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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. Isn't it obvious that they are sending us Cano in a Garland deal and need someone to play 2B?
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 29, 2007 -> 11:59 PM) I actually went into it thinking I'd enjoy the movie since it seems everyone liked it so damn much. It had a few laughs here and there but in all it was just terrible. I agree. There were 3 or 4 instances that my friend and I found amusing when the rest of the audience was silent. They only laughed like sheep at the lame jokes that wouldn't have even made it on the show 10 years ago. I was really disappointed in how far the Simpsons has fallen.
  3. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jul 29, 2007 -> 11:15 PM) Just in from Rosey... Since when does JD have a NTC?
  4. QUOTE(Brian @ Jul 27, 2007 -> 05:07 PM) "The Dark Knight" wonderers...go to http://www.whysoserious.com/ Click the small static box after the word "hunted". Some other sites to check out are... www.thedarkknight.com http://ibelieveinharveydent.warnerbros.com/ http://www.ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com/ (drag over the dark text)
  5. I hear the only item reported missing was his defense.
  6. From what I saw at the game Richar seems to range around better and has a stronger throwing arm than Tad.
  7. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 27, 2007 -> 08:31 AM) So I might be a bit late with this, because the video came out a week ago, but damn. Metal Gear looks so f'n sweet. The graphics look good, but the environment and how it reacts to what Snake does is even better: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22702.html My god that looks amazing.
  8. Hey guys I e-mailed one of the contacts for Kanny from their website and asked what the status of DLS was since we haven't seen him in a while. Here is the reply I received early this morning. Good to hear it isn't anything too seroius. Also, great to have people in the Minors who reply so quickly.
  9. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Jul 26, 2007 -> 01:31 PM) Maniac Mansion was an awesome game. It had a ton of stuff to do and a lot of rumors about it Day of the Tentacle was a pretty sweet game too. I remember drawing up my own cover of the box for an art class.
  10. Anyone ever remember playing NARC? I loved the bums that threw syringes at you. Also, driving the damn Porsche was impossible. Also loved Mario Kart and some of the classic RPG's like FF 2-3, Suikoden, Phantasy Star 4, etc.
  11. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jul 25, 2007 -> 07:27 PM) Really? Not that I frequent McDonald's, but the last time I was there, a McWorker told me that they stop carrying it. I felt like Homer in the RibWich episode of the Simpsons. So what next? Is McDonald's going to get arid of the McJordan? The Beef Wennington? The McDLT? I would be pretty McSteamed if they never brought back the Beef Wennington.
  12. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jul 25, 2007 -> 09:28 PM) This new, full hillbilly mode has to stop. It was bad enough a few years back, that any fly ball is worth of a stretch. But now the fog horn leghorn routine is too much. He is Santo/Harry Carry with legs, and less drinking. I says, I says DJ. Have you seen another team go through so much bad luck. I remember this game back in "INSERT YEAR HERE", and it was against "INSERT TEAM HERE" and "Al Kaline, or INSERT BOSOX PLAYER HERE" was facing "Catfish hunter". It was amazing. This is the best team I have ever seen, to play so bad. Haha, thank you for that ssi. You make this s*** season bearable with this material
  13. QUOTE(TheOcho @ Jul 25, 2007 -> 09:22 PM) Then who's the other starter? Buehrle, Garland, Vasquez, Danks, Haeger. Damn, beat me to it fathom.
  14. Why not just let Haeger or someone else start? Even a rookie can luck into giving up less than 10 runs.
  15. Josh Fields is the best player to come up for the Sox in a long time.
  16. Andy Gonzalez, you can't stop him you can only hope to contain him ™.
  17. Fields is already tied for 4th on the team in HR and 8th on the team in RBI in about half the games of the rest of the team.
  18. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jul 23, 2007 -> 02:14 PM) I don’t know, maybe I just expect too much because I am spoiled by American athletes who play through severe injuries. Sure there are guys who take their time to recover, but there are other guys who go out there and play with separated shoulders etc, and just live through the pain. I guess it just is not a good way to start in my opinion. I know that he may really be hurt, etc, but I guess I just expect more, and perhaps that is unfair to him. I have not thought he was an elite midfielder for the last few years anyways, his excellence is in his passing and set plays, so he will put on a show with free kicks and corners. On the other hand, Fire v Celtic was not hyped at all and Blanco put on a show. If anything Fire should have won that game against Celtic. Blanco was looking good though, almost as if they should have hyped him more. Being upset that he didn't play through pain is kinda silly. He essentially played a minimal amount of time in an friendly match due to an injury. That is like being upset that Urlacher didn't play in a pre-season game when his hammy is bothering him.
  19. The initial announcement and acknowledgment of him re-signing was done at a game where he got a standing O and took a curtain call.
  20. Well, according to the study everyone should be able to read it. Right?
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