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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ May 13, 2005 -> 07:35 PM) PWNED'D. Since it's the Orioles , O-wned !!!!!
  2. If Frank plays any more games at first for the rest of his career I will be shocked. He's had 2 season ending injuries there. He's more immobile now then he ever was before and he never could throw. That being said I can't wait to see him back in the lineup at DH. I didn't vote in the poll because, as a number of you have pointed out, once he's back, we 'll have a round robin of playing time between Frank, Carl, Paulie, Aaron, Jermaine and Pods though mostly between Frank ,Carl and Dye. The power off the bench will really be strengthened by Frank's return as will our ability to score runs from the every day lineup.
  3. I'm just glad we caught the Twins when Morneau was injured. He's a freakin' stud.
  4. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 9, 2005 -> 07:57 PM) You know what keith, we can argue this to death, the thing is we both just view things in a different way and that's the beauty of this thing. I respect your views completely, I just differ in those things. I'll just leave this where it is cause neither of us are going to change the others opinion. I wish I'd see what you just wrote more often from a lot more people. Make your point ,admit there's 2 sides to every argument and quit beating a dead horse.
  5. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 8, 2005 -> 09:10 PM) If Walker pitches to his past potential and Cotts pitches to his current potential, Walker is the better reliever. The stats back my statement. Pitches to their past potential ?? :banghead Damn let's get Tom Seaver and Bob Gibson a call.
  6. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 8, 2005 -> 04:20 PM) That's exactly what I think... And I just looked at the Orioles' lineup. Rafael Palmeiro, Brian Roberts, Larry Bigbie, Jay Gibbons, and B.J. Surhoff all bat lefty. I knew u'd all figure it out eventually. No days off + lefties on Tb and Balt. roster + ozzie liked what he saw in ST= Walker might pitch to a lefty or two in a week before being sent back down.
  7. Now I know better. No more asking for anyone to be creative. Thanks for the effort for those who tried.
  8. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ May 7, 2005 -> 07:05 PM) 16 Correct
  9. I don't see a new question so I'll ask one. What number did former White Sox center fielder Ken Berry wear?
  10. They blew the old record away !! Coincidentally the old record of 25 was held by the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers who just happen to have won the World Series that year and were Jerry Reinsdorfs favorite team as a boy.
  11. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ May 7, 2005 -> 02:40 PM) This might be too big for a t-shirt, but here goes: "Pay attention. This might be one of the 42 games Hawk is always talking about!" Anyone know where to get some 1983 winnin' ugly t-shirts? Someone might consider making some and sending me one. I think I still have one. Its original.
  12. " Under the Radar" or "Invisible to Radar" . Think of t shirts with black Stealth Bombers with White Sox across the wings. See this isn't that hard . Give it a shot. Even if they suck. can't be any worse than mine.
  13. We Just Don't Care ! (Think of Bill Murray in Meatballs doing his "It just doesn't matter" speech.) Imagine chanting that when ESPN visits The Cell.
  14. If you need any more inspiration other than my rant, imagine all the tee-shirts in October filled with :puke "Small Ball" or "Smart Ball." How's this for one " Small Ball , Big Balls "?
  15. Yea I know its the beginning of May and its a long season but if ya wanna make a buck ya hafta think ahead. Its time to think of the White Sox slogan that will exemplify this team's character yet be cool nuff to see on tee shirts (ok maybe sweatshirts too) when the World Series comes to the south side this year ! As Nuke would say "Can I get a hell yeah ???!!!!!! Wow. maybe Nuke's got something there. It could be "Can I get a Hell Yeah ??!!!! Hell Yeahhhhhh !!!" Imagine chanting "Hell Yeah, Hell Yeah ,Hell Yeah, Hell Yeah !!!! " the way we do the "Na na Hey hey" now ( which I love but is getting a bit long in the tooth.) With the loss of Maggs and Jose not only did we lose players but we lost the chants that unified Sox fans in the stands. Remember "OOO we ooo Magglio " and Jose , Jose , Jose, Jose,.... Jose, HO saaaaay". ITS TIME TO ASSEMBLE THE TROOPS OF FANDOM AND GET BEHIND THIS TEAM RIGHT NOW !! I wanna see your best effort on this mission. We need something creative. "Invasion of the Victory Snatchers "is the best I can come up with for now or "Stealing W's" for tee-shirt slogans. Any creative artist or signature makers post your best work. LETS HEAR ALL OF SOXTALK COME TOGETHER AND UNITE BEHIND THIS TEAM ! . LETS FORGET ABOUT PROPOSING TRADES, ATTENDANCE, BBTN, JAY MARIOTTI AND THE FLUBS ! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT SOXTALK ! HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT ( There is no prize for the best one , just the satifaction that your slogan could be right up their in the annals of WhiteSox lore Along with such classics as "Hitless Wonders , Go-Go Sox, South Side Hit Men, and Winning Ugly". Don't let the newspaper or marketing dept. beat you to the punch. ! "CAN I GET A HELL YEAH ??!!!" Thank you . End of rant. Edit: Ok, Nuke actually says " Gimme a Hell Yeah !!!!!!!!"
