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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. He is definitely hearing about it from shack and others on how bs his tweet is.
  2. Just read that as well. The whole thing is one giant gut punch. One of the comments at the bottom is especially devastating... "5/$68 million is the largest ever given by the White Sox. 24 teams currently have at least 1 player with a larger contract (many are substantially larger), 17 teams have at least 2 players with larger contracts than has EVER been given by the White Sox once ever. Only 3 teams have stayed below the White Sox largest contract (CLE, OAK, PIT)."
  3. I stopped reading when you compared Bryce to Adam F'ing Dunn.
  4. At least we have Jon Jay and Yonder to comfort us.
  5. Just like Bryce was a done deal to Philly last week!
  6. Do you expect any other moves from us in the coming days? SP depth, etc? Thanks!
  7. Agreed. A lot of other positions those resources could be used more efficiently. SP, CF, etc.
  8. Why would he take a 1 year deal on a rebuilding team as trade bait? He's 30 so probably looking at one of his last shots t at a long term deal.
  9. Time for you to do some Twitter detective work Kiebs!
  10. Anyone else catch this? https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2820459-yoan-moncada-is-mlbs-63m-phenom-and-chris-sale-trade-prize-turned-likely-bust.amp.html
  11. That's what Woj tweeted. Check out @wojespn’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1093310618617212928?s=09
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