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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 31, 2007 -> 07:25 PM) So the consensus is that Ersty is done grinding for a while? Is Hawk upset? He has been almost silent since.
  2. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 31, 2007 -> 07:18 PM) HELLO???? What happened to Ersty? Swung very hard at a ball low and missed. Looked like he jacked up his ankle or achilles on the follow through and went down to the ground in a heap holding his ankle. Was carried off the field.
  3. How many attempts will it take for Mark to get win 100? With our offense it might not come until next year.
  4. Nice to see CSN looking like a bad internet stream.
  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 31, 2007 -> 03:00 PM) Here is another Youtube classic. Rampage buying a jock in japan. He tells everyone he has a big dick, and the jocks they have are too small. Haha, what happened to your chops. That's great. So what do people here think of Lesnar's chances in his first K-1 fight? I know he has a very solid college wrestling background. I'm interested to see what others think he will do.
  6. Gio needs to get his s*** together and get that era under 3
  7. I don't know if I can view a Rambo without Troutman.
  8. QUOTE(DrunkBomber @ May 29, 2007 -> 05:41 PM) I believe last I saw was he was -140 and Rampage was +200. Either way he was favored. I think MMA is one of the hardest things to put any considerable odds on. Any fighter can be beaten at any time. Just look at the upsets already this year: Gonzaga over Cro Cop Serra over St Pierre Dan Henderson KO of Silva Couture over Sylvia (arguably) The list goes on. There is no sure thing in MMA. Guys develop new attacks, new skills and new fight approaches every fight. The amount of adaptation in the sport is unreal. I think most MMA fans who are not just "UFC" fans knew that Rampage had a very good shot at taking Liddell out.
  9. QUOTE(Brian @ May 28, 2007 -> 02:15 PM) Mike Jackson is available. He throws sliders. Mike Jackson Team Photo
  10. QUOTE(TheBlackSox8 @ May 28, 2007 -> 12:24 PM) I've had my PS3 since December...haven't had any problems, nor have I heard of any problems. You can probably go online somewhere and find a few people that have had problems. I think you will find that is the case with just about any mass produced electronic device.
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 28, 2007 -> 01:14 PM) I saw it last night...and my thought is similar to yours. Of course I also fell asleep for about 30 minutes of the movie because it was so f'in boring (way worse than the first two, which I really enjoyed). But again, I was freaking exhausted going into it and the movie ended at like 2 AM. Thank god I didn't pay to see this thing. Agreed, I was in the same boat. I never actually saw the 2nd one but I know what happened in it. I didn't fall asleep but I was wide awake before the movie and ready to cash out about 30 minutes into it. I was pretty bored. I would have been better off seeing a Bollywood movie I think
  12. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ May 28, 2007 -> 10:06 AM) Rampage vs. Henderson in the UFC... if I would have told you that at the beginning of the year you thought I would have been nuts!! It will be interesting to see what they do with PRIDE now, it seems UFC is just signing all their top fighters to UFC contracts, taking the "Superbowl of MMA" idea out of the picture. Rumors had Shogun Rua being announced at 71, that didn't happen, but that would be another crazy sign to the 205. Wanderli Silva might take a year off, IMO there's still a ton of money in the Chuck vs. Wandy match, now they can sell it as a redemption match for both fighters. I really hope Fedor signs with PRIDE/UFC, there was some talk he might sign exculsively with Bodog, which would be terrible, since his competition would be a joke. Agreed, it's been a crazy year so far. I would love to see Shogun in the UFC. However, it will be interesting to see how Chute Boxe fighters handle not having soccer kicks/head stomps. I do think Shogun is a good enough fighter to overcome that though. It does seem like they are just trying to unify the titles with news that Henderson's Pride belt will also be on the line against Rampage. I think soon enough we will see Fedor sign. He isn't an idiot and I am sure he will go where he can make the most money before he retires. He is a big name in MMA circles and a top fighter in the world. It would be a shame to see him go fight to such weak competition for the rest of his career.
  13. QUOTE(Brian @ May 27, 2007 -> 06:02 PM) I see the story on espn.com but do not see where he says Chicago. If so, see ya Ben Gordon and #9 pick at least. No way I trade Deng. If you watch the little video clip with Ric he says that Chicago would be a perfect fit due to having young talent to trade.
