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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. http://global.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/26310197/mlb-lifts-restrictions-ariz-fall-league-players The commissioner's office said Tuesday that a team can send any player to the AFL. Previously, a player had to be at Double-A or Triple-A by Aug. 1, with one player from a lower level allowed per organization. In addition, players with one year of major league service as of Aug. 31 were excluded, with the exception of one player per organization who had been selected in the most recent winter meeting draft of unprotected players. There also was a limit on foreign players. The season will also be moved up a month. Starts and ends earlier . Looks like season might be around a week longer.
  2. Just should've read this from Friday at 5:09 PM.
  3. Well this game either ends in a tie or Reds win.
  4. That was weird. That Qwerty thread disappears right as i was posting agreeing with you on the hack. Not that I know qwerty well since he doesn't post as often as he used to and I wrote Whilst ? Has he ever used that word before ? But willing to listen to the full story but if this ends in asking for money....

    1. Goober


      Yeah word choices, paragraphing, and punctuation were all out of the ordinary. I would have liked to see it play out though

  5. OK I figured game day was wrong because he had given up 3walks . Thanks
  6. Lopex was only at 40 pitches going into the 7th ?
  7. The most important skill is fooling hitters and location which of course helps with missing bats , The best pitchers are usually high K guys but causing weak contact is more efficient and almost just as good.
  8. As long as you realize it's still spring training and also that pitchers sometimes don't have their best stuff. Also must realize the best pitchers become even better when they do learn to pitch without that best stuff.
  9. I;ll take the over all results thank you. Pitchabilty.
  10. I can just imagine Stone and Benetti doing that. Benetti; Eloy hit that fucking ball hard and long. Stone: Speaking of hard and long that HR gave me a huge boner, Benetti: Not bad for a 70 year old Steve. I guess that's why we call you Stoney ! Any way the interview starts around the 32 minute mark.
  11. I'm wading through it right now. Haven't got to the Hahn interview yet. I will say there's something to be said for actual old fashioned sport talk without every word being fucking fuck and and talking about being rock hard.
  12. Of course but they don't come at 26 too often. Once in a while you get 27, 28 , 29. Everyone is fishing in the same waters and the ones who over pay to get them take the biggest risks but some times you have to. As we have seen with Machado and Harper the Sox cannot make FA moves without criticism since I have seen a fair share of posts saying they rather not have them not to mention the many we saw saying Corbin and other were not worth it. How many have we seen that say Keuchel is the next Shields ? Now you really have to be sure you think you will contend before you add FA's just to get a bat or arm that's likely to produce for only a few years while minimizing the declining years risk. That's a job that's very difficult to do. How often do we see posts saying "I think this guy will age well" based on what exactly ? Nothing scientific that's for sure.
  13. Well nothing is perfect . They all come with a degree of risk. Its the sole reason for the FA market being so top heavy while guys like Gio Gonzalez and Keuchel wait around forever because they are over 30 with declining fastballs and peripherals. Risk just hasn't equaled the reward in too many cases.
  14. No they demonstrated that they won't spend $300M . Since most all FA's will not cost $300M I think there's a reasonable chance the Sox can add a few guys that break the Abreu contract in the coming years.
  15. I wouldn't be shocked since all four might actually have to be good to be traded or at least be useful in some way to a contender.
  16. Sound baseball reasons don't fly around here much these days though I do disagree with with the overpays being pretty much everyone else since there are also sound baseball reasons for players like Nova, Colome and Herrera also.
  17. Outside of Machado everyone else this year was going to be a turd anyway. Well except Herrera and Colome still needed them since trading relievers is the only way the Sox think they can add a little more young talent and to protect the young arms from too many high stress innings.
  18. Ever since Machado was botched and the injuries have started piling up everything the Sox do has come under the gun from our knowledgeable fan base of diehards. Should've spend more, should've spent less, should've had surgery before, need a new medical staff, should've signed him instead of him . It's ugly round here. The utter insanity of the Manny thrill ride has disintegrated from thinking the Sox could complete this year with Machado , Joc and another pitcher into every part of the Sox organization sucks.
  19. Why do you or anybody care so much about wasting Jerry's money ? We should want it spent. It's not like it goes in a fund to help the team in coming years. You all act like it's less money to spend on your Xmas present from Uncle Jerry.
  20. The only time I saw really good curve balls up close and personal was when my Dad used to throw some big old benders with the 16" softball.
  21. Looking at his website , I think he thinks of himself as a Cub . I don't see anything Sox related on it except for biographical info,
  22. It's The Real Thing ! https://www.stevetrout.com/
  23. Paul "Dizzy" Trout and son Steve "Rainbow" Trout.
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