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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. Ozzie is acting like a f***ing meathead with his Timo love. f*** TIMO
  2. QUOTE(chisoxfan79 @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:57 AM) Which Twin breaks up the NO-NO? I predict a Lew Ford swinging bunt down 3rd base. :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou
  3. QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:56 AM) jermaine Ah yeah, ya got me.
  4. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:54 AM) It's about this time the team starts to leave Freddy alone on the bench. C'mon big fella. We'll get ya a run. Fred is the only one playing with nuts tonight.
  5. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:53 AM) LeCroy scares me here. Why? Buehrle isn't pithcing.
  6. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:53 AM) lol totally forgot about D'Angelo. How dare you!
  7. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:49 AM) Good thing Dye made that catch, because he's been worthless this month at the plate. Tough inning for Garcia here with Babe Mauer at the dish. Haha, I thought him and Morneau were the new M&M Boys
  8. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:45 AM) Well, we head to the bottom of the 7th, still no score. Hah
  9. QUOTE(TLAK @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:43 AM) I'm losing track, how many hits has Feddy given up? SHHHHHHH
  10. QUOTE(fullcollapse @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:28 AM) according to twins broadcaster dick bremer, santana not only beat ozuna to the bag, but cured world hunger with his miraculous play
  11. QUOTE(letsgoarow @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 12:10 AM) sammy sosa? Rangers?
  12. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:57 PM) 1B: Bagwell over Thomas 2B: Eckstein over Durham 3B: Hillenbrand or Youkilis over Crede SS: Garciaparra over ??? C: Flaherty over Paul LF: Carlos Lee over Lew Ford CF: Mike Cameron over Matt Murton RF: Magglio Ordonez over Trot Nixon SP: Clemens, Schilling, Pavano over Buehrle, Wells, Fogg RP: Wickman, Donnelly barely over Reitsma, Duchsherer How exactly do you justify putting Baggs over Thomas?
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:00 PM) And guys.. be sure not to skip page 13... Casey is very friendly to the camera.
  14. QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 05:36 AM) Just to add, SF1, did you ever think we all aren't out to get you? There's a reason why everyone takes things wrong when you say it, you come off with an attitude and it shows through. Believe it or not, some of us were trying to help and show you your attitude problem. (ie: kap and others), but you chose the wrong path to go. You burn your own bridges. I agree, thats exactly how I saw it as well. Well put SnB.
  15. Happy B-day man. Enjoy it, only one more good bday left before they are all just another day
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 05:06 AM) like possibly.... did Ozzie buy them for him or at least have a hand in picking them out? Or was he wearing them before Timo claimed them?
  17. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:59 AM) To add on to that, people on a god damn message board, on the f***ing internet, who don't even know me....despise me. I don't despise you and I don't think a lot of people on this board do either. They just see your reactions and sometimes your overreactions and like to poke fun at you. We all just want to give you our advice and take a warning that you can't plan fun for a far away date and time. Nobody hates or despises you. Just loosen up, everything will be alright.
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:49 AM) This is a very scary line comming from a person this young. I understand I'm only 3 years older but I've never felt like my life was crumbling. I've been stressed but I've always found good ways to relieve stress such as lifting weights and just working out in general, exercise is a good release. There are other ways to relieve stress that work much better.... That was the same line that got me and prompted me to say much of what I said. I feel bad that you are getting this stressed at such a young age when you don't have to really make any difficult decisions yet. I agree on the working out or getting outside and doing some activity. That is the best way to cool off.
  19. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:48 AM) Well, IMO, the category of making smart decisions doesn't have smoking and drinking in it. I drink and party quite a bit in college. I go out as well as have a good time while I am around others that smoke. I have maintained a high GPA, completed my major and I am 16 credit hours from graduating. Since I drink I must fall into the "Bum"category though, right?
  20. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:42 AM) See, this just reflect on the fact that you don't know me. And no offense to you but it is true. I am one of the goofiest people on the world and I am willing to do a lot of stuff. I don't know where this "have no fun" thing got attached to me but it just isn't true. As far as drinking, no thanks. And FYI, when I say smoking, I mean drugs...and I will have none of that either. I don't claim to know you personally. I am just judging by the things you are saying such as how stressed you are and how nervous you are to decide a college, career path, major, etc. I just want you to be sure you live your life to the fullest and enjoy being young while you can. It is about the only time in your life you can make dumb ass mistakes and get away with it. I wouldn't suggest postponing fun for after you get out of school either. That was partially my thought process early in college as well. During that time I was f***ing miserable and anti-social as well. I am just glad I made changes and got out there moreI just don't want you to make the same mistake I nearly made and ruin your late high school and college experience. I don't think you are boring or un-fun. I am just giving you personal experience and letting you know you should do what you can while you have a chance.
  21. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:03 AM) IMO, I'll have time for fun when I am out of school. My god-damn business as 16 year old is to worry about school, get my as an education, and not turn into a f***ing bum living in the streets, asking for change, and smoking and drinking by the age of 21. I am sorry if I have different views on life and different opinions than other but deal with it. How about instead of badgering someone who is trying to become something in life, give him props for how he is busting his ass while everyon is out smoking and drinking and and getting dumb b****es pregnant. I'm sorry. Call me a lame. Call me dumb. Call me whatever the f*** you want but don't f***ing disrespect me forbusting my ass!!! I think it is pretty hilarious that you talk about smoking and drinking at the age of 21 like it is the devil. Now, I don't smoke personally. However, I am at a major state university of around 20,000 people and about half the people I know smoke and about 90% of them drink at the very least socially. I would really suggest that you try to loosen up and have fun while you are young. Once you get out of school you will more than likely be busting your ass trying to find a job, pay bills, take care of loans and try to do about 500 other things that you won't have time for. You have to enjoy the time you have while you can because you never konw when your life can change, be disrupted or end. You only have so many days on this earth and you should live every one like it is your last. Life is too short to be serious and gung ho about things like deciding what color drapes your guest house is going to have. Just have fun, take care of your s*** and most of all never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive in the end anyways.
  22. QUOTE(3E8 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 02:42 AM) Gload's OPS closing in on 1.100. Buttttttttt, WHERE WOULD HE PLAY?
  23. Well, he did get the month right. I guess day and year are not important haha.
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