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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. Oz won't change anything as long as they keep winning. It will take a 3 or 4 game losing streak where the pitching is still relatively good for Oz to tinker with the lineup. He just plugs people into w/e hole they fill in the batting order based on position when he substitutes. When Timo replaced Dye in the starting lineup he batted 5th , which to me was very weird.
  2. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Apr 19, 2005 -> 03:27 PM) how about a cat day anyways why was he calling him Chris Everett all the time, unless that incident was staged he is a total ass in my book now. Everett had a bad habit of being sacked without really being hit hard , just diving down. And he threw off his back foot while turning away from rushers.
  3. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 19, 2005 -> 07:10 PM) Tough crowd... I thought it was great. Thanks. I posted it late last night and it was already on the 2nd page of threads by my lunch today with only the one "queer" response. I was thinking the same thing " tough crowd" , so I figured I better make it clear it was my take on the beer commmerical. I appreciate the positive feedback from all.
  4. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Apr 19, 2005 -> 03:15 PM) not sure I'd call it a "popular" commercial. I think it's a terrible spot so your version wasn't much for me but thanks for the effort. Anyways, the whole Twins thing always bothered me because it sort of encourages incest. Not that it's one of those things you are supposed to analyze. If you watched ESPN Sportscenter during the football season, they used that jingle each week, incorporating that weeks highlights in the song. I tried to keep it focused on the last week or so of Sox baseball. Maybe I'll do one every couple of weeks . I can hear the NOOOOOOOOOOO 's already.
  5. Is there a Soxtalk award for "Thread with the least amount of interest ?"
  6. QUOTE(SouthSideScraper @ Apr 18, 2005 -> 10:22 PM) That. Was. Queer. LOL nobody appreciates a poet while he's alive. Just my lil take off of the popular ESPN /beer football song.
  7. I love the White Sox on TV, Crede's hitting spree, Shingo 's frisbee. I love fans who shout with glee, umps who yell strike 3, getting beer for free. I love another Chisox win , Soxtalk banterin' , Hawk's ramblin'. but not the Twins ! And I love u too. And I love u too. I love Frank and Ozzie's tiff, SoxnRoll's hot riffs, Buerhle makes em ' whiff, I love beating Indians, playin violin , Podsedniks wheels spin, but not the Twins ! And I love u too And I love u too Feel free to post your own I Love.......
  8. 8 now after that HR that tied the game tonight . Go Joe !!
  9. Walks ,pickoff,balk, bad umps, twins chumps with men on base, Joe blasts one ,Carl two, Small ball ...in your face !
  10. QUOTE(JimH @ Apr 18, 2005 -> 10:39 AM) No, was definitely not referring to you, or anyone specifically for that matter. I just get a kick out of how we (collectively) just "know" what Guillen's motives are, that Guillen is selfish, or that Guillen is brilliant for that matter. Further, how we (again, collectively) just "know" that Guillen and Thomas have not already discussed this, or that Frank will be really pissed off about this article. I fully realize this topic is a lightning rod and in addition, it is something to discuss. Perhaps a little caution is in order though. None of us are in the clubhouse and none of us are privy to the relationship between Guillen and Thomas. Further, none of us know why or why not Guillen says or does certain things. One thing for sure, he places a lot of emphasis on good chemistry and playing the game the "right" way (however he defines it). This is an opinion board and what everybody is stating is basically their opinion, that's fine, but I question all the conclusions that are drawn here. We are not in the clubhouse, we don't know the whole story. How true but some of us sure like to act like we're in the loop. Whats clear to me from reading the arguments in this thread is that the more we "communicate", the less we listen. Getting in the last word seems to be the most important issue .
  11. I've said Rowand should be batting 3rd all along, but with Everett's doing so well right now no reason to move him. Aaron had a such a good year in 04' and since he has seniority on the Sox I'd say he deserves to bat ahead of Dye.
  12. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Apr 17, 2005 -> 03:42 PM) There's no such thing as a jinx you fruit-cakes. Do you guys honestly think that something some guy posts on a message board affects whether the White Sox win or lose? :rolly May you step on a crack, a black cat cross your path, break a mirror and walk under a ladder. You probably step on the foul line too.
  13. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Apr 17, 2005 -> 02:31 AM) That's easy to see why, we're not on a coast, so therefore we're not recognised. Yea , maybe we should play in Melbourne.
