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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. Going to keep bumping this if it doesn't get pinned. Maybe some of you don't know the rules of Pick to Click. They were probably lost in transitioning to the new and improved Soxtalk . So here they are per El Rockin. RULES for scoring for 2019: run = 1 Single = 1 RBI =2 HR = 4 2B = 2 3B = 3 SB=1 Walk=1 HBP-1 EXAMPLE: a bases empty home run equals 7 points (4 for the HR ,2 for 1 RBI , 1 for 1 run scored.) You can pick the same batter only twice in a week (Monday to Sunday) This is to prevent picking the best players over and over again. It's so easy and fun and all you have to do is pick a position player who you think will do well. If your player gets the most points based on the scoring system above you win. Gives you something to root for . See the post above this one to navigate your way to the PTC game thread. Remember all picks must be made before the game starts. Edited to change you can pick a batter to you can pick the same batter because it makes more sense that way.
  2. Hey El Rockin. Didn't there used to be rules about how often you can pick the same player. Maybe those should be posted somewhere ? Also would be nice to know what's the formula you use to determine the winner. ? Total bases + RBI's ? Maybe post that too. Pinned at the top of this section perhaps.
  3. Somewhere in the middle . Better track record than Jackson, not as good as Lester without the Lester upside since stuff is so different.
  4. But they only played 5 games.
  5. Moncada is scalding. Just wait till Eloy gets his bearings. Then it will be really fun. The starting pitching isn't this good but fun while it lasts.
  6. PTC hard choice between Moncada, Abreu and Leury. I think El Rockin has a formula maybe total bases not sure if walks count (they should) , RBI's . Gotta go with Moncada then.
  7. Bingo ? Why are we rooting so hard for wins in April that we want to sacrifice our best bullpen arms. Arms that might mean we trade for a decent prospect . No perspective at all here now. All little picture no big picture. Yes we hate losing we hate when players play badly . But guess what ? Bad players on bad teams play badly. Yet all we want to do is blow out the arms of the few good ones we have for the sake of a win in a season where winning means zero. Year three of a rebuild most of us wanted and thought was needed. The bad players will slowly fade away when they are replaced. Winning isn't everything , it's the only thing mentality doesn't work in a rebuild.
  8. All the games so far have been competitive. The BP hasn't pitched well and the defense has sucked but there are positives. Focus on them instead because we are a bad team but it's just another brick in the wall we are hopefully building.
  9. The board is so full of baseball stupid now it's hard to imagine Cubs fans being so reactionary and idiotic. Yolmer was another 2.0 WAR guy and look at all the venom spewed at him today.
  10. But that's not what you said . You were talking about Colome and Herrera. Everyone dumps on relief pitchers who blow games, I get it , But this isn't a good team and like it or not we are going to blow games. Fry didn't exactly set the world on fire either . It's also difficult to label Covey as the worst reliever in the pen this early in the season. He's given up 1 earned run so far in 2 appearances. If we are looking at SSS then Banuelos, Burr, Jones and Fry are the worst pitchers in the BP. It's not like he has a bunch of Chapmans out there.
  11. Ok then so at some point in those 3 games you are going to be using pitchers other than Herrera and Colome and the guy I was responding to was talking about using Herrera and Colombe again today. What's done is done , Cannot undo it.
  12. And if you knew anything about baseball you'd understand you don't use guys who just pitched 2 days in a row even if there is an off day tomorrow. No need to wreck decent arms we are probably going to trade anyway.
  13. I've been telling people that all off season. He throws strikes. He knows the game plan and can usually execute it. Not great or anything but he knows what he's doing.
  14. Plus it not like 4 games means he's off to a bad start. He could be hitting ,300 next week. SO many dumb conclusions in game threads.
  15. Or like actually pinning it for every game then putting it in the subforum after the winner is announced for that game. I'm pretty sure I won yesterdays game by picking Alonso but his link to the standings and daily wins is not working ( if that's supposed to be links). The winner should be known for every game as soon as possible. I realize El Rockin does this out of the goodness of his heart but if he wants participants he has to make some changes. It's not really about prizes. Pinned to the sideboard might mean a major design change whereas pinning it is an easy fix. @elrockinmt,@Chisoxfan
  16. Thought I'd let you know the links for the standings and the daily wins are not working in the thread for the PTC.

  17. I was just coming in here to say I was sorry for jinxing him . I made a post asking if he will score 50 goals and I don't think he has even one since that post. Edit: Made that post on March 12, 9 games since 0 goals for Kane.
  18. None of these count if right . Waiting til they were 0-2 is like stealing signs. But I will put forth that none of you will be right.
  19. Always nice to get that 1st win out of the way. Onto bigger and better things. Great job Gio .
  20. So it appears some of us are smarter than Ricky wanting the OF D changed before the inning started.
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