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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. QUOTE(hi8is @ Feb 18, 2007 -> 12:29 AM) odd... he looks younger... maybe those cubans get younger with age.... the antithesis of time. With that logic El Duque should be about 9 right now.
  2. H2H Many years of experiece I think I was in league 2 but can't recall No preference on commish
  3. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Feb 11, 2007 -> 02:24 PM) Was it the first FF you ever played? 2 or 3 (4/6) are close for my personal favorites. I just remember how amazing 3 seemed when I was younger watching my friends brother play it. After that I got FF2 and was in love with the story and everything about it. It just seemed so cool. As for the newer ones I would rank 7 the highest. I haven't played enough of 12 yet to determine how good it is but I am enjoying it none the less.
  4. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 8, 2007 -> 06:42 PM) unfortunatley, alot of the good places will only be accessed by agents taking you on tours. So far they are building a few new units near me, but I think they are all luxury places. www.livepurechicago.com they are building right across the street from me Thanks Rock.
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 7, 2007 -> 10:58 PM) i live on the corner of madison and morgan. The area is not a bargain like has been said before. its actually moved in the 3rd most expensive neghborhood in chicago. But there ARE a few areas in the west loop, epecially in the winter than can be had for under market price and should make you a pretty penny. Could you name a few so that I can do some research?
  6. Figured I would post this here since I need some help too. Right now I am living and working in Schaumburg. However, I am pretty bored lately and looking to move. I would like to move somewhere closer to Chicago or into the city itself. I have looked at a variety of places and need suggestions. Anybody?
  7. How long will it take until Tom Cruise realizes his career is over and nobody likes his movies?
  8. How old are you? There are always trendy areas for younger people like Lincoln Park, Bucktown, Lakeview, South Port. What kind of place are you looking for besdies having directv?
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 05:34 AM) hahaha. The discs dont do anything, i know thats what the guy was thinking I was thinking the same thing. It isn't like they deleted his account or anything hahaha.
  10. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 12:55 AM) To start, whats being rumored, even if it involves Craig Hansen someone I view as the next dominant closer in baseball, is a great deal. Over the next three years, years that will all involve Manny Ramirez, Curt Schilling, etc. Todd Helton will help this team more than Manny Delcarmen or Craig Hansen will. It's as close to fact without being such as it can get. As for the prospects that Colorado is inquiring about, all are top 100 prospects in baseball and phenominal baseball talents. Ellsbury is an excellent hitter, to which everyone compares to Johnny Damon, however he doesn't have the same 15-20 homer power that Damon has. Nonetheless, he's twice the defensive player that Damon is, so if he's able to get on base and do what he's done his entire baseball career with the stick, he'll be plenty helpful in centerfield for the Sox for a long time. Comparing the Red Sox and Yankees? I'm still going to say not at all, or atleast not quite. This deal reminds me of one the White Sox made just a year ago. Acquiring an aging player who's signed to max dollars but will be payed at or below market value is not something the Yankees have done in the past. The most obvious comparison to something the Yankees have done is the Bobby Abreu trade but that was a move that completely contrasted the Yankees game plan of the last 5-10 years and it also resembled nothing close to market value at the time of the deal. Being a Top 100 prospect doesn't really count for much. Just ask Jeremy Reed or Dallas McPherson.
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 04:24 PM) Yep same lead designer from EQ and than a bunch of guys from both WoW and EQ2, I cant wait. Also update on the release I just looked it up after making my original post. Now the game is supposedly coming out on January 30th. So For you people playing WoW I suggest taking a look at Vanguard before buying the next expansion. Nice, didn't realize it was coming out so soon. Gonna have to grab that and put eq1 on pause =D
  12. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 03:16 PM) Really in MMORPG's to truly enjoy it you have to spend a lot of time playing them when you play. You cant really just play for 1 hour at a time to fully enjoy the game. Also I think the expansion they are coming out with is quite ridiculous. As far as end game is considered, it basicly makes all the instances of the original game pointless(MC, Blackwing Lair, etc.) because there are weapons/armor you can get from 5 man instances better in the expansion. I personally had enough of the game and anxiously waiting for the release of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. The graphics in the game are amazing and the gameplay from what I have seen is similar to EQ(the original) The only thing it has taken from WoW is the interface which is really the best feauture of the game. If you look up trailers/pictures of Vanguard they arent very impressive but if you have a fileplanet subscription and can download the beta its really something else. For anyone that is interested that game should come out sometime this year my guess no later than summer, probably earlier. From the looks of it, probably a far superior game to WoW besides the PvP which is the one thing WoW has really excelled at with battlegrounds. It looks like the original EQ because it is being designed by Brad McQuaid and most of the original Verant team. I think it will be an excellent game.