  14. Happy b-day. Time to send you to the glue factory.
  15. QUOTE(The Critic @ May 27, 2007 -> 10:28 AM) Chuck didn't seem puffy to me. Maybe the media jaunts distracted him, but I think the KO had more to do with Jackson (and a possible quick stoppage, although I have no real problem with it, since Chuck's hands were down) than Chuck's preparation or lack thereof. The shot seemed to catch him while he was moving backwards a bit, and definitely rattled him to the point where Rampage could pounce on him and rain punches down. Legit punch, legit KO, legit win. I think i'm more excited for Rampage's next fight than this one. Rampage vs. Henderson is going to be a very good fight and I guarantee Dan will be a very good match for Rampage. He isn't a 2 weight champion in Pride for no reason.
  16. I'd like to pat myself on the back. I called Rampage by ground and pound. I was just a round off
  17. QUOTE(SuperSteve @ May 26, 2007 -> 06:49 PM) Noobs. Hahaha. I got Rampage by decision cause I am not a Liddell fan, but in all honesty, Liddell should crush Rampage pretty easily IMHO. The footage of Rampage is the old Jackson, he's a much different fighter now and I think you'll see that tonight. I'm going to have to disagree Steve. I think it will be a closer fight than you are saying. Rampage has had 3 losses since he fought chuck. 2 of those to Wandy when he was probably the best LH Fighter in either organization. The other was to Shogun who is a very very good fighter now who would be one of the top fighters in UFC. Nothing to scoff at. I think Rampage has just as good of a shot as winning as Liddell. Also, 2007 has been upset city so I wouldn't be surprised to see Rampage take this one. I am going with stoppage by GnP in the 2nd round. Rampage the winner.
  18. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 25, 2007 -> 05:13 PM) If that pig was really that size, I would be surprised if that gun did much. Depends where he shot it I spose. Looks like he was using this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%26W_Model_500 The article says he is using a .50 caliber pistol and I believe that is the one. Supposedly the most powerful revoler ever made. Also, in the article it says he shot the thing 8 times. He had to hit something vital eventually.
  19. QUOTE(Y2HH @ May 25, 2007 -> 08:01 AM) Also, don't try to lift what others are lifting. Naturally big people can naturally move more weight. For example, my friend is 225lbs, and can bench 225lbs without ever working out. Throw a 135lb guy on the bench who never works out and he's going to crush himself trying to lift that. Don't worry about what others are doing, the biggest mistake people make in the gym is making it into a contest -- and that usually results in assanine injuries. My friend gave me the best advice in regards to this when I first started lifting. He said, "Lift the weight, not your ego"
  20. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ May 24, 2007 -> 11:45 AM) something that is overlooked is sleep. You can workout and eat all the protein you want, but if you don't get enough sleep your body is not going to properly recover Exactly. You want to get your 8 hours so that your body has time to recover. I remember reading something about rem sleep and better recovery time.
  21. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 23, 2007 -> 10:33 PM) I would like to start getting into some lifting here at home on the basic set we have, just to stay a little active. What's good for a 19 year old who is 5'10" and weighs (as of two days ago) 131.5? Eat!!!
  22. I think you are going to need to be a bit more specific. How old are you? Height/Weight? What are your goals? Do you have a spotter? How long do you have to work out? It isn't as easy as someone just saying go do exercise A,B,C and eat X,Y,Z. If you are looking for some basic starter info I would suggest checking out http://www.t-nation.com/category.jsp?categ...s=forumsSidebar There you can get some ideas of what works and what doesn't from people who have actually tried it. If you can let us know your goals, if you have a gym membership, what weights you have access to and other important details we might be able to help you better.
  23. QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 23, 2007 -> 06:50 PM) Please don't take this the wrong way, but as my daughter is 17 next month, you are the personification of my worst nightmare. I am sure your a realy nice guy at heart but you are a guy, a 20 year old guy and if you are anyting like I was at 20 I wouldn't want you within shouting distance of my daughter. I believe your just setting your self up for at best, a whole lot of frustration and at worst frustration and an empty wallet. If she is anything like the majority of 17 year olds she will be far less mature than you in most ways and in the long run will probably end up siding with her parents, who believe it or not are imposing what seem from the outside at least, draconian restrictions, on her socialising because they love her, want only the best for her and feel that their way is the right way. There is no way on this earth that a hormone driven lad about town is going to change their minds, no matter how often he mows the lawn. Move on, find someone nearer your own age, there are plenty others out there. By the way I do allow my daughter to go out most weekends, she even stays away occasionaly, but only because she socialises with a large group of her peers and I know them all. But is she single? We might have a match for him!
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