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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 16, 2006 -> 02:35 AM) Now Hawk and DJ are Cying up Runnynose. That feller with the 7.72 era coming in to today is DAMN fine!
  2. What the fruck was that, a replay of Konerko's first AB?
  3. Saw Miami Vice over the weekend and I wasn't expecting a whole lot. I ended up really enjoying the movie. Michael Mann does some good work. I read a lot of reviews ripping it but I just don't think many people really "got" the movie and most were probably expecting a campy remake of the TV series.
  4. QUOTE(whitesoxin @ Aug 14, 2006 -> 05:12 AM) Wow what a difference the lack of a moose, addition of clothing, and insertion (no pun intended) of Paul Lo Duca do to that chick. That being said, was that moose holding a pimp hat in the first picture?? That made my day haha.
  5. I don't know if Leyland has realized it or not but our team handles power pitchers who throw fastballs in the zone a lot better than soft tossers who throw breaking stuff low and away. Verlander is the perfect type of pitcher for our hitters to go after. They want the fastball and with Verlander they are going to get it eventually.
  6. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 04:57 AM) I just saw this. Was watching NFL network and they were talking about it, ROFL. Vince Young sprained his ankle in the 4th quarter when he was scrambling, got hit and just threw the ball into the air (horrid pass). Packers are getting shellacked. I LOVE FOOTBALL. 17-3 is shellacked? Their starting offense scored like 1 Touchdown against the Packers starting D. Hardly a "shellacking".
  7. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 01:48 AM) I just call it like I see it. All season long I waited and waited for the pitching to do what it was supposed to and now I'm at the point where they are going to have to prove to me (and the league) that they have made strides and are getting better. Too many people just assume our pitchers can turn on a magic switch and while I hate being a pessimist, I see myself more as a realist and the bottom line is unless our pitching continues to improve and gets things turned around (which I've long said is very possible, especially since I've been the guy preaching Javier Vazquez as of late) its all going to be a moot point (even if we do get in the playoffs). Of course, I'd be the first to admit that this year (sans the Angels who may not get in) no team really has a dominate rotation (I do not think the Tigers have one, especially since I expect Verlander to wear down and I'm not a fan of Roberson or the last man in there pen). I agree that they have not fired on all cylinders as a rotation at all this year. However, their history suggests that they are much better pitchers than they have displayed this season. I feel that the pitchers we have been seeing the past week or two are more towards what we should expect than what they had been doing previously. I expect to see some more quality starts out of this rotation. If Garcia can just get it under control I think we have a chance of going off on a very decent run as far as pithing goes.
  8. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 04:11 PM) Well that's obviously true. As a whole, our gender does suck as women always say, however women are just as bad. And everything you say is accurate. And as for hot underage women.....it's getting to the point where if your going to hit a home run with your lady, you are tempted to ask for I.D. just in case. It's ridiculous how old young girls look these days. I agree. I was at Woodfield earlier in the week after work waiting to meet a friend for dinner. I was sitting on one of the benches near one of the big outlet stores looking at some webpages on my phone and there were a bunch of hot girls there. I just couldn't enjoy it that much. I didn't know whether to check them out or feel like a scumbag on the chance that they are under age.
  9. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 11:41 PM) I don't think this team is any better than they've been most of the year. In 05 we had studly pitching pretty much all season, aside from a handful of starts we have not had that at all this year. Count was awesome, Vaz had an aweosme start two turns ago, but you know what, consistent QS's is what makes a team dangerous and we have yet to show that we can do it. Till than, I'll just continue to assume we will not make any noise (even if we do get in). Who pissed in your Cheerios?
  10. Knights of Cydonia - Muse Although I like most of their songs to begin with.
  11. WCIU is a joke. I absolutely despised missing games when I was down at school. I would get all the "local games" on WGN and CSN but not on WCIU.
  12. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 09:13 PM) Fat Freddy fashions himself as a big-game pitcher. Hopefully he'll show us all that he really is even with 86 MPH gas. I'd laugh tomorrow if somehow Freddy "found" his fastball and came out hurling like he did last season.
  13. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 08:39 PM) I'll always be a Magglio fan. I'm not one to dismiss a guy because he doesn't happen to play for my team anymore. But there's only 4 or 5 players in all of baseball, IMO, that have been better than Dye this year. Maggs is not one of them. Who would they be?
  14. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 08:17 PM) well i subscribe to mlb.tv and fortunately enough i own a limo company in San Diego....which means i get to watch the games just about whenever...i have been following how destroyit & mini have been doing....and well destroyit finally looked like their heads were WAYTOBIG after they beat mini in game 1 of the last series they played...i know far too well that is a badddd sign to see in a team...just when you think you have arrived somewhere...you better check yourself at the door...especially if you are new to it....& i am referencing destroyit not you.... so does that answer your huh? you just won that wager...i saw TB practically give the games away that promptly gave destroyit the confidence and momentum they have ridden... hopefully they are hitting a major speedbump...& THAT BE US! Yes
  15. QUOTE(Bonderman38 @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 07:59 PM) Horrible defense by Detroit. I'm not worried though. Much bigger series for Chicago then it was for Detroit. You speak of the series like it is over already. That's pretty amusing.
  16. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 07:56 PM) we all saw it coming after game one for destoyit vs minisota when the destoyit dugout was laughing, joking, & kicking back like they were a bunch of teenage girls in a limo.... WE ARE BACK SO TAKE NOTICE!!! Huh?
  17. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 07:38 PM) Walker pulled a Marte there. Leyland pulling an Ozzie seeing how many pitchers he can use in one inning.
  18. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 07:34 PM) I would prefer the Tigers bring in Kevin Walker You get your wish. K-Walk is coming
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