  13. Anyone see Blood Diamond? I wasn't expecting much and I really liked it. One of my favorites this year.
  14. QUOTE(Brian @ Jan 5, 2007 -> 03:27 PM) Think he went down to 110. Wanted to go to 100 but the director told him it wasnt healthy. I read all he did was eat an apple and a can of tuna for a long time to lose weight. Amazing thing is Bale shot that movie than had to put on weight and get in shape for Batman Begins. I saw an interview online for when he did the Machinist and he said all he did was sit around at pubs eating salad and smoking cigarettes
  15. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jan 3, 2007 -> 09:39 PM) That's what SHE said... BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.... I'm PA, I'm kind of a favorite around here A favorite what?
  16. Too bad the comeback fell short. Good to see them fight to the end though and make a game out of it.
  17. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Dec 23, 2006 -> 09:58 PM) Okay what are the odds one of the following contribute and have a successfull 2007 season with the white sox? Floyd, Gonzales, Danks, Masset or Rasner?!? KW now needs to go out there and find a 5th starter. Floyd is NOT ready yet. How about taking a risk and signing Mulder to a respectable 2 year deal? Mulder will probably get more money than he is worth from someone else.
  18. QUOTE(RX Bandits @ Dec 23, 2006 -> 09:47 PM) but how do you know BMac can start?!?! I dont think he has enough different pitches to be a solid every 5th day starter. your argument is flawed because I can reverse all of those arguments into positives. that is the only name that comes to mind, but even when boston was on top, foulke was still kinda bad. I'll give you half credit for it, but Foulke was never very dominant for a long period of time after leaving Ok, how about Scott Eyre, Chad Bradford, Bobby Howry, Roberto Hernandez? By the way, I agree with you for the mostpart. We really haven't traded away anyone that turned into something special. However, we have had our fair share of trades that didn't go all that great.
  19. QUOTE(RX Bandits @ Dec 23, 2006 -> 09:36 PM) well they were let go and people complained about that. I guess my point is that this franchise HAS had some very good talent "leave" and do nothing afterwords. so i guess i mean pitchers in general Keith Foulke was pretty alright for a few seasons there
  20. QUOTE(RX Bandits @ Dec 23, 2006 -> 09:32 PM) im still waiting for someone to name a pitching prospect that the white sox traded and then that prospect became good. has not happened in the last 20 years at least, and therefore, I have every reason to believe the white sox are right again. Pitching prospect or pitchers in genereal? Beacuse in your previous post you mentioned names such as Alvarez, Fernandez, Wells who really weren't prospects when they were traded.
  21. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Dec 23, 2006 -> 02:54 PM) God I love the Maple Leafs.... Oh, and since when is Pecca one of the best players in the league??? Vandermeer had more points than Peca last year. Jim must be elite then.
  22. QUOTE(philadelphia sox fan @ Dec 23, 2006 -> 09:04 PM) This is terrible. McCarthy could very well be an excellent pitcher in a few short seasons. Garland is due a big payday and most likely won't be around for much longer but McCarthy could have been a staple for a long time. If they keep trading for the future, there won't be any future to wait for. Since when is Garland due a big pay day? We owe him $22 million over the next two seasons.
  23. QUOTE(Balance @ Dec 21, 2006 -> 06:27 PM) Here's one more vote for football. I think it's clear that while the Sox-Cubs rivalry is a wonderful part of Chicago's identity, we're all Bears fans. Speak for yourself
  24. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 06:49 PM) I'm not a HUGE comic fan, but I wish they could do the "Secret Wars" storyline for this, but I bet it will be good I would love that. The Secret Wars storyline was one of my favorites.
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