to a sucky play or concert make it memorable ? Same goes for baseball. A winning year makes it special. Those are the things you remember for the rest of your life. So put on your Sox cap and get out to the game , wether you're an old or new fan and root , root , root for the White Sox.
  2. I just freaked when I hear Hawk and DJ say "Soxtalk YESSSS" Though i missed if they said anything before that. But Holy fried fish Batman. Tonight was perfect .
  3. Just vote for Pods dont bother with a National League vote.
  5. 5 yrs $50 million sounds good . Yea I know Reinsdorf doesnt like doing more then 3 yrs on a pitcher. He should make an exception here . Jon has no history of arm problems and is entering prime pitching years. If the Sox are serious about all this "family stuff" (i.e. coaches who are all ex -sox) then prove it and give Garland and for that matter Buehrle 5 yr deals.
  6. QUOTE(kevin57 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 05:48 PM) After Buerhle's last victory, he said that "God is a Sox fan this year." Hmm... I have noticed that Rowand, A.J., and a couple other Sox make the Sign of the Cross before they bat. God power? Anyone know much about the faith of these players? Not nosey, curious...and wondering if we really do have some very special "karma" on our side this year. Welcome
  7. I have really enjoyed reading this thread. Pretty calm cool and collected on both sides of the argument. I too get very tired of reading the constant griping but I think its keeps things interesting. I honestly don't think this place would be worth coming too if we just patted each other on our collective backs for great posts. Some of the biggest whiners have been singled out but I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that they would weep tears of joy , as would I, if the Sox went and won the whole damn enchilada. I think the mods have shown the correct amount of restraint. Sure it's frustrating reading crap but it has A+ entertainment value as long as the older wiser members speak up. One last note. Just because you've been around a long time does not mean you are incapable of being obnoxious. Some older members take advantage of the fact they can be as surly or b****y as they wanna be. Then we chalk it up to "thats just the way they are" or he/she has earned the right to be that way. Please keep banning to a minimum. Only one of 30 teams can win it all every year and until they win it, there will be worries and its the American way to discuss what troubles us without chopping off their heads.
  8. I'm happy as hell that Shingo is Shingo again. We all but forgot about Mr. Zero. Keep throwing strikes. That was his only problem as I've said in the past. If Japanese batters didn't figure him out all those years I don't see why MLB hitters would. During the rain delay today I saw highlights from last year and Willie Harris scored a winning run and there was the usual mob scene around the hitter. I saw Willie on the edge of the group and Shingo comes up behind him and starts punching him in both ass cheeks. Left, right ,left ,right ,left, right. Willie turns around and puts up his dukes as Shingo runs away. Cracked me up. Did anyone else happen to see that or remember it ?
  9. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 11:26 AM) road attendence is so dumb.... the only team it can really apply for our yankees, boston, and cubs since they actually draw crowds when they travel... other than that its a crap shoot because a course a team like toronto or baltimore are going to have a better road attendence since they face the yankees and red sox 9 times each while we face the royals/detroit/cleveland/minny all 9 times each and none of them are big attendence drawers. Very good point. Also don't forget teams will have promotions (giveaways) on days when teams that don't draw a lot of national interest come to town in order to boost attendance.
  10. God bless Nancy Faust. I hope we win it all and she play's in the parade. That would be sweet.
  11. Ozuna has looked awesome the last few days in the field, on the bases and at the dish. Can it be that because of Uribes injury we might actually be an even better team now? KC tried a hit and run tonight and Pablo went to cover 2nd was able to stop go back to his right and field the ball cleanly and threw out the runner. That right there is one helluva hard play to make.
  12. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 09:05 PM) Maybe this house was built with glue? SUPERGLUE
  13. Welcome aboard. Minnesota got booted ? I remember when I was new he offered to make me a sig. He seemed pretty cool.
  14. I'm thinking when our biggest crowds of the week are on 1/2 price night, cost of tickets and parking is definitely a major concern. It was the same against the D backs last Monday.
  15. QUOTE(Tmar28 @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 09:02 PM) haha maybe that stranger ended up being him... that would be quite surprising Nah it wasn't.I got conned plain and simple. Instead of giving the ticket to will call I yelled is there a Trevor here and this guy said " I'm Trevor " He looked like he was 30 so i shoulda have been a little more wary but I was just kind of relieved that I didn't have to wait around after fighting rush hour traffic and getting there a lil late. The dude disappeared after he got the ticket and Trev (hi8is)ended up buying one and we never did hook up. Boy did I feel stupid.
  16. I could have used a pic of you when I was trying to meet you in Anaheim before I gave your ticket away to a total stranger. Great job Trev.
  17. I thought for sure the Friday game against the Dodgers, 1959 cap night would sell out. Is Friday night still a fireworks night ? I was in Chicago last week and had originally planned to go to that game but family scheduling conflicts made me change it to the Monday game against the D backs. I also went to 3 of the games against the Angels in Anaheim. I was surprised how expensive parking is. In Anaheim its $8 for stadium parking.
  18. Just keep your broom with you at all times. Or " Joe you're not doing us any favors helping the Yankees get back in the pennant race." That way its more team oriented then personal . I 'm sure he feels bad enough about the granny. OOOO dress up like an old lady ( grannie) and " sweep " around him .
  19. Dad is a Sox fan. Grew up on the SW side. Played catch with the old man. He could really break off a huge curve with a Clincher. Have a 1974 program advertising family day with a picture of my Dad and 2 brothers in it. Dad always said Johnny Mostil (great Sox CF from the 20's) was a distant cousin. So i guess i was born into it going strong at 47 yrs.
  20. Wells is the first guy that popped into my head . Fat tub of goo gets hurt and has the nerve to call out Frank cause he didn't play with pain and it turns out Franks injury is serious. Never diss the big man !
  21. The more info I get the better informed I feel. Nice post Cubsuck. OH and just because I have less then 500 posts I wouldn't consider myself a newbie . I 've been around 10 months now. When i read a thread if someone has already posted what is essentially my opinion I won't bother very often to say " I agree". I say my peace and don't bother to get into extended arguments. Nice moderating job SS.
  22. QUOTE(Adam G @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 07:48 AM) Right now though, I see Jester's avatar I'm remembering how smoking hot Lindsay Lohan was before she dyed her hair blonde and found out that she loved crack. She (Lohan) reminds me of a young Ann Margaret ( talk about hot !! ). But I am constantly seeing new stars that resemble old ones. Brad Pitt= Robert Redford. Angelina Jolie = Sophia Loren.
  23. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 02:38 PM) I think El Duque fell twice on the basepaths. I swear he fell rounding 2nd as well as third, and he almost bit the dust coming around 1st too. Definitely a comical basepath session for Duque I don't think he fell either time . He slides to stop his momentum. He did that rounding 2nd and 3rd. Glad i also saw a mention of the amount of Sox fans in the crowd. I was amazed there were so many , especially when Crede and Frank went back to back in the 9th. They were LOUD.
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