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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. QUOTE(rudylaw @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 09:38 PM) Sox hit a coll .511 tonight. Not to shaby! That's because with 3 doubleplays and 2 caught stealings thats 8 total outs that only show up as 2 in the batting averages.
  2. Take any perceived slight with a grain of salt and respond in a humourous way to show that you are not upset by anything moderately outrageous said to you. That always help. I like to use the smilies to make sure everyone knows that I am typing with a smile on my face or tongue in cheek.
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 06:21 PM) Losses are magnified? LOL Around here we put every loss under a Scanning Electron Microscope. Amen , Brother Nuke
  4. QUOTE(BuehrleTheAce @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 12:35 PM) JUG, Can I make a humble suggestion? I've read a lot of your posts, and a lot of the arguments and discussions started in your threads and threads you post in. I do like how you bring stats to the table in your discussions, however if you want to reach the most people and get them to your side, try to talk in layman's terms. Also, with such a long-winded post, abbreviating words should've even be a factor. It just clouds the point you're trying to get across. For example, I had to re-read this sentence to get what you meant: "He is more likely to break up a DP sit which of course is likely with Koney on.". After three or four times I realized "DP sit" meant "DP situation". Also, "In Crede's case there was never a RON sit for Ozuna...". OK, I got "sit" from the previous statement, but what is "RON". Runner on? I'm still unsure. And finally, "Ozzie managed to use his two highest NPERA ranked arms...". What's NPERA? Thanks, and keep it up. Stats are important, but remember they're not the be-all-end-all that you seem to believe in. ~BTA You posted what I wanted to post for a long time but never did. My English teachers at good old Quigley South always said "you write for the reader". All of us here don't know stat abbreviations. I guess we can't argue against what we don't understand.
  5. I don't understand how the thread starter didn't know it was sarcasm. It was that obvious. Didn't Oz say in the post game that Hermy's back was stiff ? If that is the case why does Brantley continue to take potshots at OZ ?
  6. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 3, 2005 -> 09:26 PM) Get back to me at the end of the season when we see what Cotts's ERA will be. I hope he does well but I would bet my life savings on it. Get back to me in a few years when we should have a better idea on what Cotts is truly capable of at the major league level like Maddux , Garland, Gagne etc, etc, etc, and so on and so forth.
  7. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 11:33 AM) Maddux and Glavine have great control. Vazquez and Gagne have great stuff. Cotts has neither great control nor great stuff. Did you even look at the stats Southsider gave ? Maddux ERA for his first 185+ innings in the bigs was over 5.50 with nearly a walk per 2 innings pitched. Its easy NOW to say sumone has great control or great stuff. Hindsight is 20/20. Nearly every pitcher struggles early in their career. Guess it's easier and cooler to be a hater than exhibit a bit of patience.
  8. What I would like to see happen. Crede ( Boras client, won't be resigned) and Paulie ( bad hip, called out Uribe when he should've supported him especially against the Cubs, big contract , 1 dimensional) get hot. Increases trade value. Chavez get warm. To reassure that he's coming around. Keep BMac. (pitching and defense key to the new era Sox) Get Chavez (for Crede and minor leaguers, we eat the contract) Trade Konerko ( for good fielding 1st baseman who hits decent and a relief pitcher if we we can get that much since he will be a free agent , Chavez and Paulie's contracts basically cancel each other out ).
  9. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 26, 2005 -> 12:52 AM) I turned 10 in Novenber of that year, but I can say for sure that I was a Sox fan as far back as 1964. Probably even earlier, but I can't remember any particular thing that I can pinpoint as earlier that has to do with baseball or the Sox. And I turned 10 in December of 67' . Favorite players Ken Berry and Joel Horlen. But I'd vote for Frank as best though his HOF election because of DH ing is not guaranteed. Last week I hear Rex Hudler (Angel's color man ) ask Steve Physioc (Angels PBP man ) if he thought Frank belongs in the HOF and his answer was "not yet . " I really don't know what else Frank can do to convince some of these people except get 500 HR. His credentials already should make him a lock.
  10. Aboz wouldnt be an admin. here if he wasn't a damn good Sox fan. I love Frank and I'll admit I've called him the Big Skirt a few times. I got all kinds of his baseball cards , statues , toys, and magazines with him on the cover. I just wish he'd run over the catcher once in a while as big as he is. I've seen a lot of weak slides into the plate by Frank and get frustrated. But I'm like a little kid now that he's back and hope he can do a great job. I will no longer wish for him to crush a catcher because of all his injuries.
  11. The Angels routed KC today. McPherson's bat has blossomed since he hit that HR off Contreras (actually the triple of the previous day.) Let's hope home sweet home is just that.
  12. QUOTE(whitesoxjr27 @ May 29, 2005 -> 07:38 PM) dam. your on a roll with the great posts today. Thanks. I'm having fun. . Have you read the "let's face it " thread ? We're going at it in their too. Reminds me of arguing with my older brother when I was a kid. Damn I hope it isnt him. He's a lawyer now and he hates it when I tell him that all the arguments with me led to his choosing barristerdom as a profession.
  13. QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 29, 2005 -> 07:29 PM) Yeah, so what. He was also the greatest newspaper columnist ever. Over Breslin, Mencken, Runyan, all of them. I'd give up ten years of my life for greatness in my field. So he smoked, drank, and started bar fights. Big deal. I'm no expert on what it takes to achieve greatness in any field, however, I am fairly certain that the main ingredients are hard work and ambition. Ambition can be a good or bad road depending on what you do to achieve your goals. You don't seem to be the ass kissing type. Maybe a little more humility and a little less "why can't everyone be as smart as I am " attitude will help you achieve your "greatness". If you show only one side to you're personality, how can you be understood ? Good luck and I sincerely hope that the road to greatness is not the road to ruin.
