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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. That long break while the Sox were on offense did not do Dallas any favors apparently.
  2. I thought you were sparing yourself from the GameDay threads? That lasted about 8 minutes.
  3. Nice to see the Twins get walked off by the Brew Crew to start the season.
  4. Are you cherry picking 2019 because the year before that McCann had a. 581 ops?
  5. Putting Schwarber in RF would be a Keystone Kops level disaster.
  6. Kinda scary that he's only played close to a full season once since being traded.
  7. Is Portillo's the food we can actually trust? I'm losing track.
  8. Anyone else see Anthony Davis is opting out? Wonder where he's going.
  9. So they are just going to keep doubling down on the legal aspect of this and completely ignore the impact to public image, damage to fan trust and their ineptness to potential free agents. Cool!
  10. While listening to Bernstein talk with Leila Rahimi today he discussed that a few people he spoke with that work with the Sox/connected to the Sox have told him that there are a lot of unhappy people in the org right now and some are considering looking for other jobs. That makes me wonder if they were blindsided by this or just completely clueless to the internal and external backlash they were going to face.
  11. Basically said 3 things. 1. Should the team have to make a comment or deal any punishment because of his actions? Said he doesn't know the answer to that. Who you hire sends a strong message to your players as to who to lead them. Will this impact the players willingness to follow him as a leader and buy in. 2. How are the players going to perceive the manager with everything going on (current players)? Possibility players could buy into his leadership and he is actually good in the clubhouse. Also possible that they could completely turn him out before they even get to spring training. 3. Will it impact free agents coming to the White Sox? Says having a manager with a DUI may impact him but he would want to meet someone in person and get to know them personally. Style, managing principles, etc. Does he think other players will be turned off by this? Yes, mentioned Stroman. As an organization, if any FA is against it, it calls into the effectiveness of a manager moving forward. Don't want to eliminate FAs from the beginning. Also mentioned Tony being out of the league for extended period of time. He said league is going more towards personality, analytics, branding, media, etc. A very different type of league from when Tony last managed 10 years ago. Specifically mentioned Tim Anderson. Will Tony be ok with this? This is something potential FAs will ask about and wonder if Sox are ok/moving that way. It is something he would ask personally.
  12. Knowing the Sox they will double down on Tony now. Sometimes it is hard caring about anything this franchise does when they constantly shoot themselves in the collective dick.
  13. Yes, they are paid for by the DOD as a BS recruitment tactic and fake patriotism. Specifically the flyovers and whatnot.
  14. Does this increase the likelihood we trade for Lance Lynn? He played for Tony in St. Louis.
  15. Doesn't Lance have a Lambo to go abandon on the Edens or something?
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