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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 01:16 AM) It would be a nice time for Pods to hit his first homer. Just a hit would be nice.
  2. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 08:31 AM) Info courtesy of MLB.com: Mike Wood, RHP (4-5, 3.84) Royals (44-92) @ Jose Contreras, RHP (10-7, 4.06) White Sox (86-51) Scouting Report: Dodging all kinds of bullets, Wood managed to throw six scoreless innings against the Twins in his last start. He gave up eight hits and two walks and hit a batter but benefited from three double plays and stranded eight runners. That's Wood, though. He's a tough competitor and when he gets 13 outs via ground balls, as he did against the Twins, good things happen. The White Sox's most erratic pitcher early in the season has surprisingly become the most consistent performer of late for Chicago. Contreras comes into the start on a three-game winning steak. The key to his most recent success? The right-hander hasn't given up a walk in any of those three outings, helping to limit his pitch count and keeping trouble at bay. Next up for Contreras is facing the Royals, whom he has been impressive against this season -- giving up only two runs on five hits in his two starts against them. I'm 4-0 in starting gamethreads this year, and I have confidence in Contreras to keep my unbeated roll alive! Shut em down Jose!! I love your unbeated streak
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 06:54 PM) Viz, not so much. I'm 1000X more comfortable seeing BMac than Viz. Which sounds insane. It isn't insane. You are just in touch with reality
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 02:40 PM) That's fine Ozzie...but Duque isn't the same pitcher he was when he had postseason success. And if Ozzie foolishly has any desire of starting Duque in the postseason, he needs to rest his arm as much as possible right now. I'm not real sure why Ozzie seems intent on getting every last pitch out of Duque's arm in every start. I agree Fathom. Also, that was the best backhanded compliment I have seen from Oz so far.
  5. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 04:47 AM) I agree that Edwards had his moments. He had a couple of easy drops in the Oregon game 2 years ago that were very costly. He also made big plays no one else would make. I do believe he was a great receiver and one of the best in Michigan history, but he was not without his mistakes. He booted a few easy grounders at key times, if you will. Don't forget Desmond Howard
  6. QUOTE(ChiSoxFan @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 05:44 AM) Congrats AJ on the new bundle of joy. To the best signal callers in the game. Fixed it for you
  7. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 05:36 AM) u r soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo velcome Oh my heroooooooooo!
  8. QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Jun 3, 2005 -> 05:05 PM) Cubs fans say he's already won the Triple Crown. What I dont get is all the Cubs fans say the Sox will cool off but Lee will get better. The f***ers gonna cool off. He's not that good. Yeah, he has cooled off. As I predicted, he wouldn't get the RBI's to even have a chance with the Cub offense. Funny, he isn't leading the HR category, hasnt for a while. He has fallen off the RBI pace by quite a bit and is only 9 points ahead of Pujols for the AVG title. At this rate he won't have any of the three at seasons end.
  9. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 03:38 AM) If Ozzie puts El Duque in the playoff rotation over Jose I will kick him in the groin ^^^^^^ Exactly.
  10. Might wanna change the title. You make it appear like it is for sure when it isn't.
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 05:01 AM) I want to see El Duque the rest of the season in the rotation because of his record in the postseason. However, I don't want to see KW and Ozzie let Duque start a big playoff game if he is still struggling. He can't be allowed to start on reputation alone If he pitches well the rest of the year give him a shot, if not, he can't be trusted Duque isn't the same dominant pitcher in the playoffs the past few years that he was when the Yanks were making their big runs. I would rather see Mac get a chance to shine and develop in the big race.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 02:17 AM) Cotts should have started that inning, no doubt about it. Hell, how much conversation has there been about Duque in the press about how he can only go about 6 innings these days without imploding? Exactly! But hey, Ozzie goes with his gut. That is more important than the fact that Cotts is our best reliever and Duque could have his arm fall off at any time now.
  13. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 02:14 AM) Good job Pablo and Viz! Terrible job Cotts Yeah, lets piss on Cotts and his 1.84 era. If Ozzie used him at all lately he would realize he is one of the most dominant pitchers we have on the staff. But hey, lets use him like a moron as a situational lefty. Unbelievable.
  14. QUOTE(kman @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 01:14 AM) lol. I was just kidding, trying to get a rise out of everyone. Every1 on here seems upset lately. Nice La Parka avatar. That is pretty creepy.
  15. QUOTE(Reddy @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 11:18 PM) This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you. What a cheery thought. :headshake
  16. Ken Rosenthal recently did a list of the "All Washed Up Team". Basically, players who are making bank and aren't doing jack. He placed Frank on the list, although I don't think he deserves it as much as some of the guys on here. Anyways, link below. http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/4842310
  17. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 01:29 PM) Bears notes - They signed J.T Sullivan for Green Bay as a 3rd/4th string QB. Gage will start in week 1. Oh and Garza's already out of the starting lineup. That can't be good. You mean J.T. O'Sullivan?
  18. Was a great receiver. However, he should have done this 3 years ago.
  19. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 12:14 AM) Ben Stein was a former speechwriter for the most atrocious President who has ever slimed the White House with his disdainful presence (read: Nixon) How about most atrocious modern day president. I'm sure you and I could both think of some bad ones in the past.
  20. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 02:56 AM) Illinois State's drives weren't sustained. A couple of freak plays including an 80 yard td and a fumble return for a touchdown. Ill St. did look like they belonged out there. They did a nice job stopping the run for the most part, and were active playmakers on D. It helped that ISU's first kicker blew balls (not the same guy from the Mizzou game alst year, Culbertson must be hurt) until Yelk came on. Thanks for the game report. I really appreciate it. I'm excited to see how you guys do against Iowa next week. Should be an interesting game.
  21. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 02:52 AM) Wow. Iowa State sucked tonite. How did Illinois State look Headsy? I haven't seen any highlights or anything around here. Just wonderin what you thought of the game besides Iowa State not lookin good.
  22. QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 01:58 AM) Next step for Wanny...High School Football. Poor Wanstache. I wonder if he is going to watch some film and see what mistakes they made.
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