  16. I cannot resist saying this but , stick with the stats. But seriously its a well thought out trade. BTW the White Sox won again. Isn't this fun ? As Flounder in Animal House said with glee. " Boy, this is great "!!!!
  17. QUOTE(KWs OK for Me @ May 6, 2005 -> 09:13 PM) No no, actually it's scotch out of a sniffer that we drink in our beloved western suburb What's a "sniffer? " The truly hauty know its a snifter.
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 6, 2005 -> 10:53 AM) So far, I would vote for AJ, with zero second thoughts. He has made this pitching staff instantly better. I went with AJ also for those reasons. Each new Sox on that list has made significant contributions to the team. Wouldn't be where we are without all of them.
  19. Welcome aboard. A word of caution; this place is rough on those who are casual fans so you better know your stuff. Don't wanna scare you off, just a warning. This place is full of guys who can drop stats on you and over exaggerate to make a point . So be prepared to lie, cheat, steal whatever it takes to hang with the big dogs. Even though the welcome thread says "personal attacks won't be tolerated " (or something to that nature). It happens all the time and the longer you have been around here seems to give you more leeway in that respect. If you say something controversial to a long time member some other long time member will be sure to remind you that because you lack the number of posts you have no right to say anything. Don't let any of this discourage you. Speak your mind say, what you want to say. Freedom of speech (or post) is your inalienable right. If you spend any amount of time here at all , you will be amazed at how heated some of the discussions get over the simplest things. If there is a level above diehard this has to be the place for it. But ,overall, if you're a Sox fan this is a great place to be. Intelligent and passionate people abound here side by side with egomaniacs and buffoons.
  20. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 6, 2005 -> 05:24 AM) As the season goes on, there is no doubt in my mind that the move of the off season was Kenny Williams signing AJ Pierzynski. This guy has made the entire pitching staff better, and most noticably one Jose Contreras, former mental case. I agree wholeheartedly. Oz, Coop and any catcher from last season couldn't get Contreras to stop the over reliance on the splitter. He really seems to trust Pyrz. Maybe its just coincidence that the whole pitching staff is on fire but Pyrz has a lot to do with it IMO. He has supreme confidence in his abilty to call a game and doesnt seem the type to back off and let the pitcher make the decisions. Might as well give KW some props too. He "pwned" the Yankees in the swap of Loaiza for Contreras.
  21. QUOTE(Princess Dye @ May 4, 2005 -> 11:33 AM) why the really low grades for Cotts? i mean, a C i could understand.... but he's your second best lefty, so i dont know what you exactly expect from that slot he's better than a lot of the Felix Heredias (Gah) that are just barely hanging around in this league. He's a lot prettier too but I'm sure that doesnt influence at all.
  22. Seeing the topic title "hitless wonders" made me think of sumthing that I might not have thought of unless I was living in Cali for the past 25 yrs. "Hitless Wonders" and Go-Go Sox" are the two most recognizable nicknames for Sox teams that reached a World Series and now we are playing the same type of ball. Maybe its just White Sox karma that we always need to play this type of baseball to be successful. But if I go back to my Chicago roots I'd say it's only becuz wih our histroy of cheap owners with those types of teams we can only lay out the dough for 1/2 a team . Can't pay for pitching and hitting now can we ? Peace, out dudes.
  23. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 4, 2005 -> 11:54 PM) I love threads like this. It brings the whole Soxtalk community together. Can't you feel the love? Oh i can feel the love so much I completely avoid posting on this topic. Against my better judgement I will say that both sides have valid arguments. There are so many variables as to why attendance is the way it is. My forte is not racking my brain to list them. One side says " you're b****ing about attendance but I can b**** all I want about the weather and who the Sox are playing ". I could have swore the reason we go to home games is to see the home team win. Right now the Sox are an attraction in and of themselves. If that isn't reason enough to go to a game I don't know what is.
  24. Paulie got a big juicy up in the zone hanging slider on the outer portion of the plate tonight and just let it go by for a strike. I thought " damn Paulie used to crush those to right center". He sure seems to be looking fastball only. He's getting a ton of breaking balls. When he finally does see a fastball . He's so ready to hit it he pulls it foul. He's actually looking like Crede on the down and away breaking balls. He doesnt seem to be picking up the rotation on the ball very well.Check his meds for that hip condition or his eyesight.
  25. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ May 4, 2005 -> 11:31 PM) I love the addition of Podsednik to the lineup. He just makes things happen near the top of the order. I think Iguchi and him could be a nice combo, similar to Pierre and Castillo (not saying Pods will hit .300, just has a similar style). If he can keep his average above .260 on the year he makes a major impact on the lineup (although I still miss Carlos a bit). I was going to say something in my post right before yours about me not liking this trade very much when it happened. I really liked Carlos. If sumone wants to get back at me they can do a thread on who liked or disliked the trade at the time it happened, just like I did on the Garland haters and lovers.
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