  14. QUOTE(JimH @ May 29, 2005 -> 07:19 PM) Kind of a broad brush generalization, wouldn't you say? After a few days of being here you peg a guy as an eternal optimist? I've read his (Cali) posts for a while ... he's pretty balanced ... not too optimistic or pessimistic. Did Royko have a quote for people who are pretty balanced? And we're all anxious to hear your assessments of our demeanor - that must be some sensory computer you've got there, LOL. Thanks Jim. If I have to characterize myself I'd say I am more of the glass is half full type of guy while I realize it is still half empty. Guess that's balanced. Arguing back and forth is certainly not my forte. I'm more the stay silent and be thought a fool then speak and remove all doubt type. I'd much rather approach things with humor then venom. As they say "it's easier to catch a fly with sugar than vinegar." Thats enough tired cliches for one post. To tell the truth I was kind of fed up with all the negativity and actually have enjoyed the afternoon bickering back and forth in 2 different threads with Kong (I-Hate- Crede). I have to admit he is my intellectual superior. Maybe no one thought it was funny or could follow it but the last few pages of todays game thread combined with this thread will make everything more clear.
  15. QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 29, 2005 -> 07:09 PM) Love is not forthcoming. You seem like an eternal optimist in regards to the Sox. I'll leave you with this quote from Mike Royko, whom you may or may not have forgotten about on the West Coast. "Show me somebody who is always smiling, always cheerful, always optimistic, and I will show you somebody who hasn't the faintest idea what the heck is really going on." I'm not an eternal optimist nor am I an eternal pessimist. Since no love is forthcoming it appears you are the latter. Funny how you should mention Royko as my old signature had a quote from him in it. Something about switching his allegiance to being a Sox fan. It goes sumthing like this "I'd rather have an owner with a wooden leg (Bill Veeck) then a left -fielder with a wooden head (Dave Kingman). Maybe I'll call you Kingman or would you prefer Kong ?
  16. QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 29, 2005 -> 06:24 PM) Maybe I'll just flee to california. I'm still waiting for the love. Are you always so frustrated ?
  17. QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 29, 2005 -> 05:59 PM) I suppose you can interpret my comments anyway you wish. Someone skilled in logical analysis would recognize the analogy, though. You seem decently well read, judging by your responses. I wouldn't think my attitude would affect this. I am usually skeptical of those who fly off the handle at the mere mention of certain "taboo" subjects, like war, or god, or sex. The "how can you compare this to......" crowd. These people are prone to low IQ's and shallow thought. This doesn't seem to apply to you, so your reaction was a suprise. "Rooting for a professional sports team is totally severed from rational behavior. Trying to have a reasoned discourse on such behavior , by extrapolation, is also irrational." Does this quote ring a bell? Put that in your intellectually superior, low I.Q. and shallow thought pipe and smoke it.
  18. QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 29, 2005 -> 02:42 PM) Rooting closely for a professional sports team is totally severed from rational behavior. Trying to have a reasoned discourse on such behavior, by extrapolation, is also irrational. I would much prefer venting my frustration. Good idea why dont you go to a game ,jump out of the stands, attack Joe Crede and break his legs.
  19. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ May 29, 2005 -> 05:48 PM) I know the sky isn't falling but I don't recall recent World Series teams with over half the lineup under .245 It's a major concern but we're nowhere near the World Series yet. Let's see how we do once Frank starts playing near full time. If we still need some pieces KW will fill the holes.
  20. QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 29, 2005 -> 05:34 PM) Pal, you completely misunderstood my comment on war protesting. No reasonable reading of my analogy could produce your interpretation. The point I was making was that you can, in fact, criticize and love something at the same time. People who call war protestors unpatriotic are as miss guided as you were suggesting I don't like the Sox because I bash them when they lose. Show me the love and I'll change my interpretation.
  21. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ May 29, 2005 -> 04:59 PM) Never = 3/13 Owned !!! (it better be true)
  22. Save it for your fantasy leagues all you pocket GM's. I'm not even gonna pretend I know players and contracts well enough to do this. Ignorance is bliss.
  23. QUOTE(whitesoxjr27 @ May 29, 2005 -> 05:06 PM) the venting around here is crazy. some people cant get over it. thats why i read and dont post alot. like i always say. relax enjoy this team and see what happens. cant get mad at a baseball game you have no control of the out come of the game. i dont like them losing but theres nothing i can do about it. Your attitude is a lot like mine. I'm a huge Sox fan but I've learned over the years to just let it go. If i wanted to be a GM I'd play fantasy baseball. I'd like to see what some of the GM's on this site are doing in their fantasy baseball leagues and let us all jump all over them about what a s***ty team they have and what a piss poor job some of their players are doing.
  24. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 29, 2005 -> 04:43 PM) If I didn't know we were in first and ran across this board, I'd swear the Sox were in last. Better stop all that "glass is half full" talk before your "cool admin by teens" moniker is revoked.
  25. QUOTE(ChiSoxFan @ May 29, 2005 -> 04:45 PM) Blood, sweat, & tears. And a little cat-fighting along the way. LOL yea some catfighting for sure. During a losing skid I've been pretty quiet. Guess I was taught if you don't have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. Outdated concept I know. Soxtalk would be pretty boring if everyone applied that rule. I finally broke down and vented against the venters. Seems as it many of us have reached the boiling point with the recent skid of .500 ball.
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