  14. Once you give it all you got, you gotta give more. The difference between try and triumph is a little UMPH ! Success only comes before work in the dictionary. Hustle steals away the good things from those who wait.
  15. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Apr 15, 2005 -> 11:34 PM) I can't believe people are picking Crede. His defense at third is mildy better but his bat isn't. I'll take the lockerrom leader over an underachiever. I'm really stunned. THe way people want to bury past Sox players on this site is a big turnoff to coming here I picked Crede but not because I dislike the job Jose did over the years for the Sox. Jose was a team leader and a fan favorite, but in order to upgrade and contend Jose was expendable. He is older and a far worse (not mildly) fielder and although a good source of leadership and some clutch rbi's was far too useless in other areas. Crede's critics certainly are vocal but there is a core of fans who root for him because we've all struggled in life and know we would want our friends and family to be at our sides to share the good times as well as the bad. If Joe never becomes what we all expect I'll have enjoyed as stay here as much as I did Jose's. I find it much more discomforting seeing current Sox bashed. We all whine about the lack of respect from the local and national media. I see an awful lot of disrespect among those of us who claim to love the Sox.
  16. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Apr 16, 2005 -> 04:58 PM) Well I'm not taking that -- now YOU suck. How d'ya like them apples? I love apples
  17. I read more negative stuff in the threads about our players than i would ever read in the Cubune. Everyone's a critic. Crede sucks, Garland sucks, Willie sucks, Timo sucks, this guy sounded bad in an interview. Paulie's a jerk Shingo sucks. You're all like a bunch of whiny lil b****es. Nothing's ever good enough for ya. I'm ecstatic . The Sox are winning and pitching great. The glass is half full not half empty. Try to remember that next time.
  18. Just an ignorant guess on my part , but I doubt they want any proof ,as long as you have the voucher. I'm sure many teachers give these things out to students as rewards or pass them along to friends. C'mon already thats the Chiacago way to do things even if they ask for proof , say you didnt know you needed it since it doesnt say on the voucher.
  19. QUOTE(knightni @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 10:57 AM) Those PETA Southsiders will be "all up in your grill" for that one, homes. No way ! My dog doesnt like the northsiders either.
  20. QUOTE(The Critic @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 04:53 AM) See bold type above......"never crosses my fingertips" indeed........ and I agree...... to you, C Lee! Best of luck in Brewtown!!!! I had my dog type that
  21. Since Carlos Lee was traded to the Milwaukee Brewers I have seen myriad opinions. Some praising some damning. After watching Carlos against the Cubs it made me realize he was a true White Sox. A player the city and more so Sox fans, should cherish the memory of. Yes , I know I ended the sentence in a preposition. My apologies to all those nuns and priests who tried to teach me better. His rise from "oh Lord they hit it Lee" to "damn , Carlos threw another guy out" is truly a Carl Sandburg, City of the Big Shoulders, blue collar , My Kind of Town inspirational story we can all appreciate and admire. Now if i was a sportwriter I could tell many tales of his diamond exploits against our hated crosstown rivals, whose name never crosses my lips nor my fingertips for that matter. It is for that reason alone that we , Sox fans , as a whole, should raise a glass in salute to our dearly departed "El Caballo." I respectually ask that if you have anything negative to say about C. Lee please refrain. This thread is a celebration of his time with us and a sincere wish for continued sucess with his new team. One thing I rarely saw when discussing the trade was that Sox management traded him to a team in a division so he could continue to :fthecubs . Here's to you Carlos , Chicago style
  22. Fav. ex-Sox Carlos Lee. Retired: Robin Ventura, Carlton Fisk, Dick Allen, Greg Luzinski, Tom Seaver, Steve Carlton, Ken Berry, Joel Horlen.
  23. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 09:13 PM) Jason, I think the base only forum is great idea, even if Texsox suggested it. Sometimes the ball just jumps away from the "base" and there isnt a damn thing you can do to prevent it.
  24. QUOTE(sox-r-us @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 11:52 PM) Your Chicago White Sox are atop the division alone at 3-1 Now let's hope they maintain this top spot throughout the year and never look bad Did u possibly mean to say and never look back ??? Dang me Tex u beat me to